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Esoteric Principles of Vedic Astrology
The Sun is the most powerful planet in a horoscope. On its
disposition depends much of the progress and welfare of the
individual. In the present approach to prognostication, the
importance of the Sun is special in the sense that it always attempts
to direct the individual to his destiny. Sometimes the middle
principle or the bridge whose main function is to transmit this
message, completely distorts it. It also happens that the central
planet guiding the destiny of the individual takes him to such a
course of action that the seeming retrograde situations ultimately
enable him to proceed faster towards the goal. It is therefore very
necessary that the role of the Sun in an individual's life is properly
comprehended in order to rightly assess the significance of different
aspects of his life-events. If the Sun in the first house in the outer
circle is posited in Aries, it will always radiate powerful impulses
impelling the individual towards his goal of self-knowledge. If the
lower levels of existence is unharmoniously situated, there could be
violent storms but the solar impulse must reach the individual and
his life significantly reorganised accordingly. The zodiacal-mix of
the three circles will only indicate the difficulties or helpfulness of
the intervening forces.
The Sun in Taurus indicates that the powerful voice indicating
the fruitlessness of sensual involvements will impress the middle
circle, and in case the Moon is not well attuned to this message, the
individual will have to be prepared for some stress and strain. In
Gemini, the Sun will send its message in intelligent language so that
the mid-principle of the individual is activated and he begins to see
the wisdom and reasonableness of what the soul of the individual
wants him to follow. In Cancer, the Sun's message will be to
understand one's worldly obligations but not to get immersed in it.
Destroy your personal affiliations without the world realising that
you are neglecting your social obligations. In Leo, the Sun will
make the individual extremely self-centred: the message is that"You are the -God." In case the individual could rightly, in all his
humility, which can happen if he is spiritually evolved, comprehend
the message, it will lead him to glory. Otherwise, the strain of the
impulse may be unbearable, often leading to nervous breakdown.
When the Sun is in Virgo and it synchronises with the
Ascendant, the individual will be capable of getting mysterious
knowledge of the universal spirit pervading every event of life. It