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Gnlika and Mandi
There are two subplanets which are the representatives of Saturn.
They have no physical existence although they behave as extremely malefic
planets. Several authorities on astrology, including Parashara, hold that the
two are not separate but one and the same thing, and their malefic results
because of their occupation of a house or association with other planets are
the same. However, according to some, they are to be calculated in different
ways and we shall describe here the methods of their calculation.
Before the actual calculation of their position, however, it is important
to realise that according to classic Vedic astrology a day of twenty
four hours extends from one sunrise to the next sunrise (not from
midnight to midnight). Thus a day birth would be a birth taking
place between sunrise and sunset, and a night birth between sunset
and sunrise. Another concept is of importance; that is, that instead of
considering 24 hours as the duration of the day and night, the ancient
system considers it as
60 Ghatis. Thus, each one hour is equivalent to 2.5 Ghatis, or a
Ghati equivalent to 24 minutes. A Ghati is further divided into
60 Palas (Vighatis), each Pala being equivalent to 24 seconds. A Pala
is further divided into 60 Vipalas (each being 0.4 seconds).
One Ghati
One Pala
One Vipala
24 minutes
24 seconds
0.4 seconds
The hours can be easily converted into Ghatis by multiplying them by 2.5;
and Ghatis can be converted into hours by divid• ing them by 2.5.
The Gulika :The following steps are to be gone through.
(a) Divide the duration of day (in case of daytime birth) or night (in
case of night-time birth) in eight parts.
(b) Each part belongs to a planet, starting from the lord of the day (e.g.,
Sun for Sunday, Moon for Monday, Mars for Tuesday, and so on) in case
of day time birth, or from the
5th from it (e.g., Jupiter for Sunday, Venus for Monday, Saturn for
Tuesday, and so on) in case of night time birth. The eighth part is without
a lord.
(c) Saturn's part is known as the Gulika. A lagna or ascendant is cast for the
time when Gulika (i.e., Saturn's part) begins. This represents the longitude
of the Gulika.
The Mandi:When day and night are of equal duration (12 hours or 30 Ghatis
each), the Mandi rises at 26 Ghatis on Sunday, at
22 Ghatis on Monday, at 18 Ghatis on Tuesday, at 14 Ghatis on
Wednesday, at 10 Ghatis on Thursday, at 6 Ghatis on Friday, and at 2
Ghatis on Saturday, in case the birth occurs during daytime. In case
of night time birth on any given day, consider the values given for the day
falling 5th from itself, i.e., 10 Ghatis for Sunday, 6 for Monday, 2 Ghatis for
Tuesday, 26 Ghatis for Wednesday, and so on. When the duration of the day
or of the night is not exact 30 Ghatis as is usually the case, the time for
Mandi should be appropriately altered. An 'ascendant' calculated for the time
of rise of Mandi gives the position of Mandi.
The formula for the calculation of Mandi:
Day time birth :
Duration of day in Ghari-Palas x 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 or 2
30 depending upon the day of birth from Sunday onwards.
Night time birth :
Duration of night in Ghati-Palas X .10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 or 14
30 depending upon the day of birth from Sunday onwards.
Results ofGulika in several houses as appropriate to medical astrology:
Just as malefics produce good results and promote health when placed in
houses 3, 6, 10 and 11, so also Gulika is favourable in these houses according
to the sage Parashara. In the remaining houses, however, it only yields
adverse results as given below.
First house
Ailing and miserable
Second House
Fourth House
and 'Pitta' (bile)
Diseased body with excess of 'Vaata' (wind)
Fifth House
Seventh House
Weak bodied
Eighth House
Easily provoked to anger
and impotent
Ninth house
Twelfth House Weak of body and mind Disabled and ugly in looks
Mandi in several houses of the horoscope:
Mantreshwara, in the Phaladeepika, describes the results of Mandi in
different houses. Those results as are relevant to medical astrology are
given below.
First House Second House Third House Fourth House Fifth House Sixth House
Seventh House Eighth House Ninth House Tenth HouseEleventh House Twelfth
Thin, built, diseased eyes Harsh speech, poor intellect Conceited,
for health Bereft of home comforts
Pervert thinking, unstable mind, short life
Good for health
Poor intellect
Short stature, diseased face and eyes Suffers deprivations of various
sorts Indulges in unscrupulous deeds, not bad for health
Good for health
As can be seen, there is a lot of overlap in the results of Gulika and
Mandi as described in the classical texts. Either or both may be considered
in a horoscope for purposes of medical astrology. Conforming with the view
of Parashara, we feel that the two are in fact identical and must be calculated
according to the method for Gulika calculation as mentioned above.