Download Admissions policy - Bizzy Bears Pre school

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Sick Children Policy
Our aim is to provide and promote a healthy environment for all the children in our care.
All children are expected to be well on arrival at Pre school. If you feel your child is unwell
enough to require Calpol/Nurofen or any other Paracetamol product before coming to Pre
school, we would ask that you keep them at home.
It is the responsibility of parents to notify the Pre school of any infectious conditions which
their child may have developed. This information will be treated in confidence.
Any infectious diseases which occur will be brought to the parents attention by way of a
poster displaying relevant information or a letter if required. As a Pre school we will take
necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection:
 Maintain good hygiene practices
 Suspend sand/water play for at least 48hrs from the last recorded episode of
vomiting and /or diarrhoea
 Suspend cooking activities as above
 Suspend play dough as above
In the interests and welfare of all children and staff within our setting we ask that parents
do not bring in any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48hours has
elapsed since the last attack.
Doctors advice should be followed concerning the return to Pre school after any other
infectious disease. Bizzy Bears may require written advice from the child’s doctor if
deemed necessary to aid the child’s recovery.
We will adhere to the following procedure if a child becomes unwell during the session –
first aid required will be given
Parent / carer will be contacted or other named adult
the child will be taken to a suitable quiet place where a member of staff will stay
with them until their parents arrive if we are unable to contact parents we will aim to
contact a named person designated by the parent
If we as a provider have reason to believe that any child is suffering from a notifiable
disease identified as such in the Public health control of disease Act (1984) and Public
health(infectious diseases) Regulations 1988, we will inform Ofsted and the HPU. We will
act on any advice given by the South Midlands and Hertfordshire Health Protection unit
0300 303 8537, out of hours telephone 01603 481272 Email: [email protected] or
[email protected] and inform Ofsted of any action taken.
We will notify Ofsted of any food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on
our premises as soon as possible and within 14 days of the incident
Where an injury is sufficiently serious to require emergency help we will adhere to the
following procedure –
First aid required will be given
An ambulance will be called to:
Gt Billing Pavilion
The Playing Fields
Off Penfold Lane
Gt Billing
Parent/ carer will be contacted
Childs records will be gathered
The child will be accompanied to hospital by a member of staff who will stay with
them until their parent/ carer arrives
Accidents of a sufficiently serious nature will be reported to Ofsted ( 0300 123 1231) and
the Health and Safety Executive – RIDDOR (Reporting of accidents, diseases and
dangerous occurrences) can be reported online at This notification
must be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but in any event within 14 days of the
incident occurring.
Fatal and major injuries must be reported by telephone to RIDDOR (0845 300 9923) and
Ofsted (0300 123 1231) as soon as possible and a written report received within 10 days
of the incident. We will also inform the Local Safeguarding Children’s board of any serious
accident or injury to, or the death of, any child while in our care and act on any advice
given from those agencies.
Long term illness
We welcome children into our setting who may require medical support. We will seek
medical advice concerning each child’s individual needs to ensure that we can provide
adequate support for them within our setting, consulting with Parents and outside agencies
if needed. We will seek out training for our staff to deal with an individual child with long
term medical needs.
We inform our insurance company of any child in our setting who requires medication
which requires staff training to administer, we also require a written letter of the child’s
condition and medication required from their GP and Parent/ Carer which with Parental
consent is passed on to our insurance company. (Royal Sun and Alliance through the
Parents of any child who is unable to attend Pre-school on a regular basis because of a
medical need will need to discuss these issues with the pre school managers regarding
keeping the child’s place open and the payment of fees.
Signed: C.Borrell
Review date:08:03:17