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Speaking Test Practice
University of the West of England
International University
IELTS Speaking Test:
Which Part is the
Most Important?
Do the three parts of the speaking test carry
equal weighting when your score is calculated,
or is one part more important?
Share your views with your partner.
The simple answer is
that the three parts are
not scored separately;
the examiner rates the
student's performance
as a whole. In this
sense, neither part is
more important.
However, it's useful to
think about the three
parts like this:
Part 1 is supposed to be quite easy (like a
warm-up), so you won't get a high score if
you only do well in this part.
Part 2 is when the examiner really gets a
chance to assess how good you are.
He/she will now have an idea of what scores
to give you.
During Part 3, the examiner is making his/her
final decision. A good performance here can
boost your score.
Speaking Test Practice
You are going to practice an IELTS speaking test with your partner
The test will be conducted in a one-to-one interview style
A real IELTS speaking test lasts between 11 and 14 minutes. Try to make sure the
mock test lasts for the same amount of time
Partner A – You are the examiner
Partner B – You are the candidate
Once you have completed the task we will swap roles and take part in a different
practice speaking test
Speaking Test Practice
Part 1 Introduction and interview (4 – 5 minutes)
Hello, my name is ____________. Can you tell me your name? In this first part, I
would like to ask some questions on neighbours
Do you know the people who live next door to you?
Do you know the names of your neighbours?
How often do you see each other?
What kind of relationship do you have?
How can neighbours be helpful?
What kind of problems can people have with their neighbours in a big city?
What type of things do neighbours do for each other in your country?
What types of things do neighbours disagree about in your country?
Speaking Test Practice
Part 2 Individual long turn (3 – 4 minutes, including 1 minute preparation time)
I am going to give you a question. You have one minute to think about it before
speaking and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?
I would like you to describe a special time of year in your country. You should
When it is
Who celebrates it
What people do
And explain why it is special and important
(After 1 minute) You have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll
tell you when the time is up. Please begin speaking now. (Closing question) Do
Other people you know like this time of year?
Speaking Test Practice
Part 3 Two-way discussion (4 – 5 minutes)
You’ve been speaking about a special time of year. I would now like to ask a
few more questions related to this.
Let’s talk about traditions
• Do young people enjoy traditional events in your country?
• Do you think celebrating traditions is becoming more about money?
• How do traditional events benefit society?
Let’s talk about culture
• Is it important to know about different cultures?
• Has your culture changed in the last 50 years?
• What do you think your culture will be like in the future?
You are going to practice an IELTS
speaking test with your partner
Partner B – You are the examiner
Partner A – You are the candidate
Speaking Test Practice
Part 1 Introduction and interview (4 – 5 minutes)
Hello, my name is ____________. Can you tell me your name? In this first part, I
Would like to ask some questions on dreams
Do you dream much at night?
Do you often remember your dreams?
Do you think we can learn anything from dreams?
Do people in your country talk about their dreams?
Do you think that dreams can come true?
Do you think animals also dream?
Can dreams predict the future?
What are common bad dreams people have?
Speaking Test Practice
Part 2 Individual long turn (3 – 4 minutes, including 1 minute preparation time)
I am going to give you a question. You have one minute to think about it before
speaking and you can make notes if you wish. Do you understand?
I would like you to describe something you learned that helped your life. You
should say:
What it was
When you did it
Where you did it
And explain how it has helped your life
(After 1 minute) You have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll
tell you when the time is up. Please begin speaking now. (Closing question) Is this
something other people would benefit from learning? Why?
Speaking Test Practice
Part 3 Two-way discussion (4 – 5 minutes)
You’ve been speaking about something that helped your life. I would now
like to ask a few more questions related to this.
Let’s talk about education
Do you think it’s better to be educated at home or at school?
What can we learn from being with other people?
Is it better to have skills or pass many exams?
Let’s talk about being successful
What’s the best way to be successful in your country?
Do you think success brings happiness?
Are women more successful than men?