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Review for test ch 3 Rocks
1) Generally, a rock is made up of ____.
2) To describe a rock’s texture, geologists determine
3) Rock that cools very quickly when it forms may
have a texture that is ___.
4) When all the grains in a rock are large and easy to
see, the rock is described as ___.
5) Rock that forms from the cooling of magma
below the surface or lava at the surface is called
6) Where does most metamorphic rock form?
7) Igneous rock that formed from lava that erupted
onto Earth’s surface is called ___.
8) The most abundant intrusive rock is ___.
9) The texture of an igneous rack that has large
crystals scattered on a background of much smaller
crystals is ___.
10) The process by which sediment settles out of the
water or wind carrying it is ____.
11) The process in which dissolved minerals
crystallize and glue particles of sediment together is
12) The sedimentary rock formed when water
deposits tiny particles of clay in very thin, flat layers
is called ___.
13) A sedimentary rock formed when rock fragments
are squeezed together is called ____.
14) Chalk formed from sediment s made of skeletons
of microscopic living things in the ocean must be ___
15) A ring-shaped coral island found far from land is
called ____.
16) What happens to a coral reef if the sea level rises
or if the sea floor sinks?____.
17) Coral is really a form of the organic rock ___.
18) Because movements in Earth’s crust have raised
ancient sea floors above sea level, ___.
19) Heat and pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface
can change any rock into ____.
20) The heat that changes a rock into metamorphic
rock comes from ____.
21) Geologists classify metamorphic rock according
to ___.
22) The texture of a metamorphic rock that has grains
arranged in parallel layers is described as ___.
23) Metamorphic rocks that are nonfoliated ___.
24) A series of procersses on Earth’s surface and
interior that slowly changes rocks from one kind to
another is called ___.
25) Which of the following is NOT one of the
possible stages in the rock cycle?
26) What step in the rock cycle would be required to
change granite into sandstone?
27) For Stone Mountain in Georgia, the rock cycle
began when ___.
28) In the rock cycle, what type or types of rock can
change to form sedimentary rock?
29) During the rock cycle, forces inside Earth can
push rock down toward the heat of the mantle,
producing ___.
30) A sedimentary rock made up of rounded
fragments of other rocks is called ___.