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Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants
By Kathy Bonewit-West
6th edition, ©2004
Section I: Infection Control
1: The Medical Record
2: Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard
3: Sterilization and Disinfection
Section II: Basic Clinical Procedures
4: Vital Signs
5: The Physical Examination
Section III: Specialty Examinations and Procedures
6: Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures
7: Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing
8: The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care
9: The Pediatric Examination
Section IV: Advanced Clinical Procedures
10: Minor Office Surgery
11: Administration of Medication
Section V: Diagnostic Testing
12: Cardiopulmonary Procedures
13: Colon Procedures and Male Reproductive Health
14: Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Section VI: Physician’s Office Laboratory
15: Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory
16: Urinalysis
17: Phlebotomy
18: Hematology
19: Blood Chemistry and Serology
20: Medical Microbiology
Section VII: Emergency Medical Procedures
21: Emergency Medical Procedures
A: Medical Abbreviations
B: The Human Body Highlights of Structure and Function