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Save Manage Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Reset Print University Health Care System This checklist is designed for use with multiple roles and can be used as an electronic document or printed out and completed manually. Please complete the sections on this page by placing an X or marking as N/A in the box provided. Date: Name/Title: Evaluator: Competency Priority Code Self-Assessment Initial competency (must be completed at orientation) Can perform without assistance Completion within 90 days Need assistance to perform Completion within 6 months Need supervision when performing Specialty competency Unable to perform Prerequisites Didactic (see reading list in next section) Meet Perform Preoperative Nursing Assessment competency, Assist Anesthesia Provider with Induction/Endotracheal Intubation competency, Respond to Patient Emergencies competency, Administer and Monitor Moderate Sedation/Analgesia competency, Provide and Receive Hand-Off Communication competency, Document Perioperative Nursing Care in the Electronic Medical Record competency Prerequisites - Required Reading (all references current edition unless noted) AORN: Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices Rothrock, JC (ed): Alexander’s Care of the Patient in Surgery - Chapter 2: Patient Safety and Risk Management; Chapter 5: Anesthesia Unit Policy/Procedure/Clinical Guidelines 1 of 3 Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Checklists – Competency Assessment Competency Elements Please note: Not all attributes may be applicable to the role you are evaluating. Each attribute is worth one point. If the attribute is met, mark a “1” in the Met column. If the attribute is not met, mark a “0” in the Not Met column. If an attribute does not apply to the situation or role, please mark it as N/A. Note the performance code in the Performance Code column. Use the Comments section to make any notes about how the attribute was handled. Total the score in the space provided. Performance Codes Recommended Validation_________________ Please use the following codes to indicate the method of performance validation: DS: Return demonstration - Simulated DA: Return demonstration - Actual (real time in actual procedure) V: Verbal explanation C: Case Study Met Not Met N/A 1 point 0 point 0 point Performance Code Comments Define and identify predisposing risk factors for MH: history of fever during surgery, anesthesia complications, muscular disease. Identify MH crisis–triggering anesthetic agents: succinylcholine, halothane volatile gas. Discuss process of typical muscle contraction and pathophysiology of MH crisis. Describe physiologic signs of MH and potential systemic effects. Identify location and contents of MH cart/box. Describe MH crisis management priorities and actions with the direct patient care: eliminating triggering agents, mixing dantrolene, cooling measures, sending blood for arterial blood gases, inserting urinary and gastric catheters, ice packs. Describe MH crisis management priorities and actions that need to occur beyond direct patient care: secure ICU bed, call Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS). Describe appropriate role functions for licensed and unlicensed staff during an MH crisis. 2 of 3 Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Checklists – Competency Assessment Describe/demonstrate dantrolene (Dantrium) reconstitution procedure and adjunct meds: insulin, glucose, diuretics, sodium bicarbonate. Describe commonly occurring postevent complications. List patient/family education priorities. Totals Scoring Interpretation Total Score Zone 9 to 11 Points (85%-100%) Mastery Zone 8 Points (70%-84%) Building Zone 7 and Below (69% and Less) Developing Zone Action Plan: Learner Goals and Timeframe: Use the space below to make any additional notes: 3 of 3 Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007 by Mosby, Inc., an imprint of Elsevier Inc.