* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
OBSERVATORIO ASTRONOMICO NACIONAL FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA El Observatorio Astronómico Nacional invita a participar en el seminario: Modern Techniques in Observational Astronomy El cuál será dictado por el Dr. Andreas Seifahrt, de la Universidad de Goettingen (Alemania), entre los dias 3 al 14 de mayo de 2009 en el OAN en el horario 18:0020:00. El seminario incluirá sesiones prácticas sobre análisis de datos por lo que si ud. está interesado en asistir el seminario, le solicitamos el favor de enviar un email a [email protected] con su nombre, codigo, carrera y semestre que está cursando. El cupo máximo estimado es de 30 personas. A continuación el programa del seminario. MODERN TECHNIQUES IN OBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY (1) Atmospheric properties. Composition of the atmosphere, atmospheric windows, background sources, absorption / radiation, and seeing effects. (2) Imaging in the optical, near infrared (IR) and middle IR. Detector technology (i.e. how is a CCD, a nIR chip, and a mIR chip working), filters to special imaging techniques (dithering / jittering) and concepts of adaptive optics. (3) Spectroscopy in the optical and nIR. Spectrographs (prism, grating, echelle etc.) Modern day instruments (3D spectrographs, fibre coupling, image slicers etc.) A brief discussion on wavelength calibrations. Radial velocity surveys. (4) An introduction to surveys and satellite missions (POSS/DSS, DENIS, 2MASS, IRAS, ISO). Spitzer and future missions, such as James Webb and Herschel. (5) Practial session: How to prepare an observing run. An introducuction to tools like ADS, SIMBAD, VIZIR, Aladin, SkyCalc etc. Finding coordinates for a list of objects. How to calculate visibilities, make finding charts and calculate exposure times. (6) An overview about ground based telescopes and instruments we would have access to (ESO, Gemini, Subaru, TNG, etc.) The OPTICON website where you could check what small and medium sized facilities are available. (7) The archives (HST, ESO, Gemini, CFHT) and how valuable they are in Astronomy.