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1. What are the problems?
- Lack of convenience spending more time in our living room-whether to work, binge-watch
TV and movies, studying, listening songs, charge our phone and chilling out.
2. Where the problems always occurs?
- When we would be doing any assignments and suddenly, our phone out of charge and
unable to use hotspots.
- When we are so tired and stress, will be in mood of listening songs to relax ourself.
- When there is a party in house, but no sound bass.
- When we are watching movie together, can crave for cold drinks and snacks.
3. Why the problems occurs?
- Tiredness
- Overloaded work
- Stress
- Slept off unknowingly
- Laziness
4. Who are affected by the problem?
- Students
- Parents
- Married couple
- Children
5. How to solve the problem?
- Can buy our innovative smart coffee table ALDOUS.
6. Explanation about our innovation product?
- The Aldous is a smart coffee table designed to support your connected lifestyle. Set the
mood or start the party with rich deep sound quality from dual Bluetooth s peakers on
each side. LED lights on the underside of the Aldous Coffee Table make for amazing
ambiance, and it offers 2 USB charging ports and a charging pad so you’re never out of
the loop. Even connect your TV audio to the table via the included Bluetoot h dongle,
and control all these features via the touchscreen on the tempered glass top. The
Aldous keeps beverages and food chilled and always within reach: the Aldous uses a
compressor to keep your wine, beer and beverages ice cold, and features precise
temperature controls that you can adjust to your personal preferences using the touch
control panel. This coffee table is designed to be plug and play — simply attach the legs
of the table and plug it in — and is the ideal solution for the modern, connected home.