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Quarter 2
WEEK 3 Assignment
NAME: Liana Estelle N. Esquilona
SECTION: 10 - Einstein
Give the possible effects for the following health-related laws if they are not implemented
or followed.
Blood Services
Act of 1994 (RA
Prevention Act
of 2012 (RA
Act (RA 9775)
Act (RA 8949)
Effects if they will be ignored
1. If the act is not implemented, there will be an
insufficient amount of available blood for patients.
There may be less people who are willing to donate
since the law is not promoted well and more lives
will be in danger because of this shortage.
2. People who are committing crimes technologically
would not be punished because the law is not
implemented and followed in a situation. More
people will become victims of the crimes.
Information of most people would be at risk.
3. More children would be put into unlawful
exposure because of perpetrators and many people
could get away from their crimes. There would be
scares among parents due to cases of many
children being shown while the criminals are
walking free.
4. Students especially in college would treat hazing
as a normal activity rather than a crime. Many
cases of assault and fatality would not be reported
because many would ignore or not follow the law.
However, if the people did not follow the act strictly
implemented, they would be jailed for their crimes.