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VIP Proposal
Data Analysis with ITS
Dhruv Sagar, Yihan Zhou, and Lekha Surasani
Member skill set:
Yihan Zhou: Basic SQL, will learn data analysis, ML, data mining.
Lekha Surasani: Basic SQL, will learn data analysis, ML, data mining.
Dhruv Sagar: Taking ML class now
Participation and Distribution:
All Project Goals will be divided equally between group members equally according to their skill
Project Goals & Description: For our project, we want to gain more practical experience with
data analysis, data mining and machine learning. Using the existed data, we will finally generate
a report including but not restricted to following fields:
Difficulty of each problem in the problem set.
Difficulty of each chapter / topic.
General studying report for each student
Generate error rates, time spent for each question
Proposed Timeline
 Weekly updates
 Week 1: Start with basic research, assign tasks, determine how to define difficult
 Week 2: Determine which chapters/problems are going to be classified as difficult
 Week 3: Determine which chapters/problems are going to be classified as medium
 Week 4: Determine which chapters/problems are going to be classified as easy
 Week 5: Look at/compile student data from database in a useful way
 Week 6: Find student error rates/time spent on difficult problems
 Week 7: Find student error rates/time spent on medium problems
 Week 8: Find student error rates/time spent on easy problems
 Week 9: Analyze data to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses as a whole
 Week 10: Analyze data to determine individual students’ strengths/weaknesses
o Maybe not each student but put them into bins of students who performed similar
to them
Overview: To do what most we can do with the data offered by VIP-ITS system. Learning new
knowledge and skills about data mining, data analysis and machine learning. Provide useful
suggestions to professor who administrate the database and students who use the ITS system.
Difficulty: One of the potential pitfall is that many VIP teams before our group have done a lot
analysis about the difficulty of problems. We need to generate some new insightful observations
different from theirs. Another foreseeable problem is that, in our group, 2 members (Yihan and
Lekha) are new learners to machine learning & data mining. We need some time to familiar with
basic principles and application of these two technique and after that we can apply what we
learn to build our project.
Tools needed: MySQL, matlab
File Management: Github