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S o l u t i o n s Fo r H e a lt h c a r e P r o v i d e r s
W e U n d e r s ta n d W h at ’ s I m p o r ta n t
t o Yo u r B o tt o m L i n e
Increase revenues
Secure faster payments
Reduce bad debt
Minimize administrative costs
Increase Profit
Partnering with an effective PPO Network can help you market your
healthcare services and get paid faster.
Hygeia’s “Relationship First” Provider contracting method and an understanding of our
medical partners’ business needs have been effective in creating profitable relationships
with an elite group of hospitals and physicians across the United States. Working with
Hygeia means having a dedicated business partner to support your organization’s financial
objectives while you focus on making quality healthcare affordable and accessible.
H e l p i n g H e a lt h c a r e P r o v i d e r s
Our network brings America’s best
hospitals and physicians together with premier Payers
across the country and around the world.
Join The Network of Choice for
Domestic and International Payers
Hygeia is the PPO network of choice for more than 200 domestic and international
healthcare Payers who choose our strategic coverage and competitive rates for their group
health, major medical, out-of-area/out-of-network (OOA/OON), foreign travel and expatriate
health insurance plans. Our extensive industry contacts and strong relationships make us a
powerful marketing agent for our Preferred Providers.
Join World-Class Medical Providers
Our network of acute medical care providers, including many Centers of Excellence,
are healthcare leaders providing quality care in all major medical specialties.
Participation in the Hygeia PPO network requires Providers to be in good standing with
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), agree to
competitive pricing, and honor select medical insurance plans.
H y g e i a D e l i v e r s Ta n g i b l e r e s u lt s
Increased Revenue
Hygeia is an experienced marketing agent for our Preferred Providers with a primary focus on helping to
increase patient volume and revenue. In 2002, we pioneered the first cooperative advertising campaign in the
international market to increase brand awareness and visibility of our medical partners. Hygeia Preferred
Payers use financial incentives, and work with our Client Services team and 24-hour internet-based provider
search tool to maximize use of our Preferred Providers.
Improved Cash Flow
Cash is the lifeblood of any Provider. Hygeia gets bills into the right hands and actively facilitates quick
payment turnaround for Preferred Providers. We enforce prompt payment obligations by our Preferred Payers
with disciplinary measures ranging from discount denial to the termination of access to our network.
In addition to the Hygeia PPO Network, we created a full-service receivable management company to help our
Preferred Providers reduce accounts receivable days and write-offs. Our team combines more than 30 years
experience with advanced data collection techniques to accelerate cash flow for medical partners. Fees are
100% performance-based. Let us show you how we can serve as an extension to your business office.
Decreased Administrative Costs
Our online repricing solutions and commitment to expediting payments for our Providers reduce the
administrative costs of re-billing, and the labor-intensive follow up on outstanding accounts. Hygeia serves as
a single point of contact, eliminating the time and expense of contacting multiple Payers and patients
worldwide. Our Provider Relations team’s primary objective is to deliver business solutions that positively
impact our Preferred Providers’ bottom lines.
Less Business Risk
Hygeia Preferred Payers represent a credible portfolio of healthcare buyers that deliver increased patient
volume to our Preferred Providers. Through due diligence and a stringent qualification process of our Payerclients, Hygeia ensures that our medical partners receive prompt reimbursement for care delivered, and
significantly minimize or eliminate write-offs.
We measure our success by our ability to help
clients reach their financial objectives.
Contact us at [email protected], 1-877-540-9788 or 305-594-9291
and let us demonstrate how we can help you.
Offices in
Miami • Toronto • Washington DC • New York