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Energy Exists in Different Forms
What is energy?
Energy is the ability to cause change.
 All forms of energy cause change to occur.
Forms of Energy
Mechanical Energy
energy that moves objects
 stored in objects
Sound Energy
movement of energy through substances in
longitudinal waves.
 force causes an object or substance to vibrate
 transferred through the substance in a wave
Chemical Energy
energy stored in chemical compositions
 atoms
and molecules
It is the energy that holds these particles together
natural gas
Thermal Energy or heat
the internal energy in substance
 the
vibration and movement of the atoms and
molecules within substances.
Electromagnetic Energy or radiant energy
travels in transverse waves from our Sun and other
 Solar energy is an example of radiant energy.
Nuclear Energy
stored in the nucleus of
an atom
 the
energy that holds
the nucleus together
•energy released when the
nuclei are combined or split
Nuclear power
plants split the nuclei
of uranium atoms in a
process called
The sun combines the
nuclei of hydrogen atoms
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy
energy of motion.
 An object which has motion has kinetic
 whether
it be vertical or horizontal motion
where m = mass of object
v = speed of object
Potential Energy
stored energy that an object has due to its
position or chemical composition
Gravitational Potential Energy
 Energy
stored in an object as the result of its
vertical position (i.e., height)
PEgrav = mass * g * height
PEgrav = m * g * h
m = mass of the object, h = height of the object, g acceleration of gravity
(9.78 m/s/s = 9.78 meters per second squared)
Elastic Potential Energy
energy stored in elastic materials as the result of their
stretching or compressing
more stretch, the more stored energy
Chemical Potential Energy
Dependent on chemical
Makeup: atoms and molecules
 Energy is released when molecules
Are broken up or split.
Atoms are rearranged