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Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants in Arid and Semi-Arid
Ecosystems of Egypt
Saint Katherine Protectorate
• In 1996, SKP was declared as a
protected area , 4350 km² &
World Heritage Site by UNESCO
• Unique combination of natural
resources, especially high altitude
ecosystems with diverse fauna and
SKP Globally Significant Endemic MAP Species
• 472 plant species
• 44% of the total
endemic plant species
of Egypt
• 14 GSMAPs
• Long history of
Bedouin traditional
use of MAP
SKP Globally Significant MAP Species
• Unique Eco-
geographic settings
• Climatic conditions
• Habitat & Micro
habitat Diversity
Threats facing MAPs Conservation
According to Threat Reduction
Assessment tool:
1- Invasive species (Feral Donkey)
2- Destructive Harvesting Techniques:
3- Over harvesting
4- Tourists Intrusions
5- Overgrazing
6- Collection for Scientific Research
7- Urbanization and Settlements
In addition to Climate Change and
drought cycles….
Overall Objective of the project : “Conservation and
sustainable use of globally significant medicinal plant
biodiversity in SKP”
Outcome 1: Conservation management of SKP MAP resources strengthened
Outcome 2: Developing and strengthening Saint Katherine Medicinal Plants
Value Chain
Outcome 3: Pressure on target resources reduced by alternatives
Outcome 4: MAP conservation and management enabling environment
Outcome 5: Learning, evaluation, and adaptive management increased
Outcome 1: Conservation management of SKP MAP
resources strengthened
In-situ Conservation , CBNRM (Community Based Natural Resources
In-situ Conservation , Rehabilitation & Restoration Program
Ex-situ Conservation , Living Collection & Gene Bank
Communication, Education, Participation & Awareness
Community Based Natural Resources Management
Community-based natural resource management
(CBNRM) is a systemic approach to
conservation that allows those closest to
the resource, and who bear the costs of
conservation, to manage the resource and
benefit from its management and use
Scenario planning
Building trust with Bedouin women MAP collectors
Women liaison points
CBNRM Negotiations with community in SK
Living Collection & Gene Bank
MAPs living collection
MAPs greenhouses
MAPs seedlings Propagation
Preservation of MAPs seeds in gene banks
Rehabilitation & Restoration Program
Insitu Conservation , Rehabilitation sites selection
GSMAPs rehabilitated in the selected sites
MAP rehabilitation sites monitoring
Environmental Awareness and Education Program (EAEP)
Educating the Future Community of Saint Katherine
1.The Green School Program
2.Biodiversity Education Activities
3.Drawings From the Environment Program
4.Environmental Awareness Activities & Campaigns
8 green schools
545 participants in competitions
20 schools involved in EAEP
100 children participated at
summer activities
Almost 1000 visitors to the
greenhouses per annum
Biodiversity Education
The green school program
Environmental Awareness and Education Program (EAEP)
Educating the Future Community of Saint Katherine
International tourists visitors to MPCP greenhouses
Drawings from the environment program
Field studies – Biodiversity education activities
Competition and Rewards
Outcome 2: Developing and strengthening Saint Katherine
Medicinal Plants Value Chain
The goal of adapting a value chain approach for natural resource management is
to motivate the business community to ‘think globally’ and ‘act locally’ with
respect to biodiversity and sustainable development aspects.
Why value chain approach
Improve Quality
Increase Efficiency
Identify economies of scale ensuring a
more efficient product flow
Differentiate Products
Identify and develop strategic
partnerships necessary for the
initiative’s growth
Ensuring that all actors in the chain
Meet the requirements for certification
and national or international standards
Improving access to markets
Achieve sustainable use, fair-trade and
benefit sharing principles
Developing SKP MAP Value Chain
Identifying SKP MAP Value Chain Partners
Bringing Whole System in Room for First Time
Building Relationships
Establishing Common Goals
Establishing SKP MAP value Chain Action Plan
Selecting a Steering Committee
Initiating Agreements and Contracts
Bringing Whole System in Room
Building relationships
Establishing common goals and action plan
Initiating Agreements
Strengthening the Value Chain
Sustainable plant sourcing
Improving the Enabling environment
Improve quality
Vertical &horizontal linkages & cooperation
Improve communications and awareness
Improve market access
Sustainable plant sourcing
Establishing Medicinal Plants farms
Improve market access
Apply international standards
Quality control
Traditional handicrafts support and product
Strengthening the Value Chain
Saint Katherine's
Medicinal &
Aromatic Plants
Value Chain
Outcome 3:Pressure on target resources reduced
by use of alternatives
Butane cookers
The pharmacy
Revenue generation
Bee hives for Honey Production
Social and economic development
Fodder Distribution Outlet
Outcome 4: MAP conservation and management enabling
environment strengthened
Nationwide surveys & National strategy
Herbalists school
ABS legislation
Documentation of Traditional Knowledge
Outcome 5: Learning, evaluation, and adaptive
management increased
MAP database & Digital Herbarium
Outcome 5: Learning, evaluation, and adaptive
management increased
MPCP website
GIS technology and GSMAPs distribution analysis
Project position papers
Social and economic benefits of the MPCP
Local community economic development i.e. microfinance schemes
(more than 100 loans), products development, market access
improvement, value chain development, eco-tourism related activities
support, CBNRM
Revenue generation and business opportunists i.e. bee hives projects,
packaging & labeling of medicinal plants, medicinal plants cultivation,
traditional crafts support
Generation of direct and indirect job opportunities (108 direct job
Social services i.e. establishment of a pharmacy (serving more than 2500
local citizens), butane cookers, fuel wood
Social development i.e. establishment of 2 NGOs, gender equality
Cultural support i.e. herbalists school support (15 young herbalists), ABS
Education and awareness activities i.e. biodiversity education, green
school program, summer activities, art classrooms
MPCP relevance to GEF Biodiversity Strategic Long-term
Objectives & Strategic Programs for GEF
Strategic Long-term Objectives
Strategic Programs for GEF-4
1: To catalyze sustainability of protected
area (PA) systems
1. Sustainable financing of PA systems at the
national level
3: To safeguard biodiversity
4. Strengthening the policy and regulatory framework
for mainstreaming biodiversity
5. Fostering markets for biodiversity goods and
6. Building capacity for the implementation of the
Protocol on Biosafety
7. Prevention, control and management of invasive
alien species
4: To build capacity on access and benefit
Increasing representation of effectively managed
marine PA areas in PA systems
3. Strengthening terrestrial PA networks
2: To mainstream biodiversity in production
landscapes/seascapes and sectors
MPCP Relevance
8. Building capacity on access and benefit sharing
Project Contribution to the MDGs
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger
Micro Finance
Production development
Business opportunities
Job opportunities
Economic development
Goal 3: Promote gender
equality and empower
Promote social
participation and
Handicrafts program
Social participation
Goal 7: Ensure
• Conservation &
sustainable use of
ecosystem goods and
Gender empowerment
Lessons Learnt
Partnerships and trust among stakeholders are the keys to sucess
Adaptive management and flexibility specially when working with local
Community Based Natural Resource Management is an efficient tool
for achieving conservation and sustainable use
Importance of creating Long Term Economic Benefits for the
MAPs are sustainable resources for education, training and scientific
research which should be wisely utilized .
MAPs preserve indigenous knowledge and culture
Documentation of good practices and dissemination in electronic form
Medicinal Plants Conservation Project
Conserving Global
Developing Local