Download MEDIA STATEMENT Monday 23 February 2015 LIVING IN Hope for

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Monday 23 February 2015
A report on Aboriginal heart health released this week is the most comprehensive ever
published in WA about the single biggest killer of Aboriginal people. The report highlights
the need for all sectors of government, health service providers, business and the community
to work together to further narrow the gap between rates of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
heart disease deaths.
A joint project by The University of Western Australia and the Heart Foundation, the report
brings together an eight-year long research effort into heart disease among Aboriginal
Western Australians.
The research used multiple methods to look at the issue of heart disease in Aboriginal people,
including extensive use of linked State-wide health data. It also undertook audits of health
services and collected interviews with Aboriginal people and health care providers.
Recent reports (Prime Minister’s Closing the Gap Report and the Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, 2014) reveal a significant decline in the gap in Aboriginal mortality from
chronic diseases including coronary heart disease deaths. Despite these gains there is still
much to be done.
The researchers found that Aboriginal Western Australians experiencing their first heart
attack or hospitalisation for heart failure or atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heart beat)
were on average 15 to 20 years younger than non-Aboriginal patients.
Report author Dr Judy Katzenellenbogen, an epidemiologist from the WA Centre for Rural
Health at UWA, said the disparity was greatest in the younger age groups. For example,
Aboriginal men aged 25 to 34 were about 16 times more likely to have a heart attack than
non-Aboriginal men in the same age group. This disproportion was even greater for
Aboriginal women than men.
“The high levels of co-existing diabetes, kidney and lung disease found in many Aboriginal
heart patients make prevention, treatment and recovery more difficult,” Dr Katzenellenbogen
“We need to change the game for Aboriginal heart health in Western Australia. The journey
starts with preventing heart disease in the first place and this area needs much more attention.
Next is to treat existing cases early and with the most effective treatments we have.”
Currently, Aboriginal people were not receiving the full benefits of treatment because of the
lack of communication between services (such as poor discharge planning) and lack of
attention to cultural needs, including appropriate health education, she said.
The report draws on the experiences of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal stakeholders,
documenting successful initiatives and providing government, service providers, health
workers and Aboriginal people with practical suggestions for improving heart health
outcomes. One exemplary initiative is a culturally appropriate cardiac rehabilitation program
based at the Derbarl Yerrigan Aboriginal Health Service in Perth.
The Heart Foundation’s Lyn Dimer, who spearheaded the cardiac rehabilitation program with
other health practitioners, said Aboriginal patients received professionally supervised
monitoring of blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol. They were also supported
to adhere to medication, exercise and healthy eating.
“Once community members attend the program and find it supportive and enabling, they tell
their families and friends,” Ms Dimer said. “The Heart Foundation is currently developing a
similar initiative in the West Pilbara supported by corporate funding.”
Co-author Professor Sandra Thompson, Director of WA Centre for Rural Health said the
research suggested that a well-supported Aboriginal health workforce and improved systems
to allow seamless communication and better integration between services were the two most
important health system improvements required to address heart health inequities.
“A committed effort from government, business, health service providers and communities
has the potential to greatly improve the life expectancy of our Aboriginal population,”
Professor Thompson said.
“We must build on progress made and work smarter – we need determination and hope,
knowing that much can be done.”
Dr Judith Katzenellenbogen (Western Australian Centre for Rural Health)
(+61 8) 9346 7248; 0421776749
David Stacey (UWA Media Manager)
(+61 8) 6488 3229 / (+61 4) 32 637 716
Names from L to R
Sandy Hamilton, Derrick Lopez, Dawn Bessarab, Sandra Thompson, Andrew Maiorana
Front: Judy Katzenellenbogen and Emma Haynes