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Nili Steinfeld
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October, 2015
Nili Steinfeld
• Personal Details
Nili Steinfeld
Date and place of birth: 02/04/1982, Israel
Regular military service: 2000-2004, Mamram, IDF Center of Computing
and Information Systems
Address and telephone number at work: Ariel University, Ariel, Israel,
Address and telephone number at home: Aliya Rishona 11, Ramat Gan,
Israel, (+972)(0)544335232
E-mail: [email protected]
• Education
B.A. -2006-2009
Tel Aviv University – Department of Political Science
and Communication (double major)
M.A. -2009-2011
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - The department
of Political Science, Political Science and
Communication track
Ph.D. -2011-
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Ph.D. candidate
in Political Science, Direct PhD program for
outstanding students.
Advisors: Dr. Alon Peled and Dr. Azi Lev-On.
Title of dissertation: "The role of new-media in
individuals' behavior with regard to their privacy"
• Employment History
Head of the New Media Track, School of
Communication, Ariel University
Academic Manager, the Research Institute for New-
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Media, Politics and Society, School of
Communication, Ariel University
Lecturer, School of Communication, Ariel University
DBA consultant and software engineer, Nextstage Ltd
Research Assistant, School of Communication, Ariel
• Professional Activities
Positions in academic administration
Head of the New Media Track, School of
Communication, Ariel University
Academic Manager, the Research Institute for NewMedia, Politics and Society, School of
Communication, Ariel University
Membership in Professional/Scientific Societies
Digital Government Society
International Communication Association
Israeli Communication Association
Israeli Political Science Association
International Society of Political Psychology
• Educational Activities
Courses Taught
 "Big Data" and New Media Research Methods (Seminar, BA) - Ariel
 Privacy in the Information Age (Pro-seminar, BA) - Ariel University.
 The Social and Political Implications of the Internet (BA)- Ariel University.
 Web Programming (Workshop, BA) - Ariel University.
 Final projects advisor and director in the New Media track at the School of
Communications, Ariel University.
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 Research Methods in Communication, Data Collection, Analysis and
Visualizations: the old and the new- short course given to employees of Ifat
Group, a media information and monitoring company.
• Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
2014- ICA- Student Travel Award for ICA's Annual Conference in Seattle.
2012- Selected for the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program,
• Scientific Publications
Chapters in collective volumes
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. No Space for Emotional Support: Communities of
Practice as Arenas of Cognitive Exchange. To be published in Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support
Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. ‫ דפוסי פעילות וקשר עם התושב‬-‫[ פייסבוק מקומי‬Local
Governance Facebook- Patterns of Use and Communicating with Citizens]. To be
published in: Be'eri, Itay and Razin, Eran (ed.) ,‫ ביזור‬:‫דמוקרטיה מקומית בישראל‬
‫ השתתפות ופוליטיקה מקומית‬,‫[ מקומיות‬Local Democracy in Israel: Decentralization,
Locality, Participation and Local Politics].
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. 2015. Social Media and the City: Analyzing
Conversations in Municipal Facebook Pages. In: Sobaci, Zahid (ed.), Social Media
and Local Governments: Theory and Practice. Springer, Pp. 243-261.
Steinfeld, Nili. 2014. 3102 ‫[ שיח הפרטיות בישראל בשנת‬The Privacy Discourse in
Israel of 2013]. In: Lev-On, Azi and Rafi Mann (eds), The yearly Israeli media
report, Pp. 91-99.
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. 2014. Starting a Conversation: The Place of
Managers in Opening Discussions in Communities of Practice. In Electronic
participation. 6th IFIP International Conference, ePart 2014. Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, Pp. 38-51.
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. 2014. Managers and Members in Online
Communities of Practice: What are They Talking About?. In Proceedings of the
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15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. ACM, Pp.
Steinfeld, Nili. 2013. Privacy as Commodity: Willingness of Virtual World Users
to Sell Access to Private Information Online. In: Jerry, Paul, Nancy Tavares-Jones
and Sue Gregory (eds), Riding the Hype Cycle: The Resurgence of Virtual Worlds,
Pp. 27-36.
Refereed articles in scientific journals
Steinfeld, Nili. "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions": (How) Do Users Read
Privacy Policies Online? An Eye-Tracking Experiment. To be published in
Computers in Human Behavior. Journal Impact Factor- 2.69.
Steinfeld, Nili. 2015. Trading with Privacy: The Price of Personal Information.
Online Information Review, 39 (7), Pp. 923 – 938. Journal Impact Factor- 0.92.
Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. 2015. Local Engagement Online: Municipal
Facebook Pages as Hubs of Interaction. Government Information Quarterly, 32 (3),
Pp. 299-307. Journal Impact Factor- 2.32.
Steinfeld, Nili and Azi Lev-On. 2015. "Well-done, Mr. Mayor!": Linguistic
Analysis of Municipal Facebook Pages. International Journal of e-Planning
Research, 4(2), Pp. 26-38. (Originally published in Proceedings of the 15th Annual
International Conference on Digital Government Research. ACM. Pp. 273-279).
Manosevitch, Edith, Nili Steinfeld and Azi Lev-On. 2014. Promoting online
deliberation quality: cognitive cues matter. Information, Communication &
Society, 17(10), 1177-1195. Journal Impact Factor: 1.68.
• Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars
Invited plenary lectures at conferences/meetings
2015- "Privacy, Reputation and Surveillance in the Information Age". Invited
Lecture in the course Society and the Internet, Rupin College, Israel, June 7.
2015- "Tuning for the World of Tomorrow: Communication and Journalism in the
age of New Media". The annual management meeting of "Besheva" journal, Kfar
Hamaccabiah, Ramat-Gan, Israel, January 13.
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2014- "Exploring Big Data Analysis in E-Government Contexts: Using Big Data
for Digital Government Research". 15th Annual International Conference on
Digital Government Research, Aguascalientes, Mexico, June 19.
2014- "Teenage Girls and the Web- Identity, Representation and Practice". Seminar
at the Ministry of Education- the unit for gender equality, Israel, January 20.
2013- "Big Brothers, Little Brothers- About Privacy in the Information Age".
Lecture given at Ariel University, Israel, June 30.
2013- "Privacy Matters for the Internet of Tomorrow". "The Internet of Tomorrow"
conference, Eshnav Association, Petah Tikva, Israel, June 9.
2013- "Sociological Aspects of New Media Research". Israeli Sociology Society's
yearly conference, Rupin Academic Center, Israel, February 19.
2013- "The Decline of Traditional Communication Media and the Rise of New
Media and Social Media". Israeli Justice Department conference for state attorneys,
Maale' Hachamisha, Israel, January 31.
Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings (oral or poster)
2015- " Track Me, Track Me Not: Characterizing Consent to Private Sector and
State Surveillance". Amsterdam Privacy Conference. Amsterdam, October 25.
2015- "Linguistic Analysis of Posts on Municipal Facebook Pages". 14th Annual
Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, June
2015- "Consenting to Government and Private Sector Surveillance. Privacy and
Cyber Workshop". Tel Aviv University, April 28.
2014- "Well-done, Mr. mayor!: Linguistic analysis of municipal administration
pages on Facebook". 15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government
Research, Aguascalientes, Mexico, June 20.
2014- "Managers and Members in Online Communities of Practice: What are They
Talking About?". 15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government
Research, Aguascalientes, Mexico, June 19.
2014- "Terms of Service; Didn't Read: An Eye-Tracking Experiment". 64th Annual
Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA),
“Communication and the Good Life", Seattle, USA, May 24.
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2014- "Privacy as Commodity: Pricing Access to Personal Facebook Profiles".
Info2014, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 13.
2014- "Privacy in Virtual Worlds". 18th annual conference of the Israeli
Communication Association, Netanya, Israel, April 10.
2013- "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions: (How) Do Users Read Privacy
Policies Online". 9th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science,
International Relations and Public Policy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Israel, December 12.
2013- "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions: (How) Do Users Read Privacy
Policies Online". Metaksherim2013 conference, University of Haifa, Israel,
December 1.
2013-"Hashtagging in Instagram: Tactical Connectivity in a Visual Social
Network". European Conference on Arts and Humanities, Brighton, UK, July 1821.
2013- "The Price of Anonymity: Measuring Users' Behavior Regarding Their
Privacy- A Decision Making Experiment". 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting of the
International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Interdisciplinary Center,
Herzlia, Israel, July 8-11.
2013- "Eating Disorders and the Web: Professional and UGC sites". The annual
conference "Visible and Hidden- Teenage Girls in the Areas on Life", Bat Yam,
Israel, June 26.
2013- "Promoting Online Deliberation Quality: Cognitive Cues Matter". 63rd
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA),
“Challenging Communication Research", London, UK, June 17-21.
2013- "Visual Cues to Encourage Deliberative Discourse in Online Government
Discussion Groups". Poster presented at the annual conference of the Israeli
Communication Association, Bar Ilan University, Israel, March 21.
2013- "Willingness of Virtual World Users to Sell Access to Private Information
Online". 3rd Global Conference - Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds, Lisbon,
Portugal, March 7-9.
2013- "The Visual Output of Kony 2012: Following Kony on Tumblr and
Instagram". Digital Methods Winter School, University of Amsterdam,
Netherlands, January 22-26.
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2013- "Eating Disorders Online: Comparing Professional Sites and UGC sites".
Nutrition 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 2.
2012- "Privacy as Commodity: Willingness to Sell Access to Private Information
Online". The 8th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International
Relations and Public Policy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, December
2012- "Privacy as Commodity: Willingness to Sell Access to Private Information
Online". Metaksherim2012 conference, University of Haifa, Israel, December 9.
Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops
2012- Participated in the Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program.
2012- Participated in Digital Methods Summer School- "Reality Mining and the
Limits of Digital Methods", University of Amsterdam.
Seminar presentations at universities and institutions
2013- "In the Eyes of the Beholder- Use of Eye Tracking Technologies in
Behavioral Research". Department Seminar at the School of Communication, Ariel
University, December 30.
2013- "I agree to the terms and conditions: (How) Do users read privacy policies
online?". Privacy Research Seminar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, October 10.
2013- "(How) Do Users Read Privacy Statements and Mobile Application
Permissions? An Eye-Tracking Experiment". "Politika" PhD forum, the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel, October 23.
2013- "Digital Research". Opening Meeting of the Doctoral Program, Faculty of
Social Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, October 22.
Conferences Organized
2014- "The Digital City Square"- full-day symposium on internet research at
Info2014 Conference, organized by Teldan Company, Tel-Aviv, May 13.
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2013- Ariel Third Conference for Communication Ethics: Ethics and New Media.
Ariel University, Israel. May 13.
• Grants
2013- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Social Sciences and the
Department of Political Science- Conference Travel Grant- 860$
• Present Academic Activities
Articles Submitted for Review
Steinfeld, Nili and Azi Lev-On. "Characterizing Discussions on eGovernment Facebook Pages". Article submitted for review for Social
Science Computer Review. Journal Impact Factor: 1.36.
Steinfeld, Nili, Tal Azran and Azi Lev-On. "User comments and
opinion formation: Findings from an eye-tracking experiment". Article
submitted for review for Computers in Human Behavior, Journal Impact
Factor- 2.69.
Laor, Tal and Nili Steinfeld. From FM to FB: Radio Stations on
Facebook. Article submitted for review for Media, Communication and
Research in progress
Steinfeld, Nili. The Surveillance Society: Perceptions on Government
Surveillance and Tendency to Allow Access to Personal Information.
Article expected by August, 2015
Steinfeld, Nili. Infographics at the Service of Privacy. Article expected
by September, 2015.
Steinfeld, Nili. The Social Election Talk: Discourse Network Analysis
of Politicians' Facebook Posts During Election. Article expected by
September, 2015.
Steinfeld, Nili. Speaking of Privacy: A Discourse Network Analysis of
the Privacy Discourse in Israel. Article expected by October, 2015.
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Lev-On, Azi and Nili Steinfeld. Politicians of Facebook. Article
expected by October, 2015.
Steinfeld, Nili and Hananel Rosenberg. Differences in Internet-Safety
Education for Boys and Girls: Variance in Attitudes Towards use of
Information. Article expected by December, 2015.
Steinfeld, Nili and Eyal Boers. Attention Techniques in Film and
Online: An Eye Tracking Experiment. Article expected by December,
Steinfeld, Nili and Ohad Shaked. Simulated Contact: An Eye-Tracking
Experiment. Article expected by December, 2015.