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EMBO Conference "Lymphocyte Antigen Receptor Signaling" 3 - 7 September 2016 Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy PROGRAM SATURDAY 3 14:00-18:30 Registrations 18:30 Welcome cocktail 19:00 Dinner 20:45-21:00 Welcome remarks 21:00-22:00 Keynote address by Jim Allison, USA (introduced by Art Weiss) Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Cancer Therapy: New Insights, opportunities and prospects for a cure SUNDAY 4 Session 1: Antigen receptors: from structure to function Chairperson: Rose Zamoyska 8:50-9:30 Retirement lecture by Ed Palmer, Switzerland (introduced by John L Telford) A few things the TCR whispered to me during the past 37 years 9:30-10:00 Cheng Zhu, USA Cooperative TCR-pMHC-CD8 catch bond distinguishes positive versus negative ligands for thymocyte selection 10:00-10:30 Mike Dustin, UK Early results from higher throughput analysis of signaling in the immunological synapse 10:30-11:00 Art Weiss, USA Regulating Basal TCR Signaling 11:00-11:15 Jeroen Roose, USA Dynamic tuning of naïve CD4 T cells through tonic signaling 11:15-11:45 Coffee break Session 2: Nanoscale organization of antigen receptor signaling Chairperson: Oreste Acuto 11:45-12:00 Balbino Alarcon, Spain TCR oligomerization in signal initiation 12:00-12:30 Michael Reth, Germany Signal initiation by nanoscale reorganization of BCR clusters 12:30-13:00 Katharina Gaus, Australia What’s the function of T cell receptor nanoclusters? 13:00-13:15 Brian Schaefer, USA Microtubule-dependent transport and coalescence of nanoscale cytoplasmic signalosomes is required for sustained T cell receptor signaling to NF-κB 13:15 Lunch 15:00-17:00 Poster session I (odd numbers) 17:00-19:00 Poster session II (even numbers) Poster prizes from Immunity and Nature Reviews Immunology Poster session sponsored by Nature Reviews Immunology 19:00 Dinner Session 3: Regulation of antigen receptor signaling (I) Chairperson: Balbino Alarcon 20:30-21:00 Juergen Wienands, Germany Human B cell activation requires assembly of BCR effector proteins into signaling microclusters 21:00-21:30 Larry Samelson, USA Composition and dynamics of TCR signaling microclusters 21:30-21:45 Anne Spurkland, Norway Regulation of Lck specificity in TCR signal initiation 21:45-22:00 Wolfgang Schamel, Germany Cholesterol binding to TCRβ keeps the TCR in the inactive conformation MONDAY 5 Session 4: Regulation of antigen receptor signaling (II) Chairperson: Claire Hivroz 9:00-9:15 Carrie Lucas, USA Essential role for DNA damage response kinases in antigen receptor signaling 9:15-9:30 Takashi Saito, Japan CIN85 adaptor mediates inhibitory signal in TCR activation 9:30-9:45 Katelyn Spillane, UK B cell antigen extraction mechanisms and substrate-driven affinity discrimination revealed by DNA based molecular sensors Session 5: Systems biology of antigen receptor signaling Chairperson: Doreen Cantrell 9:45-10:15 Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, USA Connecting the dots: antigen persistence as a mechanism to integrate shortterm lymphocyte response into long-term immune function 10:15-10:45 Bernard Malissen, France System-level analysis of the TCR signaling network 10:45-11:15 Oreste Acuto, UK TCR activation 11:15-11:45 Coffee break Session 6: Orchestration of immune synapse assembly (I) Chairperson: Facundo Batista 11:45-12:15 Andres Alcover, France Endosomal orchestration of cytoskeleton remodeling and TCR signaling at the immunological synapse 12:15-12:45 Gillian Griffiths, UK Controlling CTL killing at the interface of the immune synapse 12:45-13:00 Morgan Huse, USA Cytotoxic T cells use mechanical force to potentiate target cell killing 13:00 Lunch Session 7: Orchestration of immune synapse assembly (II) Chairperson: Gillian Griffiths 14:30-14:45 Claire Hivroz, France LAT trafficking at the immune synapse 14:45-15:00 Noa Beatriz Martin-Cofreces, Spain Aurora A regulates activation of T cell receptor pathways and nanovesicles dynamics 15:00-15:15 Yolanda Carrasco, Spain Btk scaffold function is essential for B cell immune synapse assembly while its kinase activity regulates antigen aggregation at the cSMAC 15:30 Shuttle to Siena, guided tour, dinner at local restaurant TUESDAY 6 Session 8 : Metabolic control of lymphocyte differentiation and function Chairperson: Ed Palmer 9:00:9:30 Erika Pearce, Germany T cell metabolism 9:30-10:00 Doreen Cantrell, UK Metabolic and transcriptional regulation of CD8 cell function 10:00-10:30 Katja Simon, UK Autophagy in immune cell differentiation 10:30-10:45 Julia Jellusova, Germany GSK3 maintains metabolic homeostasis in activated B cells 10:45-11:15 Coffee break Session 9: Signaling pathways in lymphocyte differentiation and function Chairperson: Bernard Malissen 11:15-11:45 Facundo Batista, USA A novel role of autophagy in B cells 11:45-12:15 Victor Tybuliewicz, UK Novel signalling pathways controlling T cell adhesion and migration 12:15-12:45 Rose Zamoyska, UK Tyrosine phosphatases in TCR ligand discrimination and autoimmunity 13:00 Lunch Session 10: Signaling pathways and transcriptional networks in lymphocyte development Chairperson: Gary Koretzky 15:00-15:30 Nick Gascoigne, Singapore Themis in thymocyte development and selection 15:30-16:00 Tomo Kurosaki, Japan Transcriptional regulation in memory B cell development 16:00-16:30 Ellen Rothenberg, USA Transcriptional checkpoints in early lymphocyte commitment 16:30-17:00 Coffee break Session 11 : Autoimmunity and cancer: when signals go wrong Chairperson: Jim Allison 17:00-17:30 Margot Thome, Switzerland NF-κB and lymphoma development 17:30-18:00 Matthew Krummel, USA 4-D imaging of T cell responses in the tumor microenvironment 18:00-18:15 Chenqi Xu, China Potentiating the antitumour response of CD8+ T cells by modulating cholesterol metabolism 18:15-18:30 Mira Barda Saad, Israel WIP-WASp complex: from molecular level to therapeutic approach 18:30-19:00 Concluding remarks, open discussion about next conference 20:00 Banquet 22:00 Dance party WEDNESDAY 7 Departures