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Technological Advancements in Intra-Ocular Lenses
The Optometric Role
COPE #17470-PO
Douglas K. Devries, O.D.
Eye Care Associates of Nevada
January 24, 2007
Financial Challenges Facing Optometry
 Complex Small Business
 Decreased Reimbursement
 Product & Services
 Increasing Operating Costs
 Explore Alternative Means to Increase Revenue Streams
 Technological Advances in IOL’s
 Multi-Focal & Accommodating IOL’s
 Toric IOL’s
 Wavefront IOL’s
 Role of Primary Care Optometry
 78 Million Americans (babyboomers) will begin Enrolling in Medicare Beginning in 2011
 Technology Adopters
 Care is Provided in Your Practice
 Our Role to Educate and Guide
Refractive Cataract Surgery
 Technological Generation
 Expectation is Plano Sphere
 Distance and Near Desired
Why Become Involved?
 2.7 Million Cataract Surgeries Each Year
 HCFA Allowing Surgeons to Bill for Non-Covered Services
 Progressive vs Bifocal
 Increased Fees Possible for Co-Management
 Intellectual Integrity
IOL Technology
 Wavefront
 Accommodating
 Multi-Focal
 Toric
 Phakic
What’s In The Developmental Pipeline?
Accommodating IOLs in Trial
 Smart IOL (Medennium)
 Quest Vision IOL (Tiburon)
 Synchrony (Visiogen)
 Sarfaraze Elliptical IOL (B&L)
 Kellan Tetraflex
Developmental IOL’s
 Injectable Micro Incision
 Light Adjustable Sph/Cyl/HOA
 Vision Membrane
What is 20/20?
 All of the following represent 20/20 vision
Challenges Facing the Older Driver
Young Lens
Aging Lens
Tecnis IOL
Toric IOLs
Correction of Astigmatism During Cataract Surgery
 Toric IOL
 Limbal Relaxing Incisions
AcrySof® Toric
Limbal Relaxing Incisions
 Similar to Astigmatic Keratotomy
 600 microns deep
 Up to 6mm in length
 Can be paired for larger amounts of Cyl
 Up to 3.00 Diopters of Cyl
Limbal Relaxing Incisions
 Less Stable and Less Predictable then Toric IOL
 Can Be Used In Combination With Toric IOL In Higher Cylinder Amounts
Combination Approach
 Toric IOL
 Limbal Relaxing Incision
 Non-Covered Fee
 Toric Package
Currently Available Accommodating IOL
 Crystalens
Crystalens Model AT-45
FDA device description. “The
crystalens is a modified plate
haptic lens with hinges across the
plates adjacent to the optic.”
How is Accommodation Achieved?
Ciliary muscle contraction
Ciliary body shifts forward
Pressure change in vitreous
Displaces posterior capsule
Crystalens moves forward
IOL Power and Accommodation
 Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Vol. 29, #11 p. 2069-2072
Z-Syndrome / CCS
Monocular UCDVA
Monocular UCNVA
Multi-Focal IOL’s
 AMO Array (first generation)
 AMO ReZoom
 Alcon ReSTOR
ReZoom™ IOL Product Design
Balanced View Optics™ Technology
ReZoom™ IOL vs. ReSTOR™ IOL
ReSTOR Apodized Diffractive Optic
 Precise reduction in diffractive step heights from center to periphery of 3.6 mm
diameter diffractive region
 Steps reduce from 1.3 microns to 0.2 microns
 larger steps direct more light to near at center
 smaller steps direct more light to distance at edge
 gradual energy blend between powers
Apodized Diffractive Optic
 Apodized diffractive structure blends into peripheral refractive region
 Gradually emphasizes energy going to distance vision with larger pupil sizes
Nighttime visual disturbances minimized by directing more light to distance
when pupils are larger
ReZoom™ IOL vs. ReSTOR™ IOL (SA60D3)
Distance Vision
ReZoom™ IOL vs. ReSTOR™ IOL (SA60D3) Near Vision
Bother from Halos ReZoom vs. ReSTOR
Multi-Focal IOLs
Patient Selection
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Patients who no longer desire to wear glasses
 Ocular pathology
 Corneal scarring
 Injuries
 Herpetic
 IK
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Ocular pathology
 Keratectasia
 Previous refractive surgery > 3.0 D
 Macular disease
 Diabetic retinopathy
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Ocular pathology
 Optic nerve disease
 Ischemic optic neuropathy
 Optic neuritis
 Amblyopia
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Astigmatism considerations
 Pre-op cylinder < 0.75 D ideal
 Cylinder  0.75
 Intra-op AK/LRI
 Post-op excimer Tx
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Patients’ visual demands
 Occupational needs
 Realistic expectations
 Avoid in hypercritical patients
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Monocular implantation
 IOL in fellow eye
 Unilateral cataract
 Possible piggyback plano ReSTOR in future
 Combined ReZoom/ReSTOR
 Combined Multifocal/Accommodative
 Monovision patients
Patient Selection
Pre-operative Considerations
 Limitations of multifocal IOLs
 Reduced contrast sensitivity
 Halos/Glare
 More light needed for reading
 Visual confusion in rare cases
 Explantation/IOL Exchange
Avoid the temptation to tell patients they will not need glasses after surgery
Multifocal IOLs
Pre-Operative Evaluation
 Manifest Refraction
 Corneal Topography
 Complete Ocular Evaluation
Multifocal IOLs
Pre-Operative Discussion
 Physics of Multifocal IOLs
 Limitations
 Glare/Haloes
 Reduced Contrast Sensitivity
Multifocal IOLs
Pre-Operative Discussion
 Alternatives
 Distance OU
 Near OU
 Intermediate
 Monovision Possibilities
Multifocal IOLs
Pre-Operative Discussion
 IOL Removal
 Small Percentage of Patients
Can Be Exchanged for Monofocal IOL at a Later Date
 Multifocal IOLs Cannot Be Implanted Later
Selecting the IOL best for the Patient
 Identify Patient Visual Needs
 Ask “ Where is your world?”
 Near, Intermediate, Distance
 If Combo, which are most important?
 Occupation
 Hobbies
 Dominant / Non-Dominant Eye
 Pupil Size and lighting for Tasks
Recording Intermediate Vision
 No patient feedback
 No FDA clinical data
 No clinical standards
- focal distance?
- object size?
- light intensity?
“Intermediate Vision”
 Meal time (serving, eating)
 Computer use
 Wrist watch
 Dashboard gauges
 Cell phone (caller ID, dialing)
ReZoom / ReSTOR
How well is this working?
Combination Approach
 ReZoom Dominant Eye
 ReSTOR Non-Dominant Eye
Patient Satisfaction with Distance Vision
 What is your level of satisfaction with your new distance vision (both eyes together)?
Patient Satisfaction with Near Vision
 What is your level of satisfaction with your new near vision (both eyes together)?
Co-Management Opportunities
 Can Optometrist Receive Payment for Increase in Lens Fee?
 Can Non-Covered Services Be Co-Managed?
 How is Fee Determined?
Non-Covered Services
 Refraction
Contact Lens Trial
Wavefront Testing
Routine Care
Ketatoplasty for Enhancement
IOL Exchange
Non-Covered Services Payment
 Not a 80/20 Split
 Must Bill Portion Provided
 Standard Post Op Fees
 Non-Covered Services
Non-Covered Services Payment
 If Surgeon Collects Full Payment it Must be in 3 Separate Checks
 A SC
 Surgeon
 Optometrist
Non-Covered Services Payment
 Notice of Exclusion from Medicare Benefit (NEMB)
 Both Surgeon and Optometrist Should Obtain
Non-Covered Services Payment
 Determine What You Will Provide
 Avoid Direct Payment From Surgeon
Non-Covered Services Payment
 Toric Packages
 Toric IOL
Phakic IOLs
The Verisyse™ Phakic IOL
 Verisyse™ (Artisan® in Europe)
 Design introduced in 1991
after 5-year trial
 Concave- Convex
configuration (low profile)
Decreased risk of
endothelial damage
Twice the effective
power range
 5 to 6 mm incision
 Consider astigmatism
The Enclavation Process
 After aligning lens, peripheral iris tissue is drawn into the split lens haptics
Stable anchor – minimal tissue trauma
Post-Surgical Protocol
 Standard post-intraocular surgery meds
Antibiotic, steroid, NSAID
 Eye shield for 1 week
 Return 1 day post-op to surgeon to check:
IOP, lens position & pupil, visual acuity
 Return to referring OD for routine F/U and visual rehabilitation
Posterior Chamber Implant
 Benefits
Invisible to the patient and the observer
Distant from the corneal endothelium
Beneath the iris
Desirable equivalent optical zone at the corneal plane
Steep but short learning curve
 Result
 Reduced complications
 Predictable refractive outcome
 Better visual outcome and patient satisfaction
Future is Unfolding Fast
 The Market Demands are Great
 Disposable Income
 Patients are in Our Practice Now
Thank You
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