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Curriculum Vitae
Adriana Zekveld, PhD
Personal information:
First names:
Date of birth:
Adriana Agatha
[email protected] / [email protected]
16 April 1981
1 child, born 2011
Academic positions:
Jan 2011-present
Post-doctoral researcher, ENT/Audiology and EMGO Institute for Health and
Care research, VU University medical center, Amsterdam. VENI project “The
eye as measure of listening effort”.
Jan 2012- present
Senior lecturer, Linnaeus Centre HEAD, The Swedish Institute for Disability
Research & Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden. Project “Mismatch in the Brain”.
Nov 2009-Dec 2011 Post-doctoral researcher, Linnaeus Centre HEAD, The Swedish Institute for
Disability Research & Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning,
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. Project “Mismatch in the Brain”.
Nov 2008- Oct 2009 Post-doctoral researcher, department of ENT/Audiology and EMGO
Institute, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
PhD student. Title of research: Textual support to improve the
comprehension of speech in adverse listening conditions. Department of
ENT/Audiology and EMGO Institute, VU University medical center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Ph.D. study occurred in the context of
Project 004171 ‘HearCom’, granted by the European Commission.
Research assistant. Department of ENT/Audiology and EMGO Institute, VU
medical center, Amsterdam.
Education and training:
Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as a tool to
investigate the cognitive neuroscience of hearing. (HEAD Graduate School, SIDR,
Linköping University, Sweden – postgraduate course)
PhD, Medicine, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Linear regression analysis and analysis of variance. (Postgraduate education
Epidemiology, EMGO research Institute).
Sensory Systems (Helmholtz PhD course).
Ethical aspects of research involving human subjects. (PhD course, VU University
medical center).
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
CaRe Introduction Course (PhD course of The Netherlands School of Primary Care
Master of Science, Cognitive Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. ‘Cum Laude’. Master thesis: ‘A fMRI study of the cortical activation in
response to speech-in-noise stimuli.’
Master of Science, Experimental Neuropsychology, VU University, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. Master thesis: ‘De relatie tussen gehoorverlies en het cognitief
functioneren bij volwassenen’.
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ‘Cum
General secondary education, ‘Cum Laude’.
Supervising and teaching:
Cosupervisor of post-doc researcher (K. Mortier; dept. of ENT/Audiology,
VUmc, Amsterdam).
Cosupervisor of post-doc researcher (T. Koelewijn; dept. of ENT/Audiology,
VUmc, Amsterdam).
Cosupervisor of PhD student (L. Kilman; Linnaeus Centre HEAD, SIDR,
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden).
Cosupervisor of PhD student (J. Besser; dept. of ENT/Audiology, VUmc,
2006, 07, 09, 10
Supervisor of four Master of Science students, Master of Science in Clinical
Neuropsychology, VU University, Amsterdam. (Master Thesis Supervisor).
Supervisor of the practical workshops for Bachelor of Science students in
Medicine, VU University, Amsterdam.
Supervisor of the practical workshops of the course “Functieleer” (Cognitive
Psychology) for Bachelor of Science students in Psychology, VU University,
Research Interests:
Cognitive Hearing Science: Cognitive abilities relevant for speech comprehension, Hearing
Impairment, Listening Effort, Age-effects in speech comprehension, Neuro-imaging, Pupillometry.
Grants and Prizes:
VENI Grant, NWO – Innovational Research Incentives Scheme, The Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research. € 250.000
Talentbeleid VU (VI support scheme). € 60.000
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
‘Prof. dr. DJ Bakker scriptieprijs’, first prize. Awarded Master thesis: ‘De relatie
tussen gehoorverlies en het cognitief functioneren bij volwassenen.’ VU University,
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
List of International Peer-Reviewed Publications (published or in press):
1) Kramer, S.E., Lorens, A., Coninx, F., Zekveld, A.A., Piotrowska, A., Skarzynski, H. (2012).
Processing load during listening: The influence of task characteristics on the pupil response.
In press (Language and cognitive processes).
2) Besser, J., Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Rönnberg, J, Festen, J.M. (2012). New measures of
masked text recognition in relation to speech-in-noise perception and their associations with
age and cognitive abilities. Accepted for publication, Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research.
Zekveld, A.A., Rudner, M., Johnsrude, I.S., Festen, J.M., Van Beek, J.M.H., Rönnberg, J.
(2011) The influence of semantically related and unrelated text cues on the intelligibility of
sentences in noise. Ear and Hearing, 32, e16-e25.
Koelewijn, T., Zekveld, A.A., Festen, J.M., Kramer, S.E. (2011). Pupil dilation uncovers extra
listening effort in the presence of a single-talker masker. Accepted for publication, Ear and
Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Festen, J.M. (2011). Cognitive Load during Speech Perception in
Noise: The Influence of Age, Hearing Loss, and Cognition on the Pupil Response. Ear and
Hearing, 32, 498-510.
Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Festen, J.M. (2010). Pupil response as an indication of effortful
listening: The influence of sentence intelligibility. Ear and Hearing, 31, 480-490.
Rönnberg, J., Rudner, M., Lunner, T., & Zekveld, A.A. When cognition kicks in: Working
memory and speech understanding in noise. Noise & Health, 12, 263-269.
Kramer, S.E., Zekveld, A.A., Houtgast, T. (2009). Measuring cognitive factors in speech
comprehension: The value of using the Text Reception Threshold test as a visual equivalent
of the SRT test. The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 507-515.
Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Kessens, J.M., Vlaming, M.S.M.G., & Houtgast, T. (2009). User
evaluation of a communication system that automatically generates captions to improve
telephone communication. Trends in Amplification, 13, 1, 44-68.
10) Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Kessens, J.M., Vlaming, M.S.M.G., & Houtgast, T. (2009) The
Influence of Age, Hearing, and Working Memory on the Speech Comprehension Benefit
Derived from an Automatic Speech Recognizer. Ear and Hearing, 30, 262-272.
11) Mokkink, L.B., Knol, D.L., Zekveld, A.A., Goverts, S.T., Kramer, S.E. (2009) Factor structure
and reliability of the Dutch version of seven scales of the Communication Profile for the
Hearing Impaired (CPHI). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52, 2, 454464.
12) Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Kessens, J.M., Vlaming, M.S.M.G. & Houtgast, T. (2008). The
benefit obtained from visually displayed text from an automatic speech recognizer during
listening to speech presented in noise. Ear and Hearing, 29, 838-852.
13) Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Vlaming, M.S.M.G. & Houtgast, T. (2008). Audiovisual perception
of speech in noise and masked written text. Ear and Hearing, 29, 99-111.
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
14) Zekveld, A.A., Deijen, J.B., Goverts, S.T., Kramer, S.E. (2007). The relationship between
nonverbal cognitive functions and hearing loss. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 50, 74-82.
15) Zekveld, A.A., George, E.L.J., Kramer, S.E., Goverts, S.T., & Houtgast, T. (2007). The
development of the Text Reception Threshold test: A visual analogue of the Speech
reception Threshold test. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 50, 576-584.
16) George, E.L.J., Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., Goverts, S.T., Festen, J.M. & Houtgast, T. (2007).
Auditory and nonauditory factors affecting speech reception in noise by older listeners.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 2362-2375.
17) Zekveld, A.A., Heslenfeld, D.J., Festen, J.M., & Schoonhoven, R. (2006). Top-down and
bottom-up processes in speech comprehension. NeuroImage, 32, 1826-1836.
18) Kramer, S.E., Allessie, G.H.M., Dondorp, A.W., Zekveld, A.A. & Kapteyn, T.S. (2005). A home
education program for older adults with hearing impairment and their significant others: A
randomized trial evaluating short- and long-term effects. International Journal of Audiology,
44, 255-264.
Contributions to books:
Rönnberg, J., Rudner, M., & Zekveld A.A. (2009). Cognitive Hearing Science: The role of a working
memory system for speech understanding in old age. In Hearing care for adults. L. Hickson (Ed).
Stäfa, Switzerland: Phonak.
Kramer, S. E., Zekveld, A. A., & Stephens, D. (2006). Effects of a family history on late onset
hearing impairments: Results of an open ended questionnaire. In The Effects of Genetic Hearing
Impairment in the Family (pp. 71-80). D. Stephens and L. Jones (Eds.) England, West Sussex: John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Conference proceedings:
Zekveld, A.A., Kramer, S.E., & Houtgast, T. (2009). Cognitive factors in speech perception. In:
Proceedings NAG DAGA 2009 / International Conference on Acoustics, 23-26 Mar 2009,
Rotterdam, the Netherlands. (pp. 1540-1543).
Invited talks:
June 2011
International Forum for Hearing Instrument Developers 2011. Oldenburg, Germany.
The use of pupillometry as measure of listening effort.
July 2009:
Invited speaker at The 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo. Title: The
contribution of speech quality, age, and hearing loss to listening effort.
March 2009: Invited speaker at the NAG-DAGA International Conference on Acoustics,
Rotterdam. Title: Cognitive factors in speech perception.
Oral Presentations:
Nov 2011
Seminar Stichting Audiciens Register (StAr). Title: De invloed van cognitieve aspecten
op de hoortoestelevaluatie.
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
Dec 2010
HEaring And Deafness (HEAD) Seminar series, Linköping, Sweden. Title: An fMRI
study on the influence of semantic related and unrelated text cues on the
intelligibility of sentences in noise.
Nov 2010
Meeting of the Dutch Workgroup on the Auditory System, Leiden. Title: Match &
mismatch in the brain: Neural correlates of primed speech understanding in noise.
Nov 2010
National Meeting ENT Specialists Netherlands, Nieuwegein. Title: De invloed van
leeftijd, gehoorverlies, en cognitieve vaardigheden op luisterinspanning.
Jun 2010
HEAD Graduate School 3rd Summer Workshop, Kolmården, Sweden. The
contribution of speech intelligibility, age, hearing loss and cognition to listening
March 2010 “Linnaeus day”, Linnaeus centre HEAD. Title: The influence of (mis)matching cues on
sentence comprehension in noise: preliminary results
Nov. 2009
‘Dag van de Perceptie’, TNO Soesterberg. Title: The contribution of speech
intelligibility, age, and hearing loss to listening effort.
July 2009
The HEAD Graduate School Second Summer Workshop “What’s new at HEAD?”,
Båsenberga, Sweden. Introduction to round-table discussion: “Mismatch in the
Nov. 2008: Meeting of the Dutch Workgroup on the Auditory System, Amsterdam. Title: Textual
support to improve the comprehension of speech in adverse listening conditions.
Nov. 2008: National Meeting ENT Specialists Netherlands, Maastricht. Title: Textual support to
improve the comprehension of speech in adverse listening conditions.
Nov. 2008: Audiological Research Cores in Europe (ARCHES) meeting, Haarlem. Title: Textual
support to improve the comprehension of speech in adverse listening conditions.
Oct. 2008:
Annual Hearcom meeting, Leiden. Title: Textual support to improve the
comprehension of speech in adverse listening conditions.
June 2008: ‘Dag van de Perceptie’, TNO Soesterberg. Title: The benefit obtained from textual
output of an Automatic Speech recognizer during speech comprehension in difficult
listening situations.
Sept. 2007: Annual Hearcom meeting, Wassenaar. Title: The influence of age and hearing on the
benefit in speech comprehension from displayed text from an Automatic Speech
May 2007: Meeting of the Dutch Workgroup on the Auditory System. Title: Study of the benefit
derived from visually displayed text from an Automatic Speech Recognizer during
listening to speech in noise
March 2007: Mid-Annual Hearcom meeting, Bonn, Germany. Title: Study of the benefit derived
from ASR output during listening to speech in noise: Normal hearing and hearing
impaired participants
Oct. 2006:
Annual Hearcom meeting, Alphen a/d Rijn. Title: Study of the benefit derived from
ASR output during listening to speech in noise
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
Sept. 2006: National autumn meeting of the Dutch Society of Audiology (NVA). Title: De bijdrage
van tekst uit een automatische spraakherkenner aan het verstaan van spraak in ruis.
May 2006: Hearing Science Seminar, Swansea UK. Title: The contribution of text from an
Automatic Speech Recogniser to speech comprehension in noise
Sept. 2005: Annual Hearcom meeting, Haarlem. Title: Text display to support speech reception
in noise
Nov. 2004: National Meeting ENT Specialists Netherlands. Title: Hersenactivatie gemeten met
fMRI tijdens het luisteren naar spraak in ruis met verschillende signaal-ruis
Sept. 2004: National autumn meeting of the Dutch Society of Audiology (NVA). Title:
Hersenactivatie gemeten met fMRI tijdens het luisteren naar spraak in ruis met
verschillende signaal-ruis verhoudingen.
Poster presentations:
Jan 2011
Nov 2010
May 2006:
Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience meeting, University of Arizona, Tucson. Title: An
fMRI study on the influence of semantically related and unrelated text cues on the
intelligibility of sentences in noise
HEAD/KI/CKV Workshop, Södertälje, Sweden. Title: The influence of semantically
related and unrelated text cues on the intelligibility of sentences in noise.
Hearing Science Seminar, Swansea UK. Title: Top-down and bottom-up processes in
speech comprehension: A fMRI study.
Organization of meetings:
Nov. 2009 – present: Organization of HEAD Seminar series (monthly). Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden. (
May 2011
Organization workshop annual EMGO+ retreat, Quality of Care program.
June 2010
Third Summer Workshop HEAD, Kolmården forest, Sweden.
Sept. 2007: Annual Hearcom meeting, Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
Oct. 2006:
Annual Hearcom meeting, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands.
Academic work groups
Member of Linnaeus centre for HEaring And Deafness (HEAD), Linköping Univeristy.
Member of Quality of Care Postdoc team EMGO+
Member advisory committee NWO innovational research incentives scheme: VU guidance
Dutch Psychonomic Society (NVP).
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Audiologie (NVA).
Peer reviewer for:
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Ear and Hearing
Last updated: August 2011
Curriculum Vitae – Adriana Zekveld