* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Green IT CHAPTER 3: PROGRAMMATIC AND INSTITUTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH FOR SUSTAINABILITY Introduction No one field or discipline on its own could possibly be expected to “solve” even one aspect of this problem There is optimism that CS research has vital global role in effectively tackling the challenges of Sustainability A move from resource-intensive to information-intensive society CS Approaches for addressing Sustainability Universality approach against specific or bottom-up approach Examples of important contributions that began as highly specific projects include the World Wide Web (originally conceived as a means to share research papers and scientific information) and object-oriented programming (early object-oriented languages were developed to address specific problems such as discrete event simulation or graphical interaction). Highlighted opportunities for making progress in Sustainability Social media Design thinking Tools for the automated design of very large scale system Search Science of resilience and adaptive system etc.. Towards Universality Urgency Cross discipline Last Word: Fast-moving iterative, incrementally evolving approaches to problem solving in computer science, which were critical to building the Internet and web search engines, will be useful in solving sustainability challenges. Education and Programmatics Multidisciplinary research in higher institution Provision of funds and incentives for CS research Indepth metrics and evaluative criteria Measured impact of CS research