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 Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Core: _____________ Plate Tectonic Boundaries PLATE BOUNDARY TYPE Divergent Plate Boundary PLATES INVOLVED WHAT HAPPENS? Oceanic Plate to Oceanic Plate Oceanic plates move apart, new magma rises from the mantle to fill in the gap. A continental plate spreads in two different directions, collapsing the central rift. RESULTS LOCATION EXAMPLES > > > > > > > > > > > The older, more dense, oceanic plate slides > beneath the younger, less dense oceanic > plate. > Two continental plates > Continental Plate to collide and neither is Continental Plate dense enough to subduct or sink below. > The plate edges are folded and uplifted. Two plates (of any > All Plate Types form) slide past each other. > Continental Plate to Continental Plate Oceanic Plate to Continental Plate Oceanic Plate to Convergent Oceanic Plate Plate Boundary Transform Plate Boundary (Strike-­‐Slip Fault) The more dense oceanic plate sinks beneath the less dense, continental plate.