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By: Alex & Karaline
Democritus was born in Greece on 460 BC
J.J. Thomson was born in the United Kingdom on
December 18th, 1856
Democritus died in 370 BC
J.J. Thomson died on August 30 th, 1940
Democritus- Known as the father of the atom. He was called the "Laughing
Philosopher", and "The Mocker", because of his light-hearted spirit. He learned
astronomy, and theology from King Xerxes' men at the time of Ancient Greece.
Democritus did have a little rivalry with the great Aristotle. He traveled to learn and
study different subjects. He was a devoted student, and was inspired to learn the most
he could despite the fact that people didn't believe him most of the time.
J.J. Thomson- His father was a bookseller who planned for Thomson to be an engineer. When
an apprenticeship at an engineering firm couldn't be found, Thomson was sent to bide his time at
Owens College at the age of 14. In 1876, he received a small scholarship to attend Trinity College
at Cambridge to study mathematics. Thomson determined that all matter is made up of tiny
particles that are much smaller than atoms. He originally called these particles 'corpuscles,'
although they are now called electrons.
Democritus- His mentor, Leucippus, originally came up with the atomic theory,
but it was then adopted by Democritus. The atomic theory stated that “The
universe is composed of two elements: the atoms and the void in which they exist
and move.” According to Democritus atoms were “miniscule quantities of
matter.” Democritus hypothesized that atoms cannot be destroyed, differ in size,
shape and temperature, are always moving, and are invisible. He believed that
there are an infinite number of atoms. This hypothesis was created in 465BC.
J.J. Thomson- Thomson's main contribution to science was the clear
identification of the electron and its characterization as an element, subatomic
particle in 1897. He showed that cathode rays were deflected by both
magnetic and electric fields, and he was able to measure a cathode ray's
charge/mass ( e/m ) ratio.
Democritus- Controversy on Democritus’ findings, including atomism, wasn’t
popular with other scientists opinions because Aristotle dismissed the theory
on the atom.
J.J. Thomson- Controversy regarding the nature of cathode rays. This involved
British and French Physicists that believed that these rays were electrified
particles. Thomson put forth an argument that won that the rays are
composed of particles.
Democritus- Divided books into groups: ethics, virtue, physics,
mathematics, literature and music, and the arts.
Ex) The World System, The Little World System, The Great Diacosmos and
The Lesser Diacosmos
J.J. Thomson- Published 13 books and more than 200 papers in his
Ex) Recollections and Reflections, A Textbook of Physics, Modern Physical
Democritus  Aristotle- The atomic ideas of Democritus had no
lasting effects on other Greek philosophers, including Aristotle. Aristotle
viewed the atomic idea as worthless. People considered Aristotle's opinions
very important and if Aristotle thought the atomic idea had no point, then
most other people thought the same also.
J.J. Thomson  Robert Millikan- Thomson founded the electron
and Millikan began to attempt to measure individual electron charges.