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24-RIEV 11-Analytic summary_Maquetación 1 22/04/16 10:31 Página 355
Revista Internacional
de los Estudios Vascos
Eusko Ikaskuntzen
Nazioarteko Aldizkaria
Revue Internationale
des Etudes Basques
International Journal
on Basque Studies
Nations and States in the 21st
Century: Democracy and the
Right to Decide
Joxerramon Bengoetxea, Jule Goikoetxea, Mario Zubiaga
RIEV Cuadernos, 11, 1-359, 2015
ISBN: 978-84-8419-271-8
Copying of the summary pages
is authorised
Gagnon, Alain (Université du Québec à Montreal.Faculté de Science Politique et de Droit. CP 8888, succursale
Centre-Ville. Montréal H3C 3P9 (Canada)): Constitutional referendums and the democratic challenge:
Canada as a role model? (Orig. en)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 18-31
Abstract: There is no explicit legal justification for unilateral secession in Canada. But the Supreme
Court of Canada went on to establish that the underlying principles of Canadian federalism mean
that if Quebec citizens were to support secession on the basis of a clear question, and with a clear
majority vote (neither of which is specified clearly), then there would be a constitutional obligation on the part of the other federal partners to negotiate a new relationship. In effect, the Supreme Court ruled that Canada is divisible – and thus it became one of the few countries in the
world in which a constitutional right to secession has been recognized.
Key Words: Constitution. Constitutionalism. Democracy. Federalism. Minorities. Nations. Pluralism.
Goikoetxea, Jule (UPV/EHU. Gizarte eta Komunikazio zientzien Fakultatea. Politika eta Administrazio Zientzien Saila. Sarriena auzoa, z/g. 48940 Leioa): Subirautza, erabakia, ahalmena eta demokrazia (Sovereignty, decision, power and democracy) (Orig. eu)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 32-44
Abstract: Popular sovereignty in Europe has not taken root nor has it been democratised; it has
been privatised. The mechanisms of government which should empower citizens have multiplied
but have not been democratised. In this sense it is possible to say that globalisation and the European Union have generated the privatisation of political authority as well as public decision-making. Therefore, until now, neither the mechanisms of governance nor the numerous levels of government have managed to secure the democratisation of sovereignty since they did not guarantee
citizens' authority and political decision-making; on the contrary, they have privatised it.
Key words: Globalisation. Democracy. Governance. Privatisation. Sovereignty. Political decision.
Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 11, 2015, 355-359
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Analytic Summary
Avery, Graham (St. Antony’s College. University of Oxford. 62, Woodstock rd. Oxford OX2 6JF): Independentism and the European Union (Orig. en)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 46-56
The European Union has no explicit policy on independentism. An initial Member States’ response
to discourage the division of other Member States into smaller units changes when independence
has become an established fact and the process is constitutional, coming to terms with it and
seeking remedies. Successive enlargements of the EU have increased its membership from 6 to
28 states without paralysing its decision-making, weakening it, or jeopardising its principles and
Key Words: Independentism. Secession. European Union. Division of a Member State in two.
Pragmatism. Constitutional process. Enlargement. Decision making process in the EU.
Alvarez Rubio, Juan José (UPV/EHU. Facultad de Derecho. Manuel de Lardizabal, 2. 20018 – DonostiaSan Sebastián): Europa y el reto de la ampliación interna: legalidad internacional y democracia (Europe and the challenge of internal expansion: international law and democracy) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 58-77
Abstract: The international and European dimension of the so-called "Right to decide" and compliance with the international legality of unilateral declarations of independence need to be
analysed from a historic perspective. There is no international law handbook for declarations of
independence. The European dimension deserves a reflection, anchored on what is legal, that
sheds some light on the open debate after the Scottish referendum and the political situation open
and still unresolved in Catalonia.
Key Words: European Governance. International legality and independence. Internal expansion. Democracy. Legality and legitimacy. Actor in whom sovereignty is vested.
Requejo Coll, Ferran (Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Campus de la Ciutadella. Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27.
08005 - Barcelona): Secession theories and processes in plurinational democracies. The Catalan case (Orig. en)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 78-92
Abstract: This paper firstly analyses the theories of democratic legitimacy in the 21st-century democracies characterised by strong components of national pluralism. Secondly, it establishes the
main elements at the peak of the pro-independence movement in Catalonia: public support for
the “right to decide”, evolution in territorial preferences, participatory process of 9-N (9 November) and future perspectives, with a mention being made of the possible scenarios of the case in
relation to the European Union.
Key Words: Secession theories. Plurinational democracies. Catalonia. Pro-independence movement. 9-N (9 November). European Union.
Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 11, 2015, 355-359
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Analytic Summary
Zubiaga Garate, Mario (UPV/EHU. Gizarte eta Komunikazio zientzien Fakultatea. Politika eta Administrazio Zientzien Saila. Sarriena auzoa, z/g. 48940 Leioa): La decisión democrática como fundamento del
derecho a decidir: el caso catalán (The democratic decision as the basis of the right to decide: the Catalan case) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 94-118
Abstract: The political crisis is global. The setup involving citizens, territory and political power is
immersed in an accelerating transformation process. In this situation, the demand for sovereignty
by Europe’s stateless nations –Scotland, Catalonia, Vasconia (Basque Country)– has been reactivated. In this historic phase, national-state building has become one aspect of democratisation.
Depending on their political culture, parent states have distinct difficulties when it comes to adapting their legal frameworks to the "right to decide" being demanded by countries without their own
states. This conceptual category, adaptation of the right to self-determination to contemporary contexts, allows advances to be made in the democratising process, irrespective of the position adopted by the parent state. So civil disobedience is acquiring sovereignist content and may usher in
new constituent processes. Politics breaks the framework of politics.
Key Words: Democracy. People’s sovereignty. Right to self-determination. Civil disobedience.
O’Neill, Christine (Brodies LLP. Atholl Crescent, 15. EH3 8HA Edingurgh): The Scottish Independence
Referendum: A Constitutional Perspective (Orig. en)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 120-131
The paper analyses the legal and constitutional mechanisms which were used to provide a basis
for the Scottish independence referendum process: the ‘Edinburgh Agreement’ (October 2012),
the (Referendum Act 2013). It also deals with the process Immediately following the result of the
referendum: the Smith Commission.
Key Words: Scottish Independence Referendum. Referendum Act. Franchise. Edinburgh
Agreement. Vow to the Scottish people. Smith Commission. UK “Constitution”.
Urrutia Libarona, Iñigo (UPV/EHU. Ekonomia Zientzien Fakultatea. Lehendakari Agirre, 83. 48015 Bilbo): Integridad Territorial, Derecho a Decidir y Consulta Territorial (Integrity, the Right to Decide
and Consultation) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 132-165
Abstract: The study analyses the emergence of new paradigms in the interpretation of certain classical concepts in constitutional law and international law, such as the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the State, the right to self-determination, secession and recognition. The operability
of the legal basis in processes expressed through the right to decide is analysed. The study also
covers the current importance of the question of legitimacy in sovereignist processes, such as the
demand for more or less consensual jurisprudential creation based on the guarantee of a basic
core of human rights, democracy and good government.
Key Words: Right to decide. Secession. Self-determination. Consultation. Territorial integrity.
Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 11, 2015, 355-359
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Analytic Summary
Vírgala Foruria, Eduardo (UPV/EHU. Facultad de Derecho. Manuel de Lardizabal, 2. 2018 - Donostia): Referéndum, secesión y reforma constitcional (Referendum, secession and constitutional reform) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 166-212
Abstract: The aim is to respond to questions such as: Is it possible to hold a referendum on the
independence of an Autonomous Community? If it turns out to be possible, who can call it and
in what terms? If it does not turn out to be, or despite being possible is not held, what legal solutions can be contemplated?
Key Words: Secession. Referendum. Reform. Constitution.
Ruiz Vieytez, Eduardo J. (Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Avda. de las
Unviersidades, 24. 48007 - Bilbao): Regulando el derecho a decidir: una propuesta (Regulating the
right to decide: a proposal) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 214-238
Abstract: The path opened up in Québec, Scotland and other minority nations is, according to certain voices, testing whether it is advisable to regulate sovereignist processes as a new tool for constitutional accommodation. This paper suggests that the so-called right to decide, a version likewise of that of self-determination, could be regulated in order to reduce the tensions existing in
certain nations by offering a reliable, secure framework so that a first proposal can be included.
Key Words: Self-determination. Sovereignty. Right to decide. Referendum. Conflict. Constitution.
Ibarra, Pedro (UPV/EHU. Fac. de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación. Sarriena auroza, z/g. 48940 Leioa):
Mesa redonda: Agentes sociales y el proceso de decisión (Roundtable discussion: Social players and
the Decision Process) (Orig. es)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 242-255
Abstract: The talks and debates in this session coincide in analysing the successes and failures
of a specific political process. The wherefore of society instigating a political movement aimed at
demanding the exercise of a national region's right to decide. The risks, opportunities, successes
and failures of processes emerged within three national regions: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country, in an attempt to achieve full sovereignty through this decision-making right.
Key words: Social movements. Political movements. Political communication. Right to decide. Sovereignty.
Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 11, 2015, 355-359
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Analytic Summary
Blas Mendoza, Asier (UPV/EHU. Gizarte eta Komunikazio zientzien Fakultatea. Politika eta Administrazio Zientzien Saila. Sarriena auzoa, z/g. 48940 Leioa): Discussant: Sezesionismoa eta erabakitze eskubidearen prezioa: desanexioaren paradigma merkatze saiakera gisa (Discussant: Secessionism and the
price of the right to decide: the de-annexation paradigm as an attempt to reduce the price) (Orig. eu)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 256-283
Abstract: The speakers mentioned that from an optimistic democratic point of view, the fact of obtaining democratic majorities is a decisive factor in obtaining secession and the declaration of a
nation in opposition to the historic logic of war and decomposition of the original state. In fact, in
the last few decades the increasing importance of citizens' support in the process of obtaining secession has become evident, so much so that it has become practically essential. In any case,
geopolitical arguments are not enough. The right to decide and secession can be negotiated in
terms of the cost they represent for the original state.
Key words: Right to decide. Secessionism. Self-determination. Unilateral secession. Geo-politics.
Cost of secession.
Eizagirre Eizagirre, Andoni (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. HUHEZI. Dorleta auzoa, z/g 20540 - Eskoriatza):
Mahai-Ingurua: Estatuaren gaukotasuna lurraldearen garapen sozialean eta ekonomikoan
(Roundtable discussion: Topicality of the State in the social and economic development of the territory) (Orig. eu)
En: Naciones y Estados en el Siglo XXI: Democracia y Derecho a Decidir, 284-301
Abstract: In the 21st century the State and territorial development is being re-examined. On the
one hand it has been confirmed that even in contexts of global change, national policies that explain the social and economic position of the territory and regulate the model of economic activity of the territory are fundamental. Comparative research verifies the current situation of the State.
On the other hand, the need to update our concept of economic and social development of the
territory has become evident.
Key Words: State. National policies. Territorial development. Economy. Historical cycles.
Rev. int. estud. vascos. Cuad., 11, 2015, 355-359