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Scenario name: fish eats
Preceding scenario: user logs on, game starts, user navigates fish
Next scenario: all except 1, 2, 3
The blue fish sees food enter from the top of its scene. (The food enters the fish world
from the top three scenes, and filters down to the bottom of the fish world every 2
minutes.) At each feeding 100 (Seems like a lot of food. This can be adjusted
later)pellets come from the top of the world. The blue fish swims over the food to eat it.
The fish is slowed down, from three to two velocity increments, until the food is digested
(20 seconds). When the fish digests three morsels of food, its energy level is increased
from four to five, and resumes its velocity of 3. The blue fish is only allowed to eat 9
pieces of food at one feeding time. If it tries to eat more, it is unable to until it has
digested some of the 9 pieces. Any food not eaten by the blue fish floats to the bottom
and can be eaten by the bottom-dwellers. The blue fish can eat another fish, only if that
fish is two increments smaller than it. If the blue fish is able to eat the smaller fish, its
energy level is incremented by one. EXCELLENT !
Scenario name: fish fight
Preceding scenario: user logs on, game starts, user navigates fish
Next scenario: all except 1, 2, 3
The blue fish and the red fish enter the same scene. They are both the same size, if they
weren’t the same size, or within a 1 increment difference, they would not be able to fight
each other. If their size differs by 1 increment, the larger fish will be somewhat favored
(It will take more hits for its energy to be decreased). When they get too close (what is
too close? Be specific), they begin to fight. The users press the f key (any fkey? F2, F3?
F1 is used for help, so you should abide by that standard) to fight. When the key is
pressed the fish lunge towards the other. If they hit the other fish, that fish gets hurt. The
outcomes of the fights are randomized, the fish may lose energy, get thrown across the
scene, get knocked out, or, if they are down to their last energy bar, they can die. In any
case where the fish is hit, it will lose an energy level, regardless of the outcome. The fight
ends when one of the fish dies, or when one of the fish gets scared and the user makes it
swim away from the other fish. Good!
Scenario name: fish grows
Preceding scenario: user logs on, game starts, and user navigates fish
Next scenario: all except 1, 2, 3
The blue fish is in the game with an energy level of 5, and has already grown once. It
swims around through the different scenes. The blue fish sees food, and begins to eat it.
After it digests the 9 morsels it has eaten, its energy level increases from 5 to 8. The blue
fish sees the red fish, which is a size smaller than it, and eats it. This increments its
energy level to 9. It has been 2 minutes since the last feeding, and food pellets begin to
fall from the top scenes again. The blue fish eats 3 more morsels, and after it digests them
its energy level becomes 10. Because its energy level is now 10, the blue fish will grow 1
increment. After its growth, the blues fish’s energy is decreased to 5. Its growth enables it
to eat any other fish that are smaller than it. Excellent!
Scenario name: fish die
Preceding scenario: user logs on, game starts, user navigates fish
Next scenario: all except 1, 2, 3
The red fish is swimming through the fish world. It has just finished eating, and its
energy level is 5. It enters scene 3, where the green fish is already swimming. The fish
get close to each other and the green fish lunges at the red fish. The red fish is thrown
across the scene, and its energy level is decreased from 5 to 3. It tries to fight back
against the green fish, but is hit again, making its energy level 1. The red fish swims
away to avoid being attacked again. As it swims down to scene 6, it swims into the
poisonous seaweed. The seaweed is a hazard, and reduces the energy level of the red fish
to 0. When the energy of the red fish becomes zero, the fish dies. The fish goes belly-up,
floats to the top of scene 3, and is taken away. Excellent!
Scenario name: fish loses energy
Preceding scenario: user logs on, game starts, and user navigates fish
Next scenario: all except 1, 2, 3
The orange fish is swimming through the fish world with an energy level of 5. It must be
careful as it travels along, so not to lose too much energy. The orange fish is temporarily
caught by a hook as it swims through scene 2. The hook catches it for a moment, and the
orange fish swims away with a decreased energy level of 3. Food pellets begin to fall
from the top of the scene, and the orange fish eats 9 pellets, increasing its energy level to
4 (after 20 seconds). The blue fish swims by, and is two sizes smaller than the orange
fish. The orange fish eats the blue fish, increasing his energy level to 5 again. As the
orange fish swims down to scene 5, lightning strikes and it again loses energy. This time
the orange fish’s energy decreases by 3, thus making its energy level 2. The orange fish
continues swimming through the scenes, avoiding a bomb, pollution, and bigger fish, all
which could have made it lose energy. ( Don’t forget that when X minutes pass every fish
loses energy as well. I think the requirements said 15 minutes, but we decided that was
too long. Let’s say 3-5 minutes, to be adjusted during game tuning)