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Kingdom __________________ (_________Bacteria)
Bacteria are located ___________________. _________, _____________, and ____________ and living organisms
including _____________.
General Characteristics:
1. All are ________________ (one-celled structural level)
2. All are _________________ cells that lack _____________ (no nuclear ____________) (PRO = _____
3. All have ____________ _____________ . No _____________________in cell walls.
4. Can live in both _______________ (with _________) and ______________ (without _______) environment.
5. Bacteria are much ___________________in size than ____________________.
6. Bacteria usually have one of three _______________________________________.
a. ___________________ (________________________) Ex: _______________________
b. ___________________ (________________________) Ex: _______________________
c. ___________________ (________________________) Ex: _______________________
Cause Disease by:
_____________________________ of infected organisms by breaking the cells
2. Releases ____________________ (poisons) which _____________cells of infected ____________________.
3. Must have access ______________________________________________________________.
Different forms of hosts include:
Importance of Bacteria:
a. Breakdown dead matter to ____________________________________into ecosystem _____________
b. ______________industry - bacteria in ____________________________________________________
c. ________spills- _______________________________________________________________________
d. Genetic ____________________________ Recombinant/synthetic __________ (Ex: _________)
e. ___________________relationship ______________and our ____________________ both organisms
Example: E. coli in _______________helps us ___________food and make _____________(such as vitamin
K and B-complex) in return, human _________________ provide food and _______________for bacteria.
Human ____________________- _____________________________________________________________
b. Food _____________and _____________________- caused by __________________and _________________
c. Treated with ___________________________. Some bacteria are able to survive in the presence of
________________that kill other ___________ - ______________________________bacteria.
Note: This is why doctors tell you to take the entire amount of medicine given even if you start to feel better
because if not, bacteria will have the chance to evolve and become antibiotic resistant.
Kingdom __________________________________
a. First known____________________________________________________________________________
b. Live in very harsh environments (known as ____________________________) high ________ __________, hot
______________________________, acidic or ____________________environments.
c. Live in ___________________of animals, especially ___________and other grazing animals _______________.
Produce ________________________ gas- greatly affects our _____________________by combining with
_____ to make __________for _______________________.
d. Same size and shape as ____________________________, but different ______________________ makeup.