* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A SPECIFICATION SAFETY AND PRODUCT ASSURANCE REQUIREMENT DOCUMENT (S.P.A.R.D) This document is stored electronically. Printed version might not be the latest. SAOCOM PROJECT COMISION NACIONAL DE ACTIVIDADES ESPACIALES BUENOS AIRES – ARGENTINA SAOCOM PROJECT SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Number Title Summary SAFETY AND PRODUCT ASSURANCE REQUIREMENT DOCUMENT (S.P.A.R.D) Product assurance for the SAOCOM Project is an integrated cost effective program, covering the disciplines of contamination control, electronics parts engineering, materials and processes, quality assurance (hardware and software), reliability assurance, and systems safety. This is a L2B document. Particular topics, such as Contamination Control, Materials and Processes Control, Operation Assurance and Configuration Management, are specifically covered in separated documents Secondary Reference Circulation Level 1o2 This document is digitally signed Workflow Summary Assignee State Action Completed Date Changes Record Issue Date 23-03-12 Author PARA Description The first requirements were modified to adapt the structure of the document to the current requirements. Requirements modified: 01 to 18. The responsibilities of Mission Product Assurance area were clarified. Requirements modified: 85, 154, 155, 158. 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 174, 175, 176, 182 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) from Argentina owns the copyright of this document which is supplied in confidence and which shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied and shall be only reproduced, copied or communicated, in whole or in part, for internal use of CONAE, directly or by third parties holding confidentiality agreements with CONAE. Any person other than the authorised holder obtaining possession of this document by finding or otherwise, should send it, together with his name and address, in a sealed envelope to: Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) – SAOCOM Project Av. Paseo Colón 751 (C1063ACH) Capital Federal ARGENTINA Letter postage need not be prepaid. Other postage will be refunded. Page 2 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A INDEX INDEX ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 4 2. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 4. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... 4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... 5 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................... 5 4.1 4.2 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 5 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................................. 6 6 DESIGN, VERIFICATION, PROCESS AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 7 6.1 RELIABILITY................................................................................................................................................. 7 6.2 PARTS ......................................................................................................................................................13 6.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) ........................................................................................................................17 6.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................21 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 3 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_1 1. OBJECTIVE ID : L2B_SPARD_2 Product assurance for the SAOCOM Project is an integrated cost effective program, covering the disciplines of contamination control, electronics parts engineering, materials and processes, quality assurance (hardware and software), reliability assurance, and systems safety. This is a L2B document. Particular topics, such as Contamination Control, Materials and Processes Control, Operation Assurance and Configuration Management, are specifically covered in separated documents ID : L2B_SPARD_3 2. SCOPE ID : L2B_SPARD_4 The requirements listed in this document are applicable to: (a) Hardware and software supplied by Contractors. (b) Hardware and software designed and developed by SAOCOM engineers/developers. (c) Spacecraft, SAR instrument and service platform integration and Test. (d) SAOCOM launch services and support. 3. APPLICABLE AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ID : L2B_SPARD_6 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids, or request for proposal, or product manufacturer, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. In case of conflict, the conflicts shall be referred to CONAE ID : L2B_SPARD_7 3.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ID : L2B_SPARD_9 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids, or request for proposal, or product manufacturer, form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. In case of conflict, the conflicts shall be referred to CONAE JPL D-8091, “JPL Standard for Anomaly Resolution”. JPL D-560, “JPL Standard for System Safety”. NASA-STD-8719.9, “NASA Standard for Lifting Devices and Equipment”. NPSL (NASA Parts Selection List) Level-1. NPSL (NASA Parts Selection List) Level-2. MIL-PRF-38534 / QML. “General Specification For Hybrid Microcircuits”. MIL-PRF-38510 / QPL MIL-STD-883, “Test Methods and Procedures for Microcircuits”. MIL-PRF-19500 / QPL, "General Specification for Semiconductor Devices”. MIL-PRF-38535 / QML, “General Specification for Manufacturing Microcircuits”. MIL-PRF-55365;”General Specification for Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (tantalum), Chip, Non-Established Reliability, and Established Reliability”. [A.D.12] MIL-PRF-39003, “General Specification for Capacitor, Fixed, Electrolytic (Solid Electrolytic), Chip, Non-Established Reliability, Established Reliability”. [A.D.1] [A.D.2] [A.D.3] [A.D.4] [A.D.5] [A.D.6] [A.D.7] [A.D.8] [A.D.9] [A.D.10] [A.D.11] Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 4 of 28 S.P.A.R.D [A.D.13] [A.D.14] [A.D.15] [A.D.16] [A.D.17] SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A MIL-STD-981, “Design, Manufacturing and Quality Standards for Custom Electromagnetic Devices for Space Applications”. Military Established Reliability (ER) passive devices, Failure Rate Levels R, S. MIL-STD-1580 “Destructive Physical Analysis for Electronic, Electromagnetic, and Electromechanical Parts” NASA EEE-INST-002. Supersedes 311- INST-001, Rev. A. NASA GSFC Specification S-311-P-079, “Procurement Specification for Thermo foil Heaters” JPL D-19426 “Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits (PEM's) Reliability. Usage Guidelines for Space Applications” [A.D.19] Air Force Space Command Manual 91-710 Volumes 3 and 6 [A.D.18] ID : L2B_SPARD_10 3.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ID : L2B_SPARD_11 The following listed documents, are reference documents: [R.D.1]: SOG-ATP-PL-00100 « Contamination Control Plan ». [R.D.2]: SOG-ACP-LI-00100 « Preferred Parts List (PPL) ». [R.D.3]: SOG-ACP-PL-00100 « EEE Parts Control Plan ». [R.D.4]: SOG-ACM-PL-00100 « Material and Process Control Plan ». [R.D.5]: SOG-AFE-PL-00100 « Mission Review Plan ». [R.D.6]: SOG-AQC-PL-00100 « Configuration Management Plan ». [R.D.7]: SOG-ENV-RQ-00100 “Environmental Requirement Document (ERD)». [R.D.8]: SOG-SMA-PL-00100 « Mission Assurance Plan (MAP) ». [R.D.9]: SOG-SMA-PL-00300 « Systems Safety Plan ». [R.D.10]: SOG-SMA-PL-00200 « Problem & Failure Reporting Plan (PFRP) » ID : L2B_SPARD_12 4. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ID : L2B_SPARD_13 4.1 DEFINITIONS ID : L2B_SPARD_14 Critical Hardware: flight hardware, flight spare, engineering model, ground support equipment and other critical equipment that interface with flight hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_15 Critical Processes: are identified as those which affect the functionality, performance, or quality of the hardware and that failure to control these processes will result in significant risk to the end product. ID : L2B_SPARD_16 Quality Records: are those records, which furnish objective evidence of performed activities, or results achieved, relating to the fabrication, assembly, integration and test of parts/hardware. Quality records include manufacturing planning records detailing specific steps performed, and inspection points; test logs and/or test documents detailing the test set up (temperature setting, dwell time, etc), test duration, and results achieved; records documenting non-conformances and the respective dispositions; corrective action records; calibration records; parts list for configuration management; and engineering and specification changes. ID : L2B_SPARD_17 efinitions for the present document. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 5 of 28 S.P.A.R.D 4.2 SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ID : L2B_SPARD_18 CONAE-C: part of the organization of CONAR acting as “customer” of the SAOCOM Project CONAE-PC: part of the organization of CONAE acting as principal contractor of the SAOCOM Project PA: Product Assurance Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 6 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_19 5 DESIGN, VERIFICATION, PROCESS AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ID : L2B_SPARD_20 5.1 Reliability ID : L2B_SPARD_21 Information: Assurance of SAOCOM reliability for required on-orbit operational period will be achieved through the implementation of the integrated product assurance program described in product assurance plan and high reliability design and development requirements/ practices, identified below. These include: (a) Successful completion of a comprehensive test program, involving large margins over the expected environment, and full compliance with imposed requirements. (b) Verification of design robustness for end of life conditions, detailed in a complete set of reliability analyses, such as worst case and parts stress analysis. (c) Assurance of fault tolerance and protective measures, verified by Failure Modes and Effect Analyses (FMEA) s. (d) Application of high reliability standards for design, fabrication, inspection and testing. (e) Selection of Grade Level 2 or better electronic components and flight proven materials and processes. (f) Extensive burn-in and operational testing of electronic assemblies. ID : L2B_SPARD_22 5.1.1 Lifetime ID : L2B_SPARD_23 Requirement: The satellite shall be designed for 12 months of unpowered ground storage. ID : L2B_SPARD_24 Requirement: During storage, the satellite shall be powered on and tested at a minimum frequency of every 3 months for a maximum total test time of 240 hours. ID : L2B_SPARD_25 Requirement: Flight hardware shall be designed to operate over two times the expected mechanical cycles and three times electrical power cycles. Total cycle number is the sum of cycles during assembly, integration, testing & flight operations. ID : L2B_SPARD_26 Requirement: For qual program, single actuation mechanisms (i.e. deployment mechanisms) shall be designed to be able to withstand successful ground test at a minimum of 10 deployments before lunch. ID : L2B_SPARD_27 Requirement: For a protofligth program and flight model acceptance test a single actuation mechanism shall be designed to withstand successful ground test of 3 to 10 deployment before launch. ID : L2B_SPARD_28 Requirement: Life limited hardware shall be identified along with the mitigation approach and method(s) for tracking usage. ID : L2B_SPARD_29 5.1.2 Single point failure (SPF) ID : L2B_SPARD_30 Requirement: Single Point Failure not listed in the project approved exception list shall require a waiver. The waiver shall include: Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 7 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A (a) Rationale for the acceptance. (b) Risk impact on the mission. (c) Mitigation approach. ID : L2B_SPARD_31 5.1.3 Operating hours ID : L2B_SPARD_32 Requirement: Flight electronics shall accumulate a minimum power-on operating time of 200 hours at the unit level prior to SAR Instrument/Service platform installation. ID : L2B_SPARD_33 Information: This requirement can be satisfied by: (a) Operating the hardware at ambient temperature, (b) During environmental test or, (c) Sum of operating time at (a) and (b). ID : L2B_SPARD_34 Requirement: Each side of a block redundant flight electronic unit shall accumulate a minimum power-on operating time of 200 hours at the satellite level (plus 100 hours at unit level) for a total of 300 hours prior to launch. ID : L2B_SPARD_35 Requirement: Single string flight electronic units shall accumulate a minimum power - on operating time of 300 hours at satellite level (plus 200 hours at unit level) for a total of 500 hours prior to launch. ID : L2B_SPARD_36 Requirement: As a minimum the last 50 hours of operating time prior to delivery to the next level of integration shall be failure-free and without configuration change. ID : L2B_SPARD_37 Information: The intent of this requirement is to require that the last 50 hours of testing of a particular component be failure free and done in the final flight configuration. ID : L2B_SPARD_38 Requirement: Flight spare hardware, if any, shall meet operating hours requirements listed above. This requirement applies to assemblies and not parts. ID : L2B_SPARD_39 Requirement: All heaters used in the satellite shall meet the 168 hours of operation as specified in paragraph 4.7.2 in [A.D.17]. ID : L2B_SPARD_40 Information: Note that the heater foil burn-in duration required in requirement above may occur either at the manufacturer (assuming appropriate documentation is delivered with the components) or after delivery. ID : L2B_SPARD_41 5.1.4 Design/Reliability Analyses ID : L2B_SPARD_42 Requirement: The SAR Instrument and satellite design robustness shall be assessed through the use of the following analyses: (a) Satellite level Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). (b) Interface FMECA: Flight Hardware to Flight Hardware. (c) Interface Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA): flight hardware to Support equipment. (d) Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). (e) Worst Case Analysis, including power supply transient analysis. (f) Electronic Parts Stress Analysis. (g) Single Event Effects Analysis. (h) Thermal and Structural Analyses. ID : L2B_SPARD_43 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 8 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A System FMECA ID : L2B_SPARD_44 Information: FMECA analysis starts during formulation and is updated throughout implementation phase for review at the system level PDR and CDR and project risk assessment reviews. ID : L2B_SPARD_45 Requirement: Functional FMECA shall be performed and documented for the SAR Instrument and for the Service Platform subsystems, indicating criticality levels without probability of occurrence. ID : L2B_SPARD_46 Requirement: Satellite functional FMECA down through the subsystem level shall be performed to determine possible modes of failures and their effects on mission objectives. ID : L2B_SPARD_47 Information: Satellite level FMECA starts during conceptual design and trade studies to establish boundaries within which the fault is contained and the SAR instrument is capable of meeting its mission objectives. ID : L2B_SPARD_48 Requirement: Satellite level FMECA (or equivalent analysis method) shall: (a) Identify failure modes of each unit. (b) Identify how the failure mode is detected. (c Identify the effects of the failure on mission objectives. (d) Create a list of candidates for fault protection and the mitigation approach. (e) Consider all phases of the mission ID : L2B_SPARD_49 Interface FMECA ID : L2B_SPARD_50 Requirement: Interface FMECA shall be performed and documented: (a) At the fault containment boundaries identified in satellite level FMECA. (b) SAR Instrument to service platform interfaces. (c) Flight hardware to ground support equipment interface (FMEA). ID : L2B_SPARD_51 Requirement: The interface FMECA shall as a minimum: (a) Consider all phases of the mission; (b) Verify that failures in SAR instrument interface circuitry will not propagate to and potentially damage the satellite; (c) Verify that failures cannot propagate through an interface to disable or damage: (1) redundant hardware and (2) redundancy switching hardware; (d) Verify that failures in any test equipment interface circuitry will not propagate to and damage/degrade the flight hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_52 Fault Tree analysis (FTA) ID : L2B_SPARD_53 Requirement: FTA shall be performed on mechanisms and electromechanical hardware by addressing: (a) Failure modes capable of occurring down to the lowest point at which corrective action could be implemented. (b) Generate a matrix of potential corrective action. ID : L2B_SPARD_54 Information: Mechanical FMECAS in lieu of FTAS is an acceptable method on a case-by-case basis. Reliability approval is required. ID : L2B_SPARD_55 Worst Case analysis (WCA) ID : L2B_SPARD_56 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 9 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: A WCA shall be performed and documented for all circuit designs determined to be critical by the project reliability engineer or contractor/supplier equivalent ID : L2B_SPARD_57 Requirement: For non critical circuits where WCA is not required, analysis shall be performed to demonstrate that the hardware end of life performance is not affected. ID : L2B_SPARD_58 Requirement: The analysis shall demonstrate that appropriate operating margins as defined by the project reliability engineer exist under all operating conditions and performance requirements by considering the cumulative effects of the following: (a) Part case temperature obtained from thermal analysis. (b) Piece part initial tolerance. (c) Part aging for the operating life of the mission including ground test time. (d) Radiation effects (TID). ID : L2B_SPARD_59 Information: If part case temperature is not available from thermal analysis, use 20°C plus base plate. ID : L2B_SPARD_60 Requirement: Worst case analysis shall include all environmental factors including shock, vibration and vacuum where those conditions will contribute to variation in circuit parameters, voltage, frequency and load variations. ID : L2B_SPARD_61 Requirement: The WCA shall: (a) Be an Extreme Value Analysis (EVA). (b) Include the protective circuitry to ensure proper operation if a fault were to occur. (c) Consider electrical noise on power lines, including ground differences, and interface signal lines. (d) Consider transient conditions. ID : L2B_SPARD_62 Information: On a case by case basis, one of the following is an acceptable method in lieu of EVA without a need for a waiver: (1) Temperature-voltage-frequency margin test. (2) Root Sum Square (RSS). (3) Monte Carlo. ID : L2B_SPARD_63 Requirement: the radiation and temperature used in WCA shall be: (a) Radiation: per [R.D.7] document. (b) Temperature: per [R.D.7] document. ID : L2B_SPARD_64 Information: If a temperature rise of +20° C is assumed in the worst case analysis the result of thermal analysis indicates a part temperature outside of the range used in the analysis, the WCA must be amended to take into account the thermal analysis predicted temperature. ID : L2B_SPARD_65 Electronic part test analysis (PSA) ID : L2B_SPARD_66 Requirement: PSA shall be performed to verify that the applied stress on each piece part does not exceed the derating values established: [A.D.16] for all hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_67 Requirement: The voltages and temperatures used in the analysis shall be: (a) Voltage: Maximum and minimum operating voltage. (b)Temperature: per [R.D.7]. ID : L2B_SPARD_68 Information: If thermal analysis indicates a part temperature outside of the range used in the analysis, the PSA must be amended to take into account the thermal analysis predicted temperature. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 10 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_69 Single event effects analysis (SEE) ID : L2B_SPARD_70 Requirement: Circuits containing SEE sensitive electronic parts shall be analyzed to determine the effects of SEE and to assure compliance with subsystem level requirements (see radiation requirements). ID : L2B_SPARD_71 Requirement: Irreversible SEE shall not be permitted for the life of the mission. ID : L2B_SPARD_72 Requirement: Temporary loss of function or data due to SEE shall not compromise the satellite, nor impact mission science requirements, nor prevent rapid recovery to full performance conditions. ID : L2B_SPARD_73 Thermal and Structural Analysis ID : L2B_SPARD_74 Requirement: Thermal and structural analyses shall be performed and documented. The analysis shall: (a) Address the effect of the thermal environment, including worst case estimate. (b) Generate piece part and junction temperatures for electrical parts. (c) Demonstrate structural design margin exists. ID : L2B_SPARD_75 5.1.5 Problem/Failure Reporting (P/FR) ID : L2B_SPARD_76 Requirement: A closed-loop Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System shall be implemented to assure anomalies are thoroughly investigated, properly documented and that corrective actions are implemented in a timely fashion. Contractor Non conformance (NC) Closed Loop System is also acceptable. All NCs that affect / impact other subsystems or the mission shall be reported to the Project Mission Assurance and Mission System Engineering. The following requirements regarding PFR system shall apply only to CONAE and those contractors/suppliers which adopt this system for the SAOCOM Project ID : L2B_SPARD_77 Requirement: Problem/ Failure Reports (P/FR) shall be used for: (a) Flight (FLT) hardware. (b) Software in acceptance test and all subsequent tests. (c) Support equipment (hardware and software) when testing with item (a) or (b). ID : L2B_SPARD_78 Requirement: Formal P/FR shall begin with: (a) QEM or FLT Electronic hardware at the board level beginning at first application of power. (b) Mechanical or electromechanical, the first functional /performance test of the hardware, qualification model, flight model or protofligth model. (c) Software to begin at acceptance testing. (d) Support equipment hardware and software (including test and facility equipment) while testing items listed in (a) and/or (b) above. (e) Hardware damage or safety violations to QEM or flight hardware, facilities or personnel. (f) Test software while testing the items listed in (a) or (b) above. ID : L2B_SPARD_79 Requirement: P/FR shall be written for any of the following: (a) All hardware failure, damage, problems, malfunctions, anomalies, nonstandard or unexpected results, and incidents of performance outside specification limits; also incidents of anomalous dynamic performance such as glitches, drifts, transients, stepping, oscillation, etc within specification. (b) All software and procedure problems, errors, ambiguities encountered with software while utilized with SAOCOM hardware or while being checked in preparation for operation with Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 11 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A SAOCOM hardware or while in the workstation environment. (c) All Support equipment, test equipment, or test facilities problem, failure, and anomalous performance, including procedure and operator actions, while being utilized in conjunction with SAOCOM hardware or while being checked in preparation for operation with SAOCOM hardware. (d) All incidents involving actual or potential damage to hardware, software, or injury to personnel. ID : L2B_SPARD_80 Requirement: The individual in charge of the activity, the SAOCOM hardware, software, test equipment, or support equipment at the time when a reportable incident occurs shall have the primary responsibility to originate the P/FR; however any individual observing a reportable incident is responsible to originate a P/FR. ID : L2B_SPARD_81 Requirement: Each problem/failure report shall be assigned two factored assessment which leads to a statement of risk as follows: (a) “Failure Effect Rating”, the first factor, is an assessment of the consequence or impact of the problem or failure if it had occurred in flight. Redundancy shall not be considered in making this assessment. (b) “Failure Cause /Corrective Action Rating”, the second factor is an assessment of the certainty that the exact failure cause has been determined and that the corrective action will mitigate the risk of recurrence of the problem/failure in flight. ID : L2B_SPARD_82 Requirement: definition of risk ratings in [A.D. 1] or equivalent, shall be used to risk rate PFRs. ID : L2B_SPARD_83 Requirement: All reportable incidents: (a) Shall be documented within one working day of incident/ observation and risk rated within sixty days of occurrence of the incident. (b) For contractor generated P/FR: 1. Initial contactor notification and coordination with its customer shall be within one working day of the incident and 2. Initial contractor submittal shall consist of a form defined by the SAOCOM Mission Assurance & Safety Manager (MAM), and/or his designee’s, on a contractor form. The form shall be submitted to the customer within two working days of the incident. 3. Final Submittal shall consist of updated releases of contractor's closed report, signed by contractor product Assurance manager with copies of all referenced supplemental data/ document not previously submitted. ID : L2B_SPARD_84 Requirement: Each P/FR shall be subjected to a review, approval, and closure process as follows: (a) The cognizant engineer and the reliability engineer, shall perform a preliminary review of each P/FR. (b) Each P/FR shall be assessed and rated for safety concerns, assigned a cause code, and a cause/corrective action rating. (c) Electronic parts and environmental test technical specialist shall review and approve P/FRs related to their disciplines for closure. (d) Closure of a P/FR requires that all signatures are on P/FR in the following order: 1. Cognizant engineer and Project Element Manager (PEM), or equivalent position at CONAE, for and Individual Responsible for the item for all P/FRs. 2. Reliability Engineer, for all P/FRs. 3. System Engineer, or his designee’s, for P/FRs which: i. Results in Engineering Change Request (ECR) to hardware or software ii. Results in waiver to level 4 or higher functional requirements. iii. Have an unknown cause iv. Have a cause / corrective action rating of 3 or 4. 4. Safety Engineer, shall review all P/FRs to assess for hardware or personnel safety. In general, the designee’s are called “Safety Engineers” and are designed by SMASM. 5. Mission Assurance manager, for all P/FRs with a risk rating grater than 1 / 1. 6. Project Manager (PM) for Red Flag P/FRs. (e) Closure of Contractor P/FR risk rated greater than 1 / 1 requires CONAE reliability signature Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 12 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_85 Requirement: Contractor generated P/FR risk rated as red flag requires contractor project manager and contractor Product Assurance Manager approval and signature. ID : L2B_SPARD_86 Requirement:Each contractor organization external to CONAE that is providing SAOCOM hardware and/or software shall: (a) Establish a system for controlling and monitoring the status of P/FR generated under its cognizant. (b) Meet the requirements of this document. (c) Impose these requirements down to the subcontractors and suppliers. ID : L2B_SPARD_87 Information: For SAOCOM H/W and SW, SAOCOM personnel/designee will review and approve the PFRs. ID : L2B_SPARD_88 Information: Each partner will use its own P/FR form as defined in their respective Mission Assurance or Product Assurance Implementation Plan. ID : L2B_SPARD_89 5.2 Parts ID : L2B_SPARD_90 Requirement: All parts shall satisfy the SAOCOM environmental requirements as specified in [R.D.7]. ID : L2B_SPARD_91 5.2.1 EEE Parts ID : L2B_SPARD_92 Requirement: EEE parts shall meet at least NASA level 2 parts requirements. ID : L2B_SPARD_93 Requirement: Level 1 parts shall be used where available and within cost and schedule constraints. ID : L2B_SPARD_94 Standard Parts ID : L2B_SPARD_95 Definition: Standard parts are defined as those that meet or exceed the following reliability standards: (a) [A.D.4]; (b) [A.D.6], Class K; (c) [A.D.10], Class V; (d) [A.D.9] JANS; (e) [A.D.5]; (f) [A.D.6], Class H; (g) [A.D.7], Class B; (h) [A.D.10], Class Q; (i) [A.D.9], JANTXV; (j)[A.D.14]; ID : L2B_SPARD_96 Non Standard Parts ID : L2B_SPARD_97 Definition: A Non-Standard Part is defined to be a part that does not meet the minimum quality and reliability criteria of standard parts in descripted above. ID : L2B_SPARD_98 Requirement: A list of non-standard parts proposed for up screening shall be generated by the contractor and approved by the procuring agency. ID : L2B_SPARD_100 Requirement: All non-standard parts approved by the procuring agency shall be upgraded / screened according to the standard part definitions. ID : L2B_SPARD_101 Requirement: Plastic parts, which are non-standard by default, shall be screened in accordance with [A.D.18], or equivalent. ID : L2B_SPARD_102 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 13 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Information: Unique, custom parts (e.g., ASICs and Custom Hybrids) and commercial parts (COTS, PEM's, etc.) are also considered nonstandard parts. ID : L2B_SPARD_103 5.2.2 Application Specific Integrated circuit (ASIC) Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_104 Digital ASIC Test ID : L2B_SPARD_105 Requirement: Digital logic circuitry in ASICs (including microprocessor, micro-controller and all custom designs) shall be tested to at least 95% stuck-at fault coverage as is defined by [A.D.8], Method 5012. ID : L2B_SPARD_106 Requirement: Quiescent current (all vector IDDQ method) tests shall be based on a set of vectors that will toggle 99% of the nodes. ID : L2B_SPARD_107 Requirement: As a minimum, the following additional tests shall be conducted on Digital ASICs: (a) Operating speed (or maximum testable speed) functional test to verify all functions of the design. (b) DC and AC parametric test vectors. ID : L2B_SPARD_108 Mixed Signal ASIC Test ID : L2B_SPARD_109 Requirement: For mixed-signal ASICs, the digital portions shall be tested as above, digital ASIC tests. The analog portions shall be modeled and tests performed to measure the correspondence of the actual part performance to the models. ID : L2B_SPARD_110 5.2.3 Custom Hybrid, MCM and HDI Microcircuits ID : L2B_SPARD_111 Requirement: Custom hybrid devices designed and fabricated by non-QML sources shall be in conformance with requirements of Class K reliability level of [A.D.6]. ID : L2B_SPARD_112 Requirement: Custom hybrid QML sources shall be in conformance with Class H reliability level of [A.D.6]. ID : L2B_SPARD_113 Requirement: Document review and pre-cap inspection shall be performed for all hybrids prior to seal. ID : L2B_SPARD_114 Requirement: All substrates for use in custom hybrids or MCM, shall be subjected to [A.D.6] substrate element evaluation. ID : L2B_SPARD_115 Requirement: All Low Temperature Co-fired ceramic (LTCC) substrates shall be qualified and screened through a Project approved screening and qualification program. ID : L2B_SPARD_116 5.2.4 Destructive Physiscal analysis (DPA) ID : L2B_SPARD_117 Requirement: Non Standard Parts shall be subjected to DPAs and RGA (cavity devices) per the requirements of [A.D.15] for each manufacturing lot date code. DPA/RGA is not required when approved by the parts specialist (i.e. for parts subjected to SCSI or full visual inspections) ID : L2B_SPARD_118 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 14 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: Ceramic capacitors rate to 100V or less and used in 10V or less applications shall be subjected to DPA and proven to have a dielectric thickness of at least 20 microns (0.8 mils) before being approved for use. ID : L2B_SPARD_119 5.2.5 Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND) ID : L2B_SPARD_120 Requirement: Non Standard cavity devices shall require PIND testing in accordance with [A.D.8], Method 2020, Condition “A”. Parts being PIND tested will be subject to one pass only. Rejects will be removed from the lot and reminder of the parts will be considered acceptable. ID : L2B_SPARD_121 5.2.6 Solid Tantalum Style Capacitor Additional Screening ID : L2B_SPARD_122 Requirement: All solid tantalum capacitors shall be subjected to 100% surge current testing. ID : L2B_SPARD_123 Requirement: CWR type capacitors shall be tested in accordance with test option B of [A.D.11] ID : L2B_SPARD_124 Requirement: CSR type capacitors shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate slash sheet of [A.D.12]. ID : L2B_SPARD_125 5.2.7 Radiation ID : L2B_SPARD_126 Information: References to "Part Specialists" or "Radiation Specialists" below, refer to the "Procuring Agency's Specialists". ID : L2B_SPARD_127 Requirement: All parts shall be evaluated for radiation Total Ionizing Dose (TID), Displacement Damage (DD) and Single Event Effect (SEE) sensitivity in accordance to the radiation levels specified in the [R.D.7]. ID : L2B_SPARD_128 Requirement: All parts evaluated to be radiation sensitive: (a) Shall undergo characterization testing and /or lot acceptance testing in accordance with CONAE, or (b) Shall demonstrate by analysis based on test data to be compatible with the SAOCOM radiation levels. ID : L2B_SPARD_129 Requirement: Device types that are not fabricated using a radiation hardened process shall be subjected to Radiation Lot Acceptance Testing (RLAT). ID : L2B_SPARD_130 Requirement: All linear bipolar and BiCMOS ICs shall be evaluated for susceptibility to Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS). Radiation specialist shall review and approve these parts for use. ID : L2B_SPARD_131 Requirement: ELDRS test plan and procedure shall be approved by radiation specialist. ID : L2B_SPARD_132 Requirement: All flight parts shall operate within post-irradiation specification limits following exposure to twice the expected total dose environment (i.e., RDF of 2) specified in [R.D.7]. ID : L2B_SPARD_134 Requirement: All devices shall operate within specification limits following exposure to twice the expected environment (i.e., RDF of 2) specified in [R.D.7]. ID : L2B_SPARD_135 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 15 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: All microcircuits containing bistable elements (e.g. flip-flops, counters, RAMs, microprocessors, etc.) shall be characterized to a fluency of 10E7 ions/cm² so that an upset rate calculation can be performed. ID : L2B_SPARD_136 Requirement: The criteria for evaluating part Single Event Upset (SEU) acceptability shall be: (a) No upsets observed during SEU testing with LET of 75 MeV-cm2/mg, or (b) Verification of device bit error rate of 10E-10 per day or better in the galactic cosmic ray environment, or (c) Calculation of a device's upset rate shall be equal to or less than the required circuit upset rate, as determined by circuit SEU analysis. Note: in those cases where the component is not according with part (b) of this requirement, e.g. mass memories, it is necessary (obligatory) to implement detection and correction error system, in order to comply with part (b). ID : L2B_SPARD_137 Requirement: All devices (including those with epitaxial layers) shall be subject to latch-up evaluation. ID : L2B_SPARD_138 Requirement: The criteria for evaluating part Latch-up acceptability shall be: (a) part does not exhibit latch-up to an LET of 75 MeV-cm2 /mg, or (b) verification confirms the device latch up probability in the mission environment to be < 10E-4 /device-year for parts that exhibit latch up between 35 Mev-cm2/mg and 75 MeV-cm2/mg, or (c) the device passes a radiation test to a fluency of 10E7 ions/cm2. Test plan and procedure shall be reviewed and approved by designated radiation specialist prior to testing. ID : L2B_SPARD_139 Requirement: A waiver is required for LET sensitive devices used in the circuits with latch up protection circuitry. ID : L2B_SPARD_140 Requirement: All power MOSFETs operated in the off-mode shall be evaluated for, single event gate rupture (SEGR) at the worst-case application VGS. The survival voltage (VDS) shall be based on exposure to a minimum fluency of 10E6 ions/cm² of an ion with a minimum LET of 37 MeV-cm2/mg and with a range greater than 100 microns. The application voltage shall be derated to 75% of the established survival voltage. ID : L2B_SPARD_141 Requirement: All power transistors operated in the off-mode shall be evaluated for, single event burnout (SEB) at the worst-case application VBE (for bipolar devices) or VGS (for MOS devices). The survival voltage (VCE or VDS) shall be based on exposure to a minimum fluency of 10E6 ions/cm² of an ion with a minimum LET of 37 MeV-cm2/mg and with a range greater than 100 microns. Testing shall be performed with normal beam incidence and at room ambient temperature. Test requirements for single event burnout shall be identical to those for SEGR except that the drain current (or collector current for bipolar transistor) shall be measured to determine if burnout occurs. The application voltage shall be derated to 75% of the established survival voltage. ID : L2B_SPARD_142 Requirement: Parts for which a SET would unacceptably impact system operation shall be evaluated for SET. ID : L2B_SPARD_143 5.2.8 Implementation requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_144 Requirement: All non-standard parts shall be approved by MRB. ID : L2B_SPARD_145 Requirement: Part specialist shall be a member of the Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design team and attend ASIC design meetings. ID : L2B_SPARD_146 Requirement: All ASIC developments shall have PDR, CDR and manufacturing Readiness Review. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 16 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_147 Requirement: Part specialist shall be a member of the Custom Hybrid, MCM and HDI Microcircuits design team and attend the design meetings. ID : L2B_SPARD_148 Requirement: All hybrid, MCM and HDI developments shall have PDR, CDR and manufacturing Readiness Review. ID : L2B_SPARD_149 Requirement: A list of part types used by the design organization shall be reviewed against available alerts from space organizations or similar through the project life cycle. ID : L2B_SPARD_150 Requirement: A final "as-designed" parts list shall be reviewed by part specialist prior to CDR. ID : L2B_SPARD_151 Requirement: Failure analysis shall be performed on all parts that failed during or subsequent to screening to determine if failure was lot dependent. ID : L2B_SPARD_152 5.3 Quality assurance (QA) ID : L2B_SPARD_153 5.3.1 Quality Management System (QMS) ID : L2B_SPARD_154 Requirement: CONAE-PC shall implement a Mission Assurance Plan in accordance to ESA requirements. All sub-tier contractors shall implement a Product Assurance Plan in accordance to the requirements of SAO-PAS-RS-00002 “PA Plan for subcontractors” and submit it for approval to CONAE-PC. Those subcontractors that are ISO 9001 certified, may issue the required PA Plan as part of their quality management system and make reference to relevant documentation. ID : L2B_SPARD_155 Requirement: CONAE-C PA area shall audit the contractors PA Plans. ID : L2B_SPARD_156 Requirement: Contractors shall flow down SAOCOM requirements to sub-tier vendors and ensure that sub-tier vendors supporting the SAOCOM Project produce hardware and services that meet the requirements. ID : L2B_SPARD_157 Requirement: Contractors shall qualify their sub-tiers prior to contract award and for the monitoring and quality of parts produced by sub-tier vendors. ID : L2B_SPARD_158 Requirement: Upon request, the contractors shall make available to CONAE-PC PA area the records of their activities related to the implementation of their PA Plans. ID : L2B_SPARD_159 Requirement: Contractor shall designate at least one person as the manager or lead dedicated to the SAOCOM Project representing the contractor's Product Assurance organization. ID : L2B_SPARD_160 Requirement: Contractors shall identify Mandatory Inspection Points (MIPS) and inform CONAEPC in advance of the schedule for MIPs. ID : L2B_SPARD_161 Requirement: CONAE-PC PA representative shall have access to appropriate areas of the contractors facilities. ID : L2B_SPARD_162 Requirement: CONAE-PC PA representative shall be notified of meetings, reviews, testing, test set-ups, inspection points, and other activities in advance ID : L2B_SPARD_163 Requirement: A minimum of three working days notice to CONAE -PC PA for itinerant source inspections is required. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 17 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_164 5.3.2 Critical Processes ID : L2B_SPARD_165 Requirement: Contractors shall successfully demonstrate the capability to conduct critical processes that affect the quality of the parts or hardware being built. ID : L2B_SPARD_166 Information: (1) Contractors' capabilities can be demonstrated using various methods including metrics and process control charts. (2) Critical processes include but are not limited to the following: (a) Plating, (b) Anodizing, (c) Heat treating, (d) Welding, (e) Soldering, (f) Polymeric applications, (g) Cleaning, (h) Die attachment, (i) Wire bonding, (j) Magnetic Particle inspection, (k) Radiographic inspection, (l) Ultrasonic inspection, (m) Liquid penetration inspection ID : L2B_SPARD_167 Requirement: All quality control processes used such as Electro-Static Discharge control plan, workmanship standards; contamination control shall meet or exceed requirements contemplated on the corresponding document (e.g. for Contamination control, corresponds [R.D.1]). ID : L2B_SPARD_168 5.3.3 Quality Records and Controlled Documents ID : L2B_SPARD_169 Requirement: Hardware provider shall retain quality Records and furnish them to SAOCOM project upon request or delivery of the component to the project. ID : L2B_SPARD_170 Requirement: Hardware provider shall maintain full traceability on all hardware designed as flight, flight spare, engineering model, ground support equipment and other critical equipment that interfaces with flight hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_171 Requirement: Hardware provider shall maintain and deliver records of S/W Requirements, Users Guides and S/W Acceptance Tests results. ID : L2B_SPARD_172 Requirement: Hardware provider shall include a data package sufficient enough to validate a component's pedigree as flight worthy and to support a failure investigation, if necessary. Requirement for EIDP and as-Built-Data will be defined in the Purchase Order or Contract Statement of Work (SOW). ID : L2B_SPARD_173 5.3.4 Non conformance reporting ID : L2B_SPARD_174 Requirement: Contractors shall have a closed loop reporting system for the handling of nonconformances with a means to measure the effectiveness of any corrective action taken, in accordance to SAO-PAS-PR-00001 subcontractors non conformance control ID : L2B_SPARD_175 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 18 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: Non-conformances Review Board activities occurring at CONAE-PC shall be reviewed and approved by CONAE-C PA area. . ID : L2B_SPARD_176 Requirement: Similarly, Material Review Board activities occurring at the sub-tiers shall be reviewed and approved by SAOCOM project management. ID : L2B_SPARD_177 5.3.5 Handling, Packaging, Shipping, and Storage Control ID : L2B_SPARD_178 Requirement: Hardware provider shall have documented and approved processes for handling, packaging, shipping, and storage of critical hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_179 Requirement: Non-conforming hardware shall be kept (segregated) in areas only designated for non-conforming hardware with precautions made to prevent the co-mingling of these parts with other acceptable hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_180 Requirement: All EEE parts and materials procured for SAOCOM shall be segregated and stored in a dedicated store space. ID : L2B_SPARD_181 5.3.6 Control Assembly, Test, and Launch Operation Support ID : L2B_SPARD_182 Requirement: QA shall provide the necessary support, as determined by Mission Assurance Management, to ensure correct and safe integration of hardware deliverables. QA activities shall include, but not be limited to: (a) Review and certification of transportation vehicles. (b) Receiving inspection. (c) Surveillance and monitoring to assure compliance to satellite processing and testing procedures. (d) Performing and documenting necessary inspections. (e) Monitoring and verification of satellite closeout procedures. (f) Verification of flight ready status prior to LV integration. (g) Verification of compliance to procedures and requirements regarding satellite processing in preparation for Launch Vehicle integration. (h) Participation in Launch Vehicle Integration Readiness Reviews. (i) Ensure Project Handling Constraints are clearly identified and that integration procedures are in compliance. (j) Monitoring and ensuring contamination control procedures are followed. ID : L2B_SPARD_183 5.3.7 Training ID : L2B_SPARD_184 Requirement: Hardware provider shall provide adequate training and certification to personnel to insure they are qualified to perform critical processes. ID : L2B_SPARD_185 Requirement: Hardware providers shall ensure that sub-tier contractor personnel are appropriately qualified and certified. ID : L2B_SPARD_186 5.3.8 Software (S/W) Quality Assurance ID : L2B_SPARD_187 Information: S/W quality assurance applies to both, SAOCOM Service-Platform and SAR instrument. ID : L2B_SPARD_188 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 19 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A S/W Development Process ID : L2B_SPARD_189 Requirement: Equipment providers shall follow the established processes and standards specified in the contractor developed S/W Management Plan (SMP). ID : L2B_SPARD_190 Requirement Traceability ID : L2B_SPARD_191 Requirement: Two-way requirement traceability shall be established: (a) SAOCOM Specification/ Contactor Developed Functional Requirements to S/W Requirements. (b) S/W Requirements to S/W Design/Implementation. (c) S/W Requirements to S/W Acceptance Tests. ID : L2B_SPARD_192 S/W Reviews ID : L2B_SPARD_193 Requirement: Contractor SQAE shall participate in the following S/W related reviews to assure adequacy, consistency and completeness of the Contractor Implementation Plan: • Software Architecture Design Review. • Software Detailed Design Review. • Software Test Readiness Review. ID : L2B_SPARD_194 Requirement: A SQAE from each software development organization shall assure that the action items/defects resulting from the S/W reviews are tracked and resolved. ID : L2B_SPARD_195 Requirement: A S/W inheritance review shall be performed for inherited S/W to ensure that the inherited S/W meets project requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_196 Requirement: SQAE shall ensure that all S/W deliverables as specified in the SMP, CDRLs, and DRDs are verified and validated prior to any S/W delivery review or S/W Review/Certification Requirement review (SRCR). ID : L2B_SPARD_197 S/W Verification and Validation (V&V) ID : L2B_SPARD_198 Requirement: Software development organization shall report test coverage matrix to ensure adequate S/W test coverage. ID : L2B_SPARD_199 Requirement: All software development review shall have a defined scope and pass/fail criteria. ID : L2B_SPARD_200 Requirement: Contractor shall have an independent review process that assures the S/W Acceptance Test shall cover the following: (a) Stress testing (b) Reused S/W tested in the operating environment. (c) Fault Protection functions ID : L2B_SPARD_201 Requirement: All the following items of the S/W and firmware destined for Qualification, Protofligth, Flight, Flight Spares, shall be subjected to Contractor SQA evaluations: (a) Accuracy of as-built product identification (b) Proper Test Plan/Procedures/Reports have been released (c) Installation Manual (d) List of open/closed PFR or liens against this delivery. ID : L2B_SPARD_202 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 20 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A S/W Configuration Management ID : L2B_SPARD_203 Requirement: SQAE shall ensure that the project follows S/W configuration management procedures in accordance with the Project Information, IT and Configuration Management Plan. ID : L2B_SPARD_204 S/W Engineering Change Request ID : L2B_SPARD_205 Requirement: SQAE shall participate in assessing the impact of the S/W ECRs. Prior to S/W SRCR, contractor SQAE shall perform this function. ID : L2B_SPARD_206 5.4 Safety Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_207 5.4.1 General Safety Design Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_208 Information: The number of design inhibits required to prevent an overall system failure or mishap is based on the failure or mishap result. ID : L2B_SPARD_209 Catastrophic Hazard ID : L2B_SPARD_210 Information: A catastrophic hazard can result in the potential for a disabling or fatal personnel injury or for loss of facilities or equipment (e.g., ground processing facility, launch vehicle, other payload). ID : L2B_SPARD_211 Requirement: If a system failure may lead to a catastrophic hazard, the system shall have at least three inhibits (dual fault tolerant). ID : L2B_SPARD_212 Critical Hazard ID : L2B_SPARD_213 Information: A critical hazard can result in damage to equipment, a personnel injury or in the unscheduled use of saving procedures, that affect operators/operation of the SAOCOM. ID : L2B_SPARD_214 Requirement: If a system failure may lead to a critical hazard, the system shall have at least two inhibits (single fault tolerant). ID : L2B_SPARD_215 Marginal Hazard ID : L2B_SPARD_216 Requirement: If a system failure may lead to a marginal hazard, the system shall have at least a single inhibit (no fault tolerant). ID : L2B_SPARD_217 Return to Safe State ID : L2B_SPARD_218 Requirement: Systems shall be able to be brought to a safe state with the loss of an inhibit. ID : L2B_SPARD_219 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 21 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Independent and Verifiable ID : L2B_SPARD_220 Requirement: All inhibits shall be independent and verifiable, common cause failures shall be considered. ID : L2B_SPARD_221 Electrical and mechanical hardware ID : L2B_SPARD_222 Requirement: Design inhibits shall consist of electrical and/or mechanical hardware. ID : L2B_SPARD_223 Operator Controls ID : L2B_SPARD_224 Requirement: Operator controls shall not be considered a design inhibit. ID : L2B_SPARD_225 Information: Operator controls are considered an inhibition control. ID : L2B_SPARD_226 5.4.2 Documentation Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_227 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with Launch Safety Package (LSP) submittal, reviews, and approval process as defined in launch site safety requirement document. ID : L2B_SPARD_228 5.4.3 Flight System Design Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_229 Requirement:SAOCOM Flight System Design requirements shall be in accordance with what it has been defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_230 Material Handling Equipment ID : L2B_SPARD_231 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with general requirements for Material Handling Equipment (MHE) as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_232 Cranes and Hoists ID : L2B_SPARD_233 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with Cranes and Hoists requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_234 Removable, Extendable, and Hinged Personnel Work Platforms ID : L2B_SPARD_235 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with requirements for the design, inspection, and test of personnel work platforms as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_236 Man-Rated Baskets ID : L2B_SPARD_237 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with man-rated baskets requirement as defined in [A.D.19]. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 22 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A ID : L2B_SPARD_238 Acoustic Hazards ID : L2B_SPARD_239 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with acoustic design standards and acoustics data requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_240 Non-Ionizing Radiation Sources ID : L2B_SPARD_241 Radio Frequency Emitter ID : L2B_SPARD_242 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with radio frequency emitter design standards as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_243 Laser System ID : L2B_SPARD_244 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with laser system design standards as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_245 Radioactive (Ionizing Radiation) Sources ID : L2B_SPARD_246 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with radioactive sources design, standards as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_247 Hazardous Materials ID : L2B_SPARD_248 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with hazardous materials selection criteria, test requirements, hazardous materials environmental requirements, and data requirements as defined [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_249 Ground Support Pressure, Vacuum, and Hazardous Storage Systems ID : L2B_SPARD_250 Definition of Ground Support Hazardous Pressure Systems ID : L2B_SPARD_251 Information: These requirements establish minimum safety design, fabrication, installation, testing, inspection, recertification, and data requirements for fixed, portable, or mobile ground support hazardous pressure systems. Ground support systems include aerospace ground equipment (AGE), ground support equipment (GSE), missile support systems, real property installed equipment (RPIE), and industrial property. Ground support hazardous pressure systems are defined as follows: (1) systems used to store and transfer hazardous fluids such as cryogens, flammables, combustibles, and hypergols; (2) systems with operating pressures that exceed 250 psig; (3) systems with stored energy levels exceeding 14,240 ft lb; (4) systems that are identified by Range Safety as safety critical. ID : L2B_SPARD_252 Ground Support Pressure System Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_253 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 23 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ground support pressure vacuum and storage systems requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_256 Ground Support Pressure Systems Certification and Recertification ID : L2B_SPARD_257 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with requirements as defined in [A.D.19] for all ground support pressure systems certification and recertification. ID : L2B_SPARD_258 Flight Hardware Pressure System and Pressurized Structure General Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_259 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with requirements as defined in [A.D.19] for flight hardware pressure system and pressurized structure. ID : L2B_SPARD_260 Flight Hardware Pressure Vessel Design, Analysis, and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_261 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with requirements as defined in [A.D.19] for flight hardware pressure vessel design, analysis, and test. ID : L2B_SPARD_262 Flight Hardware Metallic Pressurized Structure Analysis and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_263 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware metallic pressurized structure analysis and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_264 Flight Hardware Special Pressurized Equipment Design, Analysis, and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_265 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware special pressurized equipment design, analysis, and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_266 Flight Hardware Pressure System Component Design and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_267 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware pressure system component design and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. Included are hydraulic, pneumatic, hypergolic, and cryogenic system components. ID : L2B_SPARD_268 Flight Hardware Pneumatic System Design Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_269 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware pneumatic system design requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_270 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 24 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Flight Hardware Hydraulic system Design, and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_271 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware hydraulic system design and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_272 Flight Hardware Hypergolic Propellant System Design and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_273 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware hypergolic propellant system design and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_274 Flight Hardware Cryogenic Systems Design and Test Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_275 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware cryogenic systems design and test requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_276 Flight Hardware Pressure Systems Data Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_277 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with flight hardware pressure systems data requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_278 Ordnance System ID : L2B_SPARD_279 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordinance hazard classification requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_280 Ordnance System General Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_281 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordinance system general requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_282 Ordnance Electrical and Optical Circuits ID : L2B_SPARD_283 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordnance electrical and optical circuits requirement as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_284 Initiator Electrical and Optical Circuits ID : L2B_SPARD_285 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with initiator electrical and optical circuits requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_286 Ordnance Safety Devices ID : L2B_SPARD_287 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 25 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordnance safety devices requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_288 Ordnance Initiating Devices ID : L2B_SPARD_289 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordnance initiating devices requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_290 Explosive Transfer Systems and Receptor Ordnance ID : L2B_SPARD_291 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with explosive transfer systems and receptor ordnance requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_292 Ordnance Test Equipment ID : L2B_SPARD_293 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordnance test equipment requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_294 Ordnance Data Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_295 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with ordnance data requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_296 Electrical and Electronic Ground Support Equipment and Flight Hardware General Design Requirements and Standards ID : L2B_SPARD_297 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with electrical and electronic ground support equipment and flight hardware general design requirements and standards as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_298 EGSE Design Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_299 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with EGSE design requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_300 Electrical and Electronic Flight Hardware ID : L2B_SPARD_301 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with electrical and electronic flight hardware requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_302 Computer Systems and Software General Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_303 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with computer systems and software general requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_304 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 26 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Determination of Safety Critical Computer System Functions ID : L2B_SPARD_305 Requirement: SAOCOM shall identify all safety critical computer system functions (SCCSFs). These functions are defined as any computer system function that, (1) if not performed, (2) if performed out of sequence, or (3) if performed incorrectly, may directly or indirectly cause a safety hazard to exist. Safety critical computer system functions include, but are not necessarily limited to: (a) software used to control and/or monitor safety critical systems, (b) software used for fault detection in safety critical computer hardware or software, (c) software used to transmit safety critical data, including time-critical data and data about hazardous conditions, (d) software that responds to the detection of a safety critical fault, (e) FTS software, (f) software that computes safety critical data, (g) software used to access safety critical data, (h) processor interrupt software associated with previously designated safety critical computer system functions. [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_306 Hardware and Software Safety Design Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_307 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with hardware and software safety design requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_308 Software Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_309 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with software requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_310 Computer System and software Data Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_311 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with computer system and software data requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_312 Seismic Design ID : L2B_SPARD_313 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with anchorage or restraint requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_314 Basic Seismic Design ID : L2B_SPARD_315 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with basic seismic design requirement as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_316 Seismic Data Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_317 Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with seismic data requirements as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_318 5.4.4 Ground Support Personnel, Equipment, Systems, and Material Operations Safety Requirements ID : L2B_SPARD_319 Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 27 of 28 S.P.A.R.D SAO-PAS-RS-00001-A Requirement: SAOCOM shall comply with safety requirements for ground personnel and equipment, systems, and material operations on the ranges as defined in [A.D.19]. ID : L2B_SPARD_320 5.4.5 Mishap Reporting ID : L2B_SPARD_321 Requirement: all Contractor employees are responsible for reporting mishaps immediately. In the event that a mishap is serious (defined above), the Contractor shall immediately notify Project Management. All mishaps shall be documented on a Mishap Report and forwarded to Project Management. ID : L2B_SPARD_322 Requirement: When a mishap reporting occurs, an Initial Mishap Report shall be sent to SAOCOM Systems Safety Engineer within 24 hours of the mishap. ID : L2B_SPARD_323 5.4.6 Lifting Device ID : L2B_SPARD_324 Requirement: The testing, inspection, maintenance, operational, and operator and rigger certification/ re-certification / licensing requirements apply to new and existing lifting devices and equipment. All lifting devices and equipment shall comply with NASA Standards, [A.D.3]. or equivalent defined by CONAE. Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Page 28 of 28