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Markus Roth
Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik
August 31, 2015
Welcome to Freiburg
• One of the sunniest cities in Germany
• Freiburg is located in front of the Black Forrest
• France and Switzerland are only a few kilometers away
• Freiburg is a university city and home for many research institutes
Astrophysics in Freiburg –
Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics
Fundamental research in solar & stellar physics:
• Theoretical & experimental departments
• Operates the German Telescopes on Tenerife
(Vacuum Tower Telescope & 1.5m GREGOR)
• Builds Visible Tunable Filter (VTF) for 4m DKIST
• Many international projects
(e.g. Solarnet, HELAS, SpaceInn, SPRING)
• 2 ERC groups:
 Advanced Grant HOTMOL – Svetlana Berdyugina
 Starting Grant ORIGIN – Markus Roth
Motivation for this Conference
• Bringing together solar and stellar physics
• Fostering scientific exchange and synergies between these
two areas of astrophysics
• Reviewing both areas:
 Sun as a Rosetta Stone for the stars?
 The large family of stars as the realizations of a physics experiment
with the Sun being one of them
• Need to understand:
 Solar and stellar observations
 Solar and stellar modelling
 Solar and stellar activity
Tools to probe the interiors: Solar and stellar seismology
In Memory of Jean-Paul Zahn
“… As a renowned expert in hydrodynamics, he played a
central role all along in his career in our understanding of
stellar and solar internal dynamics.
He in particular developed theories on hydrodynamic
instabilities in stellar interiors, demonstrating the key role
played by rotation in shaping the evolution of stars.
He made major contributions to the subjects of turbulent
convection, angular momentum transport and the
generation and excitation of internal gravity waves in stars.
He made the first model explaining the existence of the
solar tachocline, the thin intense shear layer at the base of
the solar convection zone.
He also was an active supporter of helio- and
asteroseismology space missions. …”
Claude Catala, Observatoire de Paris
*March 23, 1935 in Mulhouse
+ July 15, 2015
Solarnet - EAST
• EAST – European Association for Solar Telescopes
 Plan to construct the 4m European Solar Telescope (EST)
on the Canary Islands in the 2020s.
• Solarnet: High-resolution Solar Physics Network
 Integrated Activity funded by EU‘s FP7; 04/2013 – 03/2017
 Networking Activities, e.g. this conference & mobility program
 Transnational Access and Service Programme (poster P19)
 Joint Research Activities (e.g. SPRING)
 Coordinator: Monolo Collados, IAC
 Technical Manager: Markus Roth, KIS
HELAS & SpaceInn
• HELAS: European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network
 EU FP6 Coordination Action from 2006 – 2010
 After 2010 Consortium continued its coordinating activities
 Now: 24 partners from Europe and the USA
Initiates new projects:
 FP7 Collaborative Project “Exploitation of Space Data for Innovative
Helio- and Asteroseismology – SpaceInn”; 01/2013 – 12/2016
 Active Participation in Solarnet
(Networking Activities, Joint Research Activities, e.g. SPRING)
Solarnet – HELAS Meetings
• Tradition of HELAS Meetings:
HELAS I: SOHO/GONG Meeting in Sheffield 2006
HELAS II: Göttingen 2007
HELAS III: 1st CoRoT Symposion in Paris 2009
HELAS IV: Tenerife 2010
HELAS V: Obergurgl 2012 funded by European Science Foundation
HELAS VI: Göttingen 2014 funded by Max-Planck Society
• First Series of Solarnet Meetings
Solarnet I: Oslo 2013
Solarnet II: Palermo 2015
-> Solarnet III / HELAS VII / SpaceInn 2015 funded by Solarnet
Your Presentations
We have a dense conference program with many interesting talks
To allow a smooth transition between speakers:
• Please upload your talk to the conference computer
at the latest in the break before the session with your talk
persons in charge: Kolja Glogowski & Vigeesh Gangadharan
• Use your personal laptop only in exceptional cases
• Posters:
Will be on display during the whole conference
Conference Proceedings
• All material to be collected at the new open access platform
• Dedicated Conference Site (this conference as a test case):
• Please create an account there:
It is easy!
• Upload your talk, poster, videos, explanatory material to your account
• Link your material to the conference with the unique
Conference Identifier (CID): solarnet3.2015
• Problems & Questions?
The Science Media team is continuously on standby during the whole week
Thank You To
• Novotel am Konzerthaus Freiburg
• European Union‘s Framework Programme 7
• High-resolution Solar Physics Network – Solarnet
• European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network – HELAS
• Exploitation of Space Data for Innovative Helio- and Asteroseismology SpaceInn
• Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg
• Europa-Park, Rust
• Fa. Kranz Vilm Veranstaltungstechnik, Freiburg
• Restaurant Divan, Bertoldstraße 54, Freiburg
• The Science Media Network GmbH
I wish you an
interesting conference!