Download UIC Data Conversion and Submission

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UIC Data Conversion and
Submission via CDX Node
UIC Database V2
XML Conversion Tool in the CDX
Node Client
• Can be download at :
• Allows conversion from an arbitrary source of data to an
arbitrary data format
• UIC: conversion from a data source backed by a relational
database to the schema-defined XML format
• Can be used to convert from three source database platforms:
– MS Access (database)
– Oracle (database/view)
– SQL Server (database/view)
• Prior knowledge of ODBC and JDBC
• Source database is accessible via ODBC or
• Source database schema MUST adhere exactly
to the standard UIC source database format (UIC
MS-Access Database):
– Standard table and column names
– Standard data types for the columns
• Configuration needs to complete before using
the XML conversion tool
MS ACCESS Configuration
Configuration (MS Access)
• If the default UIC MS Access ODBC data source
named ‘uic’ is used and it was previously
configured on the system, no further configuration
• If using a previously defined ODBC data source,
the following actions need to be performed:
– Locate the data source configuration file in
cdxclient/conf/uic directory on the Desktop (Windows)
or in the home directory (UNIX)
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
• open the uic-ds.xml file in your favorite text (or
XML) editor
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
• Locate the section
<property name="url">
• Change the string ‘uic’ to the name of your
previously defined ODBC data source
• Save the file
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
• If no ODBC data source was previously
defined, create it using the Windows ODBC
– Open “Administrative Tools” in the Control
– Start the ‘ODBC Data source Administrator’ by
clicking on ‘Data Sources (ODBC)’ icon
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
Click on the ‘Add…’ button
Configuration (MS Access)
• Select ‘Microsoft Access Driver’ and press
the ‘Finish’ button
Configuration (MS Access) (cont.)
• Fill in the Data Source Name
– uic
• Fill in the Data Source Description
• Press the ‘Select…’ button and select the UIC MS
Access database (*.mdb file)
• Press ‘OK’ button on ‘Select Database’ screen
Configuration (MS Access)
• Press the ‘Advanced…’ button
Configuration (MS Access)
• The ‘Set Advanced Options’ screen will pop
Configuration (MS Access)
• Fill in ‘Login name’
– uic
• Fill in ‘Password’
– uic
• If using different login name and password the
respective values will have to be changed in uicds.xml file
• Press ‘OK’ on all the ODBC related open screens
ORACLE Configuration
Configuration (Oracle)
• Open uic-ds.xml file (see slides above)
• Modify the following section
<property name="driverClassName">
to be:
<property name="driverClassName">
Configuration (Oracle) (cont.)
• Modify the following section
<property name="url">
to be:
<property name="url">
jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your host>:1521:<your sid>
where <your host> is your oracle database
host, and <your sid> is your oracle SID
Configuration (Oracle) (cont.)
• Modify the following sections
<property name="username">
<property name="password">
to contain your Oracle database user id and
password in respective <value/> elements (in
place of ‘uic’)
• Save the file
MS SQL SERVER Configuration
Configuration (MS SQL Server)
• Open uic-ds.xml file (see slides above)
• Modify the following section
<property name="driverClassName">
to be:
<property name="driverClassName">
Configuration (MS SQL Server) (cont.)
• Modify the following section
<property name="url">
to be:
<property name="url">
jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<your host>:<port>/<db name>
– <your host> is your SQL Server database host
– <port> is the port on which your SQL server is
listening for connections
– <db name> is name of your UIC database
Configuration (MS SQL Server)
• Modify the following sections
<property name="username">
<property name="password">
to contain your MS SQL Server database user id
and password in respective <value/> elements (in
place of ‘uic’)
• Save the file
How to Use Node Client
Running the Client
• If the CDX Node client has been installed
previously, run it from the icon on Desktop
• If the CDX node Client has not been
installed, open the following URL in the
• Click the ‘CDX Client’ link on the page
Running the Client (cont.)
Running the Client (cont.)
• The ‘Java Starting’ screen be displayed
• The client may automatically update itself
from the network
• After a few moments, the client login screen
will be displayed
Running the Client (cont.)
• Type in your NAAS user id and password
• Press the ‘Login’ button
Running the Client (cont.)
• Upon successful login, the client’s main
screen will be displayed
Converting and Submitting data
• Select the ‘Submit via Conversion Service’
menu item from the ‘File’ menu
Converting and Submitting Data (cont.)
• The ‘Submit via Conversion Service’ screen will be
Converting and Submitting Data(cont.)
• Enter a description for the submission
• Select the CDX Node to which the submission will go
(CDX Dev, CDX Test, CDX Prod)
• For the testing period we will use CDX Test
• Enter the conversion parameters (these values will go into
XML header for your submission- see the UIC FCD for
required Header Elements)
• Select Operation:
• ‘Delete – Insert’ for actual submission
• ‘presubmission’ for validation only submission
• Press ‘Preview Conversion’ to see the resulting XML
without submitting
• Press ‘Submit via Conversion Service’ to submit to the
selected node upon conversion
Converting and Submitting Data(cont.)
• If doing a ‘Preview’, upon successful conversion, a ZIP file
will open with XML file in it
• Note: each conversion result is given a unique identifier
reflected in the resulting file name. You may want to
change the name prior to submittal
Converting and Submitting data(cont.)
• If doing ‘Submit via Conversion Service’ ’,
upon successful conversion, the resulting ZIP file
will be submitted to the selected node
• The client will present details of submission in the
bottom panel of the screen
• Internal transaction id – maintained by the
• External transaction id – transaction received
from submit from the target CDX Node
• Status of transaction on the target CDX node
after submittal
Converting and Submitting data(cont.)
After Submission – check
transaction status
• Press the ‘Check Transaction Status’ button to
update status of the transaction from CDX Node
After Submission (cont.)
• For regular processing, Status will change
to ‘FAILED’ or ‘COMPLETED’ when
transaction processing is done
• For presubmission, status will change to
COMPLETED regardless of validation
After Submission – check
transaction status (cont.)
• Click the internal transaction id to see the
transaction details
– A list of documents and reports will be
displayed including:
• ZIP file submitted under this transaction
• Any files downloaded so far form CDX node related
to this transaction
Transaction Details
Documents Under Transaction
• On the transaction detail screen, press the ‘Document
Download’ button (next to ‘Check Status’) to see the
list of documents associated with the Transaction
• The screen with list of documents will be displayed
Documents Under Transaction
• For both regular and ‘presubmission’, there could be the following
documents for download (standard files):
– Original submission file (a zipped xml file; original schema v1 for
schema v2 transformation)
– Transformed to v2 schema xml file
– Validation Results – row validation results (of schema/schematron
validation of original submission)
– detail_report_<date>.xls – row validation results in Excel format
– summary_report_<date>.xls – validation results with extra
information, in Excel format
Documents Under Transaction (cont.)
For regular submission, if:
• PASSED (COMPLETED) validation: data was submitted to
back-end; there would be additional files:
– BackEndDistribution_*.zip – actual file that is submitted to
– Notify_<original file name>.xml – notification that is sent from
the back-end, indicates status of processing on back-end
– <original file name> – contains results of processing
on the back-end
– If transformation happened to ‘blank’ allowable warnings, there
also will be a file containing transformed data
• FAILED validation: data was NOT submitted to back-end; there
are no additional files listed above, just standard files show up 43
Documents Under Transaction
List of file for ‘presubmission’
List of file for successful regular
Document Download
Select a document
Press ‘Document Download’
A ‘Save as’ dialog will be displayed
Choose a location and file name, and save the file
The file will be downloaded and placed in the list of
‘Documents and Reports’ on transaction detail
• Click on the document in the list to view/open it
Document Download (cont.)
• If an error occurs
• Locate the client’s log file in cdxclient/log directory on
the Desktop(Windows) or home directory(UNIX)
• The file is named ‘DNC_NodeClient.log’
• Contact CDX Help Desk or designated technical
personnel, attach the log file with your request
Help Desk Information
Help Desk Phone Number: 888-890-1995, option 2
General Help Desk E-mail: [email protected]
Node Help Desk E-Mail: [email protected]