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Academic Year – 2016-2017
Primary Section
Summative Assessment-II
Answers to be solved in separate answer sheet.
A Competency: Knowledge of basic concepts:
Q.1. Fill in the blanks:
(5 x1=5)
a) The smallesr 3 digit number is __________.
b) The result of Subtraction process is called ___________.
c) ____________ is repeated addition.
d) 999+99+9 = ________.
e) The number which divides the dividend is called ___________.
Q.2. Match the following;
(5 x1=5)
a) 259 X 0
b) The number which is subtracted from minuend
Repeated Addition.
c) 120-1
d) Multiplication
e) Sum of greatest 2 digit number and 1 is
Q.3. State True or False
a) 1X 200 = 200
b) 111+ 222+ 0 = 0
c) 16÷16 = 1
d) 4000+ 200+ 60+ 0 = 42060
e) 1000 is smallest 4 digit number.
(5 x1=5)
B Competency: Understanding of basic concepts:
Q.4. Answer the following
(5 X1=5)
a) 3555 ÷ 10, Q =
,R =
b) If 10 X 5 = 50, then _________ ÷ ___________ = _________.
c) If we subtract _________ from 999, Answer will be 999.
d) Round off 412 to nearest 100, Answer will be __________.
e) Predecessor of 200 is __________.
Q.5. Answer the following
a) 18 ÷ 3 =
(2 X3=6)
(Divide using repeated subtraction)
b) Estimate the difference by rounding off to the nearest 10
354 – 129 =
Q.6. Divide and Check your Answer
(1 X4= 4)
126 ÷ 5 =
C Competency: Ability to compute
Q.7. Fill in the blanks
a) 3 ÷ 3
(3 X1=3)
b) 5 X 5
c) 222 + 111=
Q.8. Do as directed
a) Add
1534 + 2399
b) Subtract
8793 – 4895
c) Multiply
65 X 21
d) Divide
288 ÷ 5
Q.9. Multiply using Smart Multiplication Method
(4 X2= 8)
(1 X 4= 4)
35 X 45
D Competency: Problem Solving Ability
Q.10. Fill in the blanks
(2 X1.5= 3)
a) If 20 balloons need to be divided among 5 children, Each child will get _________ balloon.
b) If the sum of two numbers is 7865, and one number is 3555, the other number is________.
Q.11. Word Problems
(3 X 4= 12)
a) Shyam’s father gave him 200 and mother gave
money will be left with him?
150. He spent
230 in shopping. How much
b) There are 20 Erasers in one box. How many erasers will be in 5 boxes?
c) If 5255 books need to be arranged in 10 rows. How many books will be there in each row and how
many books will be left?