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Cell types and organelles
Animal cells
• These are eukaryotic. This means they have a nucleus and other structures which are
surrounded by membranes
• They have cytoplasm nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondrion, and cell membrane.
• Most animal cells are specialised and are adapted for their function 4
• Cytoplasm is a jelly-like material that contains dissolved nutrients, salt and structures
called organelles. This is where many chemical reactions happen
• Nucleus this contains genetic material such as DNA which controls the cell
• Cell membrane is permeable to certain substances but not all so controls the
movement of substances in and out of the cell
• Mitochondria contains the enzymes for respiration and is where most energy is
• Ribosomes are tiny structures where protein synthesis occurs
• They may also have vacuoles but these are small and temporary.
Plant cells
• These cells are eukaryotic. This means they have a nucleus and other
structure surrounded by membranes
• they have cytoplasm, nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondrion, cell wall
and cell membrane. And vacuole
• Chloroplasts contain the green pigment, chlorophyll, which absorbs
light energy for photosynthesis
• Cell wall provides structure and protection.
• Vacuole is filled with cell sap to help keep the cell swollen
Bacterial cells
• All bacteria is single-celled
• They are prokaryotic meaning the do not have a nucleus or any other
structures which are surrounded by membranes
• They have flagellum, cell membrane, cell wall, chromosomal DNA and
plasmid DNA
• Chromosomal DNA is found loose in the cytoplasm and is not contained
within a nucleus
• Plasmid DNA is a small closed circle of DNA present in their cytoplasm.
These can move from one bacterium to another giving variation
• Flagella bacteria can have one or more flagella. These can rotate or move
in a whip-like motion to move the bacterium. Singular: flagellum
Specialised cells - features
and functions