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Period _____ Name _________________________ Ch 6 Outline Electronic Structure Electromagnetic radiation Speed of light Wavelength Frequency Amplitude Sample exercise 6.1a) and b) Blackbody radiation Photoelectric effect Emission spectra Quantum Calculate the energy of one photon of yellow light with a wavelength of 589nm. A laser used in eye surgery to fuse detached retinas produces radiation with a wavelength of 640.0 nm. Calculate the frequency of this radiation. line spectrum vs. continuous Rydberg equation Bohrs three postulates: o o o Hydrogen n= ground state vs. excited state E = Period _____ Name _________________________ Limitations of the Bohr model Calculate E, , of the radiation….determine whether it is emitted or absorbed from n=5 to n=3 from n=3 to n=6 from n=6 to n=4 De Broglie equation and what it means Uncertainty principle Orbitals – nodes – n= l= m= ms= electron distribution – s= p= d= Degenerate Pauli Exclusion Principle Electron configuration Hund’s Rule Condensed Electron configuration Core electrons Valence electrons