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Assessment: From the Crusades to New Muslim Empires
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Circle the letter next to the best answer.
1. Which of the events below was a result of the event in the headline?
Seljuk Turks Take Jerusalem!
Dateline: Palestine 1076
A. Jews began to leave Palestine.
B. Muslim leaders cut off trade with Christians.
C. Byzantine forces made an alliance with Central Asia.
D. Christians could no longer travel safely to the Holy Land.
2. What event in 1095 led Pope Urban II to call Christians to a religious war?
A. The Byzantine emperor asked for help.
B. The Seljuk Turks sent ships to attack Rome.
C. Vikings attacked parts of Europe from the north.
D. Charlemagne asked to be crowned Holy Roman emperor.
3. What was the overall purpose of the Christians in the Crusades?
A. to gain control of Palestine
B. to open a trade route to China
C. to learn about Muslim innovations
D. to capture Jerusalem from the Jews
4. Why is Jerusalem holy to Muslims?
A. They pray toward the city.
B. Gabriel instructed them to honor it.
C. Muhammad rose to heaven there.
D. It was the headquarters of the empire.
5. Who set up Christian kingdoms in Palestine and Syria in the early 1100s?
A. English allies of the Turks
B. winners of the First Crusade
C. rulers of the Byzantine Empire
D. Seljuks with a policy of tolerance
6. How did Salah al-Din change conditions in the Middle East?
A. He killed Richard I of England.
B. He adopted a new policy of peace.
C. He re-conquered most of Palestine.
D. He converted many Turks to Islam.
7. Unlike the first three Crusades, some later Crusades were primarily movements of
A. armed priests and monks.
B. poor people and children.
C. Eastern Orthodox knights.
D. feudal nobles from France.
8. Which letter on the map shows the location of the Reconquista?
A. letter A
B. letter B
C. letter C
D. letter D
9. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain used the Inquisition against Muslims and Jews who had become Christian.
What did it accuse them of doing?
A. mixing with true believers
B. refusing to go on Crusade
C. supporting the wrong pope
D. practicing their old religion
10. What do the products listed below have in common?
• cotton
• melons
• apricots
• pepper
A. They were common in the Muslim lands of North Africa.
B. Spain grew rich by exporting them to the Crusader kingdoms.
C. Crusaders brought them back to Europe from the Middle East.
D. They were trade goods carried from India to Muslim cities.
11. How did the Crusades make European monarchs stronger?
A. by taking nobles away to fight
B. by decreasing the use of money
C. by creating professional soldiers
D. by weakening trust in the Church
12. What did Muslims lose as a result ofthe Reconquista?
A. their armed forces
B. their land in Spain
C. their political unity
D. their merchant wealth
13. Which statement describes the effect of the Crusades on Jews?
A. Many of them tried to escape to Palestine.
B. They were persecuted throughout Europe.
C. They joined Christians to fight the Muslims.
D. Their numbers grew as Christians converted.
14. What was one long-term result of the Mongol conquest of Muslim lands?
A. The Mongols converted to Islam.
B. The Arabs became more religious.
C. The Greeks allied with the Turks.
D. The Persians conquered Palestine.
15. Which group conquered the Byzantine Empire?
A. Seljuks
B. Mughals
C. Mongols
D. Ottomans
16. The Mughal Empire carried Islam to
A. Anatolia.
B. West Africa.
C. most of India.
D. eastern Europe.