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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Kim Bratland 4/2629,2011 Subject: Psychology Subject: 10th World History S: No State Standards S: No School Obj: Define Psychological Disorder. Distinguish between the concepts of normality and abnormality. S: W1.1, 2.1 M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y Collect GR 16-1 and Vocab Quiz Section 1 Lecture Assign GR 16-2 and Vocab Obj: Identify the behavioral patterns that psychologists label as anxiety disorders. Explain what causes anxiety disorders. Collect GR 16-2 and vocab Quiz Section 2 Lecture Assign GR 16-3 and vocab Obj: Identify the behavioral patterns that psychologists label as somatoform disorders. Describe the symptoms of dissociative disorders. Collect GR 16-3 and vocab Quiz Section 3 Lecture Assign GR 16-4 and vocab Fly Boys finish small part left Collect GR26-1 Lecture Assign GR 26-2 S: W1.1, 2.1 Collect GR 26-2 Finish Lecture Section 1 Start Section 2 Assign GR 26-3 S: W1.1, 2.1 Collect GR26-3 Lecture Subject: F R I D A Y Kim Bratland Obj: Describe the disorder of S: W1.1, 2.1 schizophrenia. Describe several theories that try to explain mood Finish Lecture Section 3 disorder. CNN Student News Edition Collect GR 16-4 and Vocab Quiz Section 4 Assign GR 26-4 and Lecture Assign GR 16-5 and Vocab Subject: 8th Social Studies Subject: 8th Reading Subject: 7th World Geography No School S: 8R1.1-apply contextual knowledge of word origins, 2.1-analyze text using comprehension strategies, 2.2can read fluently, 3.1-literary elements , 5.1-evaluate information and author’s purpose from informational text S: Obj: To learn about a country in Africa including location, culture, government and economics and to learn about problems/issues the country is facing. Students will write a report and do a power point presentation M O N D A Y Objectives: To read, comprehend and interpret a play; identify with a character; build vocab, be aware of historical text Finish up showing partner power point Start African Masks The Diary of Anne Frank Video T U E S D A Y S: 8US 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, C1.2, 1.4, 2.1 Chapter Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of compromises that Congress made to address slavery and sectionalism. Explain how popular sovereignty led to violence in Kansas. Discuss the significance of the Dred Scott decision. Explain the theory of states’ rights and discuss its role in the outbreak of the civil war. Collect GR 15-3 Lecture Assign GR 15-4 and Vocab S: 8R1.1-apply contextual knowledge of word origins, 2.1-analyze text using comprehension strategies, 2.2can read fluently, 3.1-literary elements , 5.1-evaluate information and author’s purpose from informational text Objectives: To read, comprehend and interpret a play; identify with a character; build vocab, be aware of historical text Video S: Finish Masks Assign GEO Lab Page 578-579 Assign GR 23-1 W E D N E S D A Y S: 8US 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, C1.2, 1.4, 2.1 Collect GR 15-4 and Vocab Lecture Give Essays S: 8R1.1-apply contextual knowledge of word origins, 2.1-analyze text using comprehension strategies, 2.2can read fluently, 3.1-literary elements , 5.1-evaluate information and author’s purpose from informational text Objectives: To read, comprehend and interpret a play; identify with a character; build vocab, be aware of historical text S: 7G1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, E1.1, 1.2 Obj: Explain how South Asia is separated from the rest of Asia. Describe how seasonal winds affect India’s climate. Identify what India’s farmers and workers produce. Discuss the religions that India’s people practice. Collect GR 23-1 Lecture Assign GR 23-2 Finish Video AR Time S: 8US 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 2.4 T H U R S D A Y AR In Class Test Practice Review Worksheet Essays (if time to work on) Chp 15 Test F R I D A Y Log Due April 28th Assign GR 16-1 S: S: 8R1.1-apply contextual knowledge of word origins, 2.1analyze text using comprehension strategies, 2.2-can read fluently, 3.1-literary elements , 5.1evaluate information and author’s purpose from informational text Start Johnny Tremain Novel Read Chapter 1 together Vocab Week 1 Scrapbook: Write a one paragraph summary of major events for Chapter 1 and answer questions on worksheet. S: 7G1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, E1.1, 1.2 Obj: Identify the main physical features of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Discuss how the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh earn a living. Explain why the economies of these countries have made slow progress. Collect GR 23-2 Lecture Assign GR 23-3 and vocab S: 7G1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, E1.1, 1.2 Obj: Explain how geography has isolated Nepal and Bhutan. Describe what the people do for a living. Discuss how the economy of Sri Lanka has changed. Understand the importance of the Maldives’s location on the country’s economy. Collect GR 23-3 and vocab Lecture Assign Chp Review