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Management of Goats ))
Considers the goats are multi-purposes animals , where
are rearing for producing the meat, hair , leathers and the
milk and differs the importance for goats from a region
to other and from a country to other , the goats are
rearing in the cold regions (Europe ) for benefit from
their hair production in carpets industry, while in hot and
semi-hot regions rearing for meat production . In Iraq
the goats present in a small groups distributes between
the sheep herds and considers complementary for sheep
production from meat .
((Classification of goats within the animal kingdom))
kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Sub-Phylum : Vertebrata
Class : Mammalia
Order: Ungulata
Sub-Order : Artiodactyla
Section : Pecora
family : Bovidae
Sub – Family : Caprinae
Genus : Caprus
Species : Caprus hircus
Terms used in the goats : -1 - Buck (Billy): - Male of goats is sexual mature , used
for insemination.
2 - Doe (Nanny): - Female of goats is sexual mature ,
used for the purpose of pregnancy and parturition .
3- Kid : young of goats , (male or female) from birth to
4 - Kidding: - The process of parturition in goats.
5 - Prolificacy: - The ability to produce multiple births .
6 - Fertility: - The ability on pregnancy and birth of
healthy newborns for several times.
7- Litter - size :- Number of kids in one birth .
* Characteristics of breeding the goats: -1 - The goats are considered most the animals an
adaption for the living and production in different
geographical areas .
2 – The goats are multi-purposes animals , they are
characterized by advantageous in all products (milk,
meat, leather and hair), and the ability to high
production of milk as compared with local cows .
3 – The goats characterized by high reproductive
efficiency , these is represent in high fertility and
production of twins and early sexual puberty .
4 - Their productive life is long about (6 - 7 years) and
gives the best production at age (4 - 6 years) .
5 - The body weight of goats is small , this reduces their
nutritional requirements as well as their high ability to
utilize a feeds contain high proportion of fibers .
* Breeds of Goats :Goats can be divided according to the purpose of
production to the following sections: -1 - Dairy Goats Breeds :This type of goats has a high ability to produce milk,
which sometimes exceed the production of local cows ,
although their size is small .
Goat milk is characterized by the following characters : 1 - The color is white because of (lack of content from
carotene which is converted to vitamin A) .
2 – Digestibility of protein and fat in milk is higher than
cows milk and this feature makes this milk is good food
source for infants who suffer from the sensitivity to
mother's milk or cows milk , as well as elderly people
that suffer from a specific diseases such as Pyloric
Stenosis (difficult passage for food from stomach to
intestine) .
3 - Granules of fat in milk smaller than fat granules in
cows milk and percentage for fat in goats milk 4% (25%) .
4 - The goats milk is characterized by containing a high
percentage of phosphorus and vitamin A and B1 .
5 – The goats milk is characterized by a special flavor
that distinguish it from cow's milk because it contains
fatty acids , capronic, caprylic and capric .
* From dairy goats breeds :1 - Nubian: - Origin / Sudan , color a black with spotted ,
the largest breed in size , the highest percentage of fat in
milk and average of milk production (1 - 2 kg) .
2 - Anglo-Nubian : The origin is mixture between the
types of goats ( Indian , Egyptian and Sudan) , hornless
in both sexes , consider from more the types a success for
rearing in hot regions . 3 - Damascus: Origin / Syria and
Lebanon, red or red and white, hornless in both sexes,
the most important breeds in milk production is
characterized by high fertility , milk production ranged
(2-4 kg)/ day .
4 - Saanin: - Swiss origin , white or light cream in color ,
hornless and it is produced specific ratio from a
hermaphrodite births .
5 - British Alpine : Swiss origin / pure white or pure
black, is characterized by a higher ability to adapted to
hot environmental conditions than Saanin.
6 – Toggenburg : Swiss origin , brown with spotted in
white and hornless .
2 - Chevon Breeds :The goats meat commonly is called chevon and it is
usually low in fat . Best quality meat is obtained from
goats at age (6 - 12) month , the dressing percentage is
between (43 - 53) % .
Goat meat is characterized by the following
characteristics :1- Low in fat and fat tend to white color .
2- Presence of odour in meat of goat specially the males
result from the glands of skin which present in the neck
and back of the body . This odors are sexual odours , and
affect the taste of meat , so the breeders are done to
castration the males at early age to get rid of this odour
3- Goat meat have less softness as compared with meat
of sheep
* Most important breeds specialized in producing meat :
-1- Boer / origin / South Africa, white with red patches on
the head, characterized by good fit for warm weather
conditions .
2- Matou /origin / China, hair color white, hornless in
both sexes.
3- Jamanpari /origin / India , the biggest breed of goat in
India . multi-colors ( such as the white, black,) , welldeveloped udder.
4 - Fijian / origin / Republic of Fiji , Africa , is
characterized by good fit to the atmosphere the warm and
wet .
3- Cashmere and Mohair Breeds :-
Considers the goats hair is a valuable commodity,
especially mohair and cashmere hair which consider
from fibers that expensive in price .
From breeds specialized in the production of cashmere
and mohair hair follows : -1 – Angora breed :- Originated in Turkey .
2 – Cashmere breed : - It is found in India and China are
which consider exported for it .
Present in American United States about 3,300,000 head
from Angora goats , used for mohair fiber production.
Where a mohair fiber Characterized by length , the
softness and coiffure , the rate of production depends
on age, sex and genotype . Fleece weight is increasing
with increase of age, and the male characterize by more
productivity . Angora goats used for crossing with local
goats . There are two types of Angora goat :1 – Angora goats with (Open Face): - Characterized by
larger size , more productive of Mohair, the highest
proportion of twins (high fertility).
2 – Angora goats with (Cover Face): - Characterized by
less production comparative with the first type .