Download Annex 3A: Technology Offer Template TECH OFFER FORMAT

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Annex 3A: Technology Offer Template
1. Category
[See Technology Themes to choose the category of the invention/technology]
2. Title
In non-technical terminology as far as possible
GranuMaS®: Synthetic Human Bone Graft
3. Abstract /
[Limit to 255 characters]
A brief summary or description of the invention - What is the problem solved by this
technology? Who is going to buy this technology? How is this IP addressing a
need/problem in the marketplace?
Bone grafting is a common procedure in surgical operations for Orthopaedics,
Trauma, ENT, Dental, Plastics and Maxillofacial. The gold standard in using bone
from the patient itself is limited due to the limited quantity of bone grafts available
for harvesting from a patient. Also major concern on transmission of infections and
diseases particularly Hepatitis B and C, and HIV are associated with bone from other
human donor. Therefore, the most promising material for skeletal repair is the
synthetic material.
GranuMaS® is a granular synthetic bone graft material made from Hydroxyapatite,
which is similar to human bone mineral. Since its first clinical applications in 2004,
thousands of orthopaedics and dental patients have benefited by using GranuMaS®.
Clinical results shows very encouraging performance of GranuMaS® - such as no
adverse reactions, no evidence of inflammation reaction, good healing process, no
infection and no complain of pain. Therefore, GranuMaS® is a great alternative
material for use as bone graft in surgical applications.
4. Technology
Features &
[100-150 words]
What does the technology comprise of?
GranuMaS® - an “osteoconductive” material - comes in various sizes and shapes
such as Granule,Cube,Chip and pin.
The sizes of GranuMaS® produced are 200 – 500 m, 500 – 1000 m, 1000 – 2500
m and 2500 – 5000 m. The spherical GranuMaS® shapes enable the material to be
poured and to be packed into a bone cavity easily. The different sizes will suit
different surgical sites and applications.
5. Potential
[100-300 words]
In which industry can this technology be employed? What are the products that can be
marketed based on this technology?
Annex 3A: Technology Offer Template
GranuMaS® - as “osteoconductive” material - can be used directly in surgical
operations for Orthopaedics, Trauma, ENT, Dental, Plastics and Maxillofacial that
requiring bone grafting material. It is used as bone filler to fill in the bony cavity
created either by trauma – e.g. motor vehicle accidents, or diseases – e.g.
osteoporosis and bone cancer. For large bone cavity such as bone cancer,
GranuMaS® can either be mixed with bone marrow aspirate, growth hormone
and/or platelet-rich plasma to increase its “osteoinductive” property.
Alternatively, it can also be used as filler in PMMA bone cement during metallic hip
or knee implantation. The spherical shape of GranuMaS® is also ideal as a plasmasprayed raw material to produce hydroxyapatite-coated metallic implants for
Orthopaedics applications.
GranuMaS® can also be used as one of the ingredient in dental tooth paste to
reduce teeth-sensitivity and to improve its whiteness.
6. Customer
[100-300 words]
How is this improvement over the "State of the Art?" What is the Value Proposition?
GranuMaS® is a great alternative material for use as bone graft in surgical
applications. It is derived from commercial chemicals and Malaysian limestone, thus
its medical grade quality and purity is continuously consistent and readily available
in large quantity at competitive prices. GranuMaS® is FREE from any animal-derived
products (e.g. cattle or pig origin), thus obviate the concerns of cross-transmission
of diseases between animal to human, adverse immune response, ethical and
religious issues.
[100-200 words]
7. Market Trends
and Opportunities
What is the approximate market size for this technology? What makes this IP
attractive to the market?
The global market for orthopedic bone graft substitutes is expected to reach US$3.4
billion and the global dental bone graft market US$1 billion ( by
2017. Dental bone graft alone is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 10.6% over the
period from 2014 to 2020 (transparencymarket
[100-200 words]
8. Graphic File
2480 x 1748 pixels
Annex 3A: Technology Offer Template
[In CMYK format, with min 300dpi]