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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS DUKANE MODEL 1A803 100-WATT POWER AMPLIFIER FUSE (A ND THERMOSTAT) - One 4-ampere slow-blow fuse protects the primary AC power circuit for this amplifier. I n addition t,h e r e i s a t e m p e r a t u r e - c o n t r o l l e d ( t h e r m o s t a t ) s w i t c h (S1) )in the AC power circuit and which is fastened to one of the large transistor heatsinks; any over-heating of the output transistors will open th primarye power : circuit, and the power circuit is close d automatically asy the thermostat temperatur comes e down. INSTALLATION NOTES T he DuKane Mode l 1A803 100-Watt Power Amplifier provides f u l l - r a t e d o u t p u t w i t h 0 . 4 v o l t See paragraph titled “INPUT LEVEL” on next page. input, single-ended . Amplifier Ground - tI t is good practice to ground the amplifier chassis to the rack or console metalware which is, in turn, connected to conduit and electrical system ground ( o r c o l d w a t e r p i p e ) . To be sure grounding exists between the amplifier and the metal-’ ware, place an outside-toothed lockwasher under the head of one of the mounting screws. C l a s s I Iw i r i n g i s p e r m i s s i b l e f o r 2 5 - v o l t o power wiring must be Clas I w s iringonly. EXTERNAL CONNECTION S 70-volt tr l e v e l o u t p u t ( s p e a k e r l i n e ) AC . - Connect AC . power Make ALL external connections to screw terminals on rear of amplifier to this amplifier AFTER external connections have been made and are checked to be free of any short circuits. including appropriate speaker-to-line A conventional speaker system of up to 100 watts , See chart matching transformers can be connected to this amplifier . at top of next page. OUTPUT CONNECTION S - Connect jumper wires between screw terminals and connect speaker line as shown at right n I 3 5 25-VOLT OUTPUT 2 4 6 2 4 6 402-ig2A -~ 25-VOLT SPEAKER LINE 70-VOLT SPEAKER LINE DUKANE TRANSFORMER PART NO. SPEAKER POWER LEVEL 15 to 5 to 1/2 2t o l/1 6t o 710-3070 710-3071 50 watts 30 watts 4 watts l/2 watt SPEAKER POWER LEVEL DUKANE TRANSFORMER PART NO. 5 to 20 watts 1/2 2t o 2 w a t t s 710-3077 710-3075 INPUT LEVEL - Not more than 0.4 volt rms (sine wave) input is required to obtain full 100 However, it is recommended that, in order to watts of output power with this amplifier. should be lowered 8 dB accommodate the complex wave form of program material th e input , (to 0 VU) for actual amplifier installation and operation . Set INPUT LEVEL potentiometer for 0 level indicated on VU meter (on 25-volt line. IO volts rms sine wave - on 70-volt I ine, 28 volts rms). , hput connections are made at screw terminals labeled “IN" and “COM”, shield to “COM”. COM to GND - In some instances ,it will be found desirable to disconnect the jumper bet w e e n “COM” and “GND” on the input terminal strip - amplifier common c o n n e c t e d t h r o u g h shield to preamplifier ground instead - to reduce any hum pick-up ALSO . see paragraph on the front of this sheet titled “Amplifier Ground”. I BRIDGE IN COM GNO DC I OUTPUT H I G H- I M PE DA N C E INPUT C ON N E C T I O N S . r b e connected between the screw terminals labeled BRIDGING - An appropriate resisto may “BRIDGE” and “IN ” in instances where input level is too high to be easily reduced by INPUT LEVEL potnitometer .A lOO,OOO-ohm, l / 2 - w a t t r e s i s t o r w i l l r e d u c e i n p u t l e v e l b y 6 dB; a I-megohm resistor would be inserted where input might exceed 10 volts. AC POWER CONNECTIONS IMPORTANT - Before connecting AC power to this amplifier, BE SURE that correct output load (speakers correctly matched to speaker line) and input connections are properly made to terminals on this amplifier. AC power wiring mus be t Class wiring I ONLY. Power transformer in this amplifier has p r i m a r y t a p s f o r IlO-vol line, t 117-“onlin e a n d 125-vol tl i n e . A s s u p p l i e d . t h e 117volt tap is connected However, . if line voltage is more than 120 volts, disconnect the circuit breaker white wire connected at terminal lug for yellow-black transformer tap, and connect circuit breaker wire to lug for red-black transformer tap I f l i n e v o l t a. g e is less than Ii 5v o l t s ,c o n n e c t c i r c u i t b r e a k e r w i r e t o w h i t e - b l a c k t r a n s f o r m e r t a p . DC TERMINAL - Auxiliary power is available for external preamplifie,r at 50 milliamperes. of, 28 volts DC a