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World History: Ancient Civilizations Unit
Website Assignment – Worth 100 Point Project Grade
The early river valley civilizations form the framework for studying the evolution of
complex societies and the roots of our modern world. The ancient Mesopotamians,
Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, and the people of Palestine developed many technologies
and ideas that are still with us today. Your mission will be to create a website using
Weebly to depict life in one of these civilizations. You will create a website that includes
pictures, videos, links to outside web resources, and a summary of the information you
are required to report on. You will then publish your website and post or email to
__________________. You have ____ days to work in the Media Center/ in class/ at
Due Date: _____________
Students will work in a group to create a website on ONE of the following:
Ancient Indus Valley Civilization
Ancient Chinese River Valley Civilization
Ancient Egyptian Civilization
Palestine: Minoans, Phoenicians, Israelites (Hebrews)
Group Assignments:
At minimum groups will need to have at least 4 people and at maximum 6 members.
No one is working alone.
Using Weebly:
Choose a group leader to login to (someone who is good with
Create a new website using the free version
Give your site a name that reflects your topic
The group leader needs to invite their group members by adding their email
address to the add editors pages
Students will then go to their emails to accept the invitation
All students will login to
The group leader will create a page for each page that they would like in their
website or at least one page for each group member (that way everyone can work at
the same time)
Assigned Roles:
Each group member will assume one of the following roles:
Website Director, Editor, and Publisher – Sets up website with user pages, edits
student work to check for spelling and grammatical errors, works to make sure
all students understand their role and complete their assigned task, publishes
website, and posts site to assigned site __________
Media Specialist – Locates and uploads various forms of media to the website,
includes a map of their assigned region, includes a video link, includes 5
pictures, includes a primary resource document or picture, includes a link to
another site about their assigned topic, and includes a timeline
Content Specialist 1 – Works to locate legitimate resources through the Cobb
Virtual Library, works to read and analyze found resources, works to summarize
their topic findings (Divide up the content between content specialists)
Content Specialist 2 - Works to locate legitimate resources through the Cobb
Virtual Library, works to read and analyze found resources, works to summarize
their topic findings
Content Specialist 3 - Works to locate legitimate resources through the Cobb
Virtual Library, works to read and analyze found resources, works to summarize
their topic findings
Website Requirements:
Student includes a video link or embedded video about their assigned topic (if you
cannot access a video from school you will have to complete this part at home)
Student includes at least five pictures related to the assigned topic
Student includes at least one link to another website about their assigned topic
Student includes at least one primary resource in their site (a hyperlink or a
copy/picture of the document or artifact)
Student includes a description and summary of the information they are reporting
Student includes a timeline of major events in the history of their assigned topic
Provides a map of the assigned civilization/people/region
Student includes the Georgia World History Standards being addressed in their
topic (these standards can be found here: )
Student publishes their website and uploads it to the following site:
Required Content Information to Cover in Website Presentation:
Ancient Indus Valley Civilization- SSW2 a, b; Ch. 2, 3, 7:
List the major achievements up to 500 CE
Describe geographic issues that the Indus people faced and what advantages
geography may have provided them
Explain how the Indus relied on and used the Indus River
Show how the Indus people built their homes/cities
Describe the extent or how far reaching the Indus River Valley Civilization reached
Describe technologies that the Indus people either used or developed
What role did religion play in their society
Describe the social make-up of the Indus people (social class systems, description of
each, slavery existence, wealth, priests)
Describe the economy of the Indus people- What did people do for a living? Was a
form of currency used? Did they trade with other peoples? What goods did they
trade and trade for?
Describe specific customs relating to marriage, divorce, traditions, art, music,
festivals, etc.)
Describe the Maurya Empire
Describe the Golden Age
Describe Gupta
Describe Ashoka
Explain the development of Hinduism and its impact
Explain the development and diffusion of Buddhism into other parts of Asia and its
Ancient Chinese River Valley Civilization- SSW2 c, d; Ch. 2, 4, 7:
List the major achievements up to 500CE
Describe geographic issues that the Chinese people faced and what advantages
geography may have provided them
Explain how the Chinese relied on and used the river/s
Show how the Chinese people built their homes/cities
Describe the extent or how far reaching the Chinese River Valley Civilization
Describe technologies that the Chinese people either used or developed
What role did religion play in their society
Describe the social make-up of the Chinese people (social class systems, description
of each, slavery existence, wealth, priests)
Describe the economy of the Chinese people- What did people do for a living? Was
a form of currency used? Did they trade with other peoples? What goods did they
trade and trade for?
Describe specific customs and culture relating to marriage, divorce, traditions, art,
music, festivals, etc.)
Explain the development of Confucianism
Explain the Mandate of Heaven
Describe the Zhou Dynasty
Describe the Qin Dynasty
Explain the Examination System
Egyptian River Valley Civilization- SSW1 b, d, e; Ch 2, 7:
Describe the origins and structure of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization from 3500
BCE to 1500 BCE (Old and New Kingdoms)
List the major achievements up to 500CE
Describe geographic issues that the Egyptian people faced and what advantages
geography may have provided them
Explain how the Egyptians relied on and used the river/s (or other bodies of water)
Show how the Egyptian people built their homes/cities
Describe the extent or how far reaching the Egyptian/Nile River Valley Civilization
Describe technologies that the Egyptian people either used or developed
What role did religion play in their society
Describe the social make-up of the Egyptian people (social class systems,
description of each, slavery existence, wealth, priests)
Describe the economy of the Egyptian people- What did people do for a living?
Was a form of currency used? Did they trade with other peoples? What goods did
they trade and trade for?
Describe specific customs and culture relating to marriage, divorce, traditions, art,
music, festivals, etc.)
Describe the Egyptian system of writing
Describe the architecture of the cities of Egypt
Palestine: Minoans, Phoenicians, Israelites, and the New Kingdom of Egypt
Describe Phoenician Trade Networks
Show what region did the Phoenicians occupied
List goods that were traded
Describe Phoenician Writing and how it was used in trade
Describe Monotheism
Describe Zoroastrianism
Explain who the Hebrews were
Explain who Abraham was and his significance
Describe who King Saul was
Describe who King David was
Explain the Origins, Exodus, and Settlement of the Israeli people
Describe the Geography of the Sinai Peninsula and Israel
Describe the Minoan Civilization
Describe the New Kingdom of Egypt
Describe the New Kingdom’s political leadership
Describe the New Kingdom’s technological accomplishments
Describe Israel and Judah
Describe the Jewish Diaspora
Describe the Minoan Civilization and include a map