Download Military 8 cuts of brochade (centuries tested techniques for strength)

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Yuri Razhev
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Yuri Razhev
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With the help of brocade qigong, each
person himself can weave the precious
fabric of his longevity.
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About our books
Our main goal is to transfer the true spiritual and
We present a series of books by Yuri Razhev
cultural tradition in all its diversity to promote the
"Secrets of Chinese Monasteries", revealing the secrets
harmonious physical and spiritual development of a
of oriental martial arts and healing, self-healing and
person. We will talk about traditional Buddhism and
spiritual development.
Taoism, methods of monastic psycho-training, oriental
martial arts, yoga, qigong and esoteric
Our books:
— introduce you to the spiritual and cultural
traditions developed by mankind over the past millennia;
– will introduce the experience of folk healing in
China and other countries of the East from ancient
The author recommends mastering medical
and health-improving techniques only under
the guidance of qualified specialists and under
medical supervision!
times to the present day;
- suggest how to overcome physical and
spiritual ailments;
– will reveal the secrets of Chinese gourmet cuisine,
recommend a rational system
- will reveal the secrets of the sexual culture of the
countries of the East, leading to family harmony.
Yuri Razhev
Foundation Moscow, Russian
Federation © 2013 Yuri A. Razhev
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About this book
This book on traditional qigong by the
famous European Master Yuri Razhev (Shi
San-yan) opens a new era in the study of the
secrets of the great art of Gongfu - a
purposeful journey to health and the highest
peaks of the Spirit. When writing this book,
the Author used materials from the collection
of Taoist texts “Tao Zang” (“Treasury of Tao”)
and the collection of Zeng Zao “Daoshu” (“Axis
of Tao”), as well as his personal experience
gained while studying qigong in a Taoist monastery in Time of his stay in Sichuan.
This book is brand new. It preserves a
holistic approach to the psychophysical and
spiritual development of a person, and
traditional qigong techniques are presented
without omissions, simplifications and profanities.
The effectiveness of the training methods
outlined in this book has been tested over
several centuries by many generations.
professional warriors
bodyguards, doctors, healers and fighters.
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What is qigong?
Among the healing systems known to man,
qigong (qi is the universal life energy, gong is
the fruits of work) occupies one of the leading
places. According to the complex effect on the
body of a sick and healthy person, only Indian
yoga can be compared with it. The popularity
of qigong is very high. Various styles of qigong,
and there are already several of them in China
hundreds, tens of millions of people are systematically
Qigong exercises performed both statically
(jinggong) and dynamically (dungong), gently
(zhu angong), or hard (ingong) contribute to
the accumulation of vital energy (qi) in the
body, heal a weakened body and heal from
many diseases, as well as develop the creative
potential of the individual. At present, there are
hundreds of instructors and many qigong
schools in Beijing alone. Scientific symposiums
are regularly held, bringing together scientists
from the countries of the West and the East.
rooted in the distant past.
When did he appear?
The origins of modern qigong should be
sought in ancient China, where it originated
from numerous attempts by Xian, Taoist and
Buddhist sages to extend their earthly life by
several tens or hundreds of years by means of intern
researchers believe that qigong has a history
of 3,000 years and became especially popular
during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Other
experts claim that it is 5,000 years old and is
the same age as Chinese culture. There were
also those who claim that, according to
archaeological finds, its age is 7000 years.
According to my Master, Mr. Chen Zhenguan,
qigong belongs to a prehistoric culture, and at
present, only a few Chinese monasteries are
the keepers of the ancient knowledge of lost
civilizations. What we now call qigong had
other names in ancient times. Even if you
Qigong did not originate in our era and goes away on its own.
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try hard, you will not find such a name as qigong
channels of the body (jen and du wu) and the
in any of the ancient treatises. Why? In ancient
“five primary elements” (wuxing).
times, there were different Xian, Taoist and
Buddhist schools. Each of these schools had their
own methods.
Qigong is a method for the practical realization
of the Tao in a person. And no matter how much
perfection of the body and spirit, different from
the student moves forward, he always has the
opportunity for further
each other. And today we generically call these
methods the modern term qigong. And I will take
the opportunity to dot the i's and make a small
However, qigong itself cannot be the Tao Way.
And also it cannot be an end in itself. That's all
digression into ancient history. Initially, qigong
only a method of achieving goals in Taoism and
was considered the Great method to achieve
Buddhism. Qigong of the highest levels is truly
immortality and comprehend the Tao. However,
universal in nature and is aimed at "breaking
it also had other names, such as the Ninefold
into the future." He develops superpowers such
Alchemy or the Path of the Arhat.
as telepathy, clairvoyance, various manifestations
of psychokinetic energy and astral
The first surviving qigong instructions in
bronze date from the Zhou period (2nd century
BC). The star of the first magnitude in antiquity
was the system "Wuqinxi" ("Games of the Five
Animals"), created by the great physician Hua
Tuo. Her five exercises: tiger, bear, deer, monkey
and crane, correspond to a certain direction of
space (ufan), two main
Currently, in China, special attention is paid to
qigong therapy (qigong-lyaofa). With the help of
qigong, a person can adjust the regulation of
metabolic processes in the body, activate its
defenses, and even cure the most serious diseases
that European medicine faces5
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while powerless.
Qigong masters work in various fields of
medicine, such as physiotherapy, reflexology, are
mainly on young people who do not know ancient
history well, and on the other hand, it ignores the
spiritual aspects of qigong. The true secrets of
engaged in spiritual self-rebirth and various remote
qigong (“keys”) are passed on only to selected
effects. The number of people studying qigong in all
students directly by the Enlightened Mentor. In books
countries of the world is increasing every day,
on qigong intended for a wide range of readers, the
but their tasks and conditions of practice rarely
number of secret recommendations (michuan) is
correspond to those traditionally accepted in old
limited by strict limits, beyond which the sought-for
"keys" are located. The value of any book is directly
Since the 70s of the last century, the PRC
proportional to the level of its information contained
authorities have intensified the propaganda of a
within the symbolic framework. The average level is
purely health-improving, gymnastic direction of
already sufficient for specific therapeutic and
qigong, created by simplifying traditional Taoist
prophylactic tasks. What is printed in most book
practices. On the one hand, this translates qigong
editions is just a stylized physical education and has
into the realm of morning exercises, and on the other
nothing to do with qigong, because qigong is
hand, it opposes traditional Chinese spiritual values.
primarily “the results of working with the energies of
So qigong was divided into "traditional" and
the Universe”, what in ancient China was denoted by
"modern". In a number of countries, even a lobby
the short word gongfu.
has arisen that interprets qigong exclusively as a
form of fitness and promotes mainly gymnastic
complexes. This direction has achieved great
success in the USA, European countries, and
especially in Russia, since, on the one hand, it is oriented towards
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Qigong "Baduanjin"
The system of "Eight cuts of
brocade" (Baduanjin) originated several
centuries ago. It is closely related to the
Taoist tradition of seeking immortality. As
you know, Taoist hermits secluded themselves
in hard-to-reach places, most often in the
mountains, and with the help of meditative
practice, various exercises, alchemical
preparations and potions from herbs and
minerals, they tried to prolong their lives and
achieve longevity. In traditional Taoism, which
flourished in the first centuries of our era, not
only simple, but also very effective. The term
“Ba” in the name of this qigong system
does not only mean the number 8, indicating
the number of exercises. It also has a sacred
meaning: Ba-gua - 8 trigrams or the art of eight
transformations, dating back to the ancient
"Canon of Changes" (I-ching), and originating
where the sources of Heaven and Earth are located
The hieroglyph "Jin" is translated as
"brocade" and has two meanings. According
to one version: the exercises of this complex
were first recorded and sketched on the cuts
there was a practice of external and internal
of the brocade. According to another version:
alchemy. With the help of alchemy, the Taoists triedbrocade
to obtain
pill" of
In the first
is aa "magic
crucibles, and the second - with the help of
that symbolizes the complex and multifaceted effe
special exercises in the human body. Internal
a complex system
alchemy, in itsisessence,
is a psychoAs you know, brocade was highly valued
physiological training, including meditative
in ancient China. Only skilled craftsmen wove
practice, using static and dynamic exercises.
it, and high-ranking officials wore it. With the
The Baduanjin system is rightfully considered
help of brocade qigong, each person himself
the pearl of health qigong, since it does not
can weave the precious fabric of his longevity.
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Military 8 pieces of brocade
The legendary general Yue Fei (1103-1142)
is believed to have developed eight special
exercises to keep his soldiers agile and
healthy in the field. He selected and combined
within the framework of one system the best
therapeutic exercises accumulated over
millennia before him by healers, scientists
and Taoist alchemists. Yue Fei wanted to
teach his soldiers to charge their bodies
with energy before long forced marches or
fighting, to strengthen their fighting spirit,
to help them fight not only external but also
internal enemies: to protect their body from
the invasion of "cold" qi and other pathogenic
factors - infections and microorganisms, or,
more simply, to increase the level of wei-qi
(protective energy), like a cocoon, enveloping
the human body and not allowing diseases
to penetrate into it. Soon, Yue Fei's troops
Each of General Yue Fei's exercises was
so effective that they began to compare it to
a piece of precious brocade, and in memory
of their creator they began to be called:
"Military Eight Cuts of Brocade".
became invincible in battles, they were even
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called nothing but the "Yue Family Army".
His enemies said that it was easier to move a mountain than to force Yue Fei's army to retreat.
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And today this simple and very effective way to
improve health is available to everyone. Especially these
exercises are recommended for athletes involved in
martial arts. If you think that martial arts are only
punches, throws, or sparring, then you are deeply
mistaken. There is a huge layer of developing techniques
and methods that allow not only to improve your fighting
qualities and skills, but also significantly improve your
health. And the complex "Military 8 cuts of brocade",
which, in addition
or otherwise are used in many styles and
Wushu directions are excellent proof of this. It is
strongly recommended to use it when warming up the
body before the main workout, as well as an independent
system for comprehensive strengthening of the body.
Excellent well-being and the effect of t classes are
guaranteed to you! When done correctly,
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Main positions
The basic positions are designed to
centrality. From centering arises the
form the strength of the body, the freedom
natural self-movement of energy.
Observing this naturalness gives you the oppo
of the joints and the relaxation of the
muscles. If your body is enslaved, then
practice countercurrent - the direction
breathing will not be free either, it will
from death to immortality. Correct
serve the movement of enslaved muscles
postures, as such, form the fundamental
and enslaved organs. Consequently,
foundation on which all qigong principles
there will be no real circulation of vital
are based. And if the Starting position
energy through the channels. The energy
prepares your body for the beneficial
of the respiratory q and that we consume
effects of exercise, then the Horseman’s
from the outside will be used to service
Pose can be called universal without any
the muscles that constantly carry an
exaggeration, since it not only prepares
excess load. Therefore, the correct
the body for physical exertion, but also
posture is the main formative element of
supplies it with life-giving energy,
qigong. If your posture is wrong, then
contributing to its accumulation in the
qigong can only be mental. Properly taken
lower “cinnabar field” .
postures cause a feeling of stability,
The following two postures are the
inviolability and comfort. If you make a
main postures in the Baduanjin system.
movement in the wrong body position,
then it becomes tense, exhausting for
you, and, accordingly, dissipating vital
energy. And because of this, it is difficult to accumulate and store excess energy in the body.
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Starting position
The posture should be natural and as
comfortable as possible. The main purpose
of the starting position is to prepare our
body for the beneficial effects of exercise.
The main task is muscle relaxation,
ensuring free circulation of energy and
blood, freeing the mind from external
stimuli and internal experiences.
Requirements for the initial position
In order to correctly assume the initial
position, 18 basic requirements must be
observed. 1. "Take a natural pose." Stand
straight and press your feet completely
to the floor. Distribute your body weight
evenly on both legs. The body is relaxed
and in absolute peace. This position helps
to relax the lower back and
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2. "Bend your knees slightly." This usually
refers to the free and natural position of the legs,
the relaxation of the area of the knee joints while it seems that the legs are slightly bent at
the knees. But in any case, the projection of the
knees should not go beyond the line of the front
of the feet. This position of the legs facilitates the circulation of chi energy through
leg channels.
3. "Round the crotch." Make a circular motion
with your knees out and then in, while slightly
straightening your knees. The rounding of the
perineum helps facilitate the circulation of chi
4. "Squeeze the anus" - with a light effort
tighten the obturator muscles of the anus, slightly
pushing the buttocks forward and ensuring the closure
of the Huiyin point in the lower "cinnabar
5. "Slightly draw in the stomach." It is
necessary to slightly retract the lower abdomen
so that during the exercise there is no excessive
tension of the abdominal muscles.
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6. "Relax the lower back." To relax your lower
back, inhale and lift your shoulders, then exhale
joints, freely "dropping" them vertically down,
thereby you relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle a
and drop them freely, crouching slightly. Fix the
final position of the body. This is necessary in
order to ensure the lowering of the qi energy
elbows, imagine that weights are suspended on
and the increase in the volume of the lower
their tips, which slightly pull them down. If
"cinnabar field". 7. "Relax the buttocks." Relax
before creating this figurative representation
you do not “lower your shoulders”, then
the areas of the hip joints and buttocks,
which will provide freedom of movement in the
lower part
8. "Relax the chest." Relax the muscles of
the chest and chest, without tension "drawing"
the upper part of the chest and slightly rounding
the chest in its lower part, this will increase its
11. "Round elbows." Slightly bend your
discomfort may occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jo
12. "Empty the armpits." Slightly spread your
elbows to the sides with a slight effort, avoiding
the movement of your shoulders forward or up.
The areas of the armpits are rounded, and there
is a feeling of "emptiness" in them. “Empty of
the armpits” promotes the unimpeded circulation
of energy to the upper limbs and vice versa.
9. Stretch your back. Straighten your back
freely so that the spine is in a strictly vertical
13. "Relax your wrists." Lower your arms
position. “Drop your shoulders” by freely
freely, relax your hands and round your palms,
stretching your back muscles. Relaxation of the
bend your fingers slightly. This relaxation
free circulation of Qi energy
chest and back muscles improves the functioning of the
heart and
through the channels located in this area.
10. Drop your shoulders. Relax your shoulders
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14. "Press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate."
Closing the tip of the tongue with the upper alveoli
(tubercles above the upper teeth) closes the
anteromedian and posterior meridians into one chain,
ensures the closure of the channel system from the
penetration of pathogenic types of external Qi. In
addition, salivation is activated in this way (saliva must
be swallowed), which helps to cleanse the body, thanks
respectively, the posterior median meridian
with the celestial q and . The straight
position of the head ensures the
straightening of your torso. The Baihui
point is thus placed in a straight line with
the Huiyin point at the perineum, which
allows the Qi to circulate between the upper and
17. "Pick up cheeks." This implies at the same time
to the enzymes contained in saliva and stimulate the
a slight tucking of the chin (thus the Baihui point on
digestive function. In Chinese medicine, saliva is
the top of the head is directed vertically upwards),
considered not only a "cleansing", but also a
relaxation of the muscles of the face and raising the
"nourishing" substance. The tongue touches the
corners of the mouth - the so-called "Buddha smile",
alveoli very easily, without pressure.
which causes the necessary psychological state, a
feeling of lightness and peace.
15. "Slightly cover your eyes." The eyelids are
lowered, but not closed, the gaze is focused through
the eyelids on a not too distant object or simply
directed forward. “Closing the eyes” promotes
concentration of consciousness.
18. "The spirit is calm, the heart is serene." This is
a requirement for the state of the psyche and nervous system
19. Pay attention to the surrounding sounds. Calm
your spirit and make your heart serene. Lightly close
your eyes.
16. "Hang the head by the top of the head to the
Sky." Keep your head straight, even, with the Baihui
point on top of your head up. It is believed that this
provides better interaction between the Baihui point and,
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Execution sequence
the above principles are important. Controlling
the position of the limbs, torso and head from
the bottom up will help not only to concentrate
and relax, but also to get rid of extraneous
thoughts. Rider Pose
Stand straight, straighten your shoulders,
straighten your back and lower your arms
along the body. Spread your feet apart 4 foot
lengths (or 2 shoulder widths), bend your legs
slightly and round your knees, look forward.
Try to relax your muscles and mind. Remember
that you can not reach up and unbend your
legs. Concentrate your attention on the lower
"cinnabar field". It is believed that the lower
the posture, the more successful the production
intergrowth with the ground, the greater the result
of vital energy. In addition, the following
can be achieved.
requirements are imposed on the “horseman”
I want
to share
my thoughts
posture: “sprout roots into the ground”, “grab the ground
your toes”.
The stronger
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about the posture of the "horseman".
One of the main reasons why many students
do not succeed in qigong despite many years
of practice is the weakness of their source of
internal energy in the lower "cinnabar field".
The horseman pose will energize your legs and,
among other benefits, you will be able to walk
without stopping for tens of kilometers in a row
without feeling any fatigue. And its most
important advantage for both women and men
is that it forms beautiful, toned buttocks.
in the lumbar region, a strong forward deflection
is formed - hyperlordosis. If you go to the
mirror, stand sideways and see such a deflection
- this is a signal that it is time to strengthen
your buttocks! Very often, women want to
strengthen this particular muscle group. And
no wonder! After all, tightened buttocks give a
sense of confidence, allow you to wear any
tight clothes and feel like a queen! And this is
another weighty argument in favor of "Poses
Tightened buttocks are not only beautiful,
but also important for health: our posture
depends on the tone of the gluteal muscles. Not
everyone knows that elastic buttocks help keep
the body upright. It is known that during a long
sitting in the office or in front of the TV, the
gluteal muscles do not work, and when walking,
the front surfaces of the thighs take on most of
the load, while the buttocks get only a little.
This creates an imbalance between the muscles
of the anterior and posterior thighs. And, as a consequence, in
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1st piece of brocade
Triple focus with both hands
Maintain Heaven to improve
the functions of 3 heaters
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Starting position
Take a natural posture.
Lower your arms and turn your palms
towards the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the unbreakable
connection between both palms.
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Bend both arms at the elbow joints, turn them with
the palms up and interlace the fingers between each
other, resting the edges of the palms on the Lower Dan Tian.
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2nd phase
Slowly raise your clasped hands up to
chest level, along the anteromedian Renmai
meridian. Pay attention to the fact that at this
moment, along with the arms, the chest and
shoulders do not rise up, and the elbows are directe
At the level of the upper chest, turn both
palms down, then continue to turn them away
from you and straighten your arms up until
the palms turn up again.
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3rd phase
Slowly straighten your knees and gently
raise your clasped hands above your head.
Straighten your arms, palms up, as if you
are supporting the sky. Do not disentangle your fin
Hold this position for one or two seconds.
As you continue to inhale, draw in the energy
of Heaven and Earth through the Yongquan
and Baihui points. This phase is considered
the most important. The palms should be
directed upwards so that their backs are
projected onto the top of the head. The spine
should be straight, but not tense. The position
of your body should be absolutely even, the
buttocks are slightly tense, the head and arms
are attracted to the sky, and the feet to the
ground. Due to this, the whole body is stretched, an
Take a short pause to feel the stretch in
the muscles.
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4th Phase
Open your palms and spread your fingers.
Exhaling slowly, gently lower your arms in a
semicircle through the sides down, concentrating
on your fingertips. Palms
directed to the sides.
Feel the chi energy run to the tips
your fingers and gives you a pleasant tingle.
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5th Phase
Slightly bend your knees, shift your body weight
forward, and lower your hands down to the level of the navel.
At this level, keep your elbows in a semicircle,
keeping the palms facing the Lower Dan Tian.
Repeat this exercise 7 times.
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Execution features
Therapeutic effect The
purpose of the exercise is to activate
Raising the arms and straightening
the Sanjiao (“three heaters” or body
the chest are performed with effort. First
cavities in which the internal organs are
lift your chin to support the movement,
located). Raising the arms up and lowering
then pull it in to help your arms lift up.
them down ensures blood circulation and
During this movement, do not wear socks.
get up.
Inhale until the arms are above the head,
exhale as the arms come down. Breathing
should be deep, thin, and light. The mouth
is half-closed, and the tip of the tongue is
at the upper palate. Attention Concentration
In Phases 1 and 2, the gaze follows both
hands as they are raised; in the 3rd
Phase, when the palms are raised above
the head, look forward; in the 4th Phase,
when the hands go down, men look at the
left palm, and women look at the right palm.
circulation of vital energy within the organs.
Strengthens the muscles of the back and
chest, heals the neck and spine, corrects
and improves posture. It has a wide range
of effects, improves the circulation of vital
energy and blood in the internal organs, facilitat
weight loss.
The metaphysical
aspect "The first cut of the brocade" is
aimed at stretching our energy sphere in a
vertical projection. Promotes the rise of
vital energy upwards, improves the
functioning of the lower, middle and upper
"cinnabar fields", opens the Way to "special abil
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2nd piece of brocade
pull left and right like shooting
Draw the bow to kill the predator
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Starting position
Natural posture.
First you need to sit down and take root, as if
before pulling a tight bow. Without this, there will be
no stability and physical strength. Shift your body
weight to your right foot, then step to the left. Slowly
bend your knees and assume the horseman (mabu)
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Straighten your knees. Slowly raise both arms
to shoulder level, and with your palms facing
your body, cross your forearms in front of your
chest so that your left hand is on top of your right.
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2nd phase
Bend your knees and assume the horseman's
pose. Extend your left index finger, and press
the rest of your fingers into your palm. Turn
your head to the left and look at your raised
left index finger as if you were aiming. Keep
your shoulders and elbows down. Spread your
arms: one, with the index finger extended,
to the left, and the other, bent at the elbow, to
the right. Imagine that in your left hand you are
holding a combat bow, and with your right
hand you are pulling the string of this bow. The
movement should be performed so that at the
end point your hands are at the same time. The
left arm extended to the side should be slightly
bent at the elbow in the final phase of the
movement. First, you stretch it as much as possible,
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3rd phase
Shift your body weight onto your right
leg and slowly lower both palms out to the
sides towards the Lower Dan Tian. Feel
how the chi energy runs to your fingertips and ca
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4th Phase
Bring your left foot to your right and
return to the starting position. Both palms
face the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the
unbreakable connection between both palms.
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5th Phase
Step your right leg out to the side and come
into Horseman Pose. Then straighten your knees
and cross your forearms in front of your chest so
that your right hand is on top of your left hand.
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6th Phase
Bend your knees and assume Horseman Pose.
Turn your head to the right and look at the raised
right index finger as if you were aiming. With your
right hand, with a loosely clenched fist and thumb
pointing up, move to the right, and move your
left fist to your left shoulder, as if you were
drawing a combat bow, aiming at
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7th Phase
After a short pause, shift your body weight onto
your left leg and lower both palms out to the sides
towards the Lower Dan Tian. Feel how the chi
energy runs to your fingertips and causes
pleasant tingle.
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8th Phase
Step your right foot in and return to the starting
position. Lower your hands to the level of the
abdomen, palms facing the Lower Dan Tian, fingers
pointing at each other. The gaze is directed straight ahead
Do this exercise 7 times each
side in turn.
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kidney function.
Concentration of attention
While pulling an imaginary bow - on the
thumb of the hand extended forward, and during
Metaphysical Aspect This
exercise transforms qi into spiritual energy
shooting - to a very distant point, in a word, to
(shen) necessary for the external use of qigong
the target. Imagine that a tight rubber is tied
methods and the manifestation of "special
from the shoulder to the index finger, and the
more we push the arm, the more it stretches. We
must overcome this tension. Focus your
attention to really feel like you are drawing a
"The second cut of the brocade" is aimed at
stretching our energy sphere in a horizontal
very tight bow. This concentration of attention
is the source of inner strength.
Inhale as you extend your arms and draw the
bow. Exhale as you spread your arms to the
sides, lower and cross them in front of your chest.
Therapeutic effect “The
second section of the brocade stimulates the
posterior median meridian of Think and the Shuxue point, harmonizes the flow of energy along
the pulmonary canal of the Taiyin arm. It has a
wide range of effects, cures lung diseases,
strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves
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3rd piece of brocade
Regulating the spleen and stomach must be singled out
Raise your hand to regulate the functions
of the spleen and stomach
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Starting position
Natural posture.
Place the hands of both hands in front of you
with their palms facing the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the
unbreakable connection between both palms.
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Raise your right hand, facing you with the edge
of your palm, to chest level along the anterior median
Renmai meridian. The left hand stays the same
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2nd phase
Raise your right hand above your head turning
your right palm outward-up, and lower your left palm
to your left thigh and turn it palm down. Stretch both
hands: the right hand is palm up (fingers to the left),
and the left hand is down (fingers forward). Try not
to unbend your elbows to the end, so as not to
interfere with the natural movement of qi along
Pause for a moment and focus on your palms.
You should feel resistance, but should not tense your
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3rd phase
Relax both hands. Then turn the palm of the
left hand with the inner side up and place it at
the level of the lower Dan Tian, turn the right
palm with the inner side down
and slowly lower down.
Place the hands of both hands in front of
you with their palms facing the Lower Dan Tian.
Feel the unbreakable connection between both palms
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4th Phase
Raise your left hand, facing you with the
edge of your palm, to the level of your chest
along the anteromedian Renmai meridian. The
right hand remains in the same position.
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5th Phase
Raise your left hand above your head turning
your left palm outward-up, and lower your right palm
to your right thigh and turn it palm down. Stretch
both hands: the left palm is facing up (fingers to the
right), and the right is facing down (fingers forward).
Try not to unbend your elbows to the end, so as not
to interfere with the natural movement of qi along
Pause for a moment and focus on your palms.
You should feel resistance, but should not tense your
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6th Phase
Gently lower your left hand, slowly turning it
palm up, and place your left hand at the level of
the Lower Dan Tian.
Place the hands of both hands in front of you
with their palms facing the Lower Dan Tian. Feel
the unbreakable connection between both palms.
Repeat this exercise 7 times, alternating arms,
and then press your palms down in front of your
stomach and return to the starting position.
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Inhale as you raise your hand up. Hold
your breath during the pause with your arm
extended above your head. Exhale as you
lower your arm down.
Concentration of
attention The gaze is drawn to
the rising hand. Therapeutic effect
increase the circulation of energy in the
stomach, spleen and liver. It has a wide range
of effects, improves the circulation of vital
energy and blood, facilitates the treatment of
chronic diseases. Metaphysical aspect It
promotes the rise of vital energy upwards,
improves the functioning of the lower, middle
and upper Danyatian, establishes a connection
between Heaven, Man and Earth, opening the
Way to "special abilities" (tei gunnen).
The energetic opposite movement of the
two hands simultaneously stretches and
stimulates both the muscles and the internal
organs, especially the liver, spleen,
gallbladder and stomach. This exercise
improves the function of digestion of food.
Regular performance of this exercise is
recommended for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
Exercise normalizes the work of the spleen
and stomach, prevents and cures diseases of
the digestive system, pain in the shoulders and
weakness of the hands. The alternation of
concentration and relaxation, stretching and relaxation of muscles, allows
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4th cut of brocade
shake your head
Look back to soothe the
five ailments and seven injuries
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Starting position
Natural posture.
The arms are loose and the palms are close to
the hips.
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Bend the palms at the wrists so that the
fingers are pointing forward and the centers
of the palms are facing down. Press your
palms down along your thighs.
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2nd phase
Straighten your arms to the end, palms slightly
forward. At the same time, pull the body up without
rising on your toes, stick out your chest and turn your
head back to the left in order to see well
Imagine that you are being pulled up by the top of
your head and at the same time turning your head back.
For the smooth circulation of energy, you need to "look
back" as if you were watching everything
the bad and leave it behind.
When the arms are fully extended, imagine how a
single energy flow from the spine descends to the
central points of the feet - Yongquan. Maintain this
position for one or two seconds.
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3rd phase
Bend the palms at the wrists so that the
fingers are pointing forward and the centers
of the palms are facing down, and press
down along the thighs.
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4th Phase
Straighten your arms to the end, palms slightly
forward. At the same time, pull the body up without
rising on your toes, stick out your chest and turn
your head back to the right in order to see well from
behind. Imagine that you are being pulled up by the
top of your head and at the same time turning your
head back. For the smooth circulation of energy, you
need to "look back" as if you were watching everything
the bad and leave it behind.
When the arms are fully extended, imagine how a
single energy flow from the spine descends to the
central points of the feet - Yongquan. Maintain this
position for one or two seconds.
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5th Phase
Return to the starting position and
relieve tension by releasing the stretched
position of the body and both arms.
Perform this exercise alternately 7 times
to each side.
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eye sockets, increase eye mobility,
Inhale as you look back and exhale as you
stimulate blood flow to the head and brain.
According to the testimonies of the ancients, this
return to the starting position.
exercise "eliminates five ailments and seven injuries." The
five diseases are diseases of the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys
Concentration of attention
and lungs. The seven injuries are those caused by strong
The gaze is turned in the direction of the turn. Attention
emotions: happiness, hate, grief, joy, anger, love, and
focus on the lower "cinnabar field". The therapeutic
effect of the "Fourth cut of brocade" eliminates
desire. For example, anger damages the liver and destroys
the mental faculties.
disturbances in the work of the heart, spleen, liver,
kidneys, lungs, and helps to get rid of stress caused by
fear. Well restores the body after overload, with overwork
This exercise is effective for relieving stress caused by
anger, worry, sadness, and fear.
and overeating,
harmonizes the functioning of the body, weakened by winter
Metaphysical aspect
cold and summer heat; eliminates fatigue, dizziness and
Accumulates and purifies the vital (qi) and
other disorders of the central nervous system. Turning the
spiritual (shen) energies leading to Enlightenment.
head strengthens the muscles of the neck and cures
diseases of the cervical region
spine, strengthen the muscles surrounding
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5th piece of brocade
shake your head
Shake your head and wag your
tail to put out the fire of the heart
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Starting position
Natural posture.
Place the hands of both hands in front of you at
the level of the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the unbreakable
connection between both palms.
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Raise both palms up to chest level,
bending your elbows. Then turn your
palms up and raise your arms above your head.
Note The
1st, 2nd and 3rd Phases of this exercise are
introductory to the basic technique and do not
need to be repeated.
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2nd phase
Step to the right and turn your arms above
your head, palms up. Lock this position for one
or two as if supporting the sky. seconds
energy of Heaven
and Earth
to inhale,
the in the
Yongquan and Baihui points. This phase is
considered the most important. The palms should
be directed upwards so that their backs are
projected onto the top of the head. The spine
should be straight, but not tense. The position of
your body should be absolutely even, the
buttocks are slightly tense, the head and arms
are attracted to the sky, and the feet - to
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3rd phase
Bend your knees and come into Rider
Pose, simultaneously lowering both palms
down through your sides. Place your palms
on your thighs so that your thumbs are on the insid
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4th Phase
Lower your left shoulder and turn your
head to the right, and point your right elbow
out. Shift your body weight onto your right
leg, resting your right palm on your right
knee, and push your left knee slightly to the
side with your left hand. Move your buttocks
to the left and your torso to the right. Feel the stretc
left leg down. The head, neck and spine
should be in a straight line. Tilt the body to
the right so that the head does not go beyond
the right knee. The chin is raised slightly.
Note The
4th, 5th and 6th phases of this exercise
are the main ones and are repeated 7 times
in each direction.
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5th Phase
This is an intermediate position. Bend your
knees and return to the position of the rider
(mabu), as if crawling with your head under an invisible b
Place your hands on the middle of your
thighs, turn your elbows to the sides and up, and
your thumbs are on the inside of your thighs. The
gaze is directed forward.
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6th Phase
Lower your right shoulder and turn your
head to the left, and point your right elbow
out. Shift your body weight onto your left leg,
resting your left palm on your left knee,
straighten your right arm and push your right knee s
Move your buttocks to the right and your
torso to the left. Feel the stretch diagonally
with your left shoulder up and your right leg
down. The head, neck and spine should be in
a straight line. Tilt the body to the left so that
the head does not go beyond the left knee.
The chin is raised slightly.
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7th Phase
At the end of the exercise, return to
Horseman Pose.
Note 7th,
8th and 9th phases of this exercise are
final and are performed once.
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8th Phase
Step your right foot in and return to
the starting position. Inhale and slowly
raise both arms above your head, palms
facing each other.
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9th Phase
Lower your palms down along the anterior
median meridian. Place the hands of both
hands in front of you with their palms facing
the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the inseparable connection
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Turn your head and torso to the left and
right, as if crawling your head under the bar,
at the same time swing your buttocks in the
opposite direction. All movements should
begin with the rotation of the lower back.
We lower our heads down, go to the left,
as if we crawl our heads under the bar, from
the middle we begin to stretch from the
coccyx, the chin rises slightly. We strengthen
the heart and spine. Breathing While
turning - exhale, returning to the starting
position - inhale. The lungs work like bellows:
for example, when you put your right hand on
your right knee, the right lung contracts, and
the left lung opens and relaxes.
The therapeutic effect of
the "Fifth cut of the brocade", according
to the ancients, helps to "extinguish the
fire of the heart" caused by stress and
physical overload. Excess qi (or fire) in the
middle dan tian can be the result of
improper diet, lack of sleep, and lower
tormenting emotions such as neurosis,
jealousy, and irritability; it can cause pain
in the heart, which is why it is called heart fire (x
It calms nervous overexcitation, clears
energy channels and collaterals (jing-lo o),
improves blood
the functioning
of all circulation
organs of the
Metaphysical aspect Promotes the
development of the power of concentration
(nian l and ) necessary for the development
of "special
Attention Concentration
The gaze is directed forward when the
body returns to its original position, and is
directed upward when the body turns to the side.
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6th piece of brocade
Hands crossed knees to secure ÿ waist
Touch your toes to strengthen the
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Starting position
Natural posture.
Place the hands of both hands in front of you
with their palms facing the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the
unbreakable connection between both palms.
First, hold your hands in this position, just to
feel and warm the area of the lower "cinnabar field"
with your palms. This is called "lighting the fire in
the Dan Tian".
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Slowly raise both palms above your head and
turn them towards each other.
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2nd phase
Slowly lower both hands to chest level and
turn them palms up
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3rd phase
In a smooth motion, circle your palms around the
waist, and transfer them to the lower back. Pressing lightly
with your fingers, lower your palms to the Ming Men point on
lower back.
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4th Phase
With a massaging movement along the lower back,
lower your palms down to the buttocks. Then slowly bend ove
forward and stroking from top to bottom, run your
palms along the back of the thighs, and then to the
heels, while pressing with your thumb and forefinger,
lower the qi energy to the Yongquan points. While
tilting, try to stretch your chin forward, due to this, the
back will be straight. Wrap your arms around your
ankles and hold
tilt position for a few seconds.
Note. If you
are not trying to increase the flexibility of
the body, then you should not try to keep your
knees straight, because excessive tension in
the muscles of the legs blocks the flow of energy.
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5th Phase
Unfold your palms and place them
on the front of your feet. Hold in the tilt
position for a few seconds.
Note. If you
are not trying to increase the flexibility of
the body, then you should not try to keep your
knees straight, because excessive tension in
the muscles of the legs blocks the flow of energy.
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6th Phase
Slowly raise your arms, and, straightening the
body, return to a vertical position. Raise your arms
high above your head with palms facing forward.
Repeat this exercise 7 times
tilting and returning to an upright position.
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7th Phase
This is the final phase of the
exercise. Slowly lower both palms down
and turn them palms up. Place the hands of
both hands in front of you with their palms
facing the Lower Dan Tian. Feel the
unbreakable connection between both palms.
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Inhale as you raise your arms and exhale as
you lean forward; hold your breath during the
If you suffer from arteriosclerosis, it is
recommended that you do not tilt your head too
much forward during the exercise.
pause and inhale when you straighten
The metaphysical aspect
of the "Sixth cut of the brocade" activates the
Concentration of attention
original energy, enhances the bioenergetic
potential and creates a powerful shield of
The gaze is drawn to the moving arms when
protective qi. It is aimed at harmonizing the
the torso is extended and to the feet when the
energy in the meridians of the whole body and
hands touch them.
the formation of the "Big Heavenly Orbit" (Da Zhou Tian
The therapeutic effect of
"The sixth piece of brocade" has a general
strengthening effect, increases the flexibility and
health of the spine, strengthens the lower back
and promotes the production of vital energy. It
has a healing effect on the kidneys and adrenal
glands, improves their functioning and restores
functioning, helps with lumbago, cures chronic
diseases of the genitourinary system and
strengthens the immune system.
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7th cut of brocade
Gather your fists and growl your energy
Clench fists and stare fiercely to build
physical strength
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Starting position
From the previous position, step your left foot to
the side, bend your knees slightly and assume the
position of the horseman (mabu).
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Clench both hands into fists and place
them at your sides at waist level. Press both
fists into your body with your thumbs pointing up.
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2nd phase
Slowly extend your left fist forward at
shoulder level (thumb up). Right hand
remains in its original position.
The punch should be applied as if we are
receiving energy from the earth, which rises up
the legs. As soon as the energy reaches the
lumbar region, you must, like a whip, direct it
into a blow. Thus, we transform the internal
energy into an external physical force.
Note The
punch must be applied on
forward direction, not to the side.
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3rd phase
Turn your left hand palm outward, open
your fist, spread your fingers, point your
thumb down (towards the ground). Keep
looking at your left hand. Then, in a
circular motion, turn your left hand
counterclockwise (inward), turning it with
the palm up and tightly clench your fingers
into a fist. The elbow is also involved in this mo
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4th Phase
Turn your left hand palm up, bend it at the elbow
and alternately squeeze your fingers into a fist,
starting with the little finger. When the left fist is
formed, turn it with your thumb up. Then bend your
left arm at the elbow and return your left fist to a
position near the waist. Elbow turned
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5th Phase
Slowly extend your right fist forward at
shoulder level with your thumb pointing up.
The left hand remains in its original position.
The punch should be applied as if we are
receiving energy from the earth, which rises up
the legs. As soon as the energy reaches the
lumbar region, you must, like a whip, direct it
into a blow. Thus, we transform the internal
energy into an external physical force.
Note The
punch must be applied on
forward direction, not to the side.
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6th Phase
Turn your right hand with the palm
outward, open your fist, spread your
fingers, point your thumb down (towards
the ground). Keep looking at your right
hand. Then, in a circular motion, turn your
right hand clockwise (inward), turning it
with your palm up and tightly clench your
fingers into a fist. The elbow is also involved in t
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7th Phase
Turn your right hand palm up, bend it at the elbow
and alternately clench your fingers into a fist, starting
with the little finger. When the right fist is formed, turn
it with your thumb up. Then bend your right arm at the
elbow and return your right fist to a position near the
waist. Elbow turned
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8th Phase
This is the final phase of the
exercise. Straighten your knees, put your left
foot in step with your right, freely lower your hands
along your hips and return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 7 times with each arm.
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Exhale as you push with your fist and inhale as
you pull your fists back toward your lower back.
revitalization of the vital spirit. When the spirit is
powerful, the flow of qi energy increases, and
muscle strength-li increases.
This exercise has a wide range of healing
effects: it increases blood circulation and cleanses
Concentration of Attention
the blood of toxins, harmonizes the activity of the
When performing the "Seventh cut of the
liver and heart, stimulates the cerebral cortex and
brocade", the gaze of wide-open eyes follows the
tones the iris of the eyes, prevents and cures pain
fist. Look fiercely towards the moving fist.
in the neck, shoulders and lower back, strengthens
Concentrate on glaring furiously, not on hitting an
the whole body, especially muscles arms, chest
imaginary opponent. Strike with the eyes only when
and back. Prolonged performance of this exercise
you imagine the movement of qi from the ground
through the legs to the waist. Otherwise, you'll just
will contribute to the development of muscles and
be throwing normal punches. This is a very
increase strength and endurance.
important part. It is called "Qi Li": where "Qi" is
internal energy, and "li" is physical
The Metaphysical Aspect
Therapeutic effect According
The glare is a very important part of the exercise.
It helps to increase spiritual strength, contributes
to the development of the "power of
to the theory of Chinese traditional medicine,
the liver is directly related to the eyes. A closer look
concentration" (nian li) and strong-willed qualities
necessary for the manifestation of one's abilities in worldl
stimulates the energy channels of the liver,
improves blood circulation in it, and promotes
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8th cut of brocade
All diseases disappear from the starting point behind
Shaking the body to get
rid of diseases
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Starting position
Natural posture.
The body is relaxed, the arms hang naturally to
the sides.
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Execution technique
1st Phase
Bend both palms at the wrists so that the
fingers are pointing forward and the centers
of the palms are down. While pushing down
with your hands, shift your body weight to
the front of your feet and lift yourself up on
your toes, trying to raise your heels as high
as possible. Try not to lose your balance.
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2nd phase
Drop down on your heels sharply and vigorously,
bending your knees slightly and causing a
concussion of your whole body. Lowering your heels
to the floor, clench your teeth. A slight vibration
from the heel strike should permeate the entire body.
Don't drop too hard on your heels, as too much
shaking and hard hitting of the heels on the ground
can cause discomfort in your head. When the
exercise is performed correctly, the heels are
massaged, and this has a positive effect on the
whole body.
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3rd phase
Return to the starting position, relax the whole
body and focus on the lower "cinnabar
Repeat this exercise 24 times.
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Inhale as you lift your head and heels and
exhale as you lower your heels.
Concentration of attention When
Metaphysical aspect
Increases the body's bioenergy potential
(zhentichang) and increases extrasensory
you transfer the weight of the body to the socks, it is
as if from above you are slowly lifted by the top of your
head to the sky, and from below you are gently pushed under the buttocks. You
you should feel how energy circulates along
the spinal column, pushing the body up. As
you drop onto your heels, focus on bringing
the energy down through your feet. The gaze
is directed forward.
The therapeutic effect of
the "Eighth Cut of the Brocade" causes a
slight vibration throughout the body, which
serves as an excellent final touch for the entire complex.
Exercise regulates the functioning of the
meridian system and internal organs, improving
their activity, cleanses the body, especially the
blood and liver, and helps to achieve peace
and spiritual purity.
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Small Celestial Orbit
Take a natural pose. Relax your body and spread
your chest, keep your neck and head straight, look
straight ahead. Put your hands down. Place the hands
over the area of the lower Dan Tian, with the center
at the Qihai point: the right palm is on top, and the left
palm is on the bottom (for women it is the other way
around). The tongue is slightly pressed against the
upper palate.
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Execution technique
Mentally raise the warm flow of qi from the coccyx
to the crown of the head, then mentally lower the qi
from the crown of the head along the midline of the
body to the Lower Dan Tian. Collect saliva while breathing
swallow on the final exhalation, dropping it in three
sips into the lower abdomen, strengthening
this is the Lower Dan Tian—“the abode of water.”
Qi Route: Lower Dan Tian - Hui Yin
Baihui - Upper Dan Tian - Lower Dan Tian. The
exercise is considered mastered if qi automatically
moves along the “Small celestial orbit”, and you
can track its movement at any point, focusing your
attention on this process.
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to ensure a full life
Rationale The
stage of the Small Celestial Orbit (xiao zhou
tian) must be preceded by the stage of
cultivating qi, without which there will be
nothing to circulate in this orbit. When a
sufficient amount of qi is accumulated in the
body, the consciousness brings it out for
While inhaling, mentally raise the warm flow of
qi from the coccyx to the crown of the head, and
while exhaling, mentally lower the qi from the
crown of the head along the anterior median line
of the body, into the lower Dan Tien. Breathe naturally.
circulation in the two main miraculous vessels.
Concentration of
This is the so-called "small celestial
attention "Inner vision" (nei-yang), raise
circulation" (xiao zhou tian). Having mastered
and lower qi, accompanying its circulation
it, the practitioner begins to study the “big circulation” (da zhou tian), that is, the circulation of qi guided b
twelve channels. The ancient masters called
this qigong breathing "Turning the Wheel
of the Law" (Falun Gong) or "Playing the
flute without holes." Circulation in the Small
in the Small Celestial Orbit. Concentration
of attention on the breath helps to maintain
"mental silence".
Therapeutic effect This
exercise strengthens the body's energy
system, cures diseases of the spine, renews
qi reserves, removes cloudy and diseasecausing qi, restores strength, relieves
fatigue and stress.
Celestial Orbit has two main goals: the
first is to energize the anterior median
meridian or conception vessel (renmai) and
the posterior median meridian or control
vessel (think), and the second is to ensure
a harmonious circulation of energy in these meridians
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The metaphysical aspect
control the operation of all other channels. As
the famous physician Li Shizhen writes in his
treatise “Qi jing bi mai kao” (“Investigation of
of "Small Celestial Orbit" symbolizes the
the eight wonderful channels”): “Two channels:
rotation of the Moon around the Earth, while
control and action - a child and a person’s
the "Great Celestial Orbit" (Da zhou tian)
noon. This is the path by which yang fire and
symbolizes the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.
yin water rise and fall. This is the place where
The Small Celestial Orbit begins in the lower
the trigrams kan and li, i.e. water and fire,
field of the pill (xia dantian), then ascends along
copulate. They also say that when kan and li
the control channel (think) (passing the groin,
of course) and descends down the action
channel (renmai). Passes through the "tail
gate" (weilui), points "compressing the
ridge" (jiaji), "jasper pillow" (yuzhen), they are
also called "three gates" (san guan), and
through three cinnabar fields or Dantian - upper,
middle and lower, as well as through the upper
and lower "magpie bridge". The superior magpie
bridge is the tongue that connects the two
canals when it touches the upper palate. The
lower magpie bridge is located in the area of
copulate, water and fire support each other,
and the heart and kidneys exchange energies.
Water is cold, fire is hot, so they are
opposites. They depict fire at the top - it rushes
up, and water below - it tends to flow down. But
when the fire acts on the water, it warms up,
and the rising vapors cool the fire. So there is
a harmonization of opposites. The cycle is also
symbolized by the Ba-gua or Eight Trigrams
located for the subsequent sky (houtian). It
is known from ancient Chinese treatises that
the Former Heaven refers to the ideal state, and
the subsequent one to the real one. Mechanism
the Huiyin point (“meeting of yin”) in the
perineum. Particular attention in the practice of
the "Small Celestial Orbit" is given to wonderful channels. The most important of them are Think and
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the interaction here is next. The movement of
qi energy in the lower "cinnabar field" or Dan
Tian produces a small sprout, which is called
true seed (zhen zhong). Then the rotation along
two wonderful meridians begins, and the
practitioner takes control over the following
processes: the birth of yang fire (yang ho), the
retreat of the yin sign (yin fu), bathing (muyu)
and so on.
According to the Taoist theory of cultivating
the inner pill, having passed the stage of
circulation of the Small Heavenly Orbit, the
pure energy (jingqi) of the Subsequent Heaven
(houtian) reaches fullness and gradually turns
back, forming the pure energy of the Former
Heaven (xiantian) or, more simply, restores the
practitioner’s generic energy, opening the Gate
Immortality... Well, of course, I slightly
embellished it, following the example of the
Chinese sages. All in all, it gives you the Key to Longevity. Agree that this is already a lot ...
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Efficiency of classes
Regular performance of Baduanjin exercises
improves the condition of the respiratory system,
joint mobility, strengthens the legs and arms,
and also
nerves, and the energy
of the body.
you will easily overcome physical and spiritual
- a feeling of an amazing combination of
strength and relaxation, peace and explosive
reaction, emptiness and fullness with all the wealth
Features of "Baduanjin": •
of the world; — deep inner balance;
Simplicity of methods of training, which does
— a holistic vision of the picture of the world in
not require special theoretical knowledge. • High
efficiency of classes and fast
showing positive results.
unity and discreteness at the same time;
—harmony with the surrounding reality and
the ability to change circumstances in the right
• The suitability of this technique for people of different direction.
age, body type and gender.
Classes on the "Baduanjin"
system develop:
- plasticity, accuracy and coordination of
movements, which gives these activities a special
value, given that some people even at a young age
have the grace of a rhinoceros; - the quality of
"fluidity": like a jet of water running along the
ground, it easily overcomes obstacles, so you
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General instructions
1. General mood and mood for classes. In
order to strengthen your health, you must
definitely feel the spirit of optimism, practice
in a cheerful, good mood, believing in the
success and unconditional benefits of classes.
The Chinese tradition, like ours, associates a
healthy body with a healthy mind.
You need to do it systematically, constantly,
3. Focusing on the dan tian. Relaxing the
muscles, naturally and without internal
coercion, as if inadvertently, focus your
attention on the lower dan tian. Too big
focusing your attention will make you feel tense.
Switching attention to the Dan Tian area helps to
switch to the abdominal type of breathing, which
increases blood circulation in the internal organs,
ensures the outflow of blood from the head and
and not “fish for three days, and then dry the nets
from the chest down, which helps to increase
for two days.” Do not stop exercising, even if you
stability, normalize blood pressure, and gain
feel that you have already grown stronger. When
vigor. For elderly and old people, this will help
you stop them, you return to where you started.
get rid of the lack of blood supply that occurs
in their lower body. 4. Use of the waist. Any
2. Relaxation and tension. During the
performance of the Baduanjin exercises, it is
movement must begin with the work of the lower
very important to learn how to correctly
back, since it serves as the central axis for
alternate relaxation with the tension of
horizontal rotational movement to the right and
individual groups of muscles and tendons, as
left. In other words, the movement of the arms
well as to get rid of mental tension and
should be accompanied by a slight rotation of the
disconnect from all external stimuli. You are
body in the lower back, but with the same position
relaxed and at the same time collected, sensitively controlling your state and what you are doing.
of the hips and buttocks.
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5. Breathing. Belly breathing during exercise should
7. Regularity and intensity of classes. The technique
be relaxed, natural and precisely combined with the
of working on the Brocade Cuts complexes involves
actions performed, in accordance with the instructions.
constant, regular classes with a gradual increase in the
If you experience chest tightness, discomfort in your
number of repetitions of each exercise. The minimum
abdomen, lower back, or
number of repetitions of each exercise is 7 times. As
your experience grows and your energy potential
this means
what are you still not
increases, you can gradually increase the number of
coordinated their movements and the transition from
repetitions of each exercise up to 21 times. eight . Lesson
relaxation to tension with the work of organs
duration. The duration of each lesson and the dosing of
loads vary individually and in each case may be different.
6. Lifestyle. Exercise alone will not improve your
It depends on how you feel and the conditions in
health. Therefore, try to adhere to a certain mode of
which the lesson is held. You just need to keep in mind
sleep, work and rest. Eat at the same time, try not to
that it is usually customary to work out before the first
overeat. After eating, you can exercise only after 30-40
sweat appears, you can not overstrain and do too much.
minutes, otherwise they will only interfere with the
normal course of the digestive process. Clothing for
classes should be loose enough so as not to restrict
your movements. It is best to do it in the fresh air, in a
calm environment.
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Five principles of practice
1. Relaxation. Relaxation of the body
allows you to stably take any "shape" with a
minimum of tension. During relaxation, life
energy rests in the body, and does not flow
out of it. Relaxation does not mean emptying
the body, but filling it. It is in a state of
relaxation that vital energy can maximally
saturate the vessels and organs of the body.
2. Control. Control means the development
of the functions of awareness by, sensations,
which manifest themselves not only in the
process of relaxation, but also play the role of
fixing energy in the places where it enters. 3.
Calm. In order for the energy to manifest
itself as much as possible in the stage of
relaxation, it must be harmonized. The state of
calm implies this harmony from the position
of non-action (wu wei).
4. Absorption. It is a rather complex energy
process. It can be spoken of only in relation to
those who for a long time
engaged in spiritual practices.
Absorption in terms of its external action in the “Canon
of Changes” (“I-ching”) is expressed by the trigram
“Dui” (“Reservoir”), and in terms of internal action - by the
trigram “Zhen” (“Thunder”). "Reservoir" expresses all the
available energy, and "Thunder" - the body's reaction to the
newly emerging energy, which is driven into the vessels of the
human body. Actually, the opposite in manifestation is a
process known as hiccups. 5. Effort. Effort is the continuation
of absorption. Naturally, this applies to those practitioners
who have a certain amount of practical experience and
the necessary level of training. After internal energy is
swallowed, effort is required to place it in the lower dan tian.
Effort is applied both to direct the energy to the lower dan tian
and to achieve relaxation so that the energy can freely descend
and reach its place.
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Aspects of practice
Only the ignorant expect that any movement
baths and other procedures, coupled with
of the physical body, "secret" or "traditional"
physical exercises, in themselves will
exercises will reward you with spiritual
automatically lead to health, happiness and
enlightenment. This misconception is often
Enlightenment. Fourth aspect. In order
cultivated by the leaders of qigong and yoga
reach the highest levels in the practice of
schools with indications of "secret knowledge"
qigong or yoga, you must first learn to
methods"and "special knowledge that they
recognize the quality of energies, down to
supposedly possess... Forgive me for disappointing individual
energy bundles and fibers, and only
then can you consciously fill your physical
First aspect. The energies involved in the
body with these energies and transform them
practice of qigong or yoga do not have any
into more harmonious ones.
independent ability to develop the spiritual
qualities of a person! Second aspect. The
This ability is, of course, the main
methods of qigong and yoga should first of
all develop the ability to multidimensional and
multilevel perception of the surrounding world.
And when there is no spiritual purity, then the
profane collection of qi or prana, their
accumulation is not only useless, but also
harmful, because it turns into ugly results.
That is, the difference must be
qualitative, not quantitative.
Third aspect. Another very common mistake
is to consider a balanced, diet,
what is
prerogative of monastic forms of qigong and
traditional types of yoga. To worldly people,
as a rule, this may seem simply unattainable.
However, this is only the beginning, which
precedes the higher stages of spiritual
development leading to a life without disease
and suffering. It would be useful to remind
once again that the basis of any serious
system in the East is a spiritual base, without
which the highest achievements are impossible.
This book is written specifically for those people wh
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Major mistakes in practice
1. Excessive tension of attention.
Practitioners often strive to immediately
begin the practice of focusing attention on
certain points of the body. At the first stages
of practice, one should not strive to artificially
stimulate the circulation of qi or any
sensations in the body, since this leads to
excessive tension of the consciousness and,
as a result, to tense, unnatural positions of
the body. Correct postures by themselves
ensure the free circulation of qi. 2. Too slow
movements. Don't artificially slow down.
Qigong exercises cannot have a
predetermined speed. Proper relaxation of
the body and mind creates a natural rhythm
and speed of movement. 3. Sudden
accelerations and jerks. Most often this
happens when moving from one position
by doing so, you completely lose the effect of calm breathing
and stabilizing qi.
4. Holding the breath.
Long breath holdings should not be
practiced, especially for those who practice
qigong as a health complex. Try to forget
about breathing altogether - and it will improve by
5. Breathing from
the chest. Make sure to breathe in the
lower part of the abdomen, but in no case
with the chest. Avoid deep breathing and
hyperventilation. Breathing should be thready, slig
6. Raising the shoulders.
It is traditionally believed that by raising your shoulders,
you thereby create an obstacle to the passage of qi. Even
when raising your hands, try not to
move your shoulders.
to another, step to the right or left. Tem
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Three best medicines
The purpose of the Baduanjin practice is to
activate the 3 main Dan Tian energy centers in the
human body so that they are interconnected with
each other and function harmoniously so that the
vital energy circulates freely throughout the body,
healing and healing the internal organs.
The activation of the Dan Tian in the human
dan tian with a lot of qi is a false point of view. A
big belly means only that its owner likes to eat well,
and nothing more.
Activation of the Dan Tian areas has a beneficial
effect on the circulation of qi in the body as a
whole, and also improves blood circulation and
respiration, which in turn ensures a high level
body is a potential opportunity for alchemical
work to manifest the Tao and gain an inseparable
connection with the source of life. Lao Tzu said:
“The Doors of Dan Tian are the Gates of Heaven and Earth in the body
Dantian - literally translated as "field of elixir"
or "field of cinnabar", i.e. energy centers where a
cure for all diseases is created
or alchemical elements to achieve
It should be borne in mind that the Dan Tian or
"cinnabar fields" are the main centers of the "subtle
body" and therefore their exact localization on the
physical level is rather problematic. Do not take a
big belly for a developed one.
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the vital activity of the organism.
In qigong, it is traditionally customary to distinguish three
areas of Dantian or "cinnabar fields": 1.
Xia dantian - the lower "cinnabar field" with the
center at the Qihai point - is the root and source
of vital energy (qi).
If you connect the tips of the large
fingers and pull down the joined tips
index, then at the level of the center of the
resulting "heart" and there will be an area of
\u200b\u200bthe lower cinnabar field. This is the
place where the generative force (ching) is
retained in such a way that it does not slip down
and flow out. In the lower "cinnabar field" it is
concentrated and purified. The rear border of the lower "cinnabar field" lumbar region centered on the Mingmen point.
The lower limit of the "cinnabar field" is the
Huiyin point. It is there that a narrow cavity is
located, open in the presence of qi and closed in
its absence. Three "wonderful" meridians come
out of this place - "Think", "Renmai", "Zhongmai",
and all other meridians converge here. Through
concentration on this area, one can achieve the
transformation of the sexual substance (ching)
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into life energy (qi).
2. Zhong dantian - middle "cinnabar field" or
spirit root. It is located in the area of the solar
plexus, where life energy (qi) is transformed
into spirit (shen). The center is at the Tianzhong
Unprepared people are undesirable
focus on this area, it can cause negative . k. it
effects, such as a feeling of heaviness or
tightness in the chest
3. Shang dantian - the upper "cinnabar field",
the root of consciousness. It is located in the
head, behind the eyebrows, between the
Shangen and Baihui points, centered on the
Yingtang point, located between the eyebrows.
Focusing on this area is useful for treating
headaches, cerebral anemia, hypotension and
general weakness. Further, the classes focus
on opening the 8 “wonderful” meridians
(bamai) as a necessary condition for the healthy
flow of qi energy to the Jing-lo meridians. One
look at the diagram of the eight "wonderful"
meridians are enough to notice that she
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resembles a map of the starry sky. No wonder
the Taoists consider man a microcosm.
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Meridians Dumai (posterior median) and
Renmai (anterior median) originate at the
Meridian Think "governs" qi and affects
Huiyin point and reach the Baihui point. If with
the functioning of the entire system of spinal
the help of "Baduanjin" we learn to ensure the
centers. Meridian Renmai "rules" the blood. In
overall patency and interconnection of the
the treatment of male diseases, the main role
eight "wonderful" meridians, then we will
belongs to the Think meridian, and in the
undoubtedly get our hands on a real treasure that can
open of women's and children's diseases - to the
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The human body in Taoist alchemy is perceived
as a Universal microcosm with its orbits - "celestial
harmonious existence. Only
those who have a developed
anteriomedian channel of
circles", along which, in accordance with certain
conception - the "wonderful" Renmai meridian, and
patterns, like celestial bodies, the qi of the "pill of
immortality" moves. According to the ideas of ancient
who knows how to use it, are able to experience high
positive emotions from communicating with all living
Chinese physicians, mainly hereditary qi energy
beings in the Universe. But such people are not only
circulates in the meridians. "Wonderful" meridians
few: they are
- redistribution of energy q and during pathological
and physiological changes in organs, i.e. from an
area where there is an excess of energy to an area
where there is a lack of it;
- provide hereditary (parental) energy to the main
meridians and related organs; - provide qi energy to
tissues where not
pass the main meridians and their collaterals;
- posterior median Think and anterior median
Renmai harmonize the energy of the yin-yang organs.
The true practice of qigong consists in the
sequential ascent from the 12 main (earthly) meridians
to the 8 miraculous (heavenly), from heavenly to the
3rd Dan Tien, and from the 3rd Dan Tien to
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The building material of the
In the human body, certain types of qi
play the role of vital energy, causing its
Qigong theory is entirely based on the
mental and physiological functions. Qi is
concept of qi. From Chinese, “qi” is
inside every person. It is necessary for life
translated as “energy”, “life force”, and
to continue its course. The one who knows
“gong” is more often translated as “result”
how to let his qi circulate will save his life
or “fruit”. That is, the word qigong means
and prevent all diseases that can harm him.
"the result of working with energy." This
Qi mustpotential
be carefully
term implies the development of the energy and spiritual
in each
a person from birth, and the ability to use it
to maintain health and good physical shape.
Qi is the universal building material of the
Universe, the original material substance
that forms our world, of which man is an
integral part. All things, processes and
phenomena in the universe arise as a result
of the movement and transformation of qi.
Qi is a special substance that exists at every
point in the universe. It consists of
material, energy and information
excessive waste, which can lead to illness
and death. The accumulation and preservation
of qi is a very difficult task, which can only
be solved by a person who is aware of the
consequences of any of his desires or
actions. So, for example, a person who has
set himself the goal of treating the ailments
of other people with the help of accumulated
and processed energy, bringing health, joy
and happiness to other people, simply does
not dare to spend a single crumb on himself
- he will save qi for his great and noble goal,
and his own body will be considered only as a pre
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Qi is something we deal with all the time. An
in the human body, a disorder in the interchange
ordinary person does not know how to control qi
of qi with the external environment, as well as the
and is not even fully aware of its existence.
interaction of various types of qi within the body,
causes various diseases.
However, everything that each person does in his
life is determined by the level of his personal qi.
Therefore, for those who do not know how to
manage it, the accomplishments of a true qigong
master seem incredible. Idle talk about qi is
Normalization of the internal circulation of vital
energy, replenishment of the body with the
necessary types of qi restore
health, guarantee longevity, and can even ensure
completely useless. There are no words to describe
what she really is. There is only one way to
the acquisition of extraordinary abilities (Skt. -
comprehend it - to study. Qi is the essence of all
the further development of various types of Taoist
Existence, miracles are subject to it, and everyone
practices, and it will be the beginning of this
faces these miracles.
When a person's energy is harmonious, he
Siddhi, Kit. - Gunnen). All this can be obtained with
It is this pleasant practice of self-healing that
develops in each of us the habit of self-observation
feels the unification of himself with all other
and self-discipline, which has a beneficial effect
creations of nature. He feels protected from all
on our entire lifestyle and professional activity.
troubles and experiences true love. The ancient
Taoists discovered that qi in the human body
moves along special orbits - energy meridians and
collaterals, which are now known to every
reflexologist. qi circulation disorder
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Good Power
Tao expresses itself through Te - Good Power.
Te allows the Tao to take shape and develop. The
manifestation of Tao in a person depends on his
harmony and sincerity. Anyone who wants to The
ancients said: “True mastery comes to one
who lives in the void and is far from passions
and hobbies. Improving the skill without
perfecting the Good Power (De), you will
definitely encounter an evil force. If the pool of
comprehend the Tao must devote his whole life to it and not think about anything else.
Te denotes the inner perfection of every thing,
the fullness of vital properties, in which the allconquering power of life is also rooted. Te includes
our spirit, our consciousness and thoughts.
In order to develop D e, you need to get rid of all
extraneous thoughts, become like a child, hear
without listening, see without looking and know
without actions aimed at cognition. The main reason
for the suffering and insecurity of ordinary people
lies in their inherent ignorance and unwillingness
to perceive themselves as part of a larger and higher
the soul (linchi) is not cleansed, then perverted
thoughts are not interrupted. Only by
concentrating the Good Force in excess can
one follow constancy. Concentrating the
Goodness in oneself means that one should
first discover its roots, and only then nourish
its branches. The one who is initially ready to
follow the Tao is the one who has concentrated the
Thanks to D e, everything that exists is born and
grows. True Te leads to the comprehension of Tao.
As the ancient sages said: "The Heart of Heaven
order. This divine order is so great and all-
governs the heart of man, and the nature of Heaven
encompassing that it cannot be measured in terms
governs the nature of man." Constantly training his
of trivial rationalism.
conformity to Heaven and Tao, a person merges with
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A person who possesses Te is necessarily
a master, he attracts people to himself, makes
them obey his will. However, he influences the
world covertly, without revealing himself. Man
Te, said the ancient Taoists, does not demand
worship from others, but people honor him,
does not prove his case, and everyone believes
him, does not please others, and all people
treat him kindly. He who values Heaven above himself is sure to
meet His support.
The greatest Good Power of the Cosmos is
the ability to generate Miracles.
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Stages of teaching
There are several stages in the comprehension
of any Teaching leading to the comprehension of
Tao. At the first stage, a person learns, but this
shortcomings and never thinks he has succeeded.
He is devoid of pride and, thanks to his humility, is
capable of comprehending the Tao. However, one
does not lead to anything, and therefore he
can also say this: the main peak is Tao, the
considers himself and others inexperienced. Such a person
is useless.
one is Te (Good Power), the even smaller
At the second stage, he is still useless, but he
one is fa, that is, the path of developing certain
is already beginning to realize his own imperfection
skills using various techniques and methods, and
and sees the imperfection of other people. In the
the lowest of all peaks is shu - magic.
third stage, he is proud of his abilities, rejoices
in the praise of other people and regrets the
shortcomings of his friends. Such a person can
already be useful. At the highest stage, a person
looks like this,
like he doesn't know anything.
These are the general stages of the present
Teaching. But there is also another stage, which is
more important than all the others. At this stage, a
person comprehends the infinity of perfection on
the Path and never considers that he has arrived
somewhere, since Tao has no steps. He definitely knows his
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Secret Miracle of the Way
The secret miracle of the Path is manifested in
lack, there is a mixture of non-being with the form,
the fact that Something develops out of Nothing.
there is no ordinary and wise. Following the Way
Tao has no name. To follow the Tao means to
is following one's original nature.
return to the Void. All we can do is cultivate Te -
Tao is not a philosophical concept, but a
Good Power or Virtue. This is the only path to the
movement filled with Te - Good Power, but Lao
Tzu's treatise "Tao Te Ching" ("Treatise on the
The path that leads to eternal life is straight,
but the bridge that crosses the river of life, on the
Way and Good Power"), in which the pulsation of
the Universe is expressed in linguistic symbols -
contrary, is very narrow, and few people manage
only the message of this unnamed Force. To say
to cross it. We all have innatewe
use it
because of our own ignorance.
that Lao Tzu explains in his treatise what Tao is is not q
Now many people are engaged in various
Tao will never have a form for those people
who do not pay attention to their spiritual nature.
spiritual practices. They devour books, become
attached to historical names, and are obsessed
with ideas. After a little practice, they begin to
will be able to show him the right Path. As long
think that they have already realized the Tao.
as the mind and heart of a person are not open to
Naive people lose Tao just when they try to
find it, because it is empty in its
The word Tao - the Way is understood as a state in
If a person's spirit is in captivity, then no one
higher spiritual revelation, any technique will
bring neither him nor those around him anything but ha
Tao is the true path and is higher than human
ways. The Tao is, in fact, a journey through life.
which there is neither life nor death, there is neither excess nor
When you follow the Tao, you experience
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two sensations. First, all feelings are sharpened,
gaining weight and significance. Secondly, you
feel the light, even being in darkness. A person
who has let such beauty into his soul will no
longer be able to live without it. Tao embraces all
phenomena and harmonizes everything that
exists. The movement and rest of the material
world are regulated in accordance with the Tao.
What we call Tao is something metaphysical,
realm of holy immortals. Man, due to the fact that
Tao is the basis of his subjectivity, can imitate
the creative ability of Tao. This is the condition
for any creativity. Therefore, the ideal personality
is a sage who has fully realized his unity with the
Tao-Way, endowed with a creative gift and the
ability to realize it. "Human outside, heavenly
inside." But how to merge? And a thousand
wise men won't explain
standing above form, but at the same time it has
a real substance. It resides in the human being
this ignoramus.
and at the same time connects him to Heaven
make a person conformable to nature and thereby
give him power over things, for the realization of
and Earth. Merging with Tao is preceded by the
perfection of a person in the direction.
Correspondence of a person to Heaven and Tao
means that Heaven and Tao control a person. A
worthy person denies himself and makes the
Tao Way his principle. At the same time, he does
not need to follow many of the rules contained in
human morality. Unity with Tao is the
enlightenment of the heart for gaining
The emptiness and clearness of the heart
emptiness and peace is the essence of eternity
and constancy. Everything else connected with
the profane and phenomenal everyday world is
just marked by the absence of this property, it is
not constant, eternal and changeable. Knowledge
of these properties makes a person wise, and a
wise person can rule both things and people, for
he follows the Tao. In a person who has
universal wisdom. Although the body is in the
comprehended the Tao, thoughts easily take the
dust of the world, the spirit is in
form of images, and thinking does not need words.
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information through spiritual light over the conventions
true, cultivate both one and the other, and the third.
of time and space. The beauty of life revealed through
When a person is freed from illusions and
the Tao is something special in general. The legendary
reaches an unclouded state of consciousness, he
emperor Huangdi said that "the joy of following the
becomes a buddha and has nothing more to learn.
Tao Way lies in strengthening the spiritual power and
transforming the qi energy."
Once the Tao-Way is known,
birth and death immediately cease.
Tao is not the fruit of speculative philosophical
Everything that a person achieves, following the
path of Tao, does not die with the death of his physical
body, but remains with him, since what has been
achieved is no longer a part of the physical body. The
correct choice of the Path often leads to effective
results ("miracles") in the comprehension of the
Higher Laws of the Universe.
The True Way hides itself in the hustle and bustle
of every day. Ordinary people rush after primitive
pleasures and deviate from the Path. The farther from
reasoning and not an object of faith, but a specific
scale of values that establishes the measure and
boundaries of any harmonies and symmetries.
Outwardly Tao is empty, but thanks to it everything
exists and does not overflow. If you try to express the
Great Dao in words, then you get only a few words,
and the price for them will be half a penny. Tao is the
Gateway to all miracles, but speaking about the
secret of the Way in words is like measuring the depth
ocean sixth.
the worldly bustle, the closer to the Way. Free yourself
from troubles and cultivate the Way in peace. All
sacred texts speak of the same Truth. It's just that
Taoists emphasize vitality, Buddhists emphasize their
own nature, and Christians and Muslims emphasize
connection with God. But those whose practice
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True craftsmanship
The term "gong fu", better known to us in
the Western distorted reading as "kung fu" (or
"kung fu"), has long been much more popular
around the world than "qigong" or "wushu".
The concept of "gong fu" is more ambiguous,
and it should be understood contextually.
These are “higher skill”, “great work”, “hard
work”, “selflessness”, “spent time”. If the
according to which
you are improving, is not good, or there is no
suitable teacher who can correct your mistakes
and suggest the right Path, practice so
years, or even all your life, but the speed of
progress along the Path will be negligible, or
even completely equal to zero. Then the gongfu
will be equal to zero. If the practitioner uses
the right technique, spends a lot of time but
little effort,fruitless.
then again
the practice
It also
student grasps almost everything on the fly,
and the teacher is good, and the technique is
suitable for him, but such time
he devotes little to practice. Then the effects
do not have time to consolidate and do not
grow into a new quality. In this case, gongfu will also
The indispensable conditions for real
success are perseverance and systematic
studies under the guidance of a real Master.
In ancient times, the word "gongfu" meant
"long work performed with special skill." From
the 7th century it began to be understood as
the grandiose success of a ruler, sage or other
great person, whose labors went for the benefit of
Kungfu also means “reaching the limit” in
any worthy activity, as well as comprehending
the secrets of the universe and being in
harmony with their laws.
Over time, the concept of kung fu becomes
universal. Acquired in one case, say, in wushu,
it applies to everything
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other areas of human life. It is closely connected with
the "work of Tao", which itself "does nothing, but
everything happens by itself" (Lao Tzu). Numerous
stories about qigong and martial arts masters, who
were famous philosophers, poets, astronomers, etc.,
originate from here.
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Special abilities
If you practice qigong methods purposefully,
3. Miraculous foot (shen-zu tong) - all
then there will come a stage when the so-called
limbs become light; mobile; step becomes fast.
"special abilities" (tei gunneng) will be acquired.
4. Penetrating into someone else's heart (taxin
tong) to comprehend someone else's will is a
The earliest mention of "perfect abilities" is
found in the Buddhist work "Juishe Lun", which
lists "six miraculous gifts" (liu shen tong):
wonderful feeling that ordinary people do not
allowing you to read other people's thoughts and giving knowledge about
future and Destiny (karma). As the saying goes,
1. Celestial vision (tian-yang tong) - the ability
to distinguish between the smallest objects that
good deeds bring good consequences.
bad - bad
are inaccessible to the eyesight of an ordinary
5. Comprehension of Fate (sumin
person, for example, to peer into the human body
tong) - the ability to know the past and
and various objects. To put it simply, here we are
predict the future. Su min tong also
talking about clairvoyance and telepathy. This
However, “comprehension of past
lives” .
includes the ability to "read between the lines"
is not comprehended by all lives, but
and see what is inaccessible to the average
only those that carry important
person. 2. Celestial hearing (tian-er tong) - the
incarnations information for the
ability to listen to sounds that are inaccessible
present, a kind of information capsules
due to the great distance and weak sound to the
that help the spiritual development of
hearing of an ordinary person, as well as the
the entity. When an entity reaches
ability to perceive information from the subtle plane andEnlightenment,
communicate withthen
the memory of all previou
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Buddha level. However, at the initial stages,
the false memory of non-existent incarnations,
which in fact never happened, is most often
“awakened”. This is also a necessary stage of
the transformation of all transformations.
Thus, the whole diversity of the Universe is
comprehended and many other “perfect
abilities” are discovered, with a total number
up to 10,000 (wang-u). It is impossible to
learning - the ability to distinguish the true from theoffalse.
describe them in human language. This is a
However, one should not perceive Fate as
a railroad, from which it is impossible to get
off. Knowing the future helps us choose the
optimal action without negative karmic
consequences. 6. Penetration beyond (lou
jin tong) - after a high degree of "entering into
peace" one can achieve a serene emptiness of
consciousness and penetrate beyond the
reality with great power. The “perfect
abilities” include: telekinesis (tei jidong),
teleportation (guan chuan zhangai), remote
control of phenomena, processes and events
(yaokun), the ability to diagnose and heal at
any distance remotely (yaogan), without using
ordinary speech information and even without
seeing the patient (yaoshi), introspection or Xray vision, which allows you to look through
walls and objects, or underground to search
for water and minerals, to see micro-objects and mic
limits of the universe. Three manifestations
of the reality of "sanhe" (thought, word,
action), merged together, give truly fantastic
results. The mental process is a phenomenon
of cosmic order, and therefore thought can
The ancient masters pointed out that after
create energy forms and influence the surrounding space.
proper practice, passing through the vanity of
With the help of “correct methods” (fangbian),
thoughts, one can reach the limits of nona practitioner can master the creation of higher
existence and acquire "perfect abilities" that
harmonies, called the “Great Transformation” (da
are unattainable for ordinary people.
hua) or “One Transformation” (and hua) of the world -
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To open them, you need a Light Teacher
and a lot of time for spiritual practice.
Theoretically, this happens when the
Master has developed Te and he can
release his spirit (shen) outside the body
and perform various actions. Of course,
such a high level of skill is extremely rare.
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What the masters are silent about
My task and purpose in this life is to expand
your awareness by providing all the necessary
information. And I will consider this book a success
if it encourages you to engage not only in selfimprovement, but also in self-exploration. Each of
us always makes his own choice, based on his own
awareness. And, unfortunately, the importance
abstract Goodness, Beauty, etc. This is, at
best ... At the same time, the entire spiritual
area in Chinese qigong is limited only to
edifications about the importance of cultivating the s
no more.
Let's turn to ancient Taoist and Buddhist
practices, whether you're going to be a monk or not.
of the factor of motivating motives before starting
And in monasteries, and in other esoteric schools,
qigong or yoga is most often not realized by either
and in the traditions of Indian Brahmin-gurus, the
the instructors themselves or their students. And in
training of students has always included three
modern literature, almost no attention is paid to this
issue. I am not trying to scare you with the various
machinations of "dark teachers", but I am trying to
clearly and simply show how and why qigong or
yoga classes can turn into primitive lower magic,
and you yourself can quietly embark on the path of
your own demonization. In the vast majority of
cases, qigong or yoga “teachers” simply limit
themselves to abstract appeals to the same
1. Preparing the student for the perception of
subtle reality. 2. His perception of subtle reality. 3.
Learning to manipulate the energies of subtle
reality. The current schools of qigong and yoga
proceed to the third stage, bypassing the first two!
If we talk about the dangers of bioenergetic
practices more precisely, then they can be divided
into three categories:
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• dangers for spiritual evolution;
• psycho-physiological dangers;
seven Great Immortals from Ursa Major, and we
can now judge this by separate fragments of
• physical health hazards. Although,
knowledge from ancient times, which have
of course, they are all related
survived and are carefully preserved in the traditional
in the tightest way.
Today it is clear to any sane person that true
However, the very concept of “Taoism” today
practice is not limited to qigong or yoga
is also very conditional: the Teaching of the
exercises alone! If a person uses the energies
Immortals-Xian in the time of Fu Xi and Huang-d
he receives from above to satisfy his desires
and differs from medieval Taoism and Buddhism
and animals
instincts, even very subtle ones, is no longer
in the same way as the Great Wall of China from the ci
qigong or yoga, but primitive magic, with all the
ensuing consequences: a gradual but steady
except for the Three Pure Ones and the Seven
Wise Men of the Big Dipper? What was the
demonization of the psyche, an increase in lust
preliminary preparation that preceded the energy
and an increase in attachments to everything
practices? Even the Taoist sages today hardly
material, ending with an increase in fear of death.
know all this. And what can we say about ordinary peo
Who was then part of the pantheon of gods,
We all live in an era of information boom and
As for the original practices of qigong or
an unimaginable hodgepodge of all sorts of
genuine yoga, I will unfold the veil of Truth
ideas, opinions and judgments, splashed out
before you gradually. The Chinese practices
and regulated by the media. And you can keep
known today as Qigong existed long before
the legendary Fu Xi and Huang Di. They were
associated with the Xian cults -
your mind healthy only by gaining the skills to
control your mind and spiritual purity.
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How to choose your teacher
Rapid progress in learning is only possible
her, performing numerous
with a good teacher. At the same time, it is
miracles. Unlike sorcerers and magicians who s
important to understand that “good teachers”
vital forces from his students and followers,
are also different. Fame and popularity of a person and relying on "secret" techniques and
is not always evidence of
methods, a real Teacher replenishes himself
due to the multidimensionality of perception
and openness to the world. There are very
You need to be able to distinguish a real
Teacher from simple "experts", theorists and
few real teachers. The one who studies
fitness instructors who themselves got lost
hard and knows how to speak fluently is not
in the darkness of their souls and do not see the right
a real Master. Naturally, almost
Masters are also different. For example, if
you see that your “teacher” promises to teach
you methods of health and longevity, and he
himself looks older than his years, has a loose
body, a double chin and is overweight, or,
conversely, is thin and has a painful
every self-respecting Chinese will say that
he has some kind of grandfather who taught
him from an early age, and that almost his
entire family consists of hereditary qigong or
wushu masters. It can be both true and
absolute legend. Otherwise, he will not have
appearance and from he smells bad; - you
the desired status and will not have
may not even pay attention to what he says at his lectures,
seminars, or writes in
social success...
their books.
Look not for someone who can do
The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the
exercises or write books well, but someone
one who CAN. It carries the Truth within itself and can testifywho
to can work Miracles.
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The one who trains a lot and performs
the exercises beautifully is a good
gymnast. His tenacity deserves respect.
Anyone who can throw a sewing needle at
glass and it breaks is a good magician.
His art also deserves respect, but it must
be shown in the circus, because it is based
on a trick, even a finely honed one. The
one who breaks a pack of boards with his
hand is a good trickster or just a strong
person. He is also worthy of respect and
praise. However, the secret of his special
"skill" may be hidden both in a special
construction props and in the fact that he
himself has a lot of weight (or, in the
language of physics, overweight) and a
thin, weak person is simply not able to
repeat his tricks. In a word, there are no
many other special abilities (gunnen),
which are unattainable by ordinary
physical exercises. It develops in itself
hierarchically higher components than the
physical body and related applied
A good teacher is the only one who
enlightens and improves the inner
structure of his students.
We need a teacher for only one reason
- he must ruthlessly impel us to action.
Otherwise, we will definitely stop to
congratulate ourselves on how far we
have come. The teacher experiences the
truth of the Teaching and passes it on to
his student as a special form of inspiration.
The teacher teaches by his mere presence.
My Master Chen Zhenguan was an
miracles here either, and everything
unusual person. And this exceptionalism
fits into the framework of vulgar
manifested itself in many areas. In a way,
materialism. A real master carries the
he was an artist. What he did in his life
timeless Truth. He is able to push the
was not literally familiar to everyone.
limits of Space and Time. The True Master is capable of Miracles. He has clairvoyance, clairau
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reality - it was more what was outside the
boundaries of this "reality".
Simply put, he divined the potential opportunities
in any situation that arose and knew how to modify
this situation so that its potential opportunities
were realized in the best possible way. The main
thing in the practice of yoga, qigong, or any other
system is not to be pumped up with energies,
but to find your “field of bliss”. In the ancient
the state was called "walking in the fields of the
immortals." And here I can help you. You come to
me, show me what you know, tell me what you
understand, and I destroy it. Only that which
cannot be destroyed will remain with you.
You leave again and build again. And I'm
breaking it down again. This is where your learning
and development lies.
You are not here yet. You must first be born
spiritually, then manifest yourself in the best
possible way, and then become yourself. And that's
the whole point of my education.
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from the author
corresponds to its development and today's
aspirations. Based on my many years of
various health and
experience, I
I will tell you which systems and in which cases it
systems and methods
is worth using, and which of them will bring the
just -
maximum effect to solve your tasks. The
uniqueness of my experience
improvement. Some
of them pay more
lies in its diversity, in the fact that I am a corrosive
practitioner, and not just a writer, which is the
majority. After all, many of those who write books
external - bodily
beauty, others muscle strength
others focus on
the development
of vital energy,
and for me the main priority is the
development of spiritual strength, since this
is the key to all the Gates in the Universe.
on martial arts and healing are ordinary people
whose entire life experience does not extend
beyond their office. For several years, I was the
Chairman of the Union of Martial Arts in the
former USSR, then, on the direction of the Sports
, China.
Committee, I went to
study wushu
and healing
He received
a classical
monastic education in Sichuan and became a
personal student of the patriarch of the ancient
In the books in the Mysteries of the Chinese
Chinese school of centenarians - Xian. School
Monasteries series, I try to highlight various
"Xian-Fo" in
noteworthy systems and practices. Each reader
will be able to find for himself what at this stage is the maximum
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puts health, longevity and personal happiness at
for the harmonious development of the physical
the forefront, as a springboard for further spiritual
body, then after reaching the age of 30, inner work
growth and the acquisition of supernatural abilities.
(neigong) should come to the fore. The one who
After many years of study, I inherited the spiritual
does not understand this, continuing to force his
tradition Xian Jami Gong (Secret Work of the
body, pumping up muscles and trying to squeeze
everything out of them, so that first
Immortals) and the patriarchal mantle of my Master.
to get ahead, and then keep up with the youth, runs
My experience includes not only
the risk of turning into a real ruin by the age of 50,
the quintessence of many ancient knowledge that I
weighed down by heart problems and
received during my stay in a Taoist monastery and
the presence of impotence.
during my apprenticeship with Mr. Chen Zhenguan,
Each of my books includes important theoretical
but also many years of practice in healing people
material. I started my publications with basic
and teaching health systems. This allows me to
concepts - “qi”, “energy channels”, “cinnabar
really evaluate the effectiveness of certain systems
fields”, then smoothly move on to covering issues
of spiritual improvement and their effectiveness
of health, longevity, and then to happiness and
for healing the body.
control of my destiny.
Teaching martial arts and participation in
For my books, I select only really working, time-
competitions, long-term healing practice led me to
tested systems, many of which are used in clinical
realize the need not only to strengthen my body,
practice. I prefer the most effective systems, by
but also to develop my vital energy. Not without
doing which, already at the initial stage, you can
reason in Chinese martial arts there are "external"
get the first results in strengthening your health. In
and "internal" styles. And if children and teenagers
my books you will find everything you need
are taught external styles of qigong and wushu
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for harmonious physical and spiritual
development. There are many paths to health
and longevity, I offer the most effective of
Even Leo Tolstoy said: “The only meaning
of human life is the improvement of its
immortal foundation. All other forms of activity
are meaningless in their essence, due to the
inevitability of death. I fully agree with him. It
takes time to perfect the "immortal foundation",
or more simply, the "soul". And the more you
have it, the more results you will achieve in
your spiritual development. Therefore, we
need to take care of our spiritual evolution
with the same zeal as we take care of the
health of the body. The main condition for
neither the second nor the third. Do not be
lazy, and, having received a really effective
system at your disposal, practice! If you do
not understand how to realize the potential
inherent in it, look for someone who can
answer your questions and practice again.
Good luck in your spiritual development!
Sincerely yours, Yuri Razhev
achieving real results in the classroom is
the presence and guidance of a real Teacher
who owns the qualities that you would like to
receive as a result of your practice.
And even the mountains of books read on the topic of
health, happiness and longevity will not bring you closer to the first,
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Seminars, classes, meetings
Each person can learn to manage the
process of his physical and spiritual
development. It's quite real. Even one
occupation causes obvious changes for the better.
Yuri Razhev conducts regular classes and
seminars in Moscow and other Russian cities.
Personal and on-line consultations. Follow the
announcements and schedule on the official website:
We invite the organizers of Yuri Razhev's
seminars in the cities of the World to cooperate.
Send us your cooperation proposals.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +7(962) 966 66 62
Skype: yuriy_razhev