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Physics 114
Professor Fred Salsbury
Office Hours: Tuesday 4-5 pm and Thursday 2:30-3:30 pm,
or by appointment in 301A Olin
Tutorials : TBA
[email protected]
Topics Covered
•Electricity and Magnetism
•Nuclear Physics
Please Pick Up and READ the Course
Policies, Syllabus and Voting Cards
Class Participation
•Bring your voting cards to every class period
•If you forget them, borrow some from me
•If you lose them, get new ones from me
I will give extra credit points
for productive class participation.
Do you understand how the voting system works?
A) Yes, I’ve done it before
B) Yes, though it is new to me
C) Sort of, I’ll figure it out
D) No, I am totally confused
Reading Assignments: on Webassign
Every lecture
Reading quizzes, due 7am before lecture
Covering reading and review: typically 3-5 MC/essays
~5 submissions: Work by yourself
Homework: on Webassign
Due every T/Th 10pm; STARTING TUESDAY
Will include review of vectors and calculus
Typically 4-5 problems
~10 submissions: Encouraged to work with others
Quizzes and Final
Quantitative questions, qualitative questions and derivations.
If you miss any quiz/exam, I need a note from a medical doctor
or the Dean’s office. Lowest Semester quiz is work ½ credit
•Username is your email (without
•Institution is wfu
•Password (if new to webassign) is your student number
•Without leading zeros
•If you have used webassign before use your old password.
There is a test homework
on using webassign.
Log into webassign ASAP.
Do the Survey and webassign HW
If you have difficulty, contact me.
Final Exam
330 points
Best 3 Semester Quizzes 300 points
Homework and
Reading Quizzes
300 points
Worst Semester Quiz
50 points
20 points
You must pass lab to pass the course.
You are expected to pass the final to pass the class.
Productive class participation will earn extra points.
This course is not “curved”.
This course is not graded on a 10 point scale.
Each assignment will have cutoffs and the cutoffs are averaged.
If the course is significantly off track, then the last quiz will be cancelled.
This class has a substantial mathematical
component, and is calculus-based.
11.5 lectures on electricity
Ch. 22-28
1.5 lectures on nuclear physics
Ch. 43
8.5 on magnetism and electromagnetic
Ch 29-34
If time permits, additional topics in
Some additional topics {e.g. geometric
optics and additional electronics} will be
covered in lab
Web Information
How to access course info:
•Go to
•Click on teaching, then on Phy114A2005
•There will be a page for general announcements, and a sidebar
Lectures notes will be posted on
the web page, as are the syllabus
and course policies. If you have
trouble using it, contact me!
Coordinate systems
Different ways of representing space, and physics.
Some problems are easier in some coordinate systems,
but the physics is invariant.
Cartesian Coordinates:
Polar Coordinates
Another popular coordinate system along with cylindrical
and spherical
x  r cos 
y  r sin 
tan  
r x y
Vectors and Scalars
Vectors: Magnitude and direction
Scalars: Magnitude
Displacement is a vector.
Velocity is a vector.
Acceleration is a vector.
Vector Components: Geometric
The x- and y-components of a
Ax  A cos 
Ay  A sin 
The magnitude of a vector:
A  Ax  Ay
The angle  between vector and x-axis:
 Ay 
  tan  
 Ax 
Vector Components: Algebraic
A unit vector is a dimensionless vector having a magnitude 1.
Unit vectors are used to indicate a direction.
i, j, k represent unit vectors along the x-, y- and z- direction .
x̂, ŷ, ẑ is another common notation.
• i, j, k form a right-handed coordinate system.
A = Axi + Ayj
Vector Addition: Algebraic I
We want to calculate:
From diagram:
R = (Axi + Ayj) + (Bxi + Byj)
R = (Ax + Bx)i + (Ay + By)j
The components of R:
Rx = Ax + Bx
Ry = Ay + By
Vector Addition: Algebraic II
The magnitude of R:
R  Rx  Ry  ( Ax  Bx ) 2  ( Ay  By ) 2
The angle  between vector R and x-axis:
 Ry
tan   
 Rx
  Ay  By
  
  Ax  Bx
Vector Multiplication
There are two ways (in 2 or 3D) to multiply vectors.
Scalar product -> two vectors make a scalar
 
A B  N
Also called the dot product
or the inner product
Vector product -> two vectors make a vector
  
A B  C
Also called the cross product
or the outer product
Scalar Product
Scalar product -> two vectors make a scalar
 
A  B  ab cos
 
A  B  axbx  a y by  az bz
Vector Product
Vector product -> two vectors make a vector
  
A B  C
C has magnitude absin. Direction perpendicular
to the plane containing A and B.
 
A  B  (a y bz  by az )i  (az bx  bz ax ) j  (axby  bx a y )k
The right hand rule
Force F
velocity v
Field B
F  q vB
F  qvB sin 
Electricity and Magnetism
•One of the four fundamental forces of nature
•Responsible for the vast majority of what we observe around us
•Probably best-understood and best-tested of the forces of nature
Electromagnetic Interactions:
•Electricity and Electronics
• and even more
Electrical Charges
•Electric forces only affect objects with charge
•Charge is measured in Coulombs (C). A Coulomb is a lot of
•Charge comes in both positive and negative quantities
•Charge is conserved – it can neither be created nor destroyed
•Charge is usually denoted by the letter q.
An object has a total charge of 5 mC. It is divided
into two pieces, one of which has charge 8 mC
and the other of which has charge
A) 3 mC
B) -3 mC
C) 13 mC
D) Such a division is impossible
Charge Densities
Charge can be localized to discrete points (point charges), or it
may be spread out over a volume, a surface or a line
•Charge density  units C/m3
•Surface charge density  units C/m2
•Linear charge density  units C/m
A cube with side 1 cm has a charge density
of  = 1 C/m3. What is the charge of the
A) 1 C
B) 0.01 C = 10 mC
C) 10-4 C = 100 m C
1 cm
D) 10-6C = 1 mC
Some ways to charge objects
•By rubbing dissimilar
•By chemical
•By proximity between a
charge and a conductor –
charging by induction
•By physical contact
between a charge and
a conductor