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Project deliverers
Sportivate: all you need to know
For projects delivered across Worcestershire
and Herefordshire between 1st April 2016 and
31st March 2017
Welcome to Sportivate!
This brief guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need to know about Sportivate,
from deciding on a project through to its completion.
Now in its sixth year of National Lottery and Sport England funding, Sportivate aims to capture the
inspiration and excitement of the London 2012 Olympic Games through providing exciting and sustainable
Your Sportivate contacts in Herefordshire & Worcestershire
Sports Partnership Herefordshire & Worcestershire (SPHW) works closely with the Local Authorities to
develop projects that really meet the needs of each district. Each Local Authority area has a Sportivate
budget and designated Sportivate lead who works with local delivery partners to establish projects. In
addition, SPHW also retains funding to work with delivery partners directly. As a project deliverer you are
able to apply directly to SPHW or your Local Authority contact. All applications are reviewed by SPHW.
Who can apply for Sportivate?
Schools/Colleges/Universities (delivery should not be during curriculum time)
Youth clubs
Sports clubs
Organisations who work with young people aged 11-25
Groups/workplaces representing 11-25 year olds
What does a Sportivate project look like?
The project will target children and young people aged 11-25, though where possible target 16+
Participants should be classed as inactive – this means participating in activity less than once a week
Projects should be sustainable and have a clearly identified exit route to ensure that participants
continue to take part in sport after the initial block of sessions has finished. This could be through
sustaining the sportivate sessions or integration into a nearby community club, a pay-and-play
session or any other on-going community sports provision.
Sessions will normally run for 1 hour per week for 6-8 weeks. Allowances can be made dependent
upon the project (justification will be required).
Activities should match and generate demand; you must be able to demonstrate a clearly identified
need for each project i.e. consultation with young people or other intelligence demonstrating that
people from the target age range want to take part in that sport in that area. Projects must
reference Sport England Youth Insight – available from SPHW website. Any female only projects must
reference This Girl Can – information available from SPHW website.
Funding should be used to fund new projects. However, if the need can be demonstrated, funding
can be used to extend existing projects as long as the additional provision is made clear (i.e. a
different group of participants is targeted or the activity is delivered in an additional location).
There must be an element of coaching / instruction within each session. Each coach must meet the
Minimum Standards of Deployment (Please discuss the project beforehand if you think this cannot
be achieved due to the nature of the project):
- Minimum age 18
- UKCC Level 2 (or equivalent) in the sport to be delivered
- Disclosure and Barring Service Check
- Insurance
- 3 Hour Emergency First Aid Qualification (preferably HSE)
- Safeguarding and Protecting Children
How to make your project stand out
We would like to see projects which have a focus on any of the following groups:
Inactive groups – those who participate in physical activity/sport for a maximum of 3 days out of 28
(less than once a week)
Those aged 18-25
Disability groups
Females – incorporating This Girl Can (SPHW Marketing can support you with this)
Young people from hard to reach/disadvantaged communities
What can the funding cover?
Eligible Costs:
 Coaching costs per hour
 Resources and materials to be used for the project
 Hire of facilities
 Transport – to get participants to the venue
 Marketing / Publicity – badges, posters, website etc.
 Training / Coach Education Courses that are needed in order to run or sustain the project
 Equipment
Ineligible Costs:
 Overheads – storage of equipment, insurance and asset register maintenance
 Statutory items
 Contingency costs – replacing damaged equipment etc
 Purchase of vehicles
 Buildings and refurbishment
 Items purchased before funding is offered
PLEASE NOTE – There are no minimum or maximum project costs as we aim to be flexible to meet the
needs of each individual project. You are welcome to apply for all costs you deem necessary for the project
to run and will assess each application in context.
How is Sportivate measured?
Sportivate is measured against the following targets:
‘Completed’ target - Each individual project will set a target for the number of participants they
anticipate to attend 5 out of 6 or 7 out of 8 sessions. Actual figures will be taken from project
registers and these are reported as the number of ‘Completed’ participants.
‘Inactive’ target – Participants who state on their registration form that they have taken part in 0-3
days of sport/physical activity over the last month will be classed as inactive. The number of
inactive participants must be a minimum of 40% of the total number of ‘Completed’ participants.
‘Sustained’ target – Participants who were classed as inactive (0-3 days) are asked to complete a
tracking survey 3 months after project completion to determine whether their physical activity
levels have increased as a result of the Sportivate programme.
As a project deliverer we ask you to keep these targets in mind when designing and delivering the
Sportivate project.
Recruiting participants
It is the responsibility of the funding applicant (deliverer) to recruit participants, however you will be able
to make use of SPHW/LA communication channels. Please inform SPHW where participant numbers are not
meeting your target.
What paperwork needs to be completed for each project?
If your project is successful you will be contacted to confirm the funding agreement and a number of items
of paperwork will need to be completed. Projects cannot commence until these documents has been
received by SPHW. These will include a Service Level Agreement, safeguarding checklist and registers.
Monitoring and evaluation
You will be asked to collect information about participants at each session. Registration forms must be
completed by all participants and a register taken at each session. At the end of the delivery period,
registration forms and attendance records will need to be sent to SPHW/LA (dependent on where you
obtained Sportivate funding from) within 1 week of project completion, or by the reporting deadline (you
will be notified of the date). You may also be asked to contribute to a case study.
Application forms are an excel spreadsheet. You may submit more than one project per spreadsheet. The
spreadsheet contains guidance and an example project sheet.
Please take time to complete the form accurately and with as much detail as possible (all sections must be
completed), this will speed up the review and approval process. If you would like to discuss the project first
then please use the contact information below.
All applications are reviewed by a panel against set criteria. Feedback will be provided if applications do not
meet this.
Contact us
If you would like any more information please contact Beky Williams, Project Manager Children & Young
People, on 01905 542034 or [email protected]