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A Public Private
Governance Model for
Zero Carbon Trade Sector
2nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense
19th-20th December 2011
A well organized and targeted communication activity respond to the need of
increasing transparency and awareness of the Zerotrade sub-project by:
- ensure the adequate presentation of the project, the programme and European
cooperation by creating awareness of the project activities and by disseminating its
- helping others to benefit from project’s activities, good practices and results achieved
- ensuring maximum benefit from the project by multiplying the effects of EU funding
The wide dissemination of the project progress and results to carefully targeted
stakeholders will considerably increase the chances of ZEROTRADE sub-project policy
recommendations further implementation.
Various Communication tools are indicated within the Annex II (Implementation plan)
and within the Communication Plan.
A set of communication materials has to be produced to diffuse information about
the sub-project and its results and to communicate on the role of partners as well as on
the financial support of the European Commission and the INTERREG IVC
Programme and LoCaRE mini-programme to the sub-project’s activities:
•2 brochures translated in 5 languages:
- the 1st brochure at the sub-project launch, to introduce the sub-project, its objectives and
- the 2nd brochure, after the sub-project completion, to present the ZEROTRADE model and policy
•4 press releases will be launched to ensure wide dissemination and awareness of the
sub-project. Two English press releases version was already done by P1, one for
Retail Forum, one for the newsletter of the LoCaRe site visit.
•A final publication on sub-project results and outputs will be produced. It will be
distributed at the last workshop and through partners' networks.
A programme of interregional workshops and dissemination events (total of 16)
will be delivered throughout the sub-project.
•4 interregional workshops will be organised by partners just before or after LoCaRe
conferences and site visits and will be used as a means to widely disseminate the subproject activities and outputs in Europe to other local and regional authorities that could
benefit from them. Representatives from European Institutions, Retail Forum, LoCaRe
Regions and other relevant projects will be invited to attend interregional workshops to
discuss with partners the sub-project results. This is a key element of the
communication strategy that will certainly ease reaching the sub-project objectives.
•At local level each partner will organise at least 4 dissemination activities to involve
citizens-consumers. These activities will be hosted in the sample retail outlets
implementing pilot actions with the aim of increasing citizens awareness of sustainable
behaviors to reduce CO2₂ emissions and of sustainable consumptions practices.
The Project Communication Plan (PCP) is a strategic tool to raise awareness
about the project and to disseminate its results to external stakeholders and the
public to ensure efficient internal communication among sub-project partners (SPPs)
by identifying and defining:
•target audiences
•communication messages
•the means to be used and the actions to be taken
•the expected results, impacts and evaluation methods
The PCP also outlines the publicity methods and requirements to be followed by
participants in order to ensure visibility, transparency and better dissemination of
the project and its achievements in the respect of all applicable national and
European legislation.
Sub-project communication plan is an ongoing and lively process. Partners are
therefore required to dedicate sufficient time and efforts to information and publicity
throughout the sub-project lifetime and beyond sub-project closure.
Also, for the same reasons, the sub-project Communication Plan will be kept
under review and updated as appropriate during the life of the sub-project.
Insufficient communication can lead to conflicts and problems. Too much or irrelevant
information may on the other hand confuse or lead to a drop of interest in sub-project
communication. It is therefore important to be clear about:
What needs to be communicated and to what level of detail?
Who needs to be informed?
When and how often they need to be informed?
How they should be informed?
The ZEROTRADE sub-project gathers 4 partners coming from 4 different EU Member
States for a period of 23 months. Therefore communication flows are important and
shall involve all partners in a concrete, clear and timely way.
Communication within the sub-project team helps:
- sharing information that partners need in order to work
- information about
to problems and successes;
sub-project progress to identify and react
- information about decisions and changes within the sub-project and
externally to ensure all partners have the latest information
ZEROTRADE partners are committed in reducing impacts of activities at local level.
Therefore in organizing interregional-workshops and delivering communication
activities partners are demanded to:
1.use only recycled papers for forums and meetings;
2.avoid use of plastic glasses and bottles during forums and meetings;
3. choose meeting locations with an high environmental performance and biological products;
4.prefer conference and video calls, e-mail and chats for management and coordination
activities and exchange of information;
5. use only recycled paper for communication materials (e.g. sub-project brochure), print materials
in ecological certified tipografies and prefer on-web promotion tools;
6.provide free public transport for citizens participating in communication and dissemination
activities (e.g. to reach locations of pilot actions);
7.compensate impacts of interregional events increasing production of renewable energy from
municipalities plants or planting trees in green public areas.
The Zerotrade, LoCaRe, Interreg IV C and EU logo shall always be visible!
Green graffiti
BC Spot
Sustainable consumption guide
Launch event – 25th November 2011
25th November 2011, within the
European week for Waste
Reduction the Io Riduco!
Network was inaugurated with
a conference held by Luca
Mercalli, author of the book
“Prepariamoci” and regular
guest in “Che tempo che fa” tv
Launch event – 25th November 2011
Mailing lists
Selection of mailing list of about
150 between:
- editorial unit
- press
- specialized website
- web tv
- Emilia Romagna Region
- Province of Forlì-Cesena
- other Municipalities
- environmental association
- scout
- voluntary ecological guard
Collection of mailing list of about
160 participants to the IO
RIDUCO! launch event:
- citizens
- environmental association
- journalists
- association of consumers
- associations of retailers
- large scale retail sector
- environmental association
- scout
- voluntary ecological guard
Other communication activities
Radio Spot of few minutes in a local radio presenting the launch event and explaining
briefing the IO RIDUCO! network.
TV Programme of 10 minutes shown in a regional tv network 3 times and uploaded in
our Municipality website.
Facebook event of the launch evening to invite people and explain the IO RIDUCO!
Newsletter within the European Week for Waste Reduction 2011 presenting the IO
RIDUCO! network and launch evening.
Press release sent to about 150 press and editorial offices.
Invite to the launch event sent to more than 1500 people of environmental
associations, retail sector, policy makers, citizens, etc…
More than 70 posters in a A0 size were hanged up on the streets of Cesena.
Municipality of Cesena
Councillor for Environmental Sustainibility and European Projects
Lia Montalti
+39 0547 356400
[email protected]
Municipality of Cesena
Department for Environment Safety and Territory
Elena Giovannini
+ 39 0547 356215
[email protected]