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Unit III : Assessment: Q & A (Selected)
True or False Questions
1. True or False? In Python, program routines are known as functions.
2. True or False? A function is a named group of instructions performing some task.
5. True or False? All functions are designed to return a value.
Fill in the blanks
35. A __________ is a named group of instructions performing some task.
38. The identifiers in a function meant to receive the arguments passed to it are called
Formal parameters(parameters)
47. ________________ arguments correspond with the associated parameters in a function call
by their name.
1 Department of Computer Science & Engg, PESU
Unit III : Assessment: Q & A (Selected)
Match the following
(a) Routine
(b) function
(c) formal parameter
(d) actual argument
(e) function invocation
value passed to a function when called(d)
A named group of instructions performing some
a function call, in which actual arguments are
Python’s version of a program routine(b)
an identifier provided in a function header(c)
53. Explain the function arguments in python .
Data can be passed into functions as arguments. Arguments are specified after the function
name, inside the parentheses. There are various types of Python arguments functions
1) Default Argument – The arguments passed in a function can have default values. This is
done using the assignment operator in python(=). When we call a function without a
value for an argument, its default value (as mentioned) is used.
Eg - def greeting(name='User'):
print(f"Hello, {name}")
>>> greeting('Shaun') // gives output hello Shaun
When we call greeting() without an argument, the name takes on its default value- ‘User’.
2) Keyword Arguments - With keyword arguments, we can change the order of passing the
arguments without any consequences.
Eg -
def divide(a,b):
return a/b
>>> divide(3,2)
2 Department of Computer Science & Engg, PESU
Unit III : Assessment: Q & A (Selected)
This function can be called with arguments in any order, as long as we specify which value
goes into what like in the previous example the function call can be invoked as
divide(a=1,b=2) or divide(b=2,a=1) as both gives the same output
3) Arbitrary Arguments- When we are not sure of how many arguments can be passed to a
function then we use an asterisk (*) before an argument name.
Eg - def sayhello (*names):
for name in names:
print("Hello, {name}")
Now when we invoke the function with any number of arguments like
sayhello('Karan','Arjun','Megha') ,
the names will be iterated using the for loop and printed
Programming Exercise
58. Write a Python function named zeroCheck that is given three integers, and returns true if any
of the integers is 0, otherwise it returns false
def zeroCheck(x, y, z):
if x == 0 or y == 0 or z == 0:
return True
return False
3 Department of Computer Science & Engg, PESU