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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Name French and Indian War QUESTIONS: Washington’s Skirmishes Circle the correct answer. 1. What did the French build on the Ohio River? A. Fort Necessity B. Fort Jumonville C. Fort Duquesne D. Fort Dinwiddie 2. Before the French and Indian War, the Ohio territory belonged to: A. the British B. the French C. Lt. Governor Dinwiddie D. Jumonville 3. Washington first visited Fort Duquesne as a: A. messenger B. spy C. attacker D. both A and B 4. Which fort did Washington build? A. Fort Necessity B. Fort Jumonville C. Fort Duquesne D. Fort Dinwiddie 5. Why was Washington so easily defeated at his fort? A. the French outnumbered the British B. the British had no Indian allies C. Washington didn’t choose the location wisely D. none of the above ©