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BIS 303 – Managing Information Technology in the Hospital Industry
Hospitality Information Technology Matrix Worksheet
Select one Hospitality IT application from your readings and summarize the distinctive qualities of
its four components (hardware, software, network and telecommunication interfaces) within the
matrix below.
Hospitality Information Technology Matrix
Management Information System
Hospitality IT Application
The hardware for this application would have to be a midrange or
mainframe computer system with enormous storage capacity, and fast
processing speeds.
Software would have to be the latest as to allow ease of use and
seamless integration for its users. The most effective operating should be
used for the mainframe. This does not necessarily mean the newest
operating system that is out. Use of programs such as word processing,
electronic email and spreadsheet should be available. Database
management software should be an option for IT managers to tie all of
the other systems together.
The network would have to be established and enabled to communicate
effortlessly and quickly between terminals and software titles. Software
developed by the same manufacturer would likely work best together but
software titles developed by different manufacturers must also be able to
work together. The network must be reliable and user friendly to all users.
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BIS 303 – Managing Information Technology in the Hospital Industry
There are many types if telecommunications devices and interfaces. They
should all work with the network and computer hardware and software to
deliver a complete and seamless package to customers and employees
of a firm.
Hospitality Information Systems Summary
Summarize your hospitality IT findings in 350-words while addressing the following questions:
How well does the chosen IT application serve the industry overall? Describe some of the
strengths and weaknesses. What is the main competitive advantage provided by this
hospitality IT application?
Management Information Systems (MIS) have evolved dramatically over the past 40 years. From
an Information Systems standpoint, data is the result of feedback from people, hardware,
software and networks that is then converted into information. The networks help those with
access to the network to communication with one another. Every element of hospitality IT needs
the other to be the most effective. But each element must be efficient and easy to use for the next
piece to work efficiently. The ultimate goal of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is to ensure all
users of the application can do so with ease.
Overall, MIS has served the industry quite well as it has continued to evolve into a system used
globally. From the days of management reporting processes to decision supporting systems
(DSS) and executive information systems, the area of MIS now utilized consultants with subject
matter expertise (SME). With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems (ES),
strategic information systems and telecommunications were borne and have led us into “the
enterprise and global internet working revolution” (Tesone, 2006).
Strengths for MIS is the constant evolution due to the needs of the industry, and because of the
fast rate at which information is evolving. The Hospitality industry as a whole is constantly
changing and modernizing so MIS must keep up with the industry. The many layers of
communication and many forms of communication are also strengths of the MIS. From
networking to computer-based telephony, MIS allows for effective and efficient communications.
A weakness of the MIS system involves the values, attitudes, and beliefs of shareholders,
employees,and guests that constitute the unwritten norms for behaviorwithin the organization
(Tesone, 2006). In other words, if any of the stakeholders of an organization are reticent or
completely opposed to changethen implementing a new system could take years depending on
the length of time those wanting to hold onto the current system are allowed to hold up the
change. The main competitive advantage to using advanced MIS systems is better
communication among the various software programs and applications on a network. Contrary to
the older functions of IS, most current systems focus on collaboration networks (Tesone, 2006).
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