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• In your own words, what is energy? What are
some different sources of energy?
Agenda for Tues March 31, 2015
• Topic: Energy
• Essential Question: What is energy and what
are all the forms in which it exists?
• Agenda:
– Do Now
– Direct Instruction: Definitions
– Guided Practice: Card Sorting Activity
– Independent Practice: Bill Nye Energy Video
• SWBAT cite textual evidence IOT
• -Explain the relationship between energy and
• -Define potential and kinetic energy
• -Distinguish between mechanical and nonmechanical forms of energy
What is Energy?
• Energy is the ability to do work
• Work-when a force causes an object to
move in the direction of the force
• The SI unit for both Work and Energy is
Joules (J)
7 Forms of Energy
• Mechanical: related to the movement of objects
or its position in gravity.
• Sound: related to the repetitive compression
(squeezing) and rarefaction (letting out) of
molecules in a substance (solid, liquid, gas).
• Chemical: related to the potential energy stored
in the bonds between atoms in a compound.
• Radiant (light): related to the vibrations of an
electrical charge or magnetic field that produces
electromagnetic waves that can travel through a
vacuum such as space.
7 Forms of Energy
• Electrical: related to the movement or flow of
electrons which carry a charge.
• Thermal (heat): related to the motion of
atoms or molecules in a substance.
• Nuclear: related to the potential energy
stored in bonds between particles in the
nucleus of an atom
Energy Card Sorting Activity
Part 1 – Seven Forms of Energy. With your
partner sort the cards on your lab table into the
seven types of energy. Use the definitions above
to help you sort the cards.
• Each group must contain more than one card.
• All the cards must be used.
• Depending on your interpretation, some cards
may fall into several categories
7 Forms of Energy
• Mechanical: related to the movement of objects or its
position in gravity.
• Sound: related to the repetitive compression (squeezing)
and rarefaction (letting out) of molecules in a substance
(solid, liquid, gas).
• Chemical: related to the potential energy stored in the
bonds between atoms in a compound.
• Radiant (light): related to the vibrations of an electrical
charge or magnetic field that produces electromagnetic
waves that can travel through a vacuum such as space.
• Electrical: related to the movement or flow of electrons
which carry a charge.
• Thermal (heat): related to the motion of atoms or
molecules in a substance.
• Nuclear: related to the potential energy stored in bonds
between particles in the nucleus of an atom
Potential v. Kinetic Energy
• Potential: stored energy and the energy of
positional gravitational energy
• Kinetic: energy of motion (of waves, electrons,
atoms, molecules, substances, and objects)
Energy Card Sorting Activity
Part 2. With your partner re-sort the cards on
your lab table into TWO groups. One group will
be potential energy and the other group will be
kinetic energy.
• Each group must contain more than one card.
• All the cards must be used.
• Hint: in general, most cards will stay with
other cards from the same energy.
Potential v. Kinetic Energy
• Potential: stored energy and the energy of
positional gravitational energy
• Kinetic: energy of motion (of waves, electrons,
atoms, molecules, substances, and objects)