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Dynamic electromechanical
control of semiconductor
nanostructures by
acoustic fields
A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative
Training Network
Financed by Horizon 2020
This booklet is a first step into SAWtrain, a European network aiming at the training of early stage researchers
(ESR) at the PhD level. Participants, applicants, and everyone else interested in the network may become acquainted with our objective by browsing the following sections.
They introduce the project, the members, the research
plans of the network, and the ESR training programme,
which is constructed to ensure an excellent working experience for young researchers aiming at a PhD degree.
Attendants will find detailed information on the different
research topics and relevant advice on how to join our network.
For further information and contact, please visit our website
Table of Contents
• Welcome to the SAWtrain Project!
• Research/ Individual research projects 23
–– About
–– The SAWtrain PhD programme
–– The Consortium
• Beneficiaries5
• Associated Partners 6
• The Training
–– The Training concept
–– Activities10
–– Contribution of non-academic sector
• Research 12
–– A few words about surface acoustic waves …
–– Semiconductor-based SAW- research –– Scientific work packages
• Work package 1
• Work Package 2
• Work Package 3
• How to apply? 39
How to apply?
We offer
We require…
Application procedure
deadline 21st June, 2015
–– Recruitment procedure
–– and evaluation process
• Attachments –– Further reading –– A short glossary
–– Closing and Acknowledgements
The SAWtrain PhD programme
The Consortium5
Associated Partners6
Welcome to the
SAWtrain Project!
SAWtrain is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training
Network offering joint research training at the PhD level on
the physics and applications of surface acoustic waves
(SAWs) in semiconductor structures and related materials.
SAWs are mechanical vibrations travelling along the surface of a material, which resemble micro earthquakes on
the surface of a chip. SAWtrain aims at the investigation
of SAWs in semiconductor structures as well as their exploitation for novel device functionalities.
SAWtrain puts together leading groups from Europe, Asia,
and North America working on SAWs including universities, research institutions, companies, and non-academic
players. They will join efforts to create an interdisciplinary structured PhD programme on SAW-related phononics, photonics, and electronics. The PhD programme will
rely on PhD co-supervision and secondments (internships)
at different academic and non-academic hosts to cover
state-of-the-art research in the interdisciplinary areas
of basic physics, materials, technology, and device concepts related to SAWs. Research training will be complemented by training in transferable skills such as communication, entrepreneurship, intellectual property rights, as
well as dissemination and exploitation issues. The network
will encourage innovation by strengthening the bridge
between basic research training and applications via the
knowledge-based industrial partners of the consortium.
The synergy resulting from the complementary expertise
of the SAWtrain members will promote research excellence and provide students with a superior PhD programme with outstanding training opportunities. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary character of the programme and
its innovation-oriented mind-set will enhance the career
perspectives of the students in both the academic and
non-academic sectors. →
SAWtrain has an extensive outreach and dissemination
programme to increase the visibility of the research field.
In particular, the partner Deutsches Museum, which is one
of the world’s largest science and technology museums,
will contribute its invaluable expertise to dissemination
and communication to the public.
The consortium will also create a discussion forum on materials, technology, human resources, and policy-making
issues associated with SAWs on semiconductors and related novel materials.
In conclusion, the SAWtrain research programme is designed to form entrepreneurial researchers capable of contributing effectively to the knowledge-based economy
and society. In addition, the consortium aims at setting up
the basis for a long-term technological platform for basic studies and applications of acoustic materials and devices, thereby establishing a new paradigm and consolidating the existing European leadership in the area.
The SAWtrain
PhD programme
SAWtrain will offer 15 positions for a PhD in a joint and
structured programme involving 10 leading European research institutions.
The program will offer you excellent research topics in an
interdisciplinary environment and internships at different
institutes. The research training will be complemented by
a variety of workshops, schools and courses.
A personal career development plan regulating the PhD
training will foster your own career as a highly skilled state-of-the-art researcher with opportunities in science
and industry.
associated partners
Figure 1: Geographical
distribution of SAWtrain
members. The countries
hosting the beneficiaries
and associated partners
are colored in turqouise
and yellow, respectively.
If you are an early stage researcher (ESR) interested in
our training network, we will be delighted to receive your
application. See page 44 for instructions on how to apply.
The Training section on page 8 briefly explains our understanding of a contemporary structured PhD programme.
To find out more about surface acoustic waves and the
projects’ PhD research topics, please take a look at the
Research section on page 12.
You are cordially invited to join us in this exciting
research network!
The Consortium
The SAWtrain consortium consists of 25 members including 10 leading European groups acting as beneficiaries
(9 universities or research centres and one private-sector
laboratory) and 15 partners from Europe, Asia and North
America (see Figure 1), all working on surface acoustic
waves (SAWs) on semiconductor and related nanostructures.
These are the institutions hiring the early stage researchers, where the major part of the research activities will
be carried out. Among them, one finds a private-sector laboratory, six universities, and three research centres. These institutions have been responsible for several scientific and technological breakthroughs in the field of SAWs
in semiconductors made since the late 1990’s, which have
led to a European leadership in the area. Some of these centres are also actively involved in the development
of advanced materials and technologies for SAW devices
(such as TWENTE, PDI, UPM, and CHALMERS) as well as
with their integration with Si-CMOS technology (TWENTE). Altogether, the beneficiaries will host 15 individual research projects for ESRs. They will be in charge of the academic and the interdisciplinary training, supported by the
associated partners. →
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Göteborg, Sweden
Institute of Acoustic and Sensors Corbino –
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy
Institut Neel – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble, France
Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik –
Forschungsverbund Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom
Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Nederlands
Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain
You will find more information on the beneficiaries
in the individual research project section.
SAWtrain includes as associated partners five universities, two large companies and six small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). EPCOS, a worldwide leading
company on acoustic devices for signal processing, and
NTT-BRL (as well as the beneficiary TREL) are key players in SAW-based applications for quantum information
processing. NTD, Mach8Lasers and SolMateS are SMEs in
the fields of SAW materials and technologies, which will
be strongly involved in research activities. VLC Photonics
brings expertise in integrated photonics while PicoQuant
and Protemics will provide know-how on optical and
THz spectroscopy. The associated partner HU Graduate
School will provide training in soft skills. The Deutsches
Museum, one of the world’s largest science and technology museums, will contribute invaluable expertise in
dissemination and communication to the public. →
Large-scale enterprises:
• EPCOS AG, Germany
Nippon Telephone & Telegraph Corporation –
Basic Research Labs, Japan
University, Finland
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs):
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid – Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain
Mach8lasers B. V., The Netherlands
Queen’s University, Canada
• NT&D, Germany
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
PicoQuant GmbH, Germany
Protemics GmbH, Germany
SolMateS B. V., The Nederlands
VLC Photonics S. L., Spain
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
• Deutsches Museum, Germany
• Humboldt
Humboldt Graduate School, Germany
The Training concept 9
Training activities
Contribution of non-academic sector
The Training
The Training
SAWtrain brings together leading groups from Europe,
Asia, and North America, working on surface acoustic waves (SAWs) on semiconductor and related nanostructures. Together, a new challenging and stimulating network
for training PhD students will be created. The synergy resulting from combined expertise will promote research
excellence and provide early stage researchers (ESRs)
with training opportunities far superior to those offered
in normal PhD programmes thus equipping them with the
right combination of research-related and transferable competences. Through international, interdisciplinary,
and intersectoral mobility in combination with an innovation-oriented mind-set, the students will be given enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and
non-academic sectors.
The research training will be implemented by partnerships
of universities, research institutions and infrastructures,
non-academic actors, and SMEs, from different countries
across Europe and beyond. The research activities will be
carried out with secondments (internships) at different
academic and non-academic hosts to cover state-ofthe-art research in the interdisciplinary areas of basic
physics, materials, technology, and device concepts related to SAWs. The coordinated training will also contain topical courses, schools, conferences, and workshops and be
complemented by measures to develop key competences
and skills, fostering the future career plan of the young
researchers. In particular, strong emphasis will be put on
transferable skills such as entrepreneurship, management and financing of research activities and programmes, management of intellectual property rights, other
methods of exploiting research results, ethical aspects,
communication, standardisation and societal outreach.
The ERSs will follow a structured PhD programme established on an individual basis by a personal career development plan (PCDP). The PCDP will define the ESR
supervision arrangement (including mandatory co-supervision from advisors from different institutions as well as
non-academic mentorship), the research programme (and
the associated secondments), as well as the extra training
measures to develop the ESR key competences and skills.
The training process will be continuously monitored and
The ESR will participate in a wide range of training activities such as:
• Regular network meetings with evaluation of the ESR research projects
• Secondments: these are internships for the ESRs on
a partner site. Each ESR will take part in at least
one academic and one non-academic secondment
• Training events
–– Schools and workshops: SAWtrain will organize a
two-week Summer School as well as a final scientific symposium
–– Topical Training Workshops (TTWs) to be offered
during network meetings, schools and symposia.
The following TTWs are scheduled:
• TTW1 | SAW physics
• TTW2 | Intellectual property and spin-off
• TTW3 | SAW technology
• Interdisciplinary hands-on training, consisting of 1-2
week courses on specific topics offered by a SAWtrain
• Extension and soft skills courses, to be offered at beneficiaries’ or associated partners’ sites (e.g. the partner HU Graduate School)
• ESR retreats: self-motivated training activities organized by the ESRs. These events will be organized by the
ESR representation board according to the needs and
suggestions of the ESRs
• Active involvement of ESRs in the dissemination and
exploitation activities, including intellectual property
rights (IPR) activities and dissemination via the partner Deutsches Museum
Contribution of
The network will encourage innovation by strengthening
the bridge between basic research training and applications. The consortium includes as beneficiary one
big private-sector laboratory (TREL) as well as two large
companies (EPCOS and NTT-BRL), and six small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (NTD, Mach8Lasers, SolMateS, VLC Photonics, Pico Quant, and Protemics) as associated partners. All these knowledge-based companies
will be directly involved via secondments (i.e. PhD student
internships in these institutions to acquire relevant skills):
they will also actively contribute to and profit from the
network training, dissemination and exploitation measures. EPCOS is a world-leading company on acoustic devices for signal processing while TREL and NTT-BRL are
key players in SAW-based applications for quantum in-
formation processing. NTD, Mach8Lasers and SolMateS
are SMEs in the fields of SAW materials and technologies,
which will be strongly involved in research activities. VLC
Photonics brings expertise in integrated photonics while
PicoQuant and Protemics will provide know-how on optical and THz spectroscopy. Internships in these companies
will allow young researchers to gain experience with activities in the industrial environment. While bringing additional value to the training of PhD students, the synergy
between partners from academia and private sectors
will contribute to the promotion of industrial applications
of SAW-based semiconductor structures. Additionally,
associated partner Deutsches Museum will contribute invaluable expertise in dissemination and communication to
the public.
A few words about SAWs
Semiconductor-based SAW research
Scientific work packages
Work package 1
Work Package 2
Work Package 3
A few words
about surface
acoustic waves
SAWs are elastic vibrations traveling along a surface.
They are analogous to the waves generated by earthquakes that travel around the surface of the earth (Rayleigh waves), but with much smaller wavelengths (typically in the micro- and sub-micrometre range, in contrast
with the wavelength of several metres for seismic waves).
SAWs can be generated electrically in a piezoelectric medium using interdigital transducers (IDTs). As illustrated
in Figure 2, the IDTs consist of two interlocking arrays of
metal electrodes deposited on the surface of the material,
which is normally fabricated using planar semiconductor
technology. The application of a radio-frequency (RF) voltage to the IDT launches a strain field, which propagates
in the form of a strain wave along the surface to the region outside the transducer. In a piezoelectric material, the
strain wave is accompanied by a piezoelectric field, i.E. a
wave of electrostatic potential. SAWs on piezoelectric insulators have been used for numerous applications, most
notably in signal processing, sensors, and acousto-optics, where they have a well-established place. The hundreds of millions of SAW devices incorporated in mobile
phones worldwide attest to the economical and societal
impact of SAW technology.
quantum well
Present-day electronic devices normally rely on electric
fields to control the properties of semiconductor crystals.
Semiconductors are also very sensitive to other parameters, e.g. strain, temperature and magnetic fields: their
exploitation towards novel functionalities forms the basis of the “More than Moore” pathway in the development
of integrated devices. SAWtrain aims at exploring novel
functionalities provided by SAWs in semiconductor nanostructures and related materials, where the dynamic
strain and piezo-electric fields produced by the SAW modulate the material properties and create moving potentials for the confinement and transport of carriers. SAWtrain will mainly focus on the exploitation of these fields
for the control of excitations (carriers, spins, photons, and
phonons) in semiconductor and related structures.
Figure 2: Surface acoustic
wave (SAW) generated by
an interdigital transducer
(IDT) on a semiconductor
crystal containing quantum well structure.
Semiconductorbased SAWresearch
SAWtrain will focus on the exploitation of the moving
SAW fields as tool for the control of carriers, spins, phonons, and photons in semiconductor and related structures. In addition, the research activities will develop
materials and technological tools for the generation and
control of high frequency SAWs, which will also support
the conventional application areas of SAWs.
The SAWtrain members have contributed to many scientific and technological breakthroughs in the field of
SAWs since the late 1990’s. The original work on acoustic
transport of single electrons was carried out at UCAM,
thus demonstrating the possibility of SAW-modulated
quantum control. Further developments by this group and
CNRS led to the demonstration of SAW-induced transfer of single carriers between quantum dots. The seminal works on SAW-induced light storage as well as on
long-range transport of carriers and spins were carried
out at UAU and PDI. Examples of advanced applications
in electro-optical control are provided by single-photon sources, tuneable photonic crystals and integrated
photonic devices developed recently by PDI, TREL, UCAM,
UAU, and UVEG. Recent experiments by CHALMERS demonstrated detection of pulses containing single SAW
quanta. SAWtrain members have also been very active in
the development of technologies to generate SAWs with
very high frequencies, some of the highest values being
reported by TWENTE, NTD and PDI. Novel approaches for
the application of SAWs to new materials (e.g. graphene,
UPM and PDI), advanced sensors (CNR), as well as for the
control of chemical reactions (UAU) have been introduced
by the consortium beneficiaries. Finally, SAW-based sensors are key elements in the road map for semiconductor
technologies, due to their simplicity, high sensitivity, and
good time response.
These developments have opened the way for novel
SAW-based concepts and functionalities for signal processors, sensors, optical modulators and switches, nano-mechanical structures, and quantum control of single
electrons, photons, and phonons, which are key enabling
technologies to be investigated within SAWtrain. →
Figure 3: Interactions
between the partners and
research areas.
Deutsches Museum
VLC Photonics
MACH8 Lasers
associated partners
research institute
Scientific work
Research SAWtrain will focus on three main research
areas related to SAW-driven phononics, photonics, and
electronics. The contribution from the SAWtrain members
to each one of these areas is illustrated schematically in
Figure 3.
The research activities within the areas are organized in
the following three scientific work packages. →
Work package 1:
SAW-Tech: SAW Materials & Technology
(Coordination: TWENTE)
This work package will cover research on phononics and
focus on materials and processing technologies for the
generation of high-frequency SAWs on novel materials
and structures (e.g. graphene, oxides, membranes, and
SAW-based phononic crystals) as well as their integration with silicon CMOS technology. One of the goals is the
development of very high-frequency SAW structures integrated with electronic devices for signal processing and
sensing, as well as for the manipulation of photons, carriers, and spins in Si, graphene, and complex oxides. In particular, we will explore nano-imprint lithography for SAW
frequencies above 20 GHz. We will also investigate novel
concepts for SAW-based sensing elements as well as for
the acoustic control of chemical reactions.
This research area will also provide the technological basis
for some of the advanced applications addressed in the
fields of photonics and electronics.
ESR research projects:
This WP will offer the six ESR projects listed in Figure 4,
which also summarises the planned secondments. The
ESRs in this WP will design and fabricate high-frequency
SAW devices using nano-imprint lithography and other
advanced cleanroom techniques. The SAW devices will be
used to realise acousto-electronic transport in Si-based
structures (ESR5-TWENTE1), acousto-mechanical tuneable graphene (ESR1-PDI1), acousto-electronic transport in complex-oxide multilayers (ESR6-TWENTE2), integrated sensors based on Lamb waves (ESR7-CNR),
acousto-photocatalysis (ESR8-UAU1) and high-Q 1D and
2D phononic cavities (ESR3-UVEG1).
tuneable few-layer
epitaxial graphene
Integrated sensors
based on
Lamb waves
High-Q one- and
two- dimensional
phononic cavities
Academic and non-academic secondments
Figure 4: Partners and
secondments for WP1
(Down- and up arrows
mean partner involved in
out- and in-going secondments, respectively, associated with this research
Work Package 2:
SAW-PhoXon: SAW-driven hybrid nanophotonic and
nanophononic structures (Coordination: UAU)
The combination of photonics and phononics, termed
PhoXonics, will lead to the exploitation of acoustic and
optic resonators for the control of SAW and light quanta down to the single-particle level, which are expected to provide functionalities such as SAW-driven single-photon and single-phonon sources and detectors.
Bulk acoustic fields are routinely used in optical devices,
most prominently the acousto-optic modulator (AOM).
To meet the requirements for future applications in advanced quantum optoelectronic devices, both the driving
acoustic fields and the optical systems have to be adapted and improved. We combine in WP2 activities to (i)
confine and enhance acoustic fields in phononic resonators and to (ii) explore the interaction of these localised
acoustic fields with photonic semiconducting or superconducting quantum two-level systems. This emerging
class of phoXonic devices harness and transduce energy
stored in electromagnetic fields and heat. These novel de-
vice concepts are envisioned to become a key enabling
technology (KET) for future self-powered consumer products succeeding Photonics, which is a KET within Horizon
ESR research projects in WP2:
This WP consists of the four ESR projects summarised in
Figure 5. The ESRs in this work package will design and
fabricate high-quality phononic cavity devices and use
advanced cleanroom nanofabrication to deliberately
couple the resonating acoustic fields to emerging electrically and optically active structures. The latter includes
high-quality solid-state quantum emitters, self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) (ESR9-UAU2), superconducting
qubits (ESR15-CHALMERS), QDs in optical microcavities
(ESR14-TREL), and integrated photonic devices (ESR4UVEG2). →
Acoustic tuning of
light-matter interaction
for regulated single
photon generation
coupling of quantum
emitters and high-Q
acoustic resonators
Advanced waveguide
acoustic modulators
for integrated
photonic networks
Electrical spectroscopy
of propagating
acoustic fields at the
single phonon level
Academic and non-academic secondments
Pico Quant
Figure 5: Partners and
secondments for WP2
(Down- and up-arrows
mean partner involved in
out- and in-going secondments, respectively, associated with this research
Work Package 3:
SAW-Transport: SAW-based quantum transport
(Coordinated by UCAM)
This research area is devoted to electronic functionalities related to the transport and manipulation of carriers
and spins by moving SAW fields, with emphasis on carrier and spin control at the single-particle level for application in quantum information processing. Experimental
work will be supported by theory.
Single-electron control in solids is a driving force behind
research in quantum physics with applications in quantum
computing. Major challenges are the transport of a single
electron from one functional part of a circuit to another in
a very controlled way. Recent experiments at both CNRS
and UCAM2 have transported a single electron from one
QD to another using a SAW. One can similarly exploit the
spin degree of freedom of a single electron. For that purpose, one requires narrow SAW transport channels as well
as mechanisms for efficient generation and readout, e.g.
using single-photon sources (SPSs). Likely advantages
of these SPSs are the small jitter in the photon emission
time and GHz repetition rates. Their fabrication is also
compatible with conventional semiconductor technology. This WP aims to implement such novel ideas to realise single-electron electronics and to use SAWs to process
or transform quantum information carried by electrons
and/or photons. It focuses on SAW-driven transport of
single electrons, the control of their spins, and the readout
of the spin by conversion to polarised single photons using
high-repetition-rate SPSs. In addition, interaction of a
moving SAW potential with graphene will be studied to
develop plasmon launchers and electron pumps.
ESR research projects in WP3:
The five projects are summarised in Figure 6. They provide
ESRs with exciting training in SAW-related quantum-information phenomena including: integration of different
functionalities for advanced SPSs based on single-carrier transport using quantum wires in microcavities
(ESR2-PDI2), coupling electron and hole regions (ESR12UCAM1), spin-qubit coupling mediated by dynamic QDs
(ESR11-CNRS), and exploitation of new materials (e.g.
graphene) for manipulation of single carriers and photons
(ESR10-UPM). Experimentalists will interact with theorists
modelling their devices (ESR13-UCAM2). →
Gigahertz single-photon
sources based on
coupled quantum wires
and dots
in microcavities
SAW-driven source
of polarised
single photons
electronics and
quantum optics with
flying electrons
Theory of electron
transport and
qubit conversion
graphene for
plasmonics and
Academic and non-academic secondments
Figure 6: Partners and
secondments for WP3
(Down- and up-arrows
mean partner involved in
out- and in-going secondments, respectively, associated with this research
Individual research
Acousto-electric modulation of few-layer epitaxial
graphene (WP1-2)
Paul-Drude Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI)
P. V. Santos (PDI), Co-supervisor: W. van der Wiel (TWENTE)
This Project aims to exploit super high-frequency (SHF,
>3 GHz) SAWs for carrier transport1 and band-structure
modulation2 of epitaxial graphene (epiG) on SiC. The ESR
will synthesise epiG and study transport properties under
SAW with wavelengths comparable to the carrier mean
free path (≤100 nm) aiming at mobility control3 and possible detection of phonon-mediated superconductivity. Strong SAW fields will be obtained by coupling epiG to
phononic crystals. The activities will include (i) epiG synthesis by surface graphitization of SiC, (ii) fabrication
of SHF IDTs by nanoimprint lithography (secondment at
NTD/TWENTE) and e-beam lithography (secondment at
CHALMERS), (iii) Raman and magneto-transport spectroscopy studies (secondment at LEEDS) under short-period SAWs (see also WP3-5), (iv) fabrication and characterisation of phononic crystals on epiG (secondment at
QUEENS). Theoretical support and training will be provided by CSIC/UCM.
Expected Results:
Demonstration of carrier control and transport in epiG
by SHF SAWs, aiming at acoustic switches and attenuators and analogues to optical devices (e.g. electron super-collimators and lenses). The multidisciplinary
training will include: synthesis of epiG on SiC, characterization techniques (Raman spectroscopy, AFM, Hall
measurements), cleanroom techniques (photolithography, nanoimprint lithography, e-beam lithography, etching, sputtering of piezoelectric layers), measurement
techniques for SAW devices (interferometry, magnetotransport, spectroscopy), design of phononic-crystals and
characterization, as well as theoretical training.
Candidate Profile:
MSc or a diploma in physics, materials science, or electrical engineering. A background in experimental solid-state
physics, semiconductor/graphene growth and processing,
acoustics and optical spectroscopy will be considered a
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Figure 7: Acoustic transport on epitaxial graphene
on SiC1
1P. V. Santos et al., Appl.
Phys. Lett. 102, 221907
2Vozmediano et al., Phys.
Rep. 496, 109 (2010)
3C.-H. Park et al, Nano
Lett. 8, 2920 (2008); Phys.
Rev. Lett. 101, 126804
Gigahertz single-photon sources using coupled quantum wells and dots in microcavities (WP1-2)
Paul-Drude Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI)
P. V. Santos (PDI), Co-supervisor: A. Shields (TREL)
We aim at the investigation of acoustically driven GHz
single-photon sources (SPSs4) based on acoustic transport in interconnected (Al,Ga)As quantum wells (QWs)
and dots (QDs5). These SPSs operate at GHz frequencies
and are expected to have very high photon yield and anti-bunching ratios. The QWs and QDs will be embedded
into optical microcavities (MCs) produced by molecular
beam epitaxy (MBE) on e-beam patterned GaAs substrates6. Single-carrier control will be achieved by including gate electrodes along the transport channel (collaboration with UCAM and CNRS). Acoustic carrier and spin
transport (with NTT-BRL) as well as single-photon detection and emission will be investigated. Electrically driven
SPSs may be achieved by adding doped contacts (as in
WP3-2) to inject carriers.
Finally, ESR2-PDI2 will carry out carrier and spin transport
as well as photon correlation using spatially and time-resolved photo-luminescence (with PICOQUANT,NTT-BRL).
Expected Results:
Candidate Profile:
Highly efficient SPSs with repetition rates above 1 GHz.
ESR2-PDI2 will be involved in MBE growth of coupled
QWRs/QDs in MCs on pre-patterned GaAs substrates,
being exposed to different structural (XRD, SEM, TEM)
and morphological (AFM, optical microscopy) techniques.
The ESR will learn advanced fabrication techniques (optical and e-beam lithography, at UCAM) as well as tools
to calculate and measure acoustic and optical properties.
MSc or a diploma in physics, materials science, or electrical engineering. A background in experimental solid-state
physics, semiconductor growth and processing, acoustics
and optical spectroscopy will be considered a plus.
quantum well
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected] Figure 8: Acoustically driven single-photon source
with emission centres
embedded in an optical
Lounis, B. & Orrit, M. Single-photon sources. Rep.
Prog. Phys. 68, 1129–1179
O. D. D. Couto, Jr. et al.,
Nat. Phot. 3, 645 (2009);
S. Lazic, R. Hey, and P.
Santos, New J. of Phys. 14,
013005 (2012).
F. Alsina et al., Phys. Rev.
B 67, 161305R (2003).
High-Q one- and two-dimensional phononic cavities
University of Valencia (UVEG)
M. de Lima, Co-supervisor: P. Delsing (Chalmers)
Bragg reflectors (BRs)
We have recently demonstrated analogues of fundamental quantum-mechanical systems (Bloch oscillations,
Wannier-Stark ladders and Landau-Zener tunnelling) based on SAWs propagating in 1D coupled acoustic cavities7.
The coupling between these cavities can be electrically
tuned by controlling the potential of the acoustic cavities’
electrodes8. The objectives of the ESR3-UVEG1 are the
extension of this seminal work to 2D tuneable phononic
cavities as well as obtaining cavities with high Q-factor
for different applications. In this way, this work will collaborate with ESR9-UAU2 that aims at using phononic cavities to couple phonons with excitons. Another application is their combination with the ridge waveguide photonic
devices investigated by ESR4-UVEG2. Finally, these phononic cavities will also be used to detect acoustic fields
down to the single-phonon limit in a strong collaboration
Cavity lengths
5 Coupled Cavities
3λ /2
19.5 bi-layers
their nanoimprint capabilities. In addition, in this secondment ESR3-UVEG1 will have contact with an industrial environment. Acoustic-field mapping will be obtained
by interferometry, in collaboration with PDI. In a secondment to CHALMERS the student will apply the cavities
to detection at the single-phonon level and will acquire
knowledge on measurements at very low temperatures.
Expected Results:
ESR3-UVEG1 will learn how to calculate, design and fabricate SAW cavities for different applications. This work
will lead to 2D coupled phononic cavities as well as high-Q
structures, in collaboration with UAU. The ESR will learn to
fabricate structures with small dimensions and high frequencies, in collaboration with NTD taking advantage of
Candidate Profile:
Candidates with experience on acousto-optics, surface
acoustic waves, solid-state physics, and cleanroom operation will be favoured.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Figure 9: One-dimensional
coupled surface acoustic
M. M. de Lima et al. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 104, 165502
M. M. de Lima et al. Appl.
Phys. Lett. 100, 261904
Waveguide acousto-optical modulators for integrated
photonics (WP2-3)
University of Valencia (UVEG)
M. de Lima, Co-supervisor: H. Krenner (UAU)
ESR4-UVEG2 will explore applications of SAWs as WG
modulators and switches for integrated photonics. We
have recently demonstrated the feasibility of SAW-controlled structures with the realisation of compact and
monolithic modulators based on conventional ridge WGs
on GaAs9. This modulator consists of a multiple-channel Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) driven by a single SAW. Subsequent developments have led to two patents10. In collaboration with VLC Photonics, ESR4-UVEG2
will investigate novel photonic functionalities based on
SAW-modulation of ridge WGs. Initially, structures will be
fabricated by ESR4-UVEG2 on (Al,Ga)As followed by application-relevant platforms for integrated photonics. The
ESR will study InP with SME MACH8LASER and will combine optical WGs with grating-based phononic cavities
Expected Results:
through a secondment there. In addition, the ESR will investigate the incorporation of photonic devices within the
acoustic gratings (collaboration with ESR3-UVEG1) that
locally enhance the acoustic fields. At the start the ESR
will search for the realisation of modulators operating on
the (Al,Ga)As platform for operation at 1.55 µm. Finally,
the ESR will proceed to InP, which can be combined with
integrated light sources (MACH8LASER).
Figure 10: SAW-driven
phased-array wavelength
division demultiplexing
M. M. de Lima et al. App.
Phys. Lett. 89, 121104
Beck et al. European Patent 1990677B1
and Capmany et al.
ESR4-UVEG2 will be trained on the design, simulation, fabrication, and demonstration of novel photonic functionalities based on the SAW modulation of ridge waveguides on different material systems. The simulation of the
photonic devices will be performed in a direct collaboration with VLC Photonics. Training on time-resolved measurements using PicoQuant equipment will be achieved
Candidate Profile:
Candidates with experience on acousto-optics, integrated photonics, surface acoustic waves, solid state physics,
and cleanroom operation will be favoured.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Ultrahigh-frequency silicon acousto-electronics
University of Twente (TWENTE)
W.G. van der Wiel (TWENTE), Co-supervisor: P. V. Santos
Generation of ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) SAWs on Si
multilayers with mesoscopic structures such as quantum point contacts (QPCs), acoustic switches (AS) and
NIP (n-type/intrinsic/p-type) regions for acoustic charge pumping, switching and photon generation/detection.
TWENTE (with NTD and SolMateS) has demonstrated a
CMOS-compatible nano-imprint lithography (NIL) process for UHF IDTs with record frequencies (up to 24 GHz).
The acoustic current through QPCs pumped at these frequencies should reach 1-20 nA even in the single-electron/SAW-cycle regime, thus providing a very precise
current-standard measurement for metrological applications. Electrically induced electrons can be picked up
by a SAW and transported to a p-doped region leading to
electron-hole recombination. Photon generation can be
enhanced by quantum confinement in the silicon, which is
known to enable a direct band gap. There are strong links
with WP1-2 and WP1-3.
Expected Results:
The PhD student will develop and fabricate NIL IDTs (with
NTD) for UHF SAWs on different substrates, but focus on
Si-based multilayer systems. The PhD student will use si-
mulation tools to design, optimise, produce masks, and
fabricate IDTs, thereby learning several cleanroom processes. IDTs will be combined with on-chip electronic or
optical micro/nano devices. Acousto-(opto) electronic
measurements will be partially carried out at PDI. Pulsed
laser deposition (PLD) of piezoelectric films will be learned
during an internship at SolMateS. Knowledge about integration of NIL-fabricated IDTs with graphene devices will
be learned from the collaboration with UPM and PDI, and
integration with Lamb-wave sensors from the collaboration with CNR. Many other WPs will try out NIL developed
in this WP as it will make the lithography of small-period
transducers much easier.
Candidate Profile:
Candidates with experience in solid-state physics, nanoelectronics, surface acoustic waves, and particularly cleanroom skills will be favored.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Ultrahigh-frequency complex-oxide acousto-electronics (WP1-3)
University of Twente (TWENTE)
W.G. van der Wiel, Co-supervisor: Arjen Janssens, M.Sc.
Generation of ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) SAWs on complex-oxide multilayers, in particular on top of the SrTiO3/
LaAlO3 conducting interface11. Complex oxides display a
very strong interplay between the electronic, orbital and
structural degrees of freedom, leading to rich magnetic
effect12 and superconductivity13, which are not found in
their semiconducting counterparts (e.g. like GaAs/AlGaAs). The conducting interface is close to the surface,
which can be epitaxially coated by strong piezoelectrics
(e.g. LiNbO3), thus making this materials system very suitable for carrier manipulation by SAWs. Hardly any work
has been done in this field. Acoustic transport will be investigated in structures similar to those on GaAs and Si.
Our aim is to integrate the SAW technology with the oxide
electronics and to demonstrate carrier and spin transport.
We will hereby hugely benefit from the world-class oxide
growth facilities and expertise in TWENTE.
port will be studied in complex-oxide heterostructures,
also in combination with nanoelectronic devices defined
in the conducting interface. We expect to realise a SAW
sensor based on a complex-oxide system with a monolayer with organic receptor molecules on top.
Candidate Profile:
Expected Results:
ESR6-TWENTE2 will fabricate UHF SAW devices on SrTiO3/LaAlO3 conducting interfaces, using NIL. Design of
the devices will be in collaboration with PDI. Suitable piezoelectric layers will be grown epitaxially on top using PLD
in collaboration with SolMateS. Acousto-electronic trans-
Candidates with experience in solid-state physics, nanoelectronics, surface acoustic waves, complex oxides, and
particularly cleanroom skills will be favored.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
A .Ohtomo and H.Y.
Hwang, Nature 427, 423
A. Brinkman et al.,
Nature Materials 6, 493
N. Reyren et al., Science
317, 1196 (2007).
Integrated sensors based on Lamb waves (WP1-4)
Institute of Acoustic and Sensors Corbino (CNR)
C. Caliendo, Co-supervisor: J. Pedrós (UPM)
We will investigate new viable modes (leaky longitudinal SAW, LLSAW, twice as fast as a SAW, shear horizontal (SH) SAW and quasi-longitudinal plate modes, QLMs)
propagating on new piezoelectric materials (such as
GaPO4, the LGS-family, etc.) for application in liquids
sensing (determination of density, viscosity, conductivity, permittivity, and detection of small mass changes).
Such acoustic modes have not been exploited deeply
yet for sensing applications, thus their study introduces
a new element in the landscape of the AW sensor field.
Lamb-wave resonators and sensors will be designed and
fabricated, based on composite plates comprising a piezoelectric film (GaN, ZnO or AlN) grown on a non-piezoelectric layer (such as SiN, SiO2 or a-SiC) for high-frequency, enhanced-coupling, temperature-compensated
devices. The growth of c-axis-inclined AlN films will be
optimised for SH wave excitation. Fabrication and characterization of CMOS-integrated Lamb-mode micro-devices (localised back-side etching of Lamb-devices based
on AlN/SiO2).
Expected Results:
(I) Theoretical study of phase and group velocity, electroacoustic coupling coefficient, temperature coefficient
of delay of LLSAW, SHSAW and quasi-longitudinal Lamb
modes (UPM);
(II) Design of sensors for liquids;
(III) test of the sensor performance (sensitivity, resolution, detection limit, calibration curve, etc.) in comparison
with commercial sensors; (iv) high-resolution lithography, silicon micromachining, wafer thinning, and device
characterisation techniques (TWENTE, UAU); (v) graphene deposition (UPM) on to the device surface to test the
gas-sensing properties of graphene for environmental
Figure 12: Piezoelectric
excitation of Lamb waves
on membranes.
Candidate Profile:
MSc or a diploma in physics, or electrical engineering, with
experience in SAW and theoretical modelling; background
in experimental cleanroom processing will be considered a
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Acoustophotocatalysis (WP1-5)
Universität Augsburg (UAU)
A. Wixforth and C. Westerhausen, Co-supervisor: C. Caliendo (CNR)
cation at TWENTE). Acoustic resonators and phononic
crystals will be employed to optimise the coupling to the
catalyst and SAW intensities (UVEG, UAU2).
This project, part of the overall strategy of the Wixforth
group (UAU), aims towards understanding and realising
acoustically assisted (photo) catalysis, employing SAWs
on semiconductor hybrid chips. Hence, it combines experience in semiconductors and soft-matter physics over
two decades14. The application of ultrasonic SAWs in heterogeneous catalysis was pioneered by Inoue et al.15,
who showed that a SAW significantly lowers the activation energy for several catalytic reactions, as the SAW
brings an additional degree of freedom to the catalytic
processes by supplying additional energy, lattice deformations and large dynamic electric fields and field gradients simultaneously. Until now, however, it is still unclear whether mechanocatalysis (substrate deformation)
or electrocatalysis (large electric fields/gradients) is responsible for the observed impressive effects. Here, we
aim to investigate experimentally the influence of SAW
on various heterogeneous model catalytic processes, e.g.
water splitting. Semiconductor materials with a metal or
metal oxide doping proved very efficient as water splitting catalyst16. We will compare thin planar films with
micro- and nanostructured surfaces (high resolution lith.
at UCAM), nanosized particles and mesoporous solids of
the same catalyst, e.g. TiO2. We will study the frequency-,
wavelength- and amplitude dependence (CNR) of the catalytic rates and efficiencies (high-frequency IDT fabri-
Expected Results:
The energy necessary for water splitting can be delivered, e.g. sonochemically for a gold-containing titanium
dioxide catalyst or – as shown before – by light, forming
a photocatalytic reaction. As the main goal we aim for a
strongly enhanced rate increase by combining ultrasound
and photocatalysis for novel hybrid systems consisting
of a (semiconducting) catalyst and an ultrasonic sound
field. Long-term, we envision deposition of nanosized catalysts on panels with areas comparable to solar panels,
as such large-scale coating of e.g. ZnO is already possible.
ESR8-UAU1 will acquire broad knowhow in nanofabrication, surface chemistry, semiconductors, microfluidics and
soft-matter physics and will be fully integrated in the Graduate Programme of the Cluster of Excellence NIM with
access to a wide range of transferable-skill activities,
workshops and schools.
A. Wixforth, J. A. L. A. 11,
399 (2006); K. Sritharan
et al., App. Phys. Lett. 88,
054102 (2006); S. Schneider
et al., P. N. A. S. 104, 7899
(2007); Z. v. Guttenberg et
al., Lab on a Chip 5, 308
(2005); T. Franke et al., Lab
on a chip 10, 789 (2010).
Y. Inoue et al., J. Phys.
Chem. 96, 2222 (1992); N.
Saito et al., Appl. Surf. Sci.
259, 169 (2001); S. Kelling et
al., Appl. Surf. Sci. 150, 47
(1999); Y. Inoue, Surf. Sci.
Rep. 62, 305 (2007)
A. Kudo, Y. Miseki, Chem.
Soc. Rev. 38, 253 (2009).
Candidate Profile:
MSc or a diploma in physics, materials science, physical
chemistry or comparable. A background in experimental
catalysis or biophysics and cleanroom processing will be
considered a plus.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Deterministic coupling of quantum dot mechano-excitons to high- quality SAW resonators (WP2-2)
Universität Augsburg (UAU)
Hubert J. Krenner, Co-supervisor: Mauricio de Lima
Excitons in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are highly
sensitive probes for dynamic acoustic fields. In this project, the hired ESR will study the enhancement of the underlying fundamental optomechanical interactions between such mechano-excitons and a SAW in high-quality
(Q) resonators. For this purpose he/she will hybridise QDs
layers with high-Q SAW resonators on strong piezoelectric substrates: He/she will use an established epitaxial
lift-off (ELO) technique to transfer epitaxially grown QD
layers on top of optimized SAW resonators17. The ESR will
design these resonators with fellow ESRs at UVEG. Using
these hybrid devices, the ESR will explore enhancement or
suppression of (i) acoustically regulated carrier injection18,
(ii) spectral tuning19 and (iii) acoustic sideband generation and compare the obtained results to other acoustic
techniques such as picosecond acoustics.
Expected Results: The ESR will fabricate novel hybrid SAW
devices and conduct a range of advanced optical experiments on these structures: He/she will receive beyondstate-of-the-art training in nanoscale device fabrication
to transfer epitaxial semiconductor layers onto specially
designed SAW resonators. Numerical simulations of these
novel resonant acousto-mechanical devices form an integral part of the work. The optimisation of the acoustic
performance will be pursued jointly with ESRs at UVEG in
co-supervisor Mauricio Lima’s group. These team efforts
will be promoted by mutual secondments of the ESRs. Moreover, the ESR will learn to apply advanced optical spectroscopy techniques with ultra-high spatial, spectral and
temporal resolution to directly monitor optomechanical
couplings in the time domain. These activities will be complemented by secondments at non-academic partners
TREL and NTD to apply advanced quantum-optical and
nanofabrication techniques.
Candidate Profile: For this position, it is desirable to have
a solid background condensed-matter physics and optics,
ideally with a focus on semiconductor devices and nanophysics. Moreover, hands-on experience in state-of-theart cleanroom fabrication is highly advantageous.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
J. Pustiowski et al., Applied Physics Letters 106,
013107 (2015)
F. J. R. Schülein et al.,
Physical Review B 88,
085307 (2013).
M. Weiß et al., Nano Letters 14, 2256-2264 (2014), F.
J. R. Schülein et al., Nature
Nanotechnology, AOP,
WP3-5 – SAW-modulated graphene for plasmonics
and electronics
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
J. Pedrós, Co-supervisor: P. V. Santos (PDI)
Development of novel plasmonic and electronic devices in
graphene using the charge-density modulation induced
by a SAW, such as plasmon launchers and electron pumps.
Firstly, the SAW strain field will be used as a dynamic grating to couple light to propagating plasmons in graphene20. Plasmons will be assessed first optically21, and then
electrically, using the modulation of the response of nanoelectronic devices22. Secondly, the SAW piezoelectric field
will be used to induce a current in graphene23. Tailoring
adequate bilayer-graphene nanostructures may lead to
single-electron (or -hole) SAW pumps. TWENTE will provide complementary fabrication facilities, PDI, UCAM, and
Protemics advanced characterization techniques, CSIC
and UCM theoretical calculations.
Expected Results:
Study and control of charge-density modulation induced
by ultrahigh-frequency SAWs in graphene and development of SAW-driven devices. ESR training comprises (i)
chemical vapour deposition of graphene and transfer
techniques, (ii) material characterization (Raman, Dirac
point, magnetotransport), (iii) fabrication of nanoscale devices by e-beam and nanoimprint (secondment at
TWENTE) lithography, (iv) advanced spectroscopy for
the assessment of the SAW-induced modulation (Raman
microscopy and interferometry, secondment at PDI), (v)
plasmon generation and detection (including THz, secondment at Protemics), and (vi) low-noise electrical measurements at low temperatures (including 300 mK, secondment at UCAM).
Candidate Profile:
MSc or diploma in physics or electrical engineering.
A background in experimental solid-state physics, and
more specifically in graphene, plasmonics, acoustics, and/
or spectroscopy will be considered a plus.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Figure 14: SAW-assisted plasmon launcher in
J. Schiefele, J. Pedrós, F.
Sols, F. Calle, and F. Guinea, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,
237405 (2013).
H. Yan, T. Low, W. Zhu,
Y. Wu, M. Freitag, X. Li, F.
Guinea et al., Nat. Photonics 7, 394 (2013).
N. Ittah and Y. Selzer,
Nano Lett. 11, 529 (2011).
V. Miseikis et al., Appl.
Phys. Lett. 100, 133105
Single-electron electronics and quantum optics with
flying electrons (WP3-3)
Neel Institut (CNRS)
C. Bäuerle (CNRS), Co-supervisor: C.J.B. Ford (UCAM)
In this project we will build on recent advances on single-electron transport assisted by SAWs24 where flying
electrons have been transported by a SAW, demonstrating high fidelity for both single-electron emission and
single-electron detection. This opens the possibility to
perform quantum-optics experiments with electrons in
solid-state devices. Since electrons in solids are strongly
interacting particles, new quantum-entanglement schemes can be envisioned, not possible with photons. Our
goal is to develop all the basic elements needed to realise
quantum-optics experiments with flying electrons such
as beam splitters, phase control and controlled interaction. This can be achieved by bringing two SAW channels
together and tunnel-coupling them over a distance of several microns. One can also exploit the Coulomb interaction to control the phase of a single electron on the fly. Putting all these blocks together should allow the realisation
of a controlled phase gate for flying electrons, a two-qubit
ESR will characterise the samples at low temperature, learn about sophisticated RF detection techniques and investigate charge- as well as spin-coherent properties of
flying electrons. By interacting with UCAM and PDI the
ESR will learn complementary techniques (optical rather
than electrical detection).
Figure 15: Single-electron
transport between two distant quantum dots using
a SAW24.
S. Hermelin et al., Nature
477, 435 (2011); R. P. G.
McNeil et al., Nature 477,
439 (2011).
Candidate Profile:
Expected Results:
ESR11-CNRS will fabricate the SAW devices, learning all
basic nanofabrication steps (laser and e-beam lithography). Optimisation of IDTs in collaboration with PDI and
TWENTE will be important for maximal IDT efficiency. The
MSc or a diploma in physics or electrical engineering. A
background in experimental solid-state physics and/or
nanofabrication would be advantageous.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
SAW driven source of polarised single photons
Cambridge University, Cambridge (UCAM)
C.J.B. Ford, Co-supervisor: C. Bäuerle (CNRS).
In this project we will build on recent advances in which we
transported single electrons back and forth between two
quantum dots using SAWs.24 For a single-photon source
(SPS), and then for electron-spin to photon-polarisation
conversion, a SAW needs to transport a stream of single
electrons into a region of holes. UCAM has developed devices in which both electrons and holes can be induced in
an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs well by gates to form a lateral
n-p junction. A SAW drags electrons across the junction. A
ZnO layer will be deposited to enhance the SAW amplitude (comparing techniques with PDI/TWENTE). Quantised
SAW-driven current between electron and hole regions
will be studied and UCAM’s new 300 mK scanning optical
microscope will be used to detect light emission as each
electron recombines with a hole in a high-density hole gas.
Single photons should be emitted with a high repetition
rate (ultimately e.g. 3GHz, though initially only 0.01% will
be collected) and low jitter (<100ps). Devices for spin-polarising electrons, developed in WP3-3 at CNRS, will be
adapted so that a SAW pulse transfers a spin-polarised
electron to the hole gas, emitting a photon with circular
polarisation matching the electron’s spin if it travels along
the spin-quantisation axis. ESR will discuss results with
theorists (WP3-4). To increase directionality and efficiency, later devices will use Bragg mirrors below and above
the emitter (developed at PDI in WP3-1 and already used
by TREL), keeping compatibility with induced devices. The
strong similarities with WP1-1 (using Si at TWENTE) will
be exploited.
Expected Results:
ESR12-UCAM1 will fabricate SAW devices, learning the
many fabrication techniques associated with optical
and e-beam lithography and also characterisation methods (SEM, AFM, XRD). The ESR will learn RF electrical
techniques and will make ultra-low current measurements
of their devices to confirm quantised acousto-electric
current, in cryostats at 4K and 300mK. The ESR will look
for single photons using techniques learned at CHALMERS and PDI and photon-timing detectors and electronics loaned by TREL. They will incorporate spin-polarisation techniques learned at CNRS to design devices to
convert electron spin to photon polarisation.
Candidate Profile:
MSc in physics or electrical engineering. A background in
experimental solid-state physics, optics and/or nanofabrication would be advantageous.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Theory of electron transport and electron-to-photon
qubit conversion (WP3-4)
Cambridge University, Cambridge (UCAM)
C.H.W. Barnes, Co-supervisor: A. Harju (AALTO).
ESR13-UCAM2 under Prof. Barnes will make accurate simulations of an electron recombining with a hole to produce a photon in UCAM‘s device structures, investigating
the requirements for preserving qubit coherence rather
than just measuring the spin. Associate partner AALTO
will work on the modelling of the electron and spin transport by SAW-driven QDs, using accurate many-body
techniques to propagate the few-particle wave functions,
in conjunction with ESR13-UCAM2. The simulations can
be a tool to understand experiments, but can also simulate and screen suggestions for the experimental work.
The ESR will learn about conversion between photons and
spins in GaAs from experimentalists who have measured it at PDI and will discuss results with ESR12-UCAM1
(WP3-2), ESR11-CNRS (WP3-3) and ESR2-PDI2 (WP3-1).
Expected Results:
ESR13-UCAM2 will learn techniques for modelling of
SAW-driven electrons and electron-hole recombination, and analytical calculations of an entangled electron,
hole and photon. ESR13-UCAM2 will be seconded to associate partner AALTO each year, to combine expertise of
the two theoretical groups, and to join forces to speed up
computation using clusters of graphics processing units
(GPUs). The ESR will also visit PDI to gain an understan-
ding of the principles of photon-to-spin and spin-to-photon conversion from experimentalists.
Figure 17: SAW driven
lateral n-p junction
Candidate Profile:
Candidates should have an MSc in physics, a strong background in quantum condensed matter physics, and a keen
interest in numerical computation.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Monolithic and hybrid quantum photonic devices
Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. (TREL)
A. J. Shields, Co-supervision: C. Ford (UCAM)
This project aims to acousto-mechanically tune QD excitons into resonance with a localized photonic mode of
a microcavity, so that the SAW dynamically controls the
Purcell effect. This in turn gives rise to a regulated, deterministic and triggered single-photon (SP) emission. Using
state-of-the-art cleanroom fabrication, ESR14-TREL
will monolithically integrate etched and planar microcavities containing single QDs on GaAs to assess the optimum microcavity platform for the implementation of this
scheme for operation frequencies >1 GHz. ESR14-TREL will
build on expertise on SAW tuning of QD excitons at TREL
and microcavity tuning of partners PDI and UAU, studying
light-emission characteristics (coherence and SP emission purity) using time-correlated SP-counting (TCSPC)
spectroscopy. ESR14-TREL will then transfer electrically active microcavities SP LEDs on to a LiNbO3 substrate
for enhanced acousto-mechanical control. This includes
device design and fabrication by ELO with ESR9-UAU2. In
addition to the spectral tuning, such a hybrid device, jointly realized by two ESRs from the academic and non-academic sector, allows for acoustic regulation of the carrier injection and dynamic programming of the QD charge
state at GHz frequencies.
Expected Results:
ESR14-TREL will be trained in semiconductor device design, fabrication and characterisation. The ESR will be
taught the use of semiconductor device modelling tools
for both electronic and photonic structures. Fabrication
training will take place during extended secondments at
UCAM and UAU. The ESR will have access to the facilities
at TREL for different types of micro- and quantum-optical measurements.
Candidate Profile:
Candidates should have (or be about to receive) a BSc/
MSc or Diplom in Physics, Electrical Engineering or related
discipline. Knowledge of semiconductor device physics or
optical spectroscopy would be an advantage.
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
Propagating acoustic fields at the single-phonon level (WP2-4)
Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola (CHALMERS)
P. Delsing, Co-supervisor: P.V. Santos (PDI).
The Chalmers group has recently shown that surface
acoustic waves can be coupled to superconducting qubits
at the quantum level. This open up new and exciting possibilities to do single phonon physics. By first electrically
exciting the qubit and then letting it decay by emitting a
single phonon, it is possible to implement a high-fidelity
single phonon source.
Expected Results:
The PhD student will design and fabricate samples with
IDT transducers and transmons. He/she will collaborate
with other PhD student within the SAWtrain network. The
student will optimize the IDTs for optimum energy conversion between the electrical to the mechanical domains.
The PhD student will visit PDI and TWENTE to fabricate
high-frequency IDTs.
He/she will perform reflection/transmission measurements to verify the nonlinear coupling between the SAW
and the qubit and extract the coupling strength. The PhD
student will build a single-phonon source and verify its
operation by measuring the second-order correlation fun-
ction of the outgoing mechanical signal, as converted to
the electrical domain by the IDT.
Candidate Profile:
Candidates with experience on acousto-optics, integrated photonics, surface acoustic waves, solid state physics,
and clean-room operation will be favored
For further details about the project, please contact
[email protected]
How to apply?
We offer…
We require…
Application procedure
Recruitment procedure
How to apply?
We offer…
• An excellent PhD programme with co-tutorship in
world leading research institutions.
A description of the different PhD research projects
can be found starting on page 23.
How to apply?
SAWtrain is hiring 15 early stage researchers (ESRs, PhD
candidates) with excellent records who are interested in
pursuing a PhD programme. The candidates can be from
anywhere in the world and there are no restrictions regarding nationality. However, candidates have to comply with
the EU eligibility criteria and with the EU mobility rules
for ESRs (see below).
• A Marie-Curie Scholarship including:
–– A 36-month contract
–– a very attractive salary, benefits, as well as mobility and family allowances (for details see the „Guide
for Applicants“ for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
• In addition to the individual PhD scientific projects, all
ESRs will benefit from continuing education, which includes internships and secondments, a variety of training modules as well as transferable skills courses and
active participation in workshops and conferences.
We require…
• Qualification
–– A Master’s degree in Physics, Materials Science,
Engineering, or a related field.
• English Proficiency
–– You must possess adequate English skills (ability
to understand and express yourself in both written
and spoken English) for joining the network. Please
note that some of the partners have special requirements regarding English proficiency for their PhD
• You must comply with the EU eligibility criteria and
with the EU mobility rules for ESRs:
–– Early stage researchers (ESR) are those who, at the
time of recruitment by the host organization, are in
the first four years (full-time equivalent research
experience25) of their research careers and have
not yet been awarded a
doctoral degree.
–– Candidates must not have resided or carried out
their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12
months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.26 Compulsory national service or short
stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
These criteria are described in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Grant Agreement, and in the MSCA Guide for Applicants of the European commission. You may consult
these directives to find out more about Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
Initiative, leadership, and commitment to participate in all
network activities, in particular those associated with the
internships (secondments) for the PhD projects listed in
Figures 4 to 6.
Full-time equivalent research experience is measured from the date when
they obtained the degree
which would formally
entitle them to embark
on a doctorate, either in
the country in which the
degree was obtained or
in the country in which
the research training is
provided, irrespective of
whether or not a doctorate
is envisaged. Candidates
for an ESR position can
be of any nationality.
(European Commission
Decision C (2014)4995 of
22 July 2014.)
Note that the mobility
rule applies to the beneficiary where the researcher
is recruited, and not to
beneficiaries to which
the researcher is sent or
seconded. It is also only
determined at one point in
time: that of the fellow‘s
first recruitment in the
project (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Guide
for Applicants Innovative
Training Networks 2014).
June 21, 2015!
For the application, the candidates must supply the following items:
1. The application form. In this form, you may specify up
to three PhD projects you are interested in (in order of
Please fill the form, save it in your computer, and
then email it together with the rest of the documentation to [email protected]
2. A motivation letter that describes:
–– why you are interested in a PhD (brief statement of
research interest)
–– what makes the SAWtrain programme interesting
to you
–– why do you think you are a suitable candidate for
the chosen PhD project(s)
3. A complete CV (personal details, academic/education
history, research experience, experimental skills, publications etc.)
4. Contact details of two referees, who can provide a
reference and, preferably, with whom you have worked
5. Copies of your certificates (Bachelor, Diploma or MSc.)
as well as your transcripts of grades
6. If available, proof of proficiency in the English language
7. The application should be sent in before June 21st,
Applications should be sent to [email protected]
For questions about the application procedure, please
contact us via [email protected]
procedure and
The recruitment procedure will comply with the "The European Charter and Code for Researchers” (i.e. “The Code of
Conduct for Recruitment”) to guarantee an open, transparent, impartial, and equitable recruitment strategy.
The Recruitment Board of the SAWtrain network will be in
charge of the evaluation of the applicants and will provide
a detailed information during the hiring process. home
Further reading A short glossary
Closing and Acknowledgements
Further reading
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Innovative Training
Research articles related to SAWs:
• Materials, generation and detection
Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Grant Agreement
Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015
MSCA Guide for Applicants
The European Charter and Code for Researchers
Book and reviews:
• Acoustic and phononics
–– B. A. Auld, Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids (Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc.),1990
–– D. Royer and E. Dieulesaint, Elastic Waves in Solids
(Springer, Heidelberg), 2000
–– Korpel, Acousto-Optics (Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York), 1997
–– M. Maldovan, Sound and heat revolutions in phononics, Nature 530, 209 (13)
• Surface acoustic waves
–– D. P. Morgan, History of surface acoustic wave
devices, Int. J. High Speed Electron. Syst. 10, 533
–– R. M. White, Surface Elastic Waves, Proc. of the
IEEE 58 (IEEE, New York), p. 1238 (1970).
–– A. Oliner, Acoustic Surface Waves, (Springer, Berlin), 1994.
–– M. M. de Lima, Jr. and P. V. Santos, Modulation of
photonic structures by surface acoustic waves,
Rep. Prog. Phys. 68, 1639 (2005).
–– L. Garcia-Gancedo et al., Room-temperature
remote-plasma sputtering of c-axis oriented zinc
oxide thin films, J. Appl. Phys., 112, 014907 (2012).
–– J. G. Rodríguez-Madrid, et al., Ultra high frequency
SAW resonators on AlN/diamond: the influence of
the piezoelectric film thickness, IEEE Electron Dev.
Lett. 33, 495 (2012).
–– J. Pedrós et al., Low attenuation of GHz Rayleigh-like surface acoustic waves in ZnO/GaAs
systems immersed in liquid helium, Appl. Phys. Lett.
102, 043507 (2013).
–– A .Ohtomo and H.Y. Hwang, A high-mobility electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerface
Nature 427, 423 (2004).
–– A. Brinkman et al., Magnetic effects at the interface between non-magnetic oxides, Nature Materials
6, 493 (2007).
–– N. Reyren et al., Superconducting Interfaces Between Insulating Oxides, Science 317, 1196 (2007).
• Graphene
–– J. Schiefele, J. Pedrós, F. Sols, F. Calle, and F. Guinea, Coupling Light into Graphene Plasmons through Surface Acoustic Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,
237405 (2013).
–– H. Yan, T. Low, W. Zhu, Y. Wu, M. Freitag, X. Li, F.
Guinea et al., Damping pathways of mid-infrared
plasmons in graphene nanostructures, Nat. Photonics 7, 394 (2013).
–– N. Ittah and Y. Selzer, Electrical Detection of Surface Plasmon Polaritons by 1G0 Gold Quantum Point
Contacts, Nano Lett. 11, 529 (2011).
–– V. Miseikis et al., Acoustically induced current flow
in graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 133105 (2012).
–– P. V. Santos et al., Acousto-electric transport in
epitaxial monolayer graphene on SiC, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 102, 221907 (2013)
–– Vozmediano et al., Gauge fields in graphene, Phys.
Rep. 496, 109 (2010)
–– C.-H. Park et al, New Generation of Massless Dirac
Fermions in Graphene under External Periodic Potentials, Nano Lett. 8, 2920 (2008); Phys. Rev. Lett.
101, 126804 (2008)
• PhoXonics: phononics and photonics
–– J. Pedrós et al., Voltage tunable surface acoustic
wave phase shifter on AlGaN/GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett.
96, 123505 (2010).
–– D. A. Fuhrmann, et al., Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic
phonons, Nature Photon. 5, 605 (2011).
–– M. M. de Lima et al., Compact Mach-Zehnder
acousto-optic modulator , Appl. Phys. Lett. 89,
121104 (2006).
–– Beck et al. European Patent 1990677B1, Device and
method for modulating light.
–– Capmany et al. WO2012152977A1, Dispositif awg
syntonisable pour la multiplexation et la démultiplexation de signaux et procédé de syntonisation de
ce dispositif.
–– M. M. de Lima et al., Surface Acoustic Bloch Oscillations, the Wannier-Stark Ladder, and Landau-Zener Tunneling in a Solid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,
165502 (2010).
–– M. M. de Lima et al., Surface Acoustic Bloch Oscillations, the Wannier-Stark Ladder, and Landau-Zener Tunneling in a Solid, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100,
261904 (2012).
–– J. Pustiowski et al., Independent dynamic acousto-mechanical and electrostatic control of individual quantum dots in a LiNbO3-GaAs hybrid, Appl.
Phys. Lett., 106, 013107 (2015).
–– F. J. R. Schülein et al., Acoustically regulated carrier
injection into a single optically active quantum dot,
Physical Review B 88, 085307 (2013).
• Quantum dots and wires
–– M. Weiß, et al., Dynamic acoustic control of individual optically active quantum dot-like emission
centers in heterostructure nanowires, Nano Lett.
14, 2256-2264 (2014).
–– Lounis, B. & Orrit, M. Single-photon sources. Rep.
Prog. Phys. 68, 1129–1179 (2005).
–– O.D.D. Couto, Jr. et al., Photon anti-bunching in
acoustically pumped quantum dots, Nat. Phot. 3,
645 (2009).
–– S. Lazic et al., Mechanism of non-classical light
emission from acoustically populated (311)A GaAs
quantum wires, New J. of Phys. 14, 013005 (2012).
–– F. Alsina et al., Real-time dynamics of the acoustically induced carrier transport in GaAs quantum
wires, Phys. Rev. B 67, 161305R (2003).
• Quantum Transport
–– Quantum Oscillations in the Surface-Acoustic-Wave Attenuation Caused by a
Two-Dimensional Electron System, A. Wixforth, J.
P. Kotthaus, G. Weimann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2104
–– On-demand single-electron transfer between distant quantum dots, McNeil R. et al., Nature, 477, 439
–– Coherent time evolution of a single-electron wave
function, Kataoka M. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102,
156801 (2009).
–– Fast and efficient single electron transfer between
distant quantum dots, S. Hermelin et al., J. Appl.
Phys. 113, 136508 (2013).
–– Electrical control of a solid-state flying qubit, M.
Yamamoto, et al., Nature Nanotech. 7, 247-251
–– Electrons surfing on a sound wave as a platform for
quantum optics with flying electrons, S. Hermelin
et al., Nature 477, 435-438 (2011).
–– Quantum computation using electrons trapped by
surface acoustic waves, Barnes C. H. W., et al., Phys.
Rev. B 62, 8410 (2000).
• Quantum Phononics
–– Gustafsson, M.V. et al., Propagating phonons coupled to a superconducting qubit. Science 346,
–– Kockum, A.F., Delsing, P. & Johansson, G., Designing
frequency-dependent relaxation rates and Lamb
shifts for a giant artificial atom. Physical Review A
90 013837, (2014).
–– Gustafsson, M.V. et al, Local probing of propagating acoustic waves in a gigahertz echo chamber.
Nature Physics 8, 338-343(2012).
• Catalysis, microfluids and biological applications
–– S. W. Schneider, et al., Shear-Induced Unfolding
Triggers Adhesion of Von Willebrand Factor Fibers,
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 104, 7899 (2007).
–– Z. v. Guttenberg, H. Mueller, H. Habermueller, A.
Geisbauer, J. Pipper, J. Felbel, M. Kielpinski, J. Scriba, A. Wixforth, Planar Chip Device for PCR and
Hybridization with Surface Acoustic Wave Pump,
Lab on a Chip 5, 308 (2005).
–– A. Wixforth, Acoustically Driven Programmable
Microfluidics for Biological and Chemical Applications, JALA 11, 399 (2006).
–– K. Sritharan et al., Acoustic mixing at low Reynold’s
numbers, App. Phys. Lett. 88, 054102 (2006).
–– S. Schneider et al., Shear-induced unfolding triggers adhesion of von Willebrand factor fibers, P. N.
A. S. 104, 7899 (2007).
–– Z. v. Guttenberg et al., Planar chip device for PCR
and hybridization with surface acoustic wave
pump, Lab Chip 5, 308 (2005).
–– T. Franke et al., Recent advances in particle and
droplet manipulation for lab-on-a-chip devices
based on surface acoustic waves, Lab Chip 10, 789
–– Y. Inoue et al., Effect of surface acoustic wave propagated on ferroelectric lithium niobate (LiNbO3)
on catalytic activity of a palladium deposited thin
film, J. Phys. Chem. 96, 2222 (1992).
–– N. Saito et al., Acoustic wave effects on catalysis:
design of surfaces with artificially controllable
functions for chemical reactions, Appl. Surf. Sci.
259, 169 (2001).
–– S. Kelling et al., Surface morphological changes
induced in catalysts by acoustic waves, Appl. Surf.
Sci. 150, 47 (1999).
–– Y. Inoue, Effects of acoustic waves-induced dynamic lattice distortion on catalytic and adsorptive
properties of metal, alloy and metal oxide surfaces,
Surf. Sci. Rep. 62, 305 (2007).
–– A. Kudo, and Y. Miseki, Heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for water splitting, Chem. Soc. Rev.
38, 253 (2009).
A short glossary
ESR������������������������������������������������The ESRs within SAWtrain are the fellows pursing a PhD
degree. The shortcut stands for “Early Stage Researcher”
and corresponds to a researcher in the early stage of her/
his career (within four years from the last academic degree, see the EU eligibility rules for details.
IDT��������������������������������������������������Interdigital transducer for the generation of surface
acoustic waves
IPR��������������������������������������������������Intellectual property rights
KET������������������������������������������������Key enabling technology
PCDP��������������������������������������������Personal Career Development Plan—the complete training
plan (including research project, secondments, courses,
etc.) to be followed by ESR during the SAWtrain PhD programme
SAW����������������������������������������������Surface acoustic wave
Secondment���������������������������Internship at another institution carried out as a part of
the training programme
SHF������������������������������������������������Super high frequency
SME�����������������������������������������������Small and medium-sized enterprises
TTW����������������������������������������������Topical training workshop
UHF������������������������������������������������Ultra high frequency
VHF������������������������������������������������Very high frequency
WP��������������������������������������������������Work package
SAWtrain Beneficiaries
CNR�����������������������������������������������Institute of Acoustic and Sensors Corbino – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy
CNRS��������������������������������������������Institut Neel – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble, France
PDI��������������������������������������������������Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Forschungsverbund Berlin, Berlin, Germany
TWENTE������������������������������������Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
UAU�����������������������������������������������Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
UCAM�������������������������������������������Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom
UPM�����������������������������������������������Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
UVEG�������������������������������������������Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain
TREL����������������������������������������������Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge, United Kingdom
CHALMERS�����������������������������Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Göteborg, Sweden
Associated Partners
AALTO�����������������������������������������Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
CSIC���������������������������������������������Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain
Deutsches Museum����������Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany
EPCOS����������������������������������������EPCOS AG, Germany
Humboldt����������������������������������Humboldt Graduate School, Berlin, Germany
Leeds��������������������������������������������University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Mach8lasers���������������������������Mach8lasers B.V., Breda, The Netherlands
NT&D��������������������������������������������NT&D, Germany
NTT-BRL������������������������������������Nippon Telephone & Telegraph Corp. – Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan
PicoQuant��������������������������������PicoQuant GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Protemics����������������������������������Protemics GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Queens ��������������������������������������Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
SOLMATES������������������������������SolMateS B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands
UCM����������������������������������������������Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
VLC Photonics����������������������VLC Photonics S.L., Valencia, Spain
Closing and
• Paulo V. Santos
• Mauricio M. de Lima
• Jan T. Philippen
Disclaimer: The Grant Agreement (GA) will be signed within May. Until the GA is not signed there are no guarantees
for the funding. We will announce the signature of the GA
as soon as possible.
This booklet is published within the framework of the
SAWtrain network, part of the call H2020-MSCAITN-2014.
Layout and Production:
• fredfunk&aufsiemitgebruell
–– Illustration:
• Waves - Dennis Mertsch (aufsiemitgebruell)
• Diagramms & other - Fred Funk
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No