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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Religions in the UK According to the website British Religion in Numbers ( the latest data concerning religions in the UK come from 13 polls undertaken online between July and December 2017, with a sample of 29,000 adults aged 18 and over. They were asked ‘which of the following religious groups do you consider yourself to be a member of?’ The answers are presented in the pie-chart below: Can you match the results with the numbers? Christian Sikh Buddhist Hindu Muslim Jew Other No religion Not answered Are you surprised with the results? Why or why not? What do you know about each of the religion? (make notes) How much do you know about religions in the UK? answer T or F 1. Only 25% of British describes themselves as religious or very religious. 75% claim to be either not very religious or not religious at all. 2. The UK is argued to be the fastest secularising nations in history. 3. England doesn’t regard the catholic pope Francis as their religious leader. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of their church. 4. the Church of England receives no state funding. Instead, the Church relies on donations, land and investments. 5. You mustn’t wear a cross around your neck in public. 6. Muslim girls don’t have to wear classic school uniforms. They wear religious specific variants. 7. A Muslim woman is not allowed to wear a bourka or a hijab at work if her boss disapproves of it. 8. If you apply for a place in a faith school (e.g., Jewish, Catholic or Muslim school) you need to complete the Certificate of Religious Practice as an affirmation of your religious practices. 9. In the year 1974 the Racial and Religious Hatred Act made it an offence in England and Wales to incite hatred against a person on the grounds of their religion. 10. The last person in the UK imprisoned for blasphemy was a man who compared Jesus Christ to a clown. 11. Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings. 12. If you wanted to organize a public celebration of MegaWonsz9 religious holiday in London, you could do that. 13. The UK Christian agencies facilitate adoption for traditional families with opposite-sex parents only. 14. If you are a believer of Jedi, you can attend a Jedi Academy to learn the way of the Force. WORDSEARCH Try to find as many religions as you can in 2 minutes. There are 20 in the grid. R E T S N O M I T T E H G A P S G N I Y L F J E H O V A H S V I T N E S S E S M L M L H W M S I A D U J F Y U I V X T L S B N S O W A T S L Y G O L O T N E I C S I X X T I D V K N N I Q M D A N X W M M J T F S P L N R H I Z C E C N S R N Z S S Z N F I N O M A U P M K C E M I S I J I I E T X K L L R S I I M W Z L A S V L O N H M A G H Q T N T I C D V A H L D J T M O D A T I I V J R A H U U R A Y S L Q U V O D H S G S S E Z F G O D F Y J I U I Z N H U R E T M A I M A U Z D N N A P N T D L D B Z T S W A G P R N E V O I O A B K M E G A W O N S Z N C I X V J K X H C Y R R R J D C R H T V G X L S L T U Y Y H C M L B V F O P A T H E I S M D Z D W C P G C I I Answers: Christian 50.7 Muslim 2.5 Hindu 0.7 Jew 0.6 Sikh 0.3 Buddhist 0.6 Other non-Christian 1.5 No religion Not answered 41.5 1.6 KEY 15. Only 25% of British describes themselves as religious or very religious. 75% claim to be either not very religious or not religious at all (T) 16. The UK is argued to be the fastest secularising nations in history (T, The percentages declaring themselves Christians decreased by 12 % in 10 years – 2001-2011) 17. England doesn’t regard the catholic pope Francis as their religious leader. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of their church (T). 18. the Church of England receives no state funding. Instead, the Church relies on donations, land and investments.(T – in contrary to the Church in Poland) 19. You mustn’t wear a cross around your neck in public. (F, only at schools which forbid students to wear necklaces) 20. Muslim girls don’t have to wear classic school uniforms. They wear religious specific variants. (T) 21. A Muslim woman is not allowed to wear a bourka or a hijab at work if her boss disapproves of it. (F – religious tolerance includes everyday practices like wearing specific clothes) 22. If you apply for a place in a faith school (e.g. Jewish, Catholic or Muslim school) you need to complete the Certificate of Religious Practice as an affirmation of your religious practices. (T! despite of religious tolerance a person who isn’t a believer of the given religion will not be admitted to a faith school) 23. In the year 1974 the Racial and Religious Hatred Act made it an offence in England and Wales to incite hatred against a person on the grounds of their religion (F, in 2006 – quite late…; 1974 is the date of introducing a similar law in Poland) 24. The last person in the UK imprisoned for blasphemy was a man who compared Jesus Christ to a clown. (yes, it was John William Gott, in 1922) 25. Pastafarian representatives are authorized to officiate weddings. (F, but in New Zealand yes) 26. If you wanted to organize a public celebration of MegaWonsz9 religious holiday in London you could do that. (T) 27. The UK Christian agencies facilitate adoption for traditional families with opposite-sex parents only (no, since 2011, "in the case of fostering arrangements at least, the right of homosexuals to equality should take precedence over the right of Christians to manifest their beliefs and moral values”) 28. If you are a believer of Jedi, you can attend a Jedi Academy to learn the way of the Force. (yes, anyone can attend, the school is in Cheltham , classes once a week and the fee is 100-150 pounds for a series of training sessions). Try to find as many religions as you can in 2 minutes. There are 20 in the grid. R E T S N O M I T T E H G A P S G N I Y L F J E H O V A H S V I T N E S S E S M L M L H W M S I A D U J F Y U I V X T L S B N S O W A T S L Y G O L O T N E I C S I X X T I D V K N N I Q M D A N X W M M J T F S P L N R H I Z C E C N S R N Z S S Z N F I N O M A U P M K C E M I S I J I I E T X K L L R S I I M W Z L A S V L O N H M A G H Q T N T I C D V A H L D J T M O D A T I I V J R A H U U R A Y S L Q U V O D H S G S S E Z F G O D F Y J I U I Z N H U R E T M A I M A U Z D N N A P N T D L D B Z T S W A G P R N E V O I O A B K M E G A W O N S Z N C I X V J K X H C Y R KEY for teacher - wordsearch ANCESTORS ANIMISM ATHEISM BUDDHISM CATHOLICISM CONFUCIANISM DRUIDRY FLYINGSPAGHETTIMONSTER HINDUISM R R J D C R H T V G X L S L T U Y Y H C M L B V F O P A T H E I S M D Z D W C P G C I I ISLAM JEDI JEHOVAHSVITNESSES JUDAISM MEGAWONSZ ORTHODOXY PAGANISM PROTESTATNTISM RASTAFARI SCIENTOLOGY SIKHISM