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Attendance card for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Ferrovial, S.A. (the “Company”), to
be held in the ONCE Auditorium, Paseo de la Habana no. 208, 28036 Madrid, on Wednesday 5 April
2017 at 12:30 pm on second call, in the event that—due to a failure to reach the required quorum—
the Meeting cannot be held on first call, scheduled for the previous day, 4 April, at the same time and
place. (The Meeting is expected to take place on second call.)
Shareholder identification details
Name or Company Name
ID or passport
No. of shares owned
Signature of the shareholder
In Madrid, on ____ _______________ 2017
Mr./Ms. ___________________________
Attendance at the General Shareholders’ Meeting is open to those shareholders who hold or represent
at least 100 shares (individually or in a group with other shareholders) registered with the “Sociedad
de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A.” (Iberclear) five
(5) days prior to the scheduled date of the Meeting.
This card will only be considered valid by the Company and, therefore, will grant the bearer access to
the General Meeting, once the Company verifies the shareholder status of the said person by
comparing the ownership data and number of shares with the data in the Company’s shareholder
Individuals attending the Meeting with this attendance card must present a national identification
document or passport to the personnel in charge of the shareholder registry.
In the event that a corporate shareholder completes the attendance card, the individual attending the
Meeting on behalf of the corporate entity must—on the day of the Meeting—present to the personnel
in charge of the shareholder registry the original authorisation demonstrating that the natural person
is entitled to act on behalf of the corporate shareholder.
In order to be considered valid for use, a duly completed copy of all attendance cards obtained from
the Company’s registered address, downloaded from the website, or received by post (free of charge)
must arrive at the following address before 24:00 on 2 April 2017:
Ferrovial, S.A.
Atención al Accionista
C/ Príncipe de Vergara 135
28002, Madrid
Examination and approval, as appropriate, of the individual financial statements (balance sheet,
profit and loss statement, statement of changes in net equity, cash flow statement and notes to the
financial statements) and the management report of Ferrovial, S.A., as well as the consolidated
financial statements and the management report for the consolidated group, with respect to the
financial year ended 31 December 2016.
Application of results for financial year 2016.
Examination and approval, as appropriate, of the management of the Board of Directors carried out
in financial year 2016.
Reappointment of auditors for the Company and its consolidated group.
Confirmation and appointment of Directors.
Confirmation and appointment of Mr. Philip Bowman as Director, appointed by co-optation
in the meeting of the Board of Directors of 28 July 2016.
Appointment of Ms. Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerb Sørensen as Director.
First share capital increase in the amount to be determined, by issuing new ordinary shares with a
par value of twenty euro cents (€0.20) each, against reserves, with no share premium, all of the
same class and series as those currently outstanding, offering shareholders the possibility of selling
the free-of-charge allocation rights to the Company itself (at a guaranteed price) or on the market.
Delegation of powers to the Board of Directors (with express power of sub-delegation) to establish
the date the increase is to be executed and the terms of the increase in all respects not provided
for by the General Meeting, as well as to undertake the actions necessary to ensure its execution,
to amend article 5 of the Bylaws related to share capital and to grant as many public and private
documents as are necessary to execute the increase, all in accordance with article 297.1.a) of the
Capital Companies Act. Application before the competent bodies for admission of the new shares to
listing on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges through the automated
quotation system (Sistema de Interconexión Bursátil) (Continuous Market).
Second share capital increase in the amount to be determined, by issuing new ordinary shares with
a par value of twenty euro cents (€0.20) each, against reserves, with no share premium, all of the
same class and series as those currently outstanding, offering shareholders the possibility of selling
the free-of-charge allocation rights to the Company itself (at a guaranteed price) or on the market.
Delegation of powers to the Board of Directors (with express power of sub-delegation) to establish
the date the increase is to be executed and the terms of the increase in all respects not provided
for by the General Meeting, as well as to undertake the actions necessary to ensure its execution,
to amend article 5 of the Bylaws related to share capital and to grant as many public and private
documents as are necessary to execute the increase, all in accordance with article 297.1.a) of the
Capital Companies Act. Application before the competent bodies for admission of the new shares to
listing on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges through the automated
quotation system (Sistema de Interconexión Bursátil) (Continuous Market).
Approval of a share capital reduction by means of the redemption of a maximum of 21,406,950 of
the Company’s own shares, representing 2.92% of the Company’s current share capital. Delegation
of powers to the Board of Directors (with the express power of sub-delegation) to establish any
other conditions for the capital reduction not foreseen by the General Meeting, including, among
other issues, the powers to amend article 5 of the Bylaws related to share capital and to apply for
the delisting and cancellation from the book‐entry registers of the amortized shares.
Amendment of the Company's Bylaws.
Amendment of sections 4, 5 and 6 of article 46 of the Company Bylaws. Attending the Board
of Directors’ meetings from different places using technical means.
Deletion of Chapter VII of the Company Bylaws (article 72). Temporary Provision relating to
the majority of Independent Directors in the composition of the Audit and Control
Authorisation to the Board of Directors for the derivative acquisition of own shares, directly or
through companies of the group.
Delegation of powers to interpret, rectify, supplement, execute and implement the resolutions
adopted by the General Shareholder's Meeting and delegation of powers to express and register
those resolutions as public instruments. Empowerment to file the financial statements as referred
to in article 279 of the Capital Companies Act.
Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration (article 541.4 of the Capital Companies Act).
Information on the amendments incorporated into the Regulations of the Board of Directors.