* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
印尼慈濟學校 TZU CHI SCHOOL Waves (Sound and Light Contexts) Statement of Inquiry The interaction of particles and energy produces patterns in nature, and we use the relationship among those patterns to study our world at a range of scales, from the atomic to galactic. ☜ ☞ Summative Tasks Criteria A- Knowing and understanding Unit Test Explain knowledge of wave phenomena, apply that knowledge to solve problems in familiar and unfamiliar situations, and analyze and evaluate information. ☜ Criterion B -Inquiring and designing Criterion C-Processing and evaluating Lab Report Design, conduct, and evaluate an independent investigation into one factor influencing the refraction, diffraction, or diffusion of sound or light. ☞ Learning Targets (1) 1. Summarize examples of oscillations. 2. State that progressive (travelling) waves transfer energy. 3. Describe the terms crest, trough, compression, and rarefaction. 4. Define the terms displacement, amplitude, frequency, period, wavelength, wave speed, and intensity. ☜ ☞ Starter Activity Assess what you already know about sound and light waves. ☜ ☞ Question 1 Describe the movement (or the motion) of the objects shown in the gif animation. ☜ ☞ Oscillations Regular, repeating back and forth motion of an object Periodic Motion A motion that is regular and repeating ☜ ☞ Properties of Oscillation Physical properties of objects undergoing a regular repeating pattern Period, T The time for an object to complete one cycle (or oscillation), measured in seconds. Frequency, f The number of complete cycles occurring per period of time, measured in Hz (Hertz). ☜ ☞ Properties of Oscillation Physical properties of objects undergoing a regular repeating pattern Amplitude, Xo The maximum displacement of an object from its resting position ☜ ☞ Example 1 A child on a swing performs 0.2 oscillations per second.Calculate the period of the child's oscillations. ☜ ☞ Motion of an Oscillator Watch the 40-s video clip. ☜ ☞ What did you notice in the animation? ☜ ☞ Motion of an Oscillator The motion of oscillator can be observed through a simple mass and spring system. ☜ The oscillations will produce a curved, periodic graph (sinusoidal trace). ☞ Motion of an Oscillator The motion of oscillator can be observed through a simple mass and spring system. ☜ The oscillations will produce a curved, periodic graph (sinusoidal trace). ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring 1. Add various masses to a spring. 2. Observe the effect on amplitude and period of the oscillations. 3. Suggest a relationship among the mass, amplitude and period based on your observations. ☜ ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring ☜ ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring ☜ ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring ☜ ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring ☜ ☞ Formative Practice Task Hooke’s Law: Mass on a Spring As the mass increases, the period increases and the frequency decreases. ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 1-2, 3-4) 1. State the relationship between period and frequency of an oscillation. 2. Predict how the frequency would change if the period of oscillation decreases. 3. Predict how the period of oscillation would change if frequency decreases. 4. Calculate the period if frequency is 0.01 Hz. 5. Calculate the frequency if period is 10 s. ☜ ☞ Energy in Waves Stretching Activity: Mexican Wave 1. Everybody gather in circle. 2. Do the Mexican wave. 3. Observe any kind of motion. ☜ ☞ Energy in Waves Energy is transferred through a wave, but matter is not. Wavefront The points in a wave that vibrate in unison. Pulse A single disturbance that moves through a medium from one point to the next point ☜ The direction of the motion of the wave is the direction of the energy transfer. ☞ Energy in Waves Energy is transferred through a wave with no displacement of matter. ☜ ☞ Energy in Waves Describe the motion of the particles. (Hint: Did they go anywhere?) ☜ ☞ Energy in Waves The particles just move in repeating cycles–they don’t actually go anywhere. There is no net displacement of matter. The wavefront moves from top left to bottom right. ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Describe (give a detailed account) how the image below illustrates the transfer of energy through a travelling wave. ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Describe (give a detailed account) how the image below illustrates the transfer of energy through a travelling wave. ☜ The particles involved in waves move back and forth perpendicularly to the way the wave is going, but don’t move significantly in the direction of the wave. The particles ‘take part’ in the wave by bumping into one another and transferring energy. This is why energy can be transferred, even though the average position of the particles doesn’t change. ☞ Wave Energy Summary ☜ ☞ Transverse Wave Crest the point of maximum positive (or upward) displacement from the rest position Trough the point of maximum negative (or downward) displacement from the rest position ☜ Transverse waves include water and electromagnetic waves ☞ Anatomy of a Wave Wave diagrams let us visualize the periodic motion and energy of oscillations. Wavelength, λ (m), the distance from one point in a wave to the same point in the next wave Displacement, x (m), the distance a particle is from equilibrium position ☜ ☞ Anatomy of a Wave - Checkpoint 1 ☜ ☞ Anatomy of a Wave - Checkpoint 1 ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 1-2, 3-4) ☜ 1. Which letter(s) represent(s) the wavelength? 2. Which letter(s) represent(s) the amplitude? 3. Outline how “C” and “E” relate to wavelength. ☞ Waves on a Graph Wave diagrams let us visualize the periodic motion and energy of oscillations. A displacement-position graph shows the displacement of the particles at various positions at a certain time. ☜ Wavelength and Amplitude can be read from this graph. ☞ Waves on a Graph Wave diagrams let us visualize the periodic motion and energy of oscillations. A displacement-time graph describes the displacement of ONE particle at various times at a certain position. ☜ Time Period and Amplitude can be read from this graph. Frequency can be calculated. ☞ Waves on a Graph - Checkpoint - 1 ☜ Determine a) the amplitude A of the wave in meters; and b) the frequency of the wave in Hertz. ☞ Waves on a Graph - Checkpoint - 2 ☜ ☞ Waves on a Graph - Checkpoint - 2 ☜ ☞ Intensity: Other Wave Property The amplitude of waves indicate their intensity (energy). Intensity of a wave is defined as the power per unit area. It has units of Wm-2. The amplitude of a wave varies in a sinusoidal manner with time whereas the intensity of the wave varies as sine squared. 2 ☜ I𝛼A ☞ Longitudinal Wave Compression A point of maximum density in the medium through which a longitudinal wave moves Rarefaction A point of minimum density in the medium through which a longitudinal wave moves ☜ Longitudinal waves include sound and earthquake pressure waves. ☞ Longitudinal and Transverse Waves ☜ ☞ Wave Types - Checkpoint 1 ☜ ☞ Wave Types - Checkpoint 1 Parallel to the direction of wave travel Sound waves Perpendicular to the direction of wave travel Light waves ☜ ☞ Wave Types - Checkpoint 2 ☜ ☞ Wave Types - Checkpoint 3 ☜ ☞ The Wave Equation Frequency, velocity, and wavelength are intimately linked. Distance• The distance travelled by one complete Speed = wave is λ (m) Time • v =λ T ☜ The time taken for one complete wave to pass is T (s) Substitute the reciprocal relationship The Wave Equation v = fλ ☞ The Wave Equation v = fλ For a wave of constant speed: • As the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases • As the wavelength decreases, the frequency increases ☜ ☞ The Wave Equation - Checkpoint 1 Applies to water waves, light and other electromagnetic waves, and sound waves. Example: Some water waves in a ripple tank have a frequency of 2 Hz and a wavelength of 5 cm. What is their speed? ☜ ☞ The Wave Equation - Checkpoint 2 ☜ ☞ The Wave Equation - Checkpoint 2 ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 1-2, 3-4) Command Term: State → brief answer without explanation or calculation ☜ 1. State the impact on the wavelength if the frequency of a wave traveling at constant velocity is increased. 2. State the impact on the frequency if the velocity is increased of a wave of constant wavelength. 3. State the impact on the velocity of a wave if the frequency of a constant wavelength is increased. 4. State the impact on the velocity of a wave if the period of the wave is increased. Assume a constant wavelength. ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 3-4, 5-6) The worksheet/homework is uploaded in Google classroom. Write your complete working in your notebook. Notebooks may be collected for marking. ☜ ☞ Sound Wave Sound is a longitudinal wave, as such, require a medium in which to propagate. Sound waves are generated by oscillating sources, which produce a change in density of the surrounding medium. ☜ ☞ Sound Wave Humans can hear sounds between about 20 Hz and 20 000 Hz in frequency (although this range decreases with age). ☜ ☞ Sound Wave ☜ ☞ Sound Wave ● Sound waves require a medium to travel through If there are no molecules (e.g. in a vacuum) then the sound can’t travel. ● The loudness of a sound is related to the wave’s amplitude (Greater amplitude = louder sound) ● The pitch of a sound is related to the frequency (Greater frequency = higher pitch) ● As with all waves, sound waves can be reflected The reflection of a sound wave is called an echo ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 1 Two sounds are produced by loudspeakers. The parameters of these sounds are given in the table below. In terms of loudness and pitch, compare Sound 1 with Sound 2. ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 1 Two sounds are produced by loudspeakers. The parameters of these sounds are given in the table below. In terms of loudness and pitch, compare Sound 1 with Sound 2. ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 2 ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 2 ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 3 ☜ ☞ Sound Wave - Checkpoint 3 ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 3-4) The worksheet is uploaded in the Google classroom. Work on it independently. ☜ ☞ Check for Understanding Formative, Criterion A (Level 3-4) ☜ ☞ Experiment Formative (Open Lab) Criterion B - Inquiring and Designing Criterion C - Processing and Evaluating Idea Question Task :The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. :How can we measure the speed of sound experimentally? :Plan an investigation to accurately measure the speed of sound using equipment found in the laboratory and the school's grounds. ☜ ☞ Experiment Formative Criterion B - Inquiring and Designing For criterion B, you will formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning; explaining how to manipulate the independent variable and collect the associated dependent variable while controlling external factors. ☜ ☞ Experiment Formative Criterion C - Processing and Evaluating For criterion C, you will collect and transform data from the experiment, interpret this data, and explain results using scientific reasoning by evaluating the original hypothesis’s validity based on the investigation’s outcome and discuss improvements or extensions to the method. ☜ ☞