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Reference number:
Site address:
Rugby School, Macready Theartre, Lawrence Sheriff Street, Rugby, CV22 5EJ
Description :
Listed Building Consent for a proposed internal disability lift and provision for a new mezzanine
access link within the auditorium
Case Officer Name & Number:
Paul Varnish 01788 533771
The Site
The site is located on Lawrence Sheriff Street, at the crossroads with Hillmorton Road, Little
Church Street and Barby Road, within the Town Centre Boundary, the Rugby School and
Rugby School Extension Conservation Area and the Rugby Urban Area Boundary. The
property is located within a prominent position, as it is on the edge of the Town Centre
Boundary and is close by to a number of Grade II Listed Buildings to include, an adjacent War
Memorial, The School House (across the road), The Temple Speech Room and The Doctors
The property is a Grade II Listed Building built in 1885 by William Butterfield in a Gothic Style.
The property is constructed in red brick, stone bands and dressings and welsh slate roof with
large gable ends in chequer work brick and stone. The property has two floors: the ground floor
has a central projection with two doors in pointed arch with cinquefoil to tympanum. The first
floor has 3 light traceried windows under a stepped gable and has rectangular windows with
stone mullions and transoms flanking porch and flanked by octagonal turrets with stone roofs.
The end walls have two groups of lancet windows under cusped circles.
The site is located within Area 1, (Rugby School, Oak Street and Barby Road) of the Rugby
School Conservation Area. According to the Rugby School Conservation Area Appraisal the
sub area comprises the heart of Rugby School and is recognised for the number of important
listed buildings and unlisted buildings and important landscaping and areas of open and green
Relevant decisions
8297 – 53/2/1 – External fire escape staircase – Approved - 25/02/53
R74/0614/P – Extension on ground first floor – Approved - 26/09/74
R06/2142/LBC - Listed Building Consent to repair slate columns on the east and west facades
of the building – Approved - 09/02/2007
R16/2324 and R16/2325 - Proposed disability access ramp and upgrade to existing steps and
Listed Building Consent for a proposed disability access ramp and upgrade to existing steps –
current application
The Application
The proposal consists of a planning permission for a proposed internal disability lift and
provision for a new mezzanine access link within the auditorium. The disability lift will be
located at ground floor within a corner of the foyer. The lift will measure, 1.9 metres in width, 2
metres in length and will include an access landing to the front. The external lift will include
glazed panels to the side. The lift will link the foyer, at ground floor, to the auditorium on the first
floor and will then travel up to a mezzazine floor within the auditorium. The mezzazine floor will
provide access to a designated disability person’s seating area towards the rear corner of the
Report Sheet
Within the foyer, the adjacent external door will be inaccessible and will therefore be blocked
up. The works will include the part demolition of the ceiling between the foyer and the
auditorium, to allow for the lift shaft.
This application will run alongside the current planning applications, R16/2324 and R16/2325 –
for a proposed disability access ramp and the upgrade to existing steps (to include Listed
Building and Planning consent).
Technical Consultations
WCC Ecology – No response
Historic England – No objection, subject to conditions
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings – No response
Ancient Monuments Society – No response
Council for British Archaeology – No response
Georgian Group – No response
Victorian Society – No response
Twentieth Century Society - No response
Third Party Consultations
Neighbours – No response
Planning Policy Guidance
Rugby Borough Council Local Plan, 2006 Saved Policies:
E6 – Biodiversity
Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011:
CS16 - Sustainable Design
CS17 – Sustainable Buildings
National Planning Policy Framework, 2012
Rugby School Conservation Area Appraisal, 2010
Sustainable Design and Construction – Supplementary Planning Document
Planning Obligations - Supplementary Planning Document
Determining Considerations
Policy CS16 states that particular emphasis is placed on retaining the identity, appearance and
character of a Conservation Area or a Listed Building.
The NPPF, in Section 12 highlights the importance of conserving and enhancing the historic
environment, in particular the significance of any heritage asset or the setting of a heritage
asset that may be affected by a proposal.
The main issues to assess, in relation to this application, are the potential impact of the part
demolition of the listed building’s internal roof and the impact on the character, appearance and
setting of the Listed Building and Conservation Area.
Principle of the proposed demolition.
According to the NPPF when considering the impact of a proposed development on the
significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s
conservation. Within Paragraph 132, it is recognised that heritage assets are irreplaceable, and
any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification. Within Paragraph 134 it
states where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance
of a designated heritage asset; this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the
proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.
Report Sheet
The proposal will see the part demolition of an internal ceiling within a Grade II Listed Building
and therefore would in principle be considered harmful.
Rugby School has provided a design and access statement (heritage Statement) to support the
proposal. Currently, the school is conscious that the theatre’s physical constraints do not allow
for a wheelchair user or an ambulant disabled person to access the building, or the main
auditorium. The school highlight that they have an obligation under the Equalities Act 2010,
which states that it is unlawful to treat a person less favourably than another because of a
protected characteristic, in this case disability.
The school also highlight examples where disabled parents and grandparents have been
unable to attend meetings or performances. Additionally, visiting touring companies, local
theatre groups and schools, who have disabled performers, staff or children, cannot use the
facility. The school believe this can be considered ‘direct discrimination’ and it is not tenable for
a theatre to exclude visitors. The proposal will provide a lift which will enable a person to
access the auditorium on the second floor.
The proposed lift will be freestanding, however, to enable the lift to be installed, a section of the
ceiling will need to be removed.
The original Macready Theatre was originally a large single room auditorium, and was only
segregated into two distinct rooms when renovation took place in the 1970’s. This included the
addition of a new internal floor, which created a foyer at ground floor and a new auditorium at
first floor. The ceiling is a later addition and does not form part of the original fabric of the
building. Taking this into account it is considered that the lift will not damage the fabric of the
original listed building and if there was ever reason for the lift to be removed, the ceiling could
be reinstated. Therefore, it is considered that there will be negligible harm to the original fabric
of the listed building.
The design and access statement and site visit confirm that the auditorium is not easily
accessible. There are a number of sets of steep staircases. The main stair case cannot
facilitate a stair lift, because of the length of the run and the need to disembark at 2 mid way
landings make it unviable. The theatre has provision for an audience of 250 people, two
classrooms for teaching drama, which makes the facility a comprehensive drama facility. The
lift will allow greater access for disabled people and will enable the school to use the theatre for
school and community use. Therefore the potential harm can be weighed against the public
benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.
The Macready Theatre is located with a prominent location, within a conservation area and in
close proximity to a number of listed buildings. The lift will be located adjacent to a window
towards the far side of the east side elevation Due to the size and scale of the lift, the lift being
located internally within the building and the walls of the lift being glass. It is considered there
will be a minimal impact on the setting of the heritage assets, to include the listed building, the
conservation area and the nearby listed buildings.
Historic England were consulted and made the following comments, whilst they have no
objection to the proposal in principle because it has been carefully sited to cause the least
possible interference with the historic building it is important that the details of the scheme are
controlled by conditions. In particular, the overall size of the lift should not be allowed to
increase as it could interfere with the historic roof structure if it is only slightly taller. Similarly it is
important to ensure that the final design is in appropriate materials. It is considered that the
above issues raised by Historic England have already been taken into account and will be
controlled by standard conditions.
Report Sheet
It is therefore considered the proposal would provide convincing justification for the partial
demolition of the ceiling and accords with the NPPF and policy CS16 of the Rugby Borough
Core Strategy 2011and the SDP – Sustainable Design and Construction supplementary
planning document.
Ecological Considerations
WCC Ecology have made no comment and therefore it is considered the proposal will not have
an adverse impact on protected species in accordance with saved policy E6.
Highway safety and Car parking
Not applicable
Report prepared by: Paul Varnish
Report Sheet